If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Self-Education In The Struggle For Healthy Justice
Unity Consciousness #204


“The fight for justice is long. Abnormal people are not in the fight.” * They are still in the fight because no one can avoid it. It's just that those not "in the fight" are not in tune and in sync with the fight, which is the ultimate, universal fight, struggle, battle, war. Abnormal people are fighting but fighting for the weaker things, thus on the wrong side. They are in the fight but fighting for the stronger things the weaker way.

I repeat. Abnormal people, although not in the fight for justice, are in the fight for injustice. This must be so for all aspects of creation because the fight is the Creator's fight.

Since we all have to struggle in one way or another, we might as well struggle in a fashion that will put an end to the struggle. First we must properly identify the nature of the struggle.

The struggle is not against circumstances and people. It is not about food, shelter, clothing, bills and enemies. As we've been told, the struggle is a spiritual war and the main battleground is inside each of us.

We must struggle constantly against the thoughts in our heads that have been born and bred by mutated understanding. We must bring those thoughts into submission until we no longer need the permission of those thoughts in order to think something different.

Self-Education Is Its Own Liberation

The main focus of our struggle must be on education – self-education, that is. We must not only educate ourselves, we must also educate ourselves about ourselves. We must educate ourselves about us as a people and about us individually.

Self-education always has multiple dimensions to it. Know yourself always has multiple dimensions to it. Self-education is about more than an individual knowing self. An individual cannot know self sufficiently unless that individuals knows self in relationship to the nation of people through which his/her Ancestors were born. I'm talking about our very first human Ancestors.

Self-education strengthens the spirit of the higher self. The higher self fights for us in the struggle. When we lack self-education, the spirit of the lower self is strengthened. The lower self fights against us in the struggle. Through this, the basic strategy and focus are revealed about how we must use our free will in order to fulfill being healed.

From Abnormal To Healthy

If we are not fighting daily for all our lives, with all our mights, we are behaving abnormally. We end up expending energies in little fights that media manipulates to tells us are right.

If our struggle is not focused on it's highest form – self-education, we are struggling abnormally and unnecessarily.

Once and for all, in order to receive liberty and justice for all, we must understand where to find what we seek.

“Justice” is simply another word for “healthy.”
The same is true for “self-education.”

”Healthy” is simply “heal” “thy” self.

Therefore, justice comes through self-healing – as individuals, as twos, as threes, as families, as communal trees and as a nation of people whose roots and branches touch every land.

We create and give justice to ourselves by recreating the unity consciousness within self that causes us to behave normally, thus in a healthy fashion which extends inner justice outwardly to others.

In summary, a healthy self is self-educated and fights for justice, whenever and wherever possible. This is true of of all groupings of people, from individuals to nations to worlds to galaxies to universes and to multi-verses. Through summary then, we gain understanding, thus confidence that if there is health anywhere else, that that higher spiritual force has been and still is sending help our way. Look not far. Beyond the obvious urgings within, that if ignored, become upheaval, the plants, the insects, the microorganisms, the other animals and the primordials have all been attempting to assist us in turning towards self-education, thus justice, thus health. None of their actions are just actions. The Initiate moves along the arc one step as this degree of understanding is achieved. Yet, I will say it more plainly to propel us forward in accordance with the urgency of things. Climate change is a metaphor. It is here to teach. It is here to show us how things on a much grander scale than humans, must change, are changing and can't be stopped from changing. Climate means more than just physical environment. It also means more than the environment outside self. It also means the higher aspect of the social, political, economic and all other climates, as these pertain to all the groupings mentioned above, are struggling in the fight for justice that the Creator established. There is no where where climate is not changing in some way. For the Initiate, this will clear things up that are confusing.

* Dr. John Henrik Clarke - Education: The Highest Form of Struggle (Video)