If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Nature | Mental Health Definitions & Meanings
Sure Signs, Symptoms, Causes & Effects Of Mental Illness, Pt X
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1100


(Part 7 of 11)

Definition 7 – Based On Nature As & Of Mental Health

Since everything is Nature, mental health must be based on Nature. Mental health must be judged by our knowledge and relationship to the nature of self in relationship to our knowledge and relationships to the nature of all else.

To the degree we lack this understanding, we also lack understanding cause in relationship to effect.

Nature As Cause & Effect and Nature Of Cause & Effect
As usual we have been miseducated to think if you do this, then this happens. We think cause and effect is one cause and one effect. That's simple cause and effect. Truth is, nearly all cause and effect is extended cause and effect. Extended cause and effect takes place over a long and wide chain of events. There are root causes and participatory causes to all effects, call them primary and secondary if you will. Root causes still have an effect on the fruit and so do the participatory causes, if they are still participating.

Racism Rewards Frequent Liars
The obvious example is the root and fruit of racism. Of course racism is 110% alive and unwell in the world and is producing abundant fruit nonstop even though the current racism collective didn't plant racism, each generation still farms, cultivates and harvests racism fruit because that's the only way they choose to survive – using various forms of slavery, forced obedience and forced payments. This is a more extended understanding of cause and effect.
In the simple version of cause and effect we think emancipation was proclaimed so slavery is over, therefore racism was greatly reduced. We think black people got jobs all over the country, therefore we ain't a racist country. We think a black man became president, therefore we are in a post-racial society. That only makes sense in a unhealthy mind. A mind that thinks, we're a nation of laws, that means we're civilized. A mind that thinks the more laws we have, the more intelligent we are. A mind that thinks the presence of legal laws means” the government” is trying to help us and keep us safe. A mind that thinks the existence of a legal law changes the existence of what the law covers. No, it only changes the form in which something takes place. For instance laws against racism discriminations hasn't changed the existence of those discriminations, it has only changed the form in which they take place - from emancipation to imprisonment. A mind that thinks oh that's a nice street and community because the grass is cut and there is no trash on the streets, yet those are the same streets where murderous cop-outs live. A mind that thinks rain interferes with them going outside, messes up their hair and clothes and creates traffic, because that mind does not understand extended cause and effect because that mind has little to no appreciation for nature, thus for self, except in a very sick selfish way that society says is okay. A mind that thinks a child is born, therefore has a unfavorable view of females and blacks. A mind that thinks I'm in the favored group, therefore I am in a healthy state of being and have not been seriously damaged. All of these examples are the simple short version of cause and effect and if that's how our logic is connected, we are mentally unhealthy.

Reaping & Sowing
Another less obvious example is that, in the short-term, no, we don't always reap what we sow . Ask anybody who has ever planted anything or started a business. There's a lot more to it than reaping and sowing. One cause rarely leads to one effect for two overall reasons:
1. The most recent cause and most recent effect is not the beginning of cause and effect and neither is it the end and neither does it include all the additional contributory peripheral participatory causes and effects. Reaping and sowing can have significantly different outcomes based on the types of logic seeds we plant, the worldview soil context we plant into and all the other pieces of logic we use in the process that influence reaping. We all know we can sow, but not reap, because something else somewhere in the total set of causes and effects, affects the process and prevents or reduces the reaping. For instance, even if we sow and get a good education, it doesn't mean we will reap a good job. There is much more to what takes place in life than one cause and one effect – much more. Therefore we must re-expand our thinking to realize what we have been treating as the whole, is actually the partial.

2. As time increases between any cause and effect, so do the number of influencing participatory causes and effects. We know there are immediate effects and delayed effects. That's old news, yet we still allow the use of simple cause and effect to confuse us and be used to take advantage of us. This weakness can be greatly reduced if we go through a self-help process of reconciling the Khaos & Chaos in our thoughts. One of the things we will discover during this process is that what we currently think of as long-term is still the short-term.

