a) Origen, Self-created, The Whole Total. One Circle Exists
b) Essence = Ankh = I Am = Everything & Nothing
c) Oneness as Zeroness and Zeroness as Oneness This is also Manyness and Infiniteness.
d) Neter, Nuter. Neutral, Neither. (NG1 142-3/160-1)
e) Undivided Energy, (Kar-Tek, the spark holder). Everything has the potential to spark within self or in conjunction with another outside of self. Sparks are diffusions and concentrations of undivided energy. The soul of the spark is imaged as a serpent, an undulating wave of energy. (UC# 632, 774, 980)
f) Sound, language, rhythm, form, logic, knowledge and nutrition of motion, all these things affect the vibration, thus its sparking power. Thus when anything in the universe changes, so also does the conditions that determine when, where and how the spark functions. 2. Preexistence Stage One:
a) Impubescence of Essence
Transformation that reproduces self within
Concentrated compacted single or single group of undivided genetic vibrations strands strings waves hairs lizards worms sperm
Word as thought. Logic remains in this dimension as unpublished until there is a spark and change of orientation and direction b) Pubescence of Essence;
Transformation that reproduces self without
Two or more divided but united genetic vibration strands strings waves hairs serpents, snakes, worms sperm less concentrated, less compacted (BB 313/325)
Word as actions, behaviors. Logic remains in this dimension as published until there is a spark and change of orientation and direction
Vibration strands are wedded by forming bonds and tying knots, loops, circles and crossing over each other, thus intersecting. This marriage allows reproduction. The form of the bond is the ark of their covenant. This determines the nature of the spark. (NG1 107/125)
A gree-gree is a bunch of strands woven into a cord and then tied into knots. The weaving indicates the interrelatedness and interconnectedness of all things. Each knot indicates a bond, thus energies interacting, thus a power relationship. (AE1 112/122; 116/126), (NG2 277-8/285-6)
Like all things, “ark” has many meanings. It also means to encircle and bind. Since a ring is a form of Gree-Gree that signifies puberty and marriage within self, it could be that impubescence transforms into pubescence when one vibration encircles, covers, clothes, conceals, suppresses, the other vibration. (NG1 92/110), ( NG2 277/285), (AE1)
Dualities break bonds, spark, divide, separate, then they reorient, spark, form bonds, multiply, duplicate. All of this is affected by the continuous interactions of other energies. So even though it's about “two,” it's also simultaneously about many forms of two. One example of this in human terms is the bond between two people is not just the result of the two people. Many factors, forces, causes and effects are influencing that bond. Likewise, the bond between paint and wood, though once good, eventually cracks and must be reapplied, given frequent attention or shielded from other elements to reduce influences that can weaken the bond between paint and wood. 3. Preexistence Stage Two and Existence Stage One:
a) Rebirth into Impubescence. Now Two Circles exist.
b) Twoness as Oneness and Oneness as Twoness. Oneness exists as two within
Dualities exist separately within, then change orientation in relation to each other, spark and transform
c) Divergen. Reproduction by duplication, doubling identical that leads to the Nakh stage. (NG1 143/161)
Negative and positive in one vibration or group of vibrations, duplicates, then variation occurs based on orientation (see “Pubescence of Essence” above)
To remove the covering of puberty is to become Nakhen (Naked) (NG1 131/157)
d) Neutral and Both. (NG1 288/306)
e) Negative energy (potential, at rest, asleep dormant) and Positive energy (kinetic, in motion) (NG1 143/161)
f) Prepubescent (Nakhen) without (first truth revealed); Pubescent within (second truth hidden but emerging) (NG1 131/157)
g) Repa, ever-coming one and heir apparent. (NG1 143/161)
h) Sut, dark, water, dark side of lunation, the setting star or constellation of the western horizon, Black Saturn, Iao, Sebek. (NG2 78/86) 4. Existence Stage Two
a) Re-rebirth into Puberty
b) Either, Virgin or Virile Reproduction within by duplication from the previous stages leads to ability to reproduce without by variation without. (NG1 143/161)
c) Twoness as Oneness and Oneness as Twoness
d) Oneness exists as one without. dualities exist separately without then unite within and spark and reproduce a being that exists temporarily within then without for a longer period
Negative positive is covered by positive negative to produce the pubescent masculine principle OR
Negative positive is covered by negative positive to produce the pubescent feminine principle
Negative energy (potential, at rest, asleep dormant) or Positive energy (kinetic, in motion) as either (NG1 143/161)
Pubescent (Nakh) without (second truth revealed); Prepubescent within (first truth hidden)
e) Entering into a being at puberty is the soul (undivided energy) of the double force, the duplicative force, the power to reproduce a being that can exist outside of self
This soul is said to descend from the Parent
Based on soul being in all creations, it seems just as likely this soul emerges from within the being as the level of undivided energy rises caused by growth, development and transformation within.
