If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, July 6, 2015

My Job Loves Me, Take A Deep Breath, My Job Loves Me Not
Unity Consciousness #334


Somehow, a job has become elevated to the importance of self-love. We behave as if the job is our “better half” - we are complete with it and incomplete without it. As a result, when we have a job, normal feelings of elation rise unhealthily to the level of self-validation. When we don't have a job, normal feelings of deflation sink unhealthily to the level of self-devastation. This occurs, not because of the job or the situation or finances, but because things are out of order in our list of priorities. Our basic needs are way out of order. Unity consciousness teaches us that putting things back into order is the challenge we all face.

Acceptance & Rejection Of

When maturing into knowing self, reflecting and introspecting become everyday behaviors. We come to understand, not all relationships are supposed to take place and not all relationships are supposed to last forever and not all relationships are supposed to be the epitome of what they could be.

These things occur when one or more of the parties in a relationship does not possess complete understanding of self which leads to mismatches and imbalances. The relationship is out of sync because total synergy is not there. As we begin to understand this, then, although we might not like the taste of the experience, we are still able to utilize the experience as a learning opportunity. Learning from any and all experiences helps us learn more about ourselves.

Here is a simple way to reach this perspective regarding our experiences.
If we can reflect on an experience, we are still here and have more opportunities to live differently. If we choose to learn from experience and not simply lament it or fall in love with it to the exclusion of clarity, we can live more in keeping with who we are by continuously learning and growing into a fuller knowledge of self.
Once we readjust thinking to a balanced perspective (know yourself), we recognize that being accepted into a relationship (you're hired or I love you) is the same thing as being rejected out of a relationship (you're fired or I don't love you).

Both involve someone else's assessment of whether or not the proper match (synergy, harmony) exists.
Both involve making adjustments and transitioning to a different set of circumstances.
Both involve being on the same page of understanding and remaining on the same page.
Both involve challenges.
Both involve the truism: If one person in a potential or existing relationship does not want to be in the relationship, it is better for the relationship not to exist.

Everyone has experienced feelings of acceptance and rejection before a relationship, after a relationship and during a relationship. No matter how many times this has already happened, we are still breathing. Our breathing remains no matter how we feel about a relationship. Take a deep breath no matter how good or bad the experience. Keep breathing deeply and understand the perspective breathing is trying to teach you. Breathing is a basic need. Acceptance, rejection, hiring, firing or love outside of self that supersedes knowing self are not basic needs. When we treat these things as if they are basic needs, whether we have them or not, they become challenges, not because they exist or don't exist, but because we have placed them in the wrong order.

Experience is largely determined by who we are and who we are becoming. The relationship with self plays a greater role in all our experiences than the experiences themselves.

Once we readjust thinking to a balanced perspective, we regain access to our genetic resilience and brilliance.