If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Heaven Is Enough | Have and Have Not
Part 4 of 12
Earlier Word Origins, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3205

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We know heaven is the universe and body of the creator. We've remembered that Heaven is not someplace else from where we are. We are inside God's body, inside heaven and are a part of heaven, a ghetto of heaven, fabricated fabulously so. The part of heaven we are in is another of its many mansion-ed gated communities, a khated community, kated, category, a khetu-keru. Everything is a section of heaven, sectioned by circles and separated by waters. No one goes to Heaven or Hell. We simply move to another part of Heaven.

Thus heaven is the place of the Haves and Have Nots.

Heaven includes Hell and Earth and all them weird aliens. So yes there are humans in other cells of the body of the Creator who are not as dysfunctional as us. And certainly the human form is not the end all to be all. Never has been.

For now we will focus on the word Heaven as a form of Khefma and Khebma. Khefma leads to Khefam, Khefan, Khefa-N, Hefan, Hevan, Haven, Heaven.
Heaven as a form of Kheft-Nu or Khef-Nu or Kef-Nu leads to Khefun, Hefun, Heaven.
Have-Nu and Have Nut, both lead to word Heaven.
Word heaven from Hapi-nu.

Heaven is a person, place, thing, action. A living being, a circle-cycle, a container of sorts.
Inherent in the word Heaven is the following meanings: one who uses the heaving motion to crawl through the waters and mes as the snake, worm, caterpillar called Hef from the form of Hefu or Heft. This goes to the finite aspects of heaven and creation as strands of genetic code, strips of bekhen.
A fundamental aspect of Heaven is breath from Khnef as Khef-Nu. Heaven is based on a ubiquitous number of two truths such as water and breath, darkness and lightness. These are rarely in 50-50 balance, and nearly always in dynamic balance, briefly in stagnant imbalance.
Heaven as breath as Khnef is also the nose and leads to Sniff and Sniffel and Sniffer and eventually another route to Eiffel since breath is spirit and is an aspect of Khefr. Kheft boils down to word IT, thus everything we refer to as IT, is relating to heaven in the form of Kheft. Discussed elsewhere, Khnef, Khneft or Kheft-Nu leads to Net, which when added to another form of Heaven as the Khart leads to Net-Khart and Net-Worth. Human Net-Worth based on the terrestrial and temporary is a losing proposition beyond those of basic needs.
Heaven is a cave, sanctuary, place of concealment, so you are a cave human and your god is a caveman and cave-woman. Heaven is Kheft is Egypt and the Tep top and Tepht depth. Heaven is above and below and between and all around and within and without.

1. The big inning, the begging and fekhing of beginning.
At an appointed time and set of conditions, waking of consciousness of self occurs. A coiled Tser Pent up begins to stir inside the edible HHard rekh stone cafe, Holy of Holies. These vibrations resonate and reverberate causing a piece of the stone to crack and sever, tumble against its larger self, become dented and form the K. The I vibration finds the exit and breaks free also. The I becomes pliable bending every which way until the heir is split along the front lines already made when it escaped its confines and rubbed against the rekh. Now I-Si-U.
2. Take tuna-nuti, two whet stones, and rub them together, the KH, to form the spark, the first dynamic duo.
3. Apply this to the perfect transformable tinder, tena-nuti, two khet sticks of truths, IU, the second dynamic tiu.
4. Take this Khiu and duplicate it essentially perfectly to the T, to get Khiutu, then Khuti, the two sets of four and two sets of seven.
5. Take these Khiu then round them up and round them off with an R while performing this procedure with an F to get Khiur (chair) and Khiurf (curve).
6. Quintessentially complete Step 4 by duplicating perfectly to the T. This yields Khiurt and Khiurft, the two-part circle. This also yields Khiuft then Kheft and more.
7. Fill me, the circle container vase urn khest iron pot, with N waters (uaters, uiters) containing IU to get Khniurft then Khniuf. This also yields Niur, Nui, Rui and more.
8. On its own, Khniuf becomes Khnef and Khinuf and Inufkh and word Enough. When KH, IU and N are rounded off, the transformer F takes on the names of its creations and becomes known as the change agent iunformer called Khiurft, Kherf, Khefr, Fikhurt and more, including word figure and word figured and word Fig-Urt. And with a little expansion and substitution, word figurine.
9. Spark creates fire which causes water to boil and produce steam containing various p-articulates. This steam is vapor called air or breath. Finally I can breath nice and easy. Word easy is IUSU. Word nice is Nuti.
Word air from ari from aru from rua from rui from iur from niur.** Briefly stated, the ari are the khiuti are the six, seven and eight elemental souls of life, a combination of which produces Air along with meanings and forms of the words that produce The Air We Breathe, the spirit air souls breathe.

