If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, May 27, 2019

What Is Bathsheba's/Bathshua's Lineage? Pick One.
Unity Consciousness #1600


(Part 9pz of 11)

1. Married to Uriah, a Hittite; therefore, Bathsheba is possibly Hittite.

2. Daughter of Ammiel of Lodebar. Lodebar is in Gilead on the east side of the Jordan River Therefore, Bathsheba is possibly a Gileadite.

3. Gilead is the lineage of Joseph and Asenath, daughter of an Egyptian priest, therefore, if Bathsheba is Gileadite, she has Egyptian blood.

4. Gilead was formerly possessed by Amorites who are Canaanites. These Amorites were brothers to the Hittites who were Canaanites; therefore, Bathsheba is possibly an Amorite Hittite Canaaanite.

5. If Bathsheba is of the tribe of Gad, then Gad is of Jacob Israel (& Zilpah ). Zilpah was the concubine and slave-girl handmaiden of Leah. For now we can say Zilpah was at least not of the lineage of Isaac & Rebekah. So whatever Zilpah was, she was not in the favored group; therefore, Bathsheba is possibly a member of a disfavored group. This indicates Ham, more than Japheth since Ham was certainly said to be cursed to serve the others.

6. If Bathsheba is of the tribe of Reuben, then Reuben is of Jacob Israel & Leah. Same as Judah; therefore, Bathsheba is possibly whatever Jacob Israel & Leah are, which we've proven to be Chaldean.

7. No matter which one of the above is chosen, Bathsheba is of the lineage of Ham/Kham/Khem/Kem. This is the mother of King Solomon, Prince of Peace, a black Hebrew Jew Israelite Egyptian Kushite Ethiopian Indian African as the wisest man to ever live, according to Judaism-Christianity.

8. Curiously enough, there is a Bat-Shua who is the mother of Judah's first three son's, Er, Onan and Shelah. Bat-Shua/Bathshua is a Canaanite which is the same as a Hittite. Shelah is likely the important connection which leads to Shiloh and Salah (CJB: 1 Chronicles 2:3).

9. Further investigation into Er of Judah & Bat-Shua reveals, by Judah taking Tamar, the wife of Er, Judah takes the son's place and also takes the mother's place inherent in Er. Thus Judah as father becomes one who produces the ruling seed through Tamar/Thamar. (Genesis 38:2)

10. Bat-Shua means daughter of Shua. (Genesis 38:12)

11. Lineage of Bathsheba: (Bathsheba, Bathshua, Batshuah, Bat-Shua, Bat-Shuah, Sheba,) of Ammiel/Eliam, a warrior-hero and son of Ahithophel, a Gilonite Canaanite from Giloh in the land of Judah. Ahithophel was counselor to King David (2 Samuel 16:23; 23:24), (1 Chronicles 27:34), (Joshua 15:51)

12. Thus I must now conclude that all forms of Bathsheba are a form of the Queen of Sheba of whom Solomon had relations with. Thus so did Judah and David in the lineages of their sons. This times their descendants to the Queen of Ethiopia from which rulership comes and Shiloh comes through their son. This is why, as discussed elsewhere the name Jesus is a form of Yeshua, Jeshua, Jeshuah, Joshua, Jehoshua and Jehoshaphat (Jehoshua +ptah) and other variations.

Additional Notes:
Gilead of Machir of Manasseh of Joseph (& Asenath, daughter of Potipherah, priest of On) (1 Kings 17, Numbers 26, Genesis 41)

The area known as Gilead was given to (Manasseh of Joseph) and/or (Gad and Reuben) or all three. (Numbers 32, Deuteronomy 3, Joshua 22)

The Reunion Of Bathsheba & David

Renews the union of the three tribes of Noah/Noe/Nun: Japheth, Ham & Shem.

Bathsheba of Ham and David of Shem.
Japheth had already been renewed to Shem and likely to Ham via interaction with the people of the sea and of the isles.
For instance, it is certain the Israelites of Shem mixed with at least the people of Tyre who were of Japheth.
For the most part, Tyre and Israel (Judah included) had a good working relationship during the reigns of David and Solomon and also a loving relationship during the reign of David.
Togormah and Ashchenaz were also, at times, in good relations with this group of kingdoms.
Lastly we learn more through Ezekiel in Chapter 27 as he speaks to the kingdom of Tyrus/Tyre: “Javan, Tubal, and Meshech, they were thy merchants: they traded the persons of men and vessels of brass in thy market.”

If this is not a natural fact as a human occurrence, the story was told to make it seem that way, even if it the reunion of the three truths was made possible by fabricating lineages. This is so even though the meanings hidden in the lineages are unknown to most of us, spiritual powers still function through the interconnection of our genetics. I in you in me.

>hr/> The simple truth is summarized by King David in Psalms 87 when speaking of himself, he essentially says:
When it comes to Philistia/Palestina, Ethiopia, Tyre, Rahab and Babylon, the people will acknowledge he was born there, but when it comes to Zion, the people will acknowledge everyone was born there because God established Zion,
Therefore, even without Bathsheba, the union of Noah's seed exists in David.

And so it is with each of us.
We know this to be true because renewal begins with and extends from the celestial, and need not to have been renewed physically on earth in order for renewal to exist because it takes place first above, then below.

Renewal of truth does not depend on the earthly. Truth extends to the earthly. Truth does not begin with the human.

Bathsheba/Bathshua is the Great Mother Of The Waters coming out, and so are we.

Reminder To All Those Who Have Sex Without Marriage & Especially Those Who Have A Child Outside Of Marriage

There is no marriage in heaven.
As above, so below.
What rules above is the primary rule below.
So although there is no marriage of the type we think of, there is marriage of another type.
Heaven ordains spiritual marriage in heaven first before physical marriage on Earth.
Physical marriage above take place between the superhuman elementals and elements.
Bathsheba, as the story is recently told, is the great harlot, prostitute and concubine. Yet, through her seed, the story of the Savior, the Prince of Peace, is told.

The marriage that matters most takes place spiritually and is not limited to a physical marriage between a mother and father of a child. There is spiritual marriage between egg and sperm that transcends how two people feel about each other, it's a holy kiss.
There is spiritual marriage between mother and child plus between father and child. Marriage exists in more forms than the one form we think it is. Just as love is not limited to the romantic, so also then, neither is the absence of romantic love and.or a marriage certificate, an automatic love killer.
Therefore we should not allow the absence of one form of something to diminish how it exists in other forms.
We must stop interfering with the growth of self or anyone else, especially a child born out of wedlock. They are equal in all respects.
What is divine is not diminished by what we humans do. The divine is superhuman. It is in us, in our genetics. Humans can mess up some things for awhile, but not the main thing forever.

See, A Marriage License Does Not Legitimize A Relationship, UC#139

All creation has multiple jobs to do. It is not enough for us to just do what we are currently doing unless that's all we've been called to do and all we are capable of.