If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Easter | Origin, Definition, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #1575


(Part 9pa of 11)

See UC#1574 Hes, Hesi, Hest, Hester, Hathor, Esther, Isis

See also UC#1407 Second Creation – Defining Four Resurrections & More

And UC#1146 Cycles Of The Truth Fits

it matters not forever the straight or crooked ways we take
or how right or wrong the stories told
the new age takes the case, adjusts the scroll
when the cycle is nearing six months old
by changing the context of what comes next
and the calibration of vibrations
causing spirits to answer to twin souls
helping us remember or forget what we already know
then thinking and behavior follows

What we already know:
1. Per UC#980, the word “Easter” is a form of “aster” which is a form of “star.”

2. Per UC#1572, Easter is a festival that takes place after Spring's Vernal Equinox in celebration of the resurrection of the Sheru Shiloh. Easter is an annual celebration and also an annual Great Year celebration because it also coincides with the reaffirmation of the ruler of the Age and also shows us the resurrection of the new Sheru Shiloh when the star aligned with the Vernal Equinox changes, thus signaling a new Equinoctial Age, which this time is changing from the 2,160 year reign of Pisces to the 2,160 year reign of Aquaria.


The word Easter is derived from meanings associated with “Hes.” We can easily see this in the first line of this message.. Easter means “the division of Hest.” The division of the circle, the cycle, the spirit, the waters, the power.
Division is “ER,” thus Hest + er is Hester which later becomes Easter.
Small Sample of Variations of Hest, thus all are related to and the same as Easter: Hes-Neft, Pasch, Noe-Eseye, Isis-Nephthys, Mary-Martha, Merti-Mertae, Taurt, Hes-ta-urt, Hes-tareth, Astarte, Ashtareth, Ishtar, Asterodia, Ishtar, and Eostre, Typhon, Ked, Keridwen, As, Aset, Auset, Asset, Shetar, Hesther, Esther, Seses, Hesus, Hathor, Hesi, Hesit, Nut, Mehurit, Menat, HSA,... (NG1 370/388, 539-40/557-8), (AE1 300/310, 312/322), (AE2 850/314).
Hest and Pasht were goddesses of the moon and sun. (BB 276-7/288-9)
Although all these words indicate the female parent, inherent in the Parent is both sexes and inherent in the Parent is the child of both sexes. What we know about Hes and the earlier “Khes” tells us this.

The circle is the TER. The division is the ER. Another name for the division is AN. A basic division of the circle is four quarters. ER and AN represent each of these divisions. Each of these divisions of the four quarters and four corners, is a celestial birthplace of Ra, the holy spirit, the composite soul of life of all elementals. ER and AN are the division, the seat, the birthplace of the two truths, Maat, baptism, Pool of Two Truths. All of this is part of the throne of Hest, Pasht and Easter. It is also part of each of the four quarters, thus part of each season, equinox and solstice. Although we speak of the TER (circle) as a division based on four, the division can be any number of divisions. (BB 97/109)

In keeping with the four quarters and four corners of the cross, four times a year, there is a festival that we celebrate that honors:
1. June Summer Solstice - Crucifixion of Anup, the soul of life in darkness as polestar. Rebirth of Anup as Sut. This crucifixion is also called the Wounding of Sut.

2. September Autumn Equinox - Resurrection of Sut as Pubescent out of the heaven of eternity above and into the heaven of time below. This festival is also called All Souls or Micha-el-mas or Michaelmas. This is also the death of the old age Sun as the soul of life in lightness. The sun is buried in the womb tomb of Amenta Below as Osiris. (NG1 415/433)

3. December Winter Solstice - Crucifixion of Horus, the soul of life in lightness as sunstar. Rebirth of Osiris as Horus. Christmas festival is the rebirth of Osiris or Horus in the Moon. At this time there is also a Uaka or Nile Festival which became the modern day New Year's celebration where much wine-bibbing takes place. Uaka is also celebrated in July in Egypt. There is a six to seven month's difference between the time of celebration of festivals in the Upper Mestrean birthplace at the equator in the middle of the tropics, as compared to the timing of festivals in Lower Mestrea in Egypt below the cataracts outside of the tropical zone. (AE2 740/204, 743/207)

4. March Spring, Vernal Equinox - Resurrection of Horus as Pubescent out of the earth of eternity below and into the heaven of time above the galactic horizon. This festival is also called Easter or Pasch or Pasht and other names. This is also the death of the old age Polestar as the soul of life in darkness. The polestar is buried in the womb tomb of Amenta Above as Anup.

