If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Twins Of Intention | Conscious & Subconscious Thoughts & Acts
Unity Consciousness #1588


(Part 9pn of 11)

This story of twins is not only repeated in the bibles of Judaism and Christianity, it was first told and is always being told in superhuman nature outside of self that is perhaps easier to notice than that which is inside self. Thus this story has been repeated in many variations in all cultures, some of the versions are more accurate to the superhuman than others.

Twins were born. They had the same parents, of course. Both children were 100% healthy. The twins were identical. The twins had identical genetic material and identical genetic potential.

The first twin was called Intentional. The second was called Unintentional.
Intentional was fed first. Unintentional was fed second, on whatever was left, if there were any leftovers. There was always just enough to survive, not thrive.
It doesn't take any critical thinking to understand the effects this will have on how genetic potential is able to express itself. We know that, even though all other things started out equally, that a single change in the set of conditions will start a chain reaction that will begin to cause separate outcomes. Not only was Intentional fed first physically, but also emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

Because the twins were born to stay together and work together, they each had to adjust to the new balance of how their genetic potential manifested. Neither could function without the other. If one of them ceased to exist, so would the other. They were born together, worked together and were required to move together. The two were essentially one, inseparable.

Now because cycles are circles, as the twins reached the one-quarter point and turned the corner at the bottom of the circle, the differences in nutrition began to be reduced. Intentional received less, while Unintentional received more. This continuously took place until the twins were once again in balance and their genetic potential was manifesting equally. Then, the cycle turned the corner at the halfway point, thus switched orientations. Unintentional was fed first in all ways that allowed the Unintentional aspects of self to be revived and thrive.
Throughout this entire process all the way around the circle, when one twin received more, the other twin resisted in accordance with the principle of pressure tension. However since the power of the entire cycle was greater than one twin, neither twin could prevent the changing dynamics of what was taking place. If one twin was somehow able to delay change, the pent up momentum would eventually be released such that the rate of change speed up, which would then balance time and space.

Once the first cycle was completed, the circle was permanently divided in half and the twins separated by one-half of a cycle. In this manner, each twin could manifest fully in one-half of the circle, but not outside of the parameters that kept the circle in balance by keeping the twins in dynamic balance.

All this is to say that Conscious and Subconscious, Intentional and Unintentional, thoughts and actions did not begin with humans. Thoughts and Actions began with the Supreme Being and were repeated in and through all creations. The entirety of the universe functions based on conscious (intentional,revealed, that which humans pay more attention to) and subconscious (unintentional, hidden, that which humans pay less attention to).

Fast Forward To End Of This Lesson To The Bonus Round

We now take an aside to express another understanding that coincides. We will mix in the context of current day Christianity. This is the same as mixing the old school with the new school of thought. This is the same as mixing the optimal with the suboptimal.

Since Jesus and the Devil are said to be opposites, they are twins.
They are both princes, kings and rulers of the kingdom. They both have legions of followers in heaven and on Earth.

Christianity tells us how Jesus was born in human form, and also how Jesus existed in the beginning. Thus, by default of natural fact and common sense and a zillion examples, then the Devil must also have existed in the beginning, since the Devil is the twin of Jesus. You don't give birth to one twin and then months or years later, give birth to the other twin. It happens at the same time.
Likewise then, if it is true that Jesus was born in human form in order to manifest things and bring salvation to this world, then, at the same time and in similar manner, the Devil must also have been born in human form in order to manifest things and bring damnation to this world. It doesn't take much thinking to realize then that Mary, the mother of Jesus, must have also been the mother of the Devil. Therefore, the Holy Spirit is also the Father of the Devil.

This we have already proven through many messages and most recently in our discussion of Judas Iscariot (Y'hudah From K'riot).
If we go along with the Judaism and Christian versions of the story, then we realize there's something very wrong and confusing and contradicting and incomplete in the retelling of ancient stories that explain superhuman occurrences.
It turns out that Jesus and his brother Judas are the twins. This Judas is also the same as Judas Iscariot. In order to straighten out this tangled web of truth and lies, several previous messages must be consulted. All this confusion illusion delusion was intentionally created to keep us subconsciously subjugated and separated from conscious awareness of reality.

Note: One of many possible lines of inquiry to begin the straightening out process would be to search “twin” and “twins” separately on this blog. A better way is to explore any topic that interests you. The optimal way is to acknowledge the spiritual aspect of life and existence and ask for guidance.

Twinship & Duality

Everything that exists is dual. Duality means twin. Twin means dual and duality. This means everything has a dual nature, a twin aspect, an equal and opposite manifestation, an equal and opposite function, an equal and opposite potential. This is true even when that duality exists with a single being or when that duality exists in multiple parts such as a trinity or triplets, and so on. This is why the Creator is the twin of the Destroyer. And this is why evil and good are twins, thus the devil and jesus.

If we associate evil with darkness with devil, then we've already discussed how darkness existed before light. Therefore, the devil was born first as the older twin because darkness existed before light.