The more logic changes from individualistic to the extended self, and we also account for longer periods of time, then we reap more and more of what we sow. Why? Because we broadened our understanding of the scope and scale of what actually takes place in life and existence. However, if we rely on the simple short version of cause and effect, this causes our reckoning to be off which throws off numerous pieces of logic which throws off our thought processes which throws off our conclusions, decisions and behaviors. This explains how much cause and effect is really going on, and yet, what I have explained is still the short version.

We must remain aware Nature is cause and effect. Since you are nature, you are cause and effect. Everything about you and in you is due to cause and effect. Self and all else consists of numerous ongoing interacting causes and effects. Cause and effect is not just "one thing leads to another" and that's the beginning, end and whole story.
The older you get, it is quite foolish to continue thinking you came into existence because of one cause and one effect. Well, mom and dad had sex and here I am. That's the short version and the short version always leaves out a bunch of details. When it's convenient to keep us weak minded, we've been dumbed down to think of cause and effect in the short simple version. Of course, when it's convenient to use as an excuse, the current terrorist collective in military occupation of the world, relies on the extended version of cause and effect when they get tired of using plausible deniability.

Now for a slightly different angle.
The reason we accept incomplete okie doke explanations for cause and effect is because the portion of our genetic memory we rely on contains a bunch of understandings that do not fit together and make eco-sense. Our understandings are hodgepodge and contradictory. Therefore, we base cause and effect on fragments of understandings, rather than on all of our understandings as a whole and we only use short-term memory.
A participatory cause is we do not use all of the sensing abilities of our genetic potential. We have been retrained to leave spirit-soul out of it and be mind-emotion centered, which even in a perfect state of functioning is insufficient for healthy thinking and behaving.
Nature has given us genetic potential in numerous forms and also gives us the same information in numerous forms so all the senses can participate in synergistic understanding – so our thinking and behaving also remains synergistic with self and all else. This is how and why an ecosystem functions healthily. So now we have another way of understanding there are many more causes and effects that are causing the effects we are experiencing today and have experienced and will experience.

Nature As Sex and Nature Of Sex
Sex is foundational.
We all know mental health involves a healthy understanding of sex.
Sex existed before humans so, like all things, we must go to that which existed before humans in order to properly understand it.
Sex existed before Earth.

Sex is energies interacting - khemical reactions.
Sex is what got this Creation party started that we call The Big Bang. One divided and duplicated to become two. Two became three and so on.
Sex is what creating is and what the creative process is – energies interacting.
This is why humans call sex between genders, procreating. Perhaps pro means process and re-pro-duction. Most certainly, crea-tion and duc-tion involves dual energies interacting – which explains seduction.
The Universe and your cells are having nonstop sex.

Sex is the process of reproducing, duplicating and transforming energies.
So now we can begin to remember that sex between genders is about way more than procreating and pleasure.
Sex animates the Universe. Sex brings us into existence and keeps us alive. Sex between genders is a source of spiritual power. Heal-thy sex between genders is for healing and strengthening all aspects of self. Sex between genders can also be used for sickening and weakening. Sex is what is taking place when you are learning; therefore sex between genders can be a way of enhancing knowing and understanding. Sex, when approached from a healthy perspective, is a sacred act that is part of the worship of the goddess. How sexuality was expressed was just as important as how the fields were plowed and how the warriors were organized and so on. Sexuality was part of the whole sacred spiritual being seeking perfection, thus heal-thy sex was part of building strong families and strong nations. Heal-thy sex is a ritual that strengthens life force. Heal-thy sex is a reenactment of the female and male principles of the universe that come together and exchange energies in order to keep the universe animated (alive, living and in motion with the vibrating rhythms of spirit-soul). Heal-thy sex creates energy and equilibrium (balance), plus harmony of divine forces is reinforced. (Ani 1:19:20; 1:52:00; 1:40:00) and (Finch 1:49:30)


Ani, Dr. Marimba, ”Dr. Marimba Ani - Cleansing ourselves of European concepts,” posted by John Brown.

Finch, Dr. Charles III,”The Great Mother "Dr. Charles Finch III": Pittsburgh, PA 2011,” posted by Ipet Isut.