If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Friday, August 10, 2018

National Anthem Norm Of Mental Illness In America
Third Creation – Order Of Creation
Unity Consciousness #1434


(Part 9lq of 11)

Only those smoking oodles of opioid okie doke logic don't know America and all their wannabes are mentally ill to the core of their culture.

We've just reviewed “What is your perspective?” and now we apply it.
Since their inception, all societies in existence today, have been mentally ill. They all have gotten worse. There ain't one that has improved conditions for the masses. They've only inched along here and there when they've been pushed along. And then they always find ways to take back more than what was given. Always.

We've just reminded ourselves that if your perspective is based mainly on human perspective, you will go wrong. We will use Troy Aikman as an example because his logic represents the norm in America and worldwide. Troy says everyone has an opinion and is entitled to one. His logic leaves out the part that everyone's opinion must be compared to main context for the culture. Also the human culture must be balanced against the superhuman culture.

We now put the Aikman-like mentally ill logic to the test.
If everyone's way of protesting the national anthem is okay and acceptable in response to racism (softened and now called social injustice), then let's see how that works.
Let's say females are systematically raped and so everyone's opinion about that is okay. It's okay to say, I don't see what the problem is. Let's talk about it. Let's blah blah blah. Why don't those women stand up for the national anthem, they are unpatriotic and creating division in this god blessed country. You get my point.
When you only use human logic, you're in trouble. When is all the chatter going to be about, let fix the problem and stop all the raping of females and repair all the wrongs and make sure it never happens again, and punish the wrongdoers, and last of all, apologize. And not ask for forgiveness because that's the victims choice and not ours to get as a right for doing what's right after doing what's wrong.

If it's okay for everyone's opinion on rape to be acceptable, then what does that say about the core context of the culture? It says the culture is inhumane because it entertains logic that is goes against efforts to restore humanity, even if it means kneeling for a piece of cloth with colors and images on it while some music and words are playing. How can this bring constant national uproar when the 24/7 racism discriminations does not? You mean to tell me a lifeless flag is worth more than a human? Yes, when the culture of the society and the intent of the people is based on mental illness that fosters a toxic self-esteem based on illusion of who they are.

If humans treated dogs any kind of way for hundreds of years and then dogs refused to obey humans anymore and ran away and no longer allowed themselves to be pets, we'd surely understand their behavior and we'd surely understand that what we are doing is wrong and we need to fix it rather than being mad at the dogs and blaming them.

If dogs chose to get better treatment by chasing humans every time they saw us, we'd understand dogs are doing what they need to, to upset the rotten apple cart of the culture so those ruthless humans can stop walking around like everything is normal and saying, why don't those dogs act like cats?

Dak Prescott is a baby. He's young and unlearned, trying to get paid and not make waves and upset the white folks no matter what it costs, even if it requires justifying the new definition of slave. He's just doing what most of us have done, which is try to validate ourselves based on suboptimal identifiers. This causes our “being an employee” of another human to trump human beingness in the name of being a good employee who knows and follows the company law.
Troy Aikman is an idiot verified by Fox. Mentally ill logic anyway you look at it when you don't include the greater humanity which can only come through understandings of superhumanity, the entirety of how nature functions. Meanwhile let's punish all women who protest the raping of women in a way that makes it publicly obvious as a reminder of how mentally ill we are. Let's make sure those women never work again in this country and let's say it's because they are not qualified and troublemakers and not good teammates and the citizen fans don't like it and let's get all the racists together and make rules and laws and find a way to punish those women if they defy us and keep crying about being raped. And let's point out all the obedient good citizen women who don't mind being raped or don't mind other women being raped. Let's use them as an example of how women should behave. God Bless America.

By The Way, what Troy Aikman did was give Dak Prescott a good ole meritorious manumission attaboy! Now get back to entertaining us while the women cook, clean and be satisfied with whatever we choose to give them also. If not, both you women and you black NFL players will be worse off than the dogs and you know we'll see to that.

And then there's Ice Cube who makes the classic logical error of “to each his own” when he says “do what you feel.”

Top Line, Mid Line and Bottom Line: Jerry Jones, Troy Aikman, Dak Prescott, Ice Cube, Donald Trump and all the rest are just humans, no more no less. They do not add up to the world of logic and neither does all of America and neither does all societies.
If you really want to know what the majority thinks and what the majority cares about and what the majority is going to ensure happens, you must turn to the majority (superhuman logic that is re-imposing its will).
Furthermore, human media is not the main disseminator of information, human education systems are not the main teachers and human cultures are not the main determiners of wealth, worth and value. Humans don't have the first word or final word. Humans are an intermediate step in the evolution of the Creator and now that the Physician, the Great Tactician, knows thyself, Physician is healing thyself by reconfiguring logic, thus genetic potential, thus power.

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