All this is to say that Khnef is water and breath, the composite summary of the two truths of life whose constituent parts constitute the roots of everything. Thus Khnef that leads to Enough explains that Enough is Khnef is Enough. Thus Heaven is Enough. Since heaven is called IT and Nut, then Khnef is Enough of IT. Gotta Have IT. Gotta Have Nut, Gotta Have IT Not. This is a partial dynamic range of what we have and have not. Just because something is there, is here in this heaven and we can have it doesn't mean we gotta have it because it does not contribute to our Khnef-ness, our Enough-Ness. Enough means to have everything you need to live and be who you NEED to be, nothing more, nothing less. This fills our circle of being and circle of life. When we add things that don't complete us, we are adding stough (static stagnant stuff).

Depending on where we stand, remembering certain other paths to the word Enough is helpful.
1. Nu water and Nef breath might be Nu-Nef then Unef then Enef. The meaning of Enough applies to the whole and to the parts. You have enough when you have the full set of any group of truths that together form the whole thought for any word, subject or topic.

2. Enough viewed as rich. Word rich is from rekh and kher. Rekh are ankhs, things, anything, everything, knowledge, thus wisdom. Kher is truth and circle. Briefly rekh and kher mean to have an abundance of two truths, thus an abundance of balance. Rich now means just to have an abundance of money and what money can purchase. Rich today is a poor substitute for enough because rich does not fill the circle of being so the person can feel whole based on destinypurposes being fulfilled to fill full the spirit-soul and feel full, satisfied. Most people, by nature of the word society, are taught to be caught up in the interior of their inferior self, thus only able to reflect that in the exterior. When we rurr-rurr and roll back the tape, we can see our mistakes. Since we have RadaR ability to see both ways, we can escape future mistakes if evasive maneuvers we take.

3. Heaven always has abundance for everyone, if used properly. This is enough to explain the rat, cheese and rat trap game in societies. Heaven is a deep well, but we humans cannot leave Well Enough, alone. We abuse the welcome of the Well-Combe. We treat the Well-Combe Maat as a welcome mat to wipe our feet on.

4. Khnef is Khu-Nuf is Shu-Nuf is Sho-Nuf

5. The Khiu, Niu, Riu, Nui, Rui and many other words mean a lot, sufficient amount, full of, more than enough, very, abundant, overflowing.

6. The Kheftiopians, Egyptians, Kushites and Cushites of Chaldea and Babylon changed Khnef to Af-Khnef to more prominently include the mother Af and AP. Af includes the meaning of, wring out drop by drop continuously. Af-Khnef became Auv-Kinuv. The Akkadians changed this to Enuv. Enough means a sufficient measure of spirit and breath, enough air, enough oxygen, enough breathing room, enough soul food, starting with lots of ichor. Because the societies we think are the best in human history are so intrusive, and reduce everything to money, we push back against our own spirit-soul crying to break free. Instead we seek enoughness in many ways that do not provide completeness. When basic needs are not met, the empty spaces in four places are filled in with wants. Wants are never enough.

7. Another Egyptian form is Henufi which means foulness, riches.

8. Khnef as Khunum, Khnum or Num is the solar form of Shu as Nem. Thus Shunemite and Shunammite.

9. Khnef as Nef as Neb means twin, both hands, fan, inflation of a sail, the name for sailing and of the sailor, Supreme, the All, the Lord of all and is synonymous with enough. This leads to word Nebula from Neb-ura, aru, ari, rui. We also gain a better sense of the word Number and its relationship to enough, have, have not. Ber has been much excavated, but a review of, the blacker the berry, might prove sufficient for now. Consider word numb and how it desensitizes our sensing abilities and sensibilities regarding enough.

10. Vishnu of the Hindus and Chnuphis of the Gnostics are variations of Khnef. I suspect Chnuphis, god of breath, a form of Shu the dog and soul of life in light and shade, is a form of Snoopy the black and white dog with a big nose. Snoopy protects the young soul of life in the sun as the bird Woodstock. Snoopy Shnufi as Mashu fights the Red Baron as the Flying Red Dragon as Sut-Typhon. This fight allows him, the Sun and other souls to pass through the underworld and enter into the final test of purgatory. Snoopy could possibly double as the moon. Snoopy is the dog of Charlie Brown, the Chair-Ru Crown. The Kharua Khiur-Nu.

** Word breath from kruifth from Khiurft. Word vapor might lead to word air, the steamy gaseous product of water and fire, that produces vapor. Water is Ma. Word Fire from firu from fiur from fhiur from khiur, the circle-cycle of spark, truths, transformer and completion. Thus water-fire as ma-fiur becomes vapor becomes vp-a-or becomes air. It is not unreasonable to say fire water is the president, while vapor air is the vice president, two truth constituents.