If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Khes, Uskh, Sekh, Sekhet, Sekhem, Khekh, Khi-Khu
Definitions Of Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1139


(Part 9al of 11)


Khes means to return, come back again, resurrection, transformation and renewal. In Kemet, Khes was symbolized primarily by Khepr. (BB 109-11/121-23)

Word variations: catch, kiss, goose, geese, khaos, chaos, guess, guest, chest, chess, cheese, , jest, just, gestation, gas, gas station, gist, GIS, gust, disgust, digest, justice


In Egyptian, Uskh and Sekh are the same word and are variants of one word, Khekh. (BB 149/161, 181/193)
Uskh or Us means water, liquid, wine, drink, supply with drink, broad, wide, to range out far and wide, stretch out and around, extend, a large extensive range. (BB 149/161, 432/444, 448-9/460-1 ); (NG1 378/396)
A collar is one type of the Uskh. The Usekh-collar indicated being set free from the bandages of mummification and rising again from the dead in the glorified form of the Sahu-mummy. (BB 149/161); (AE1 115/125)
Another form of the Uskh is the Hall, the Temple. (BB 149/161)

Uskh and Sekh interchange, and the Uskh-ti or Sekh-ti are the mariners/sailors of Egypt (Uskht or Sekht singular). The Sekht is a bark of the gods and represents the lotus, one of the earliest arks of the waters; the uterus was recognized as an even earlier form of ark. Uskht or Sekht signifies the painted.

The Uskh or Sekh was a large broad boat on which the Egyptians moved their armies and were most certainly used for other reasons. Thus we have the water and the bark, the mariners and the voyagers, all named in Egyptian; also the Uskh people who went out on the Uskh, in the Uskh, rowed by the Uskh, in the Uskh range as far as the migration extended. (BB 448-9/460-1, 467/479); (NG2 184/192)

Word variations: musk, music, usiku, Kush, Cush


Sekh is a liquid, drink derived by the suckling from the mother. (BB 73/85, 75/87, 149/161, 203/215, 206/218 )
Sekh means a division, depict, represent, rule, protect, a division mapped out, marked off, cut out, incise, cut, cut out, divide, share, sever, engrave, memorize, remember, remind, the scribe, to write, writing, writer. (BB 71/83, 193/205, 224-5/236-7, 296/308, 378/390)

Sekh is the flood-time or inundation of the Nile.

The Asc is a Gaelic word for Sekh. From Asc we get Ask and Asp (the serpent, the adder). (BB 224/236) Another variation of Sekh is Saakh, the intelligence or intelligent spirit. Sakh is the Saakh in person, the illuminator, inspirer, and informant. (BB 224/236)

Sakh also means to adore, pray, understand, and is also the name of the shrine. (BB 224/236)
The Sakh in Egyptian is called the Asc in Galic. The Galics called the Druids, The Ascs. If you don't know then you better Asc somebody because it was the Druids who knew because the Druids are Egyptians. This has been explained in terms of all people then and now coming back home to Africa, wherever she is, to get the latest knowledge. Today when we speak of “ask” we are talking about Druids, Egyptians, Aethiopians, Nile Valley civilization, Sekh, Uskh, Sakh, Saak and Khekh, the spirit that is all spirit. This is what “asking” is about more fully, but is used in an extremely disconnected limited way during this suboptimal stAge (star age).
The Druids were also called Skha, Saak, Nadredd, Adders, divine, Neter and Nuter which one of the meanings is “of water.” Concerning the word Nadredd, Na means “the,” thus Nadredd is “the dredd,” which is what the Druid was called, and by now we know the Egyptians and others in the Nile Valley and throughout Africa and in other lands they traveled to, wore their hair in braids and locks, thus we have dredd locks in a more optimal sense, but dreadlocks in a suboptimal sense. (BB 223/235)

Word Variations: Uskh, Tekh, section, sect, dissect, soak, suck, seek, ask, asp, aspiration, ascii, asc-khi, pass-key, password, sick, secular


Sekhet is the goddess of fire, a lion in the South and the goddess of water in the North as cat-headed under the name of Pasht, Bast, Pekht, Peht or Buto. (BB 366/378)

