All the sayings echoed by current humans have earlier origins rooted in Africa's Nile Valley.
Why do we pair, safe with sound as in safe and sound?
a) By The Way, since Khiun is the circle and its cycle, the first cycle is a two-part cycle of darkness and lightness, thus the circle was black and white, thus a Khiun is black and white. Khiun became word Coon. Silly people call black people coons; however, white people are also coons, based on the basic meaning of Coon from Ru-Ukh-Khiun from Khiur-Khiun.
2. Word Sound from Khiun from Khiunt, the double circle or circle in two halves. Khiunt is a form of Khiukh, later Khekh and Khekh-Nui. Part of the noise and sound being made is also from the Khekhing motion, the Khekher, the Kherfer, the Carpenter, Sculptor, Knitter, Creator, the Worker in all ways work can be performed. In other words, there is noise and sound taking place, inside places and outside places, which can be perceived using different levels of awareness, thus making greater use of sensing abilities. And there are many noises and sounds that can't be detected or understood or appreciated by humans barely clinging to the flotsam and jetsam of societal logic that submerges humans below the breathable level of awareness.
a) Sound is the result of at least a two-part motion.
b) The sounds Khekhing makes is clapping, hitting, banging and many other words that describe action, motion.
c) Sound from Segon from Segont from Sekhen from Sekhem from Sen-Khem, the resting-place, a foundation in the sacred circle, thuis a sanctuary. The Sekhen is the womb, ark, enclosure where the dead were gathered together, literally, to be embraced in the arms and womb of the mother earth. The primary meaning of Sekhen is a place of settling in the tun, thus place to settle down on the waters (not under the waters), a breathing place, the second forever home determined by the water-bird. Skhen is to give breath to.circles. A Sekhen or Sekhent is the prop to up lift (apposed to lift down, now called let down), raise, support, sustain the heavens, thus is the pole that lifts the equator and divides two halves into four quarters. Variations: Skhen, Khen, Khenn, Khenen, Meskhen, Shekinah, Makônah.
3. Word Safe from:
a) Sfae from Kfiu from Khiu. The Khiu are safe at the corners because they are footings, mountains.
b) Sefa from Kefa, the mother circle, womb, ark in the waters. Sefa is a name of the tidal motion and inundation.
c) Sifun from Sif-Nu from Khif-Nu from Khifun to Heaven. KH to KF to Sf to Sf-Nu to Sfun to Svun to word Seven. Safe and Sound is each creation that contains the seven elemental souls of life plus one who are the eight principles and characteristics of everything.
d) Ruka from Rukha from Rukhu from Ru-Ukh. Ruka is to hide, stow away in safe secrecy while purging, purifying and doing all things Ru-Ukh does.
e) Seti from Khetu the great mother, later Futa.
f) Heka, the great mother of transformation called magic.
g) Sekari from Sekaru, the mother, child and ark.
h) Shamu from Shuma, the hell-raiser who uplifts the sky. And uses wind to conduct the ark of souls.
i) SOS is currently used as a distress signal; however, an earlier meaning is (Safe and Sound)
SOS becomes KEK, KUK, SES, SUS, SIS, SAS, KIK, KAK, KOK. Thus the saying, half-cocked matches the current use of SOS.
k) Fetish from Katesh from Kha-Tesh from Mfat-Tukh from Makhaut from Khetmu-Kash from Khekh-Nui-Khush, the womb of the enveloped self and the enveloped self. The feeling of safe and sound became expressed through the amulet, the gree-gree, the word fetish, something that could be touched create the sense of protection, assistance, aid, help, support, strength, efficacy, preservation in the midst of the inundation. Ma, the true, the firm-standing.
l) Nefer, mother or child.
m) Sate, female
n) Suta, please, heal, make sound
o) Wife and sound. Word Wife from Kefa from Kufi from Khif from Khikh from Khiukh.