If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, August 13, 2018

For The Love of God & Culture
Third Creation – Order Of Creation
Unity Consciousness #1435


(Part 9lr of 11)

Racism is mental illness. Evil discrimination of any type is mental illness. Infringing on the rights of creation is mental illness. Defending a flag over defending humane rights, is mental illness.

Racism is racism, no matter how racism is disguised, no matter how it's denied, no matter how focus on it is deflected, no matter how racism is accepted, no matter how racism is protested.

When a person refuses to stand for a flag and a song, they are standing up against the culture, nation and notion of what supports wrongs. It is the same basic logic when people kick back against the culture in other ways such as:
1. dropping out of school
2. refusing vaccinations
3. home schooling
4. not celebrating national holidays
5. living off the grid
6. breastfeeding, esp. in public

Anyone who objects to these seven things, clearly has an unhealthy understanding of the culture of control that obeisance to, works against being whole.

Current Culture Cults Are Dangerous

To have a culture is no big deal. Everything has a culture.
On the other hand, to have a civilized culture is something to be proud of.
Who currently lives in a civilized culture?
None of us.

A civilized culture ensures there is mental health from birth to death, throughout life as a lifelong, continuous process.
A civilized culture finds illness and fixes it quickly. On the other hand, mentally ill culture cults do the opposite until their primary reaction is an autoimmune response to humanity. Humanity hurts their feelings. Makes them mad. Makes them psycho-sociopaths. Extremely active aggressive mentally ill.

Tell me if that is not exactly what's happening in your society wherever you are in the world?

I'll say it again. It's not possible for a group of people to form a civilization if what they are manifesting is suboptimal use of their genetic potential. This is what happens when most people have a suboptimal knowledge of self. Who they are is based on a debased culture. The culture packages logic, sugarcoats it, and gets you hooked and then you're willing to pay anything to get more of that logic.

Each culture that is practicing evil discriminations, has some form of God that is called by a different name. Both the favored and disfavored talk about the same God, yet are having very different experiences for the love of God.

Every day we wake up and wash in culturized logic customized by the status quo to keep us moving to and fro, our only basis for knowing what to do and where to go. We deodorize in the logic, dress in the logic, eat the logic, communicate in the logic, think and behave in the logic. We have now become ghetto fabulous culture robots whose free will has been replaced by AI.

Here's another natural fact: societies full of people have accepted the idea that medicine that supposed to help and heal must come with side effects and that those side effects are worth the risk and are limited in scope and scale. The logic of the acceptance of side effects is mental illness that has deemed itself normal.

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