Every item in our bodies is in a specific location. Then some of it moves and is still in an updated specific location. Same is true for everything in your house.
How does a computer keep up with everything? What about a word processing program when you move letters and punctuation and formatting?
What keeps all those stars moving around from constantly colliding?
Order is ar + ter.DER is TUR as in nature and TER as in water and PER as in perimeter as in CIRcle as in SER. DER is everything. AR is the pARt of perimeter. PER as in PAR as in part as in parti as in partition. AR is part of the circle that is dual in nature. Order is everything in the circle divided into parts, yet still forming a circle, thus still in order.
Order is the part and the whole, the many and the one, both simultaneously existing functioning individually and collectively.
Since order is based on one functioning as two functioning as one, then order can be called co-order.The order of co-order is maintained through the use of coordinates. Order and coordinates prevent not knowing where something is. Circle City is huge. There must be order, therefore there must be co-order, a coordinate for everything.
No matter how many degrees of separation exist between two creations (coordinates), they are still connected through other coordinates. More perspective on order is in order.
Multiple Forms Of Coordinates
The Circle can be divided by straight, diagonal or curving lines. Any point on the Circle and in the Circle can be connected by any of these forms of lines. These connections exist simultaneously. Even “empty” space has coordinates. This means the entire Circle is mapped out by coordinates. The entire Circle is a bunch of points or dots or coordinates. So since everything is a coordinate and forms other coordinates, then for example, each human is a bunch of coordinates. If you drew the outline of your body using noting but dots and then filled in the outline with dots, that is what you look like on a map of coordinates.Connect The Dots & Dimensions
A coordinate, as used by the Supreme Circle Maker, is much more than just an indicator of location.A coordinate also indicates many other dimensions. A coordinate contains all configuration information, which is to say, all formulation information.
When our cells change from healthy to unhealthy, the coordinates change. The immune system is able to locate and repair things based on coordinates. This is why you can run but you can't hide. Imagine the dimensions of coordinates as the octaves of sound or a singer's voice. Each level of sound is a layer of voice and of logic that has a coordinate, a combination of information that allows each sound to be produced by the same person or same instrument. To summarize: a coordinate is an indication of transformation. Each transformation must be kept track of in relation to all other transformations (coordinates). The current status of all thing must be known. This is part of what Order is. Each coordinate is a part of the Self of the Supreme. Each “self” must be understood in relation to all else. So when we say know yourself, this is for humans to understand that, by doing so, we are doing what God is doing.
Degrees Of Separation
The only thing that separates coordinates are degrees of separation.When there is Zero, there is zero degrees of separation.
When there is One, there is one-half degree of separation.
When there are Two, there is one degree of separation.
By the time we get to humans, there are infinite degrees of separation between understanding self as Zero. Yet, because we contain the totality of the souls of life, we can access all coordinates because the souls of life are the transformers. Darkness is always connected to lightness. Smart is always connected to stupid. High noon is still connected to low noon, No matter how far apart one thing is from another, they are still connected. So whatever we are connected to, we are also connected to whatever is connected to what we are connected to. We are connected to what we want and need through what we already have and through the things we are already connected to. Through these coordinates, we can find our way, back to co-order and then to order. Connection to health is still a connection to what is unhealthy because health is the flipside of unhealthy.
Whichever way we think something is, healthy or unhealthy, we still need to compare it to its opposite in order to know which is which. We also need to compare them both to the Circle (the Cycle), to see how they fit. Then we'll really understand which is which. No matter how far you are from where you want to be, you are still connected to what it takes to get there, thus could get there through a series of coordinates (transformations). No matter how far you are from where you don't want to be, you are still connected to it, thus could get there through a series of coordinates (transformations).
Again Pointing Out The Coordination Of Tense and Sense
In UC#1430, we spoke of tense. In many messages we've spoken of Sem.Because everything is a coordinate that is formed by many coordinates that are connected to many coordinates, we are all the same (sem) just in a different tense of the Circle. We put these together to form sem-tense, which is “sentence.”
All sentences make sense in any tense because they are formed by coordinates. You make sense and so does everything else, because you are part of the sentence of the Circle, the word, the logic of the Circle Maker. You don't make sense when you don't know your location, your transformation and your condition in relation to self, in relation to all else in relation to the Circle of Order & Co-Order.
We Are Nowhere Near Finished. Disorder Is Required If Order Is To Exist
The need incentive can only be fulfilled through the upheaval of disorder. Order and disorder are co-orders. They are coordinates. Where there is one, so also is the other, in another dimension, just waiting for the right set of conditions.Disorder is a loss of self-perspective that occurs when there's an imbalance of free will and understanding guiding the use of genetic potential. As a result, there is a lack of co-operation between coordinates, thus, through our motions, setting in motion the right set of conditions for disorder to emerge out of the background and into the foreground. Disorder increases as the vantage point is lost. In other words, disorder increases as advantage or disadvantage increase. Thus disorder exists for both the advantaged and disadvantaged. Do not be deceived by fake happiness. From the start, the racist collective has been disordered, disarrayed, disorganized, unhealthy and unhappy. This is proven by the support and pursuits of things that are equated to happiness. And if the sick follow the sick, they shall both end up in the Chaos abyss. The conditions exist right now for full blown movie-type chaos and panic if just one more superhuman condition changes. Disorder occurs when self-esteem becomes one-sided. For instance, when we think we are male only due to our genitals. Thus our whole behavior is slanted to one-sided gender based logic.
Disorder occurs when we think one truth has always been in season and will always be and the other truth has never been in season and will never be. This causes behavior that doesn't calculate the cost of what happens when seasons change and the inevitable inundation occurs.
Disorder occurs when the whole Circle Cycle is not understood; therefore the half-cycle (the half-truth) cannot in no ways be understood in a healthy harmonic humane way. This explains whether or not there is order or disorder in your society. When unbalanced self-esteem exists, unbalanced relationships can only exist. To be unbalanced is to be uncoordinated. The coordinates being used in life are from the same side of the truth. Male logic coordinated with male logic. Religion with government. Miseducated females with miseducated males. And so on. “Make up your minds that you will rise to the knowledge of your soul. Because of your ignorance you cannot decide between good and evil, you don't know whether you're doing right or wrong. With a greater knowledge of life you're able to appreciate all things around you.” - Marcus Garvey, the ever-coming one in the whirlwind was born August 17, 1887 and 111 years later, almost to the day, he was reborn on 08121998 which add up to 38 then 11 then 2. Thus the spirit-soul in Garvey has moved from 4 to 2 in heading back in the direction of order. That spirit-soul just turned 2 again, not as the rebirth of the child but as the rebirth of the Parent, the pubescent of thinking and behavior. Thus 2x2 or 2+2 is 4. 42 is the number of justices in the Hall of Justice of Maat and the number of Admonitions that must be made to Maat.