If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Genetics & Soul Do Not Come Directly From Heaven Above
Third Creation – Order Of Creation
Unity Consciousness #1444


(Part 9ma of 11)

After the first recipe for the creation of a species is brought forth out of the waters of Nun and into a new dimension, it is unlikely subsequent births of that same species come directly from the waters of Nun in heaven above.

a. Physical Genetics: We know the physical matter of babies does not come directly from the physical matter in the waters of Nun in heaven above. We know our physical matter comes from Earth. Egg and sperm are formed from the same physical matter of Earth, then their genetic instructions take additional physical matter from the mother and assembles it into our bodies Same is same for different creations on Earth.

b. Mental-Emotional Genetics: We also know rNA and drNA are where memory is stored; therefore, when genetics are transferred from parents into a child, the child also gets the memory of their ancestors, thus their knowledge and emotions (epigenetics). The initial base knowledge, talents, gifts, abilities in a child does not come directly from God, but rather through all generations of the species.

c. Spiritual Genetics: All souls are formed from the same elemental souls of life. Copies of these souls were transferred to and reborn in Earth. Earth is a mother and womb that contains the seeds of the souls of life. Once a species has been instructed to evolve, all others of the same species are generations of the first. For humans, each person is the regeneration of their parents who contain all previous generations, and so does the child. When egg and sperm come together, the genetics of the child is compiled from various generations, not just those of the most recent parents. This process of assembling the soul of the child takes place in the waters of Nun of the mother's womb, which is a form of heaven and pool of two truths. Our souls are formulated in the heaven of our mother's womb. However, through the spirit web, it is possible for the mother's womb to receive programming and activation downloads from Earth, Heaven above and Heaven below. This would allow all processes to be coordinated in the universe in order to know what formulation of soul of each specie is needed to fulfill the need incentive.

d. What genetics actually manifest strongest depends on nutrition nurturing. A child is not 100 percent of what the birth parents manifest. A child is a combination and variation of all ancestors. The child is not a majority representation of the two most recent parents.

This must be properly understood. Each person can change what part of their genetics manifests by changing their nutrition to toxin ratio. This is true for the unborn, newborn, children, adults and for any creation in existence or preexistence.

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