If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Correcting The Most Harmful Misrepresentation Of Amenta
Third Creation – Order Of Creation
Unity Consciousness #1440


(Part 9lw of 11)

Some of the names of Amenta: Underworld, Netherworld, Outer Space, Lower Earth, Earth of Eternity, Hades, Hell, Sheol, Akar, Abyss, Tuat, Duat, Earth of Sut (The Soul of Life In Darkness). (AE1 12/22, 360/370, 364-5/374-5, 396/406, 392/402), (AE2 741/205, 772/236)
Despite all these names, Amenta is still a form of Heaven where souls are reborn resurrected or dissolved in the Pool of Pant (Lake of Fire).

Amenta is first, foremost, primarily and fundamentally based on superhuman souls, not human souls.
Human religions have taken writings about Amenta and disfigured those stories to apply to humans only. As a result, the stories had to be adjusted to put illusion on top while presenting that illusion as human history.

Current religions do not present reality unless the reader can reconstruct that reality by being more fully aware of the source of the teachings in their religion and the natural world sign language context of those teachings that makes those teachings apply to the superhuman first and then the human last. The absence of this understanding causes mental illness thinking and behavior via religion logic.

We'll say it again, religions have taken stories about Amenta and the elemental souls of life, and turned those teachings into human history and into actual humans and into actual events that took place on this Earth. The events did take place but they took place in the Earth beneath this Earth (Amenta). The characters in the stories are the elemental souls of life that represent different forms of the two truths. Metaphors were used to tell the story in human form. When the unlearned unscrupulous came along, these unholy people manipulated the two truths until they made it seem like one truth in one form is all there was, is and ever will be. Plus religious officials have made it seem like the universal word of God that applies to all creations, is primarily a human truth. Also we have been misled to think God primarily looks like a human. If this is true then at some point, God must have been Neanderthal. These are just some of the misrepresentations but they are enough to cause religion logic to be significantly seductive to the human species and equally sickening.

Nile Valley humans put all they knew into their writings about Amenta. In doing so, they duplicated what they knew about the overworld and put it into the underworld. (AE1 420/430)

The transition into death of the human soul, first applies to the transition into death of the elemental soul of life in the elements. For instance, death and resurrection is shown via the death of the soul of life in darkness as it transitions and gives way to the birth of the soul of life in lightness. One of the things this is designed to teach is the fundamental science of how night changes to day. We are also taught about heaven above via heaven below. The Initiate of Learning continues the analogy to the within of self and to everything else taking place on Earth.

All of this transition and transformation through dimensions requires process. Souls of life and the two truths take turns looking like, thinking like and acting like each other. For instance, both good and evil take the form of lightness and darkness. Different names and/or different locations and/or different times should confuse us less and less because we are becoming more “hip” that the situation must be understood in relation to as many coordinates as possible.

References: AE1; AE2

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