If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Europe's White History Histrionics Continues In America
Unity Consciousness #1583


(Part 9pi of 11)

Hundreds of years ago, after a brief period of telling the truth about history, to the degree they knew it, Europeans began an all-out assault on transforming the truth by rewriting world history to fit the “European Superiority” narrative.
Only those in the deepest of sugar-flavored artificial food-colored sleeps, don't know this during the Internet Age.

Evidently, this is one of the things that applies to those who produce shows for the History Channel.

The History Channel has been mentioned from time to time specially. The History Channel is also included in any mention of miseducation and/or european colonization of information or any synonym or metaphor that means the same thing.

Watch any History Channel program, and over and over, you will notice the lies.

There's a show called “The Men Who Built America.” Now we already know they mean “White Men,” because under no circumstances will the White History Channel tell the whole unaltered truth about America's History.

The first of the White Men Who Built America shows I came across was talking about electricity and how it helped power and light the world, starting in America. Of course it was about the “great” Thomas Edison and lesser painted Nicolas Tesla and great J.P. Morgan and great George Westinghouse.
Of course there was no mention of Lewis Latimer.
Of course there is no understanding of earlier forms of wireless electricity in Africa.

You cannot properly understand the history of electricity without at least understanding electricity did not start in America.
This reiteration of electricity did start in America, but not the first human iteration of electricity.
Electricity is a natural fundamental pervasive occurrence, and the Africans in Africa were the first to understand it and convert naturally occurring electricity into different forms for human use. Even our limited understanding of how the pyramids were built, especially the Great Pyramid, casts light clues as to the presence and usage of electricity.

You cannot properly understand the history of electricity in America without understanding that, without a cost-effective version of the lightbulb, the adoption of electricity would have been limited and delayed. Thus the inseparable importance and mention of Lewis H. Latimer is necessary in regards to the importance of electricity.

Despite the White History Channel's major failings, it still manages to be useful for gaining a tiny bit of understanding about world history and a great deal of understanding about the many deleterious effects of thinking and behavior under the suboptimal worldview.

Why The Continued 24/7 Coast to Coast Lies?

A tiny bit of what has already been said elsewhere. Regather more understandings by studying more.
After several hundred years of physical imprisonment in America, whites fully believed blacks to be of a far lesser intelligence. They were so certain, they even promised 40 acres and a mule because those ignorant blacks wouldn't be able to do much with it. This thinking existed despite the already proven intelligence of black prisoners of war. So now, after 1863 when blacks had more freedom to move around in America and blacks began to improve their situations, the 40 acres and a mule program stopped quickly. Also whites, fed on the same ole ignorance and fear of the rapid rise of blacks, needed to slow it down as much as possible. One of the tools, is constant lies. Even up to this very moment in 2019, there is a triple doubling down on ignorance and fear among whites, thus their thinking and behavior reflects the same things you would do to prisoners of war. Whites still think and expect blacks to be their slaves and to always have less than them. White friends, neighbors and coworkers love it when you have less than them, or are in a lesser job position or show less acumen than them, but the moment you began to reflect the optimal capabilities of your genetics, white folks stop pretending and ramp up their assaults.