If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Friday, July 17, 2015

Africans Who Remain Chained & Insane
Differences We Have In Common
Unity Consciousness #356


Here's yet another copy of the key to set yourself free.

Our Ancient Ancestors said, “know yourself.” These word were written in stone on temple entrances. The temple was the center place of their civilization. Know yourself was the center of African focus and the key to their greatness. Know yourself was part of education, spirituality, medicine, etcetera and applied to all aspects of life.

After physical invasion of Africa by many groups and then finally the Europeans to the north, the plan was to keep Africans from regaining their strength by keeping Africans from regaining their sense - of self. African strength is in sense – of self. The oppressor's plan is against “know yourself.” Everything being taught in societies is not only against Africans knowing self, but, first and foremost, against all people knowing their African ancestral selves and the truth about their current cultures. Once properly identified, these societies and cultures would not be envied.

To separate one from knowing self is to divide and conquer. What it also does is cause those who are divided and conquered to continue to further divide and conquer themselves just like they were taught. This is the recent 500 years of world history for the majority of people on the planet.

Who doesn't know that a school ran by criminals can only teach you criminality?

Who doesn't know that a school ran by haters of you can only teach you to hate yourself? This is done in preparation to confuse and trick you into thinking that their schools are the pathway to wealth and that the best things in life are outside of self.

Who doesn't know that the only thing a school run by oppressors can teach is self-oppression, the oppression of others, and how to consent to oppression? Who doesn't know or at least question a book handed to them by enslavers of humanity?

World history shows that several groups of people took African spiritual traditions and then turned these teachings into a religion, but only after changing stuff around enough to make it work for them and against Africans.

Miseducation, Victims A and Victims B have been sufficiently discussed. One of the main things to learn from those discussions is that anyone who will poison their children, whom they love, by teaching them lies about themselves and about others, will absolutely and more thoroughly poison you, whom they hate. They will poison you with a heart of malice and a smiling face.

Understand the basics of how to deal with the lower self game which is properly expressed in the movie, “The Hurricane.” Re-flip the already flipped script causing you to trip. This sometimes feels good while causing you to slip. By mostly doing the opposite of what oppressors, colonizers and criminals do, you will be on the right path by default, whether you understand it or not.

Reject what you are taught to value. Value what you are taught to reject.

Do not readily accept the teachings that come through media in every form. Reject the viewpoints of the obsessive aggressive, compulsive, regressives who are progressively getting sicker in the psychological warfare being used to support all other forms of violence.

Understand that the education being taught is based on what was taught to them by Africans. Again, as usual, many changes have been made so you won't understand how others love to take African systems and twist them. Understand this same approach is being used against the ecosystem. Why would anyone believe people who have harmed the land and water? Who have harmed intellectual knowledge. Who work against higher spiritual ascension. Who have retarded billions through their teachings and by overreaching beyond their completing. All this is historical and current.

By now, it is clearly shown that current worldviews are filled with philosophies and values that have infected the world in the same manner that physical diseases infected everyone who came in contact with European colonizers. Europeans are the origin and spreaders of the most deadly diseases, not Africans.

It's worth repeating that religion and its missionaries have long since been tools of capitalism's colonialism, imperialism [and racism].Unholy people can't produce a holy book. What you definitely should know is that their understanding of the book and yours is totally different. You know they are skilled at providing reasons to excuse their behavior while telling you to depend on a savior who looks like them. A savior who supposedly cursed you but is going to save you and put you in the same heaven even though you were made to be not equal on Earth? Come on now.

Africans, at least be consistent. Consistency provides opportunity to recognize contradictions in thought processes. A fair-minded person is consistent. Be fair to yourself. Investigate what goes along with your thinking or against your thinking or accept it all or reject it all. Pick one of these ways and stick with it for a while.

If you continue to trust in ongoing colonial misrepresentations, you are much obliged to be colonized.

If you continue to think the best you can do and the smart thing to do is to be taught and trained by those who defame you, and then claim your greatness, and get you to praise their name too, then you deserve to remain chained and insane.