If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Thursday, August 23, 2018

What Is Socialism? Simple Expanded Definition
Third Creation – Order Of Creation
Unity Consciousness #1439


(Part 9lv of 11)

Because we are in the twinlight twilight zone, all that has been going on for so long is now in question and in flux because we are transitioning from one truth to the other truth. Part of the process is the questioning of democracy and capitalism. More and more people are waking up to the inappropriateness of their society's ideologies. As a result, those who have enjoyed ill-gotten gains from those ideologies, are again out front trying to keep your logic like static cling to the status quo. One part of the process is to get you to support the justification of democracy and capitalism as being better than socialism, by confusing you about what socialism is.

We have addressed socialism, social and society on numerous occasions, so now we summarize many messages.

Current Societal Definition Of Socialism: free education and healthcare and a few other things free.

As usual, this is trickery. Socialism does not mean free. Socialism is a universal standard that existed before humans. Socialism means everything needed “to be,” is available when paid for with responsibility. If responsibility is not paid, then interest and fees accrue and will be collected by the universal po-po. Socialism seeks to avoid and minimize unnecessary imbalances that cause stagnations of progress. Democracy-capitalism, as currently muddily defined and practiced, seeks to maximize imbalance.

Furthermore, socialism is not limited to an economic system. Not only is that “cart before the horse thinking,” it's worse. It's actually the kind of flawed logic that also puts “the parts in the cart before the cart and before the horse and pretending the cart and the horse don't have anything to do with moving the goods and services around.”
To characterize socialism as an economic system is a fundamental flaw because the context is incorrect because the context does not start from a whole perspective.

Fuller Condensed Definition: socialism is a way of thinking and behaving in a social way.
Social thinking and behavior is full circle thinking and behavior that encompasses the two truths regardless of which truth is currently manifesting on top. Socialism takes into account all aspects of life.
The “equal” part of socialism is that everyone and everything is given equal consideration according to need. Socialism is a communal collective mindset.

As usual, there are many misconceptions and misrepresentations of socialism. Most countries that are said to be practicing socialism or are said to have tried socialism, were not examples of socialism. What they have and what they had are bits and pieces without the comprehensive context to make it all fit.
Furthermore, those countries that ever move foundationally towards socialism, are quickly undermined by democracy and capitalism.
Therefore, it is lazy logic to say socialism is a failure based on information obtained through the fecal smattered lens of democracy and capitalism via their institutional mouthpieces. Two of the chief mouthpieces are the anti-socialism education system and media, which do everything they can to keep your logic imbalanced.
In order to find socialism in pure practice, we can look at the world of creation uninhabited and uninhibited by us humans. It's called the ecosystem.
Secondly we can also find much closer examples of socialism in practice in human places considered primitive and undeveloped.

If you want to see socialism in practice, stick around as power shifts in all societies. More people and more creations are getting what they need based on basic needs as the organizer of priority. Included in this is much needed punishment.* The saying is true, “no justice, no peace.” Peace is coming because the principle of peace is coming.
As a result, justice is coming because everything is shifting, realigning and trading places as natural law asserts itself out front. The human reign of free will error terror is being rebalanced. The human use of free will to decide whether or not to practice socialism has had its day in the Sun. Socialism is no longer optional. The Greater Will is at work that no man or woman can curse or subvert. Socialism is being commanded among humans if humans are to survive this transition.

Under no circumstances does a social system approach what socialism is if that social system does not respect the Rights Of Creation in conjunction with the context of self and all else.
The Soviet Union, Cuba and North Korea are not examples of socialism. These and all current societies are closer to monarchies. See strip search.

It is accurate to say, socialism is reverse racism. Racism is a global system where one group as a collective uses all of the societies institutions to infringe upon the rights of another group as a collective. Socialism is the reverse of this logic, yet socialism is much more than humanity. Socialism is superhumanity that shows much respect for all creations in all dimensions because socialism logic understands humans are only able to do what we do because all other creations are doing what they do, hidden and revealed.
Mentally healthy humans do all they can to ensure all other creations are able to live optimally so humans can also. All of this kind of thinking and behaving is part of the beingness of socialism and being a socialist.

By the way, there will never be social security for any human without optimizing socialism.

Ancestor John Henrik Clarke said, "Africans did not go around saying I am my brother's keeper, they just kept him. Africans did not have a word such as socialism, they just lived socially. There was no word for civilization, they just lived civilly. There were no jails, orphanages, old folks homes or abandoned widows and widowers. There was no such thing as spirituality, they just maintained an integrated spiritual awareness throughout all aspects of life and daily living."

*Self-correction of the Supreme Being

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