If your definition of a word is only one thing, or one side of the fence, that definition is woefully insufficient.
A balanced definition must be expressive of many things, including opposites of each and every thing. This is usually achieved through spelling variations that create different-looking same words containing the other meanings.
One of my go-to examples is, God cannot be supreme if only good and creator. God by the same name or a spelling variation, must be bad and destroyer. One form of this is Evil, Satan, Devil and other such names. Thus God and Devil are equally supreme.
Some people are so much of a cheerleader for their God they cannot be honest about their God's character. Which is why honesty doesn't show up in their mirrors, causing them to walk around in disfigurement confidence.
I invested mighty heavily in one a them there mirrors, called worldview, that I didn't know I clung to as a form of rescue. A worldview I sung to, using words I heard but did not knew the meanings to. And with those broken strings of thought, I willing tied my young to. Until I chalked up my miscue, took that broken mirror context to the recyling center and traded it for the true blue lapis-lazuli utamawazo and asili.
If God, the Good, is so supreme, then why the hell does so much bad have so much power and why do societies exist for more than the briefest moment?
The cheerleader says, there is more good than bad. Answer the damn question. A response is not necessarily an answer.
Is Your Logic Warped, Shrink Wrapped, Trapped By Fault & Default?
For most of us, by fault and default, the first thing learned about something becomes the correct thing, the truth.Meanwhile, anything learned afterwards, that does not agree with, or support the first thing, becomes wrong, incorrect, evil, stupid, false, uneducated, misinformed, not approved by schools, and so on.
Same is same in the visual game.
For most of us, by default and fault, the first way shown how to do something, becomes the true way, best way, correct way, most intelligent way, common sense.
Then, any other way becomes lesser than, less intelligent, not good, nonsense, backwards, questioned and questionable.
Check your context pockets for definition receipts to go with the ceits and deceits of all the logic sold to you missing parts, instructions, woefully incomplete. Yet you've purchased with heart, soul and mind, causing your last to follow into the shrunken place.
Word Answer from An-Ser, An-Tser, Iun-Su-Ur.An answer helps renew the soul. A response usually helps undo the soul because there is no double-check until found kher-rekh.
AN is the rebirthplace pool of dark energy and dark matter, that reformulates genetic potential according to whatever is needed to ensure the fulfillment of the need-want incentive.
Maat, the Two Truths, Is The Ser, the Tser, the two in one who can look at both sides, both ways before crossing the street from one logic to the next. Everything needs to add up to one and oneness, then to zero and wholeness.