If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Enemy Janes and Traitor Johns
Third Creation – Order Of Creation
Unity Consciousness #1432


(Part 9lq of 11)

We continue from the previous message. Your perspective is not just a matter of personal choice and a curious conversation piece to share with others.
Your perspective determines the primary use of free will.
The nonstop multiple methods being used to shape your perspective from before the day you were born is not because the status quo wants you to be educated. No way. Just as Michael Jackson said, they don't really care about us. They don't care about your mind or your behind. They want your free will. Once they get your free will, you will use your genetic potential to transfer that power over to the status quo.

Cowards get their power by weakening others. The brave get theirs by strengthening others. This is courage. It is not courageous to start wars and then send children to fight them.

The leaders of each country should be on the front line the way it was in the olden days.

Everyday all day in all societies, people are willingly using their free will to get things that benefit the cowards 100 times more and allows the cowards to rule over those who willingly use their free will to help the cowards in the first place.

This made me think of double spies, then traitors, then who is a traitor, then what is a traitor?
I am certain the only thing worse than an enemy is a traitor.

Before we entered the human dimension, we were spirit-soul. So the only thing we can betray is spirit-soul.
So now I understand why women betray women, Africans betray Africans, religions betray religions, Europeans betray Europeans, Family betrays family, and so on.
No suboptimal identifier is a sufficient identifier that connects us to the truth of who we are in such a way that causes us to honor and respect that truth in others.
That's what is taking place when we are enemies or traitors, because we are operating against spirit-soul, which is the same spirit-soul that we are The only thing worse than being an enemy in the second degree is to be a traitor in the first degree to self.

Even so, I'm in eager anticipation of more traitors appearing. Those who betray sick logic and re-pledge their allegiance to healthy logic. Those who betray genderism, racism, religiosity. Police who betray Code Blue or whatever they call it. I'm looking forward to more whistle blowers and those who tell on and correct the wrongs of wrongdoers. In American society, this goes all the way back to lying George and lying Cristobal Colon who didn't even know what ocean he was in.

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