Easter celebrates the resurrection of spirit-soul as evidenced by the order and alignment of celestial bodies, mainly sun, moon and the star of the Equinoctial Age, with the celestial equator of the galaxy. Aquaria's signalling star is Sadalsuud (Beta Aquarii). The holy spirit as the ever-coming one, combined with the ever living one is both child and parent. Each solstice and equinox is a rebirth resurrection of the holy spirit. (NG1 447-8/445-6), (NG2 357/365, 414/422), (AE2 738-9/202-3, 740-2/204-6))
It is deeply suboptimal to represent Easter as being about a single Jesus, the son, who was born and lived in human form in Asia and was white as snow. This does not allow for harmonious logic or healthy functioning within self or with all else. It even causes continuous treacherous conflict within its teeny matrix among adherents to this logic.
Easter is a celebration of the resurrection of the sun of spring, thus rebirth of life, thus of the elementals, thus of spirit. At the same time, Easter is a celebration of the transforming power of the first twin, father and mother, that brings forth the annual rising sun. Each year, the sun turns the corner, crosses the line and makes the passover from below the celestial equator to above the celestial equator. (NG2 488/496)
At the same time, Easter is a reconfirmation of the Equinoctial Age.

It was not until 755 of the Common Era that Easter was Christianized and the date of observance of the festival was divorced from the full moon, but remained somewhat tied to the Vernal Equinox. Prior to 755 CE, the Easter Festival was observed on the fourteenth or fifteenth day of the moon of March by the Kamites in the Nile Valley, the Druids in Britain and other Britons. (NG2 447/455)

Easter Egg

The egg is a symbol of the year. Eggs are broken at Easter to symbolize the opening of the year. (NG2 11/19, 275/283)
Sun, moon and earth are eggs. Each represents a circle of time that also makes a continuous circuit. (NG1 333-4/351-2)

Easter Bunny

The hare is a symbol of the Parent of both sexes, but with the feminine revealed out front. The Virgin Mother is the Hare. (NG1 48/66)
See UC#1374 Rabbi Remerging With The Rabbit Whole
See UC#1048 Reckoning Waters Of Nun & Nnu | Definition Meanings

Hot Cross Buns

Earth is a cake of mes. The cross is the four quarters. (UC#1424, UC#1031, UC#1139).
Land was also caked by the Nile inundation. (AE2 583/47)
The hot cross-bun of Easter is a cake-symbol of the circle, cross and equinoctial boundary, orbit, and circumference, (BB 121/133), (NG1 426/444)

Pasht, Great Mother Goddess Of Easter

The name of the cat-headed goddess is PASH, and Pekh. She gives names to our “ PASCH,” Pasag, or Easter festival. PASHT was the Great Mother, the cat said to have nine lives, the cat of the witches. (BB 163/175, 298/310, 468/480)
Be certain to remember, that though we speak of a goddess or god in one form or current form, all earlier forms are still inherent in that deity hidden, functioning in the background, such as the form of the Great Mother as The Beast, the hippopotamus. (BB 164-5/176-7)
There is a Mother of the Waters, Mother Earth, Mother of Heaven (for instance, Southern Fish, Ketos, Aquarius, Pisces and more)

By the way, we know Great Mother Aquaria is rising based on the recent resurgence of the saying, “She's a beast or He's a beast” in relation to someone who is overwhelmingly powerful or good or dominating at something, usually sports-related. Clues are everywhere.

Both sun and moon were the father and mother of Horus. The Sun in Amenta as Osiris, combines with Mother Moon who gives birth in Amenta and the child grows into pubescence which allows it to rise above the galactic horizon and darkness at Easter Equinox. (NG1 451/469)

Easter Ham

God Khunsu represents the ever-coming one, the Messiah during the Age of Pisces. He is shown standing in the disk of the full moon of the Vernal equinox holding a pig in his hand. The pig, boar, hog represents Parent and Child, female and male. The pig, like the hare, represents beauty, reproduction and plenty, which is the promise of the abundant producing power of spring. The pig symbol also ties in the birthplace at the solstices. (NG2 399/407)

Easter Fish

The fish has been discussed at length as a symbol of both Parent and Child. Current day Christians view the fish mainly in terms of Ichthus Jesus, which is thinly accurate. The fish as a sign of plenty from the waters is a sign of the Age of Pisces and of the Nile Valley inundation and of the child of the waters. Because life came first out of the waters of Nun and then from dry land called Earth, both the fish and the water pig and land pig are symbols of Easter. (AE2 734/198)

References: BB; NG1; NG2; AE1; AE2