If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Second Creation – Two Times Sem-Sem
Order Of Creation
Unity Consciousness #1400


(Part 9kl of 11)

Preexistence is One Circle of Mes (birth). Existence is Two Circles of Mes. Two messes are called mes-ti or ti-mes (times). Thus we can already see Two Mes-ti = Two Ti-mes = Two Times.

Every time we multiply something, we are duplicating the Two Times, the Two Messes. This must be so because everything that exists contains the Two Times and was born out of the Two Times. Two Times is the same thing as Duality. What is dual is Two Circles. Each circle is a circle of motion, thus time. The Two Times are the two birthplaces and circles of all time and all creation.

One Mes divided duplicated into Two Mes, who then combined duplicated into Another Mes. This is the Third Mes and third form. This form of mes is called The Messiu by some and The Messiah, by some. Either way, the messiah is the repetition of the Two Times who are the repetition of the One Time. The Messiah is the reconsoulidation of the Two Times back into an outwardly unseparated form. These three forms are the trinity (Preexistence as One, Existence as Two, Existence as One).

We can now see that the Third Circle, called the Messiah, is simply the rebirth of the One Parent who became Two Parents who became One as the Child.
The One gave birth within self in two forms while in the Preexistence stage. Then the One divided self in half to enter into the next stage called Existence. Then the Two Circles, which are two halves of the One, combined their genetics to reform the One in Existence. This form of the One in Existence is different than the form of the One in Preexistence, yet is is still the same. This is the ever-coming One. The ever-coming One renews souls, time, motion, existence and preexistence, thus life. Therefore, the Messiah is the One is the ever-coming one is the savior of the world, the universe and of Self. This self includes you and me and the tree and the monkey because we are all part of the extended self of the One. Salvation is in no way limited to humans.
If the basic process of one of anything, becoming two, then becoming one again, was not continuously renewed, then motion would stop at the completion of one circle cycle, such as a day. All life would end immediately, including the life of the One due to the lack of unrenewed motion.
In other words, it is necessary for the One who became Two, who became One again, yet remained the same as a Trinity, to continue transforming into many. At what point did the transformation of the One stop being the One?

Becoming Kherrekh

The sem-sem in the form of the word “correct,” appeals to me beautifully, when the word “correct” is understood in an earlier form as kherrekh.
Kher is spirit-soul and Rekh means to purify and refine the precious thing in the refinery or fiery furnace.
To become kherrekh is to turn and make your way back to the birthplace waters to be purified and refined in the fires, thus become kherrekh by being born again as one who also understands self as two, the basis, thus understands self as all else created from the basis of two and twoness. (NG1 168-9/186-7)

Hesmen & Semen

Hesmen and Semen are a form of the Sem-Sem. Hesmen is the first half of the liquid essence principle that governