What is a cause? A cause is at least two actions.
What is an effect? An effect is at least two actions.
It is partially true that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. More true is, for every set of actions, there is an equal and opposite set of reactions. This is because each action and reaction do not exist as a cozy pair in a vacuum by themselves, thus they cause reverberations, ripples, cascades. This has been discussed in relation to the incessant miseducation misdirection that societies use to try to explain away the widespread citizen culpability and participation in what is taking place in the society. Search cause effect. This same mentality keeps everything fragmented, thus the society, intentionally and unintentionally makes and breaks connections in destructive ways. That is, in ways that humans are capable of influencing, which is primarily reflected in human logic. Yet, human logic has aftereffects through Earth's ecosystem. Yet human causes and effects on each other and the rest of the ecosystem is still limited in comparison to all other logic affecting humans and the rest of the ecosystem. All this other logic is recalibrating the dynamic balance of things, which has been allowed to become one-sided and stagnant as the slowdown containment inundation, the prelude to the buildup release inundation.
Brief Summary First
The Universe is the Cause. The Universe is the effect.Since Universe is equal to heaven, then heaven is the cause and heaven is the effect. Heaven is many times subdivided. A few popular places within heaven are hell and earth.
Word heaven can be transformed into Kaufun and Khufet. This provides the phrase, Kauf and Ufet which eventually leads to Cause and Effect. These seem to be a long ways from Universe and Heaven; however, the distance does not exceed our capabilities of understanding.
Kauf is the Womb, the circle, while U-Fet is the feet at the corners, the five primordial powers.
Thus Kauf and Ufet primarily refers to the Circle, the Cross, Waters, Fire, Air, Earth, Spirit-Soul. Each of these seven are present in, and responsible for, all causes and all effects.
Search this weblog for cause effect. This will help prepare the soul to receive the seeds to follow.
Khau-Tu-I Cause and Effect Thee, Let Me Recount The Ways
1. Word Cause from khau-khiu from Khiu-Khiu from Khiur-Khiur, two circles with five corners each, representing the primary macro-elements of water, fire, wind, earth and spirit-soul.a) Variations: kiu-kiu, kau-kau, kau-kiu, kau-siu, kau-sau, kau-sa, cau-sa, khau-sa, Khosa, Xhosa.
2. Cause from Kau-Mer.
a) Mer (Mel) is a name for the cow and the mother. Mer is the root of word milk. The act of milking is named before the milk itself. The word cow is from Kau to compress, tighten, squeeze, as in milking. Also the cow is the Mer is the milk itself.
4. Cause from khaush from Khiukh
5. Cause from khiuti from khiutu to Khuti
6. Cause from Khu-Kefau, the hidden or lurking glory, points to the gold. Kiu also is the precious stone.
7. Cause from Caus from Kaak from Kaka means to eat and masticate. Khaaka, to vomit. Khakha, man vomiting. The Maori Akh-Akh or Kak-kak is the sound of the carpenter at work. The Egyptian, Kak-akk and Xosa, Ceketa, mean to work as a carpenter.
8. Cause from Caesu from khekha) Khekh is to repulse, return, the noise of striking (khekhing). That which is struck (Khekh), strikes back (Khekh’s back). One Khekh wave (shock wave) creates a return shock wave. This is the same as the two phase tidal motion called Khekh. Of course this is the source of the word kickback.
b) Khi from Khikh, is to rule, protect, govern, wield a whip (spark). The Khiser is the wielder of the whip. Ser is the arm of the Lord, the Rurt, the Circle, the Cycle. The Ser is an extension and manifestation of the Cycle that helps the Khi maintain rule. This Khi is Khe is Keh is the word Key. The primary Key and Keyser is the one who has a view from above. This Khi rises, elongates, extends its arm and Khikhs the whip.
9. Cause from Kauser the Kaiser the Caesar. Ser is the rock is the rekh, the rukh, the Ru-Ukh who creates the ruckus. Ser is the chief, arranger, placer, disposer at pleasure. Rek is the rule of time, cycle. Rekh is the reckoner, time-keeper, image-keeper, imagination-keeper, mage, magi, magic, magician, wise man, wizard, knower, architect, washer, purifier, whitener (khuti-en-ur) of men (mun, mum).
a) Khuser becomes Shuser becomes Suser Becomes User. The symbol consists of a head and vertebra, a backbone and brain, with the meaning of ruling and sustaining and maintaining power. The Sus (Ses) portion of Suser has the symbol of the Ka sign, the back and shoulders. Ka from Kam from Khebma from Khekh-Nu to Kef-Nu. The Ka sign can be any portion of the body of any animal.
Kheft-Nu, Kef-Nu or Aft-Nu is the typical or divine birthplace of gods, cave, sanctuary, habitat, place of concealment.
