If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, July 26, 2015

By Definition & Defamation, Black Semite, White Jew
Unity Consciousness #377


Not many Africans whose ancestry passes through America or any colonized land or passes through the millions of natives who were in America before Columbus, can truthfully claim their ancestors did not mix with some other group that contained a Cro-Magnon component.

By definition of what a semite is, I am semite because I am both black African and white African (Cro-Magnon). My grandmother and great grandparents were yellow, light and thus, semite.

“In 1857, Count Adam Gurowski of Poland, said "Numbers of Jews have the greatest resemblance to the American mulattoes. Sallow carnation complexion, thick lips, crisped black hair. On my arrival in the United States, I took every light-colored mulatto for a Jew.” (1) White Jews were the first to live in ghettoes.

Due to misunderstanding, white Jews claim to be “The Semites,” the prototype and epitome of semite and the only semites that exist.

Semite means half original African and half-mutated African (Cro-Magnon). Thus if your ancestry is not purely original African or if your ancestry is not purely Cro-Magnon, you are a semite. Even though continued mixing of the human gene pool has left very few, if any, as half and half mixtures, all degrees of mixture are still semites, otherwise we'd need a word for each degree of mixture.

According to Ancestor Diop, “The Semitic world was born, not of a biological mutation but of a crossbred issue from the confluence of Blacks and Whites in Western Asia.” (2)

“In the Twelfth century B.C., the Philistines attacked the coast of the land of Canaan, Ramses 11 destroyed their fleet, capturing all the people and converting them to agriculture. Incidentally, Palestine owes its name to the Palestiou, which is what the Egyptians called the Philistines in their texts.

These White tribes established themselves with the indigenous Black Canaanites, producing the Northern Semitic branch. The ancient Semites were much darker than certain Semites of today, as it is revealed on the figurines and drawings from that epoch. They were of the same type as Othello.

Since the occupation of Persia, Greece and Rome, the movement of populations at the time of the Crusades in the Middle Ages and the racial mixing which occurred, contributed to modifying appreciably, now and then, the ethnic type and the restoring of the European type.

These remarks apply a fortiori to those groups of Semitic ancestry who lived among Europeans for centuries. It is the same with certain Arab Semites who are mixed with Persians.” (3)

Those in Egypt today who call themselves Egyptians are not Egyptians, they are semite Arab conqueror invaders. Kemet is the original name for Egypt and the ancient people were black, very black. The semites, of course, were lighter in skin coloration than the original black people. Both are shown in the video linked right here.

Racist Terminology

“Hamite and Semite are names which Europeans and European-Americans have adopted from Hebrew mythology (written and developed in Hellenic Greece) as written in the TORAH and Christian HOLY BIBLE. These words have no authoritative relationship to Africa, her indigenous peoples, cultures, or things African. They are racist in origin and bigoted in practice. Using these words as African names would be tantamount to calling the present occupants of North Africa “INDIGENOUS AFRICAN” on the basis that they invaded and captured this region of the African continent 1327 years ago. For nowhere in recorded history, written by African and other ancient peoples of the era in question, is there any mention of “HAMITES” or “SEMITES”, before their appearance in the Jewish and Christian advocates books by so-called “INSPIRED HOLY MEN OF GOD.” (4)

Semite Used To Notate Language

“Those African languages which most resemble the Semitic languages are called Cushitic or Hamitic (the popular terms for this language group) Somali, Saho, Galla, Danakil, Bichari, Hausa, etc. When it concerns the Canaanites or the Sabaeans, it results from that which preceded that they were Black people who spoke a language that we call today Semitic, these languages were properly theirs; they had no reason to borrow them from a neighboring Semitic people, it is the contrary which has been attested. We know this, thanks to the terminology of the Semites themselves. Thus it would be wrong to consider the Ethiopians as descendants of ancient ‘Negrofied’ Semites or Blacks, speaking a borrowed Semitic language: they are the descendants of the black Sabaeans, and as such speak an indigenous language which is properly theirs.(5)

(1) (Rogers, J. A. "Sex and Race Vol 1,, Negro-Caucasian Mixing In All Ages and All Lands," https://archive.org/stream/sexAndRacevol.1/SexAndRaceVol.1_djvu.txt), paraphrased.
(2) Diop, Cheikh Anta, The Origin Of The Semitic People, Translated by Rkhty Amen, pg. 1, paraphrased.
(3) Ibid., p. 2, quoted.
(4) ben-Jochannan, Yosef, “Africa: Mother of Western Civilization,” (Black Classic Press: 1988), p. 94, paraphrased.
(5) Diop, p. 8.