If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Branches, Transplants, Ashes & Embers
Unity Consciousness #1581


(Part 9pg of 11)

Grandparent tells a very short version of a very long story....
Take a seed and grow it into a longstanding fruitful tree. Then take one of its strong branches and rip it from the tree. Not cut it. Rip it! We all know how that looks when you grab a strong branch and pull on it and bend it and do whatever it takes to weaken it until you are able to tear that branch away from the tree. You also always rip away some of the bark from the mainstem meristem trunk. We all oughta know how it feels. If we don't remember, we will.

Then you take a seedling from the tree, full grown, but young. That seedling transplants itself away from the grandparent with blessings. And this process continues countless times until most of the memories of the first grandparent have been diluted, convoluted and polluted.

Then you take the branch and the generations removed transplant and re-member them.
Rejoin the recently ripped away branch and the not as recent transplant.
By default of the desire for beingness, the new branch-tree tries to reestablish itself into fullness. However it tries to plant itself in concrete. That's exactly what happens when that which is strong by virtue of primary nature, tries to regain its strength following the ways of that which is weak by secondary nature, it will not prosper.

And Of Course, The Soil

Just remember, it's ashes and embers that fertilize new growth.
Understand the essence of what has been ripped away, damaged and destroyed.
Learn to re-cognize the ashes and embers that have been torn, tattered, scorned and scattered, by we, the original children of the corn.
We all know what happens when you grab a strong branch that's connected and by any means necessary, do whatever it takes to weaken it until the branch is disconnected. We all know how it feels. Which is why we seek re-connection via our ancestral roots. (All forms of power require multiple connections.)
Re-root yourself, plant yourself in this soil of knowledge, stuff you most likely are afraid of, ashamed of, and if so, most definitely ignorant of. Which is curable, thus a temporary condition, no matter how long in existence.
In the branch, transplant, ashes and embers are the warriors, which are the carriers, the karriers, the kharriers, the Kha-re-ars, the ngatas.
This includes the ngas, the ings.
And this is why we sang and sing.
It is attempts at reordering, defragmenting and reactivating asilis of ndisi.

Absorb the movie, “Ashes and Embers” by Haile Gerima.

It will help nourish and re-germinate the karast in you, for the second coming of you. This will then align with the I am coming out as evidenced by the coming of the new ages.