If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Friday, July 10, 2015

Redistribution Of Wealth By Humans & Human Beings
Unity Consciousness #342


The Human Way Through Societies

First of all people must organize themselves into G-men gangs (governments). These governments must arm themselves (military, police and other gun-toting agencies) to maintain maximum effectiveness control over all the other people. These government gangs do the same things to citizens that these same gangs do to family in other lands. They act nice long enough to gain trust and other resources. They then show their true colors – domination and nothing else.

Then these same people, acting now as the ultimate authority, form local, state and federal gangs that they call government. In the name of government and backed up by weapons, these people take what they want from whomever they want and then redistribute the resources amongst themselves, both inside and outside the country. This process is continuously repeated to keep most people financially and nutritionally depleted. Different levels of depletion are established to ensure resources will be competed for. This is what has given rise to the infamous, “as long as I'm not in last place” mantra and the resulting gang behavior that goes with it.

We all know gangs are business enterprises. We know gangs live by their own rules and make them up as they go whenever needed to justify the legitimacy of their criminality. Government gangs behave in the same way and are used to shield more criminals than the corporate veil.

A group of people, acting as a government, can set prices for taxes and fees without competition. They can then require us to pay for these things whether we want to or not. This is a guaranteed profitable business model that guarantees wealth is redistributed. Then, when the government gang spends all the money (goes bankrupt yearly), they “ask” for more resources from people inside and outside the country in order to keep their gang going. We can always tell a gang exists by how much money they spend on weapons (defense budget and police forces and other agencies that support them). Be certain, governments are more afraid of their own people than outside threats. Evidence proves this 100% of the time. The main purpose of every government's defense budget is to guard against its own citizens.*

Just to be clear, taxes and fees are forms of wealth redistribution. Anytime someone withholds something we are owed, wealth is being redistributed. Even if they keep their promise and pay us back when we file for income tax or pay us back when we retire, our money was still being used by them for free. Unless we are paid a lot of extra money on top of the principal amount, wealth is being redistributed.** Withholdings are free loans freely taken from the majority. Once the notion of property tax has been made law, there are multiple taxing bodies that pile on for a piece of the action. This is gang-banging.

As explained in the previous message, a recession is a form of wealth redistribution. So also are programs, stimulus packages, subsidies, incentives, laws, exceptions, exemptions, grants, consulting, research, studies, aid, etc.

Capitalism, aided and abetted by democracy monarchy, is a system of wealth redistribution. It is a less direct form of stealing.

When humans set up societies, they do so for the purpose of redistribution of wealth. Societies are based on suboptimal principles. Inequality is at the top of the list. Inequality impacts all creation. Earth and all inhabitants are being robbed of their rights of creation. Rights are wealth. They are being taken away and used by societies for ways of living that do not balance taking with giving, thus the construction of societies leaves destruction in its wake, including self-destruction. There is no escape from the universal karma we create.

Redistribution of wealth occurs in numerous other ways. Some of these are:
1. Appropriation of history and other truths.
2. Tithing and other such feel good membership dues.
3. Enslavement.
4. Slavery as a route to success.
5. Miseducation and other forms of malnutrition that target and take wealth away from the entire self.

The Human Being Way Through Civilizations

Social living is the only way of living because it follows natural ecosystem principles which provides for each according to their needs. It involves communal living principles where creation works together to optimize resources. The optimization of resources is the highest level of wealth and abundance possible for an eternity.

*There are multiple other measures used to maintain government control. In brief, all the major institutions of societies are in cahoots to help maintain gang power. The major institutions are all branches of government.

**Anytime a government or business is always crying about budgets and losses and taxes and expenses and cost-cutting measures and then turns around and tells us they have money to “match” money we put into retirement plans, they are lying and we are buying. This occurs because the wealth of our good sense has been redistributed to the society to whom we give the benefit of our faith and trust. In our subconscious thought process we think, “hey, I'm working for them, they must know better than me, so since this job is going to help me be better off, I might as well use all the thinking they produce so it can also work for me. I need them so I also need their thinking. I trust them to look after my best interests.”
As more and more of us will see, societies always turn good sense into nonsense. Likewise societies always turn wealth into waste and cause it to dissipate. It doesn't matter to them whose wealth it is they are holding in their hands at gunpoint and lawpoint. Retirement programs are a shell game for wealth redistribution. There is no security when someone else has control of our resources and the only way we know these resources exist is by a piece of paper given to us by those who have convinced us to give them additional money to go with the money they can already take by force and law. Ask Germany how well this kind of thinking worked when Germany tried to get its gold back from the U.S. Federal Reserve. When criminal alliances begin to crumble, the jig is almost up.