Sekhet is also the name of corn, field and forest.
Sekhet/Pasht is naming from the solar mythology and she, the dual one, is Uati in earlier times who is a form of the most ancient mother goddess. (BB 470/482)

Word variations; but


Sekhem is:
1. Energy – According to Master Teacher Charles S. Finch, III, “ancient and traditional peoples the world over have always believed in an energy or power that pervades the universe, unknowable and intangible, but permeating everything and giving it existence. The Chinese call it chi, the Hindus, prana; the Hawaiians, mana; the Dogon, nyama,;and the most ancient people of these groups, the Egyptians, referred to it as sekhem.”

Dismiss it or call sekhem by any name, and it still exists.
2. A place - (NG2 512/520), khesm (variant of skhem), the Holy of Holies. This Holy of Holies is located in human-made temples, in the temple of Earth, in the temple of the human body, and in the temples within all primary creations.


Skhen is a shrine, and the name signifies to alight and rest, place, dwell, be in sanctuary, a sanctuary, to institute and establish. If the meaning of Sekhen be summed up in a word, it means to settle; the determinative being a water-bird. Khen, Khenen, and Sekhen are interchangeable. (BB 490/502)

Sekhen is Meskhen.


Khekh is the root of the words defined above.
Khekh signifies the invisible of being and means blood and spirit, the Two Truths of being imaged by the spirit-water of life. (BB 37/49, 181/193)
When we go back up this page to the Sekem, we can see that sekhem is talking about spirit-soul energy. This is because sekhem is several generations later of the word Khekh. Thus, what we see among humans holds true: as generations come and go (transition into and out of each other), form changes and language changes and words change, but the integrity of understanding for the masses is only maintained during optimal times. And this is why today we are much confused, because we do not understand the process. We don't understand science, nature, self. We sorta kinda barely understand sections, just enough to get by with a slow imperceptible slickety slide. We are in motion making progress but we perceive not the direction.

Khekh has a broad base of meaning. Khekh also means to recoil, return, send back, whip, sting, repulse, follow, chase, hunt, check, hoe, fan, throat, light, darkness, the dragon (also akhekh), fool, obstinate, mad-headed, motion to and fro, up and down, the up and down of the two heavens, the balance, the beam of the balance, the one that is twin in its two arms. the level, the equinox, the equilibrium of equinox, the horizon, collar with nine beads signifying gestation, the round, O circle, the circle completed at the equinox, the cycle completed at the equinox, the end and beginning of a new age at the equinox. (BB 54-5/66-7, 59/71, 63/75, 121/133, 185/197, 371/383, 393/405, 478/490, ); (NG1 93/111)

The main thing to understand about khekh is that it means spirit-soul and it means dynamic balance, thus khekh means the duality of spirit-soul. Because we know duality and spirit-soul are the basis of Existence, then we also know Khekh means everything because Khekh is included in everything because duality and spirit-soul are included in everything. In the partial definition listed in the previous paragraph, you can see the duality and sense the spirit-soul. (BB 55/67)

And so now we've introduced words that are descendants of the word Khekh, then we've introduced Khekh in part and then summarized it, thus we have summarized all words defined in this message. Now we continue to re-weave (synthesize and optimize) our memory, by blending in a little more liquid and solid dimension.

1. Cock, the bird, is named from Khekh. The Cock is also a Phoenix, one that falls and rises in cycles, a bird of annunciation, a harbinger of things to come, a symbol of Light, the Horizon, Equinox, cackling or crowing, also to turn and return. (BB 108/120)

Khekh is the Resurrrection & the Light (Re-errection & Sun). This is the second event.
Khekh is also the Erection & the Night (Moon). This is the first event.

We were reminded of this is UC#1123: “to be literate, we must understand iteration. Iteration is the same thing as creation, recreation, evolution, de-evolution, resurrection, rebirth, born again”
We were also reminded of this in UC#1136: “the Creator had to die first in order to move out of Preexistence and into Existence in duplicated form.”

2. From an earlier message on the Djindja energy of Khekh, we learned, the Bekh represents the hill of burial on one horizon and the resurrection on the other horizon, thus death and rebirth, thus Bekh is duality because Bekh is a form of Khekh.