Word Scissor from Khi-Ser , Si-Kher and Khet-Ser,
a) Whaka-Kiki (Maori) to make Kiki, is to incite, instigate, urge on as is done with the click and whip, the Egyptian Khi-Khi, in which the sound names its producer as the Whip. Whaka-Kiki is likely source of word Waikiki. The Polynesians, like the Peruvians and others are Karu-Nahisi which becomes Poly-Nisi.
11. Cause from Cascade from Kash-Kash. Kash is wash, waters, inundate from the birthplace, tie a knot, baby in the bath water, the preceious thing, enveloped self. Kash is Kakh is Khakh is Khekh. Of course, Kash is cash, thus cash wash is money laundering is kash-kash is the changing hands of resources, something which white people only want to be able to do illegally legal, while for all others, it's illegal. Thus they attempt to put the kabosh on the cash, while not being able to put the kabosh on the khabush.
12. Word Effect from Kheft-Fekht.a) Variations; Kheft-Kheft, Khef-Khef, Khef-Fekh, Keft-Keft, Keft-Fekt, Kef-Kef, Kef-Fek, Khekh-Khekh, Khuft-Fukht
b) FE means carry the likeness of spirit-soul in the tomb, cocoon and womb and cause the child to fan, spread, unfold, extend, expand, dilate, enlarge, elongate, duplicate abundantly and run with great rapidity in all directions.
c) Fekh is fullness, reward, abundance, plenty, capture, ravish, burst open, denude, destroy.
Fetk, fail, sink, disperse, exterminate (make a ghost of).
13. Word Effect from Sefekh from Khefekh from Kheffekh from Khef-Khef. This is mother-mother effect.
14. Effect from Khef-Fekh to Khebekh to Kheb-Bekh to Kheb-Kheb. This is the mother-son effect. Kheffekh is Fekh the child of Khef, while Khebekh is Kheb the child of Bekh.a) Mother and son are typified by the mine and metal. Kheft, the hinder quarter, the north, the underworld, the well of source, is also the mine and quarry, abraded in Khâut and Khât.
15. Word Effect from Kuft-Kheft. Khuft is Upper Egypt Above. Kheft is Lower Egypt Above.
Because and Keffect Combinations
These forms are simply to show, as said in the opening, there are multiple causes and effects by different names that are all connected to and extensions from the same source of cause and effect.
1. Khikh-Khush and Khikh-Khukh. We can see the makings of hek-kuk and word hiccup, the double motion of Khekh and Khekh-Khekh.
a) Related is word burp from pur-rup from rup-rup, the double rep-etition of the khekh.
b) Relaed is word erupt from ur-rup-p from pur-rup.
c) Even word Heimlich, as in Heimlich Manuever, is based on Khekh. Mieh-Lekh is Khiu-Rekh or Hiem is Mikhe is Makhu who rules the Khekh OR Miekh is Khiekh.
2. Khi-Kaush and Hekkhet
3. Kha-Khush and Khekh-Khekh
4. Khi-Caesar un Kef-Kef
5. Word Because from Ba-Khau-Sa
Word bucket from bekhet. Bekh means to engender, bring forth, birthplace, womb, place of issuing forth.
a) Bacchus-En-Bekh. Buk-Shus to Bacchus, for the spirit of waters, fire, air and earth to cause fermenting, fecundating, engendering, inspiriting.
b) Khabsu-en-Bekh. The star in Egyptian is Khabsu to Kabush to Cause.
This reveals word Kabosh from Kabu-Sh, briefly stated as the power to start and stop.
Hebrew Kabod, glory from Egyptian Iu-Kabed, double glory force of Ra as the Sun. Egyptian Peh is equal to Kabod. Egyptian Peh-Peh, Pekh-Pekh, Pekkti, Pehti are equal to Iu-Kabed. So read lu-Kabed is the double glory and the exact equivalent of Peh, duplicated as Peh-peh or Pehti. Word caboose from Kabosh, for the end of a train of words.
Kebeb is the source. Kabu is the noun, a measure, and also the verb, to measure. Kabt [Kabut, Kabtu, Kabs, Kabsu] is measured out.
SH which denotes, water, pool, uterus, place of going forth, action of going out, space, measure of land. Ush is mud is mus is mes.
Khepsh becomes Khapsh becomes Apsh becomes Ash,[Ash-Land] and in this we have an equivalent of Eve, or Chavvah.
Word glory is the two circles and/or two stages. Glory is Kru-riu, and Kh-Ruru]
Glory, like greatness, was founded upon bigness, bekhness, gestating, growing, developing, expanding, unfolding.
7. Pekau-uakh and Pekh-Fekh
a) Uakh[khau or khauti, the two way road] is a marsh, a moist meadow-land, an entrance, a road. Pekau is fruit or grain, food, the place of food, and becomes at last the enclosure or homestead where the produce is stored.
9. Pekau and Pekt-Kept
10. Pekauti and Pekh-Khet
a) Kauti is work, labour, especially to carry and to build. Kaui, a herd or band, grey, crepuscular, and rock. Khau (Egyptian) is Wood (English) is Khiuti (Egyptian)
a) Makhaut is a family, clan, seize, kidnap, strangle, steal, scholar, tuk and is founded solely on the tie of blood, originally the mother-blood.
