If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Friday, May 17, 2019

Prose Poem | Couldn't Sleep & Wanted Some Company
Unity Consciousness #1587


(Part 9pm of 11)

I accompanied someone to the pharmacy where humans interact in an altered state of normalcy. While there, another black male proceeded to compare my image with another person of whom he was aware. He thought we looked like an identical twin pair and were one and the same. He thought I was the other black male and had another reason for being there. When he showed me the picture, I admit, our skin color was indeed from the same mixture. But that was about it. Now the reason I went into this store was to test the conspiracy theory of drugs for sale, that in some places, required less information to dispense, but in others required more. Some places kept up the pretense of due diligence, while others, so used to it, forgot about it, thus the pretense was ignored. And so since I, like you, am in the midst of a continuous journey, with any experience, there are always more understandings to explore.

So I turned around, came back and confronted this black male behind the counter and asked him how could he think I was the same person as the picture he had on his desk. He simply insisted we looked so much alike he thought we were the same person. Believe me, the comparison was not close. Even the white girl standing nearby said I and the other guy clearly didn't look alike. Frustrated, I finally told him he was ridiculous. As I walked away, I heard him say to his coworker that I was just another gigger. That's the word he used – not jigger, but gigger. Go figure.

I stopped and had a conscious to subconscious conversation. I asked myself what would jesus do, the answer to which I already knew.
So since this black male thought I looked like and was another black male, and since the black male on the other side of the counter was the same as me on this side of the counter, I challenged him on the spot, and talked to him as I would myself.
I was hyped due to the logic I disliked, yet had to deal with from someone who should be with me on the same side of the fight.
Due to something I ate keeping me awake, I couldn't sleep on this moment. I raised my voice and spoke louder. The crowd gathered as I spoke louder. I looked my self in the eye, me in street clothes and me wearing the white lab coat on the other side.

And I said...

Don't you know I, you and the man in picture, are perceived the same even though we don't look the same and go by different names and have different identifiers of self we claim. The world still considers us as one and the same. The world still perceives all black males as niggers. This is not debatable unless you like debating the natural fact mountains of evidence worldwide.
It doesn't matter whether you are a black male in America or in Africa or in Brazil or on an island or in France, the vast majority of humans in the world still perceives you the same. This is true, even though the vast majority of humans are non-white in color. This is also true even though the vast majority of those who are non-white in color, are African and dark brown in color. Go figure.
It doesn't matter, whether you are rich or poor, famous or not, employed or unemployed, in physical prison or walking around feeling free as an ostrich, the vast majority of humans still perceives all black males the same.
It doesn't matter whether they cheer for you or want your autograph and say and do all manner of things. When it comes down to it and when it comes to those things that matters most, the world still perceives and treats all black males the same. We don't need to wait for push to come to shove in order to find out. All we have to do is take a sober look at the way the world of humans express their love for you. It is not as a person or a human, it is as an asset, an entertainer and so on.

If you are an African male, it does not matter how you look or how you dress or how optimally you are displaying your potential or what name you go by or if you stand and pledge your allegiance in order to satisfy the fans, the fanatics, the world still perceives you all the same in an unfavorable way, because the world already knows you all contain the power to exhibit all the accumulations of ancient greatness, that you still display today in favorable ways. This the world knows based on umpteen examples of history, a number which, like infinity, is so enormous, it is uncountable, thus summarized by the word “black” or “blackness” or “nigger” or “primitive” or “animal” or “monkey” or “ape” or any number of words currently used to deride, but have an origin as old as the Ancient of Days.
Understand clearly that some collective profiling of black males has been earned, while some has not.

Also, now, understand this clearly. The word nigger has a different kind of power once we understand it in the proper utamawazo worldview context, thus earlier forms, spellings and meanings. As we begin to re-member, thus remember the origins of things, of places, of persons, then through the origin of words, we can understand the origin of worlds.
The way the word nigger is still currently used is as a psychotic drug that nourishes socio-psychopaths of the racist collective. Simultaneously, the word nigger, when spewed forth, still has the effect of a pain inducer on those whose being is not fortified by sufficient knowledge of self and all else.

Are you asleep?
Then wake up and talk to me.
Okay, what is it?

Reawakening The African Dream

Learn more about yourself and the world.

Too many of us are on medication when what we need is medicine.
It's the medication that causes our sedation, which then makes us more susceptible to being predation's prey, while crying woe is me all day long, yet following the predator's logic.
We take too many sleeping pills to help us rest after we've made a mess of free will.

Part One of the African Dream has already been shared in many messages.
Truth is about black males is that all African males are twins with each other and with African females.
When we understood less, we still at least understood the power of the conspiracy theory of working together.
This understanding has been expressed in hundreds of metaphors, such as “the stick and the bundle,” the Nguzo Saba” and “the finger and the fist.” Understanding of the conscious application of conspiracy theory must again be put into practice through the thinking and behavior of the African female and African male. Gender, due to its importance for reproduction, must be the only division among us, and that division must serve as the basis for recognizing and uniting the two parts that will help us become whole again. It makes sick sense to understand the importance of working together to bring forth children, yet once that feat is accomplished we act like we don't understand the importance of continuing to work together in all facets of life.

Wait! Are you going back to sleep? Wake up?
I heard something again?
What is it this time? What did it sound like?
Daybreak. Daybreak that looks like fire on the mountain. It comes to help those who are awake and take those who are asleep. It is medicine for a world of sick logic. The teacher is the preacher is the doctor is the avenger.

And the rising sunson, the one who preceded us in motion, seconded the motion and said, “I know you can hear me as clear as day. The dream I remembered in you while it was dark, that is the first part. Now rise with me and do the second part. Clothe yourself in the light of my logic, as I clothe Earth.”

So I'll say it again. African males and African females need to stop functioning as a conspiracy that makes us weak. We need to start functioning as a conspiracy to make ourselves strong. We need to start with our individual selves and then simultaneously extend that to others who are interested in helping us achieve optimal health in body, mind, emotions and spirit, thus, in being, thus in living, thus in this world and the next.
See many messages for clues as to what to do, especially 21 Behaviors To Counteract Human Racism.

Remember, what the first thing all organisms need when they awaken out of dormancy or sleep?

This takes me back all the way to December 2012 and Choosing To Fail Or Succeed.

What is the nutrition for Earth as an organism?
It comes from celestial bodies. This must be so. Earth is fed the same way your cells are fed.

The climate for Earth is changing because Earth is awakening into another phase of existence. While Earth was in a reduced mode of functioning, humans went plum crazy, viral so to speak, spiraled out of self-control. Now we've reached the space in time where and when more of the fullness of Earth's potential is coming forth at a faster pace. Too fast for the human status quo to overcome its propensity for stagnancy.

The conspiracy theory of the universe is providing nutrition directly to us and also indirectly through Earth. Since climate is changing, we have confirmation that many other things have changed, are changing and will change. Things which no man can put asunder, especially suboptimal man, whose weakness, masquerading as the greatest power, is magnified through societal institutions. Thus the societies have been prepared like lambs, fattened on foolishness, for the sacrifice that pays the price for avarice. (asunder: tear apart, separate, break the connection, keep from working together). Mark 10:9, Hebrews 4:12