3. We are reminded of the duality of resurrection through the dung beetle, Khepera.This is for those who have been through some shit so you will understand more about the continuous process that leads to your transformation into a more evolved being. Because de-evolution is part of the process, most of us are in that part. But now it's time for us to emerge into the next phase, out of the darkness that forms and fashions us, and into the marvelous light where we put to use the genetic potential of our newly evolved self.

Word variations: Kick, Kick the bucket, cake, hoe, hoe cake, check, checkmate, click, clique, Kak, Kha, Khaûsu, Sekhekh. Khkha, quick, quack, heck. (BB 121/133, 186/198, 265/277, 393/405 ); (NG1 187/205); (NG2 213/221)

Khi or Khu

Because it is unavoidable for seekers of the greater part of themselves, Spirit awakens, germinates, emerges and strengthens slowly and then all at once.

Khi is Spirit and means to rise up, elongate, spread with great rapidity. (BB 181/193) Khi-sekh is Spirit-water, rapids and rapidly moving water that moves up and down, rises and falls, with great force and unstoppable power. This helps us understand more fully the definition of Khi as spirit as that which governs, rules, protects, dominates. (BB 181/193, 193/205)
Without the Khu-spirit the person does not ascend from the sepulchre tomb grave or prison-house of the nether world.
Thus we detect a difference:
In optimal times, the Usekh-collar was worn by the dead to help release their Khu from imprisonment in the body and grave. (AE1 202/212)
In suboptimal times, a collar is worn to imprison the Khu spirit by imprisoning the body.

Word variations: Chi, Kee, Key, Khi-Khi, Kee-Kee, Khu-Khu, cuckoo, coco, cece, cici, chacha, caca, nucleus

To make sure we are not forgetting the fundamentals, when we look at the words in the title of this message, we could say those are different words. We would be correct. However, to be more complete, we should also say those are variations of the same word, and this is why their meanings are the same, with slight variations that serve different functions and purposes, yet serve the same function and purpose overall. This applies to the need incentive for all things that appear as one or many.
And Khekh in all forms says: For those who are using ME suboptimally, especially intentionally nefariously, I am shifting my energies. I am the liquid essence of the night, as water, air, earth and light. I am Truit, Druid and Fluid. I am twofold. I switch between new and old, open and closed, weak and powerful. I am Khi and Khi-Khi, slowly and quickly, the snails pace, the serpent's strike. Tortoise and hare. Prey and snare. Truth and dare. Unlike anything you've ever seen and everything that can be compared. I catch and release victim and thief. All by design where wants separate and needs meet, divergence, convergence, submergence, emergence. I am mover and shaker, giver and taker, the immovable and the replacer, the establisher and the eraser. I am the essence of life and existence. In me is both sides, going with the flow and resistance. Front khekh and khekh back. You can only know when you ask and follow the path that lasts and lasts. I am the law and the lawless, the problem and the one who solves this. I all iterations of creation. ugly and beautiful. I am love and hate, the maker of perfection and mistakes. I am racism and reason, best friend and treason. I have made covenants with all governments and all agreements are short-term in season, and now I make agreements with those disfavored by your cultures. The reckoning of the second part is losing power and influence over the reckoning of the first part. Tables are turning and levels are returning. Try hide and catch me and it becomes easier for me to hunt thee down and remove the crown to replace what was lost where it was once found. I know all moves I've played the game, everything different remains the same. I am keeper and score, the after who came first who turns round and comes before. I can do that and this. I know myself and I am all else.

This message is all about the cycles that come and go, turn and return and that are all spirit-driven at the most Supreme Level. It's about the resurrection of spirit-soul energy from dry dormant places. This message provides more information on how to reckonize these by asking for understanding through the nature of self or through the nature of anything else. As we understand the big picture, we'll better understand how to use our genetic potential and understand this life IS NOT about going off somewhere to some kind of heaven and chillin' for eternity, thus living mainly for that purpose and living mainly to make a living is an extreme minimization of destiny, unless our destinies are to remain as victims of suboptimal cultures, never the wiser.