Triple Cause and Ripple Effect
The following law of the letter will have to be tested: when there are three consonants at the beginning of a, Egyptian word, the first one is combined with one or two letters at the end to form the earlier form, thus skhau is khau-su or khau-sau. When these come together at the corners, Ma is added. In this example, Ma-Khau-Sa is the result. By adding the common word description of Soul, we finally reach Soul Makhosa representing three Kauses: Mama Khu, Mama Sa, Mama Makhosa.This triple threat (treat) makes the child fan, spread, unfold, extend, expand, dilate, enlarge, elongate, duplicate abundantly and run with great rapidity in all directions. This activates, deactivates, initiates, terminates, aids, hinders, helps, harms, influences remembering and forgetting.
Xoxa from Kaka, denotes a general and confused conversation, talking together, the frog, Xo-Xo is the confused noise of many persons speaking all at once, such as frogs. as Xo-Xo, or Ka-Ka, the frog Ka-Ka denotes calling, crying, speech, cackle as the fool or idiot, darkness, night, night sun, black, boat, canoe, tall, high, boast (word boost), rejoice, eat, devour, feast, dead, corpse, mummy.
Frog Names: Huku, Huka, Heka, Uka, Kâ, Ka-Ka, Xo-Xo. In Sanskrit, Bheka, Bheki, P-Heka (the Heka or Heki). Heka is the consort of the Night Sun. Heka changes into Seti, the consort of the light sun.
This is the first stage of the word, voice, speech. Makaka as Makhu-Khau as Makhosa is the pubescent form, thus more diverse speech.
Mama Kho, Mama Sa, Mama Makhosa
Mama is Khu, Mama is Su, the second form of Khu. Together, Khu and Su form word Seed. In other words Khu is the Cause, Su is the Effect, the Khu-Su is the Cause and Seed is the Effect. This is the seed in the triplicate form of the knower, sower and grower of self-seeding as Ma-Khu-Sa which later becomes Makossa in the song “Soul Makossa” by Manu Dibango [Django]. A seed planted is Change Unchained. The planting is performed by the waters of inundation as one cycle ends and another begins.Multiple circles, cycles and star constellations are participants in the causes and effects we experience. One of the primary ones is the Sakhu or Sahu Constellation, known by many names such as Big Mama's House, Big Bertha, Bertha But, Great Bekh Hippopotamus, Ursa Major, Urtu Makher, Great Ba-Ur and more. For our present purposes, Ursa Major is also named Sakh-Khussu in the Assyrian Russu (Russian) language.
The Sakh-Makhussu rises, watches and is vigilant, is the turner back or returning one,. By this definition we can see how all constellations take turns being the Sakh-Makhussu, the Soul Makhosa, part of the primary Causers and Effecters.
By now, it goes without saying that the Sun and Moon are always part of The Soul Makossa.
Star constellations are seed pods full of gods. They release these seeds like spores when the conditions are ripe.
All creations and all stars can talk. Ursa Major is a talking bear. It is usually symbolized by a hippo or bear with a big belly, big mouth and loud roar, Stars are Rukhs and Rekhs of the dead and living, thus is also a Tun and Ten. Together this is Rukh-Tun, which leads to Rukh-Pun, then to Ruxpin, which matches the talking bear, Teddy Ruxpin.
The Great Bear Constellation is also the Sakh-Maganna (Akkadian) and Sakhu-Makhennu (Egyptian). Ma-Khan (Macon, Bacon, McCann Ma Can Khanma, Ghana, Khiunm) means the great mother of the water who carries, bears, transports, navigates.The Makhennu is the boat of souls, and the primordial image of this in heaven was the group of seven stars, whose Khenit [Kenites, Khenti] or sailors were the seven Kabiri, of the Sakh-Magana. We can now see Khennu becomes word Canoe. In the same way Maganna (Makhennu) is a name of Egypt Above (Khebt), which also has the value of seven, from Khep the hand, and Tl, two, thus Hepti for No. 7, Wepti, Wepta, Hoopti. Whoopti Du, meaning something swirling, circular, over the head, crazy, not impressive, top to bottom, side to side.
By expanded name, Kepheus, the incoming northern circumpolar constellation is Ma-Shu-Sekhet or Ma-Khu-Sakhet or Makhussu or Makhossa.
Because we have been raised by wolves in a more recent sense, we balk at being raised by apes, fellow primates. Wolves howl at the moon, Apes honor the moon in silence. The Wolf is the waning Age of Wepwawet called the Jackal-Wolf-Dog. The Ape is the waxing Age of Kepheus called the Dog-Faced Cynocephalus Ape. Thus we shall see a more pubescent understanding of speech and awareness of self as related to the ape, even though that complete awareness is minuscule compared to awareness of self as all else.
Any awareness of self as part of the parceling in other species, is a step in the round direction.