Both could be true if we consider growth, development and transformation as an attractive force that draws the energy to be, from the root source waters of Nnun of the Upper Circle while returning the energy of understandings from experiences in different forms under different conditions. (NG2 127/135), (AE1 206/216)
This soul energy is further transferred into the next stage of the pubescent as reproduction via a child
The soul power to duplicate within is breathed into the prepubescent child via the immediate mother (blood to blood resuscitation) in conjunction with the soul of life in the waters of Nnun of the Upper Circle.
The soul power to duplicate without is begotten into the pubescent child via the immediate father (secondary blood to blood resuscitation) in conjunction with the soul of life in the waters of Nnut of the Lower Circle
To be begotten is to be reborn into the second stage by undivided energy within self, not from the physical parent. To be begotten could be viewed as the anointing spirit descending upon the child, because it is not explainable as coming from the mother. And neither is it understood how the soul of the masculine principle lies dormant within the child from birth as the secondary activator of blood until time to transform into pubescence. Begotten is rebirth within the same being.
This is where the concept comes from of rebirth by baptism in spiritual waters. Baptism in physical waters symbolizes the baptism in celestial waters. Physically it symbolizes the perfecting of the prepubescent into the pubescent. Spiritually it symbolizes the perfecting of the weak by washing away weakness and putting on the covering of the spiritual blood, thus current ideologies makes the Masculine supreme and the Divine Father Alone.
Despite current ideologies, spirit-soul, spirit and soul are each dual in nature possessing both the feminine and masculine. Any ideology that says the soul is from the female alone or male alone is incomplete and unsustainable. (AE2 789-90/253-4 , 794/258)
Heir of the heir apparent (NG1 143/161)
Second Horus, light, fire, light side of lunation, the rising star or constellation of the eastern horizon, Golden Sun, Nubti, Chnuphis, Ra. (NG2 78/86)
The comb symbolizes reproduction. It untangles strands of genetic material. It is easier to comb wet hair. Long hair is the sign of either sex, (NG1 29/47), (AE2786/250)
The mirror is the type of reproduction, The mirror is the other half of the duality, that which is hidden and only perceivable as a reflection of self from another perspective. The mirror image of that which looks into the mirror. Comb and mirror are united in Aquaria, the mermaiden. (BB 425/437) 5. Existence Stage Three:
a) Re-re-rebirth as a child, a descendant of self.
b) Re-re-rebirth after physical death of elements and other creations
Soul of life in matter is the collective soul, terrestrial self gets recycled and used by many creations
Soul of life in spirit is the Ka, the individual soul, celestial self gets recycled at the end of longer cycles than the collective soul. Ka is each person's RA (holy spirit) which is a form of Kar the parent and Ar the child.
At the end of time, both forms of soul must unite in the holy kiss to become immortal
At that point, the individual self will no longer exist. This is why it is said there is no marriage because everything is everything as Oneness in Stage Zero.
When one part of a duality finally comes into its own, its time to be revealed in the cycle, it physically conceals the existence of that whose time has passed, while still revealing it, depending on our level of awareness. When the child is conceived, it is Neither female nor male and we do not know the gender. And then when the child is born impubescent, the child is now Both genders until puberty transforms the child into Either. In recent times, puberty, which is supposed to a sign of maturity has caused us to become mentally immature as to our complete essence, This is so because our childhood education is lacking the optimal context for understanding self in relation to all else, thus deficient in understanding stages and processes apply to all things.
A change in form is supposed to alter thinking to our complement, not to our detriment. We still have a long ways to go to restore memory, but not necessarily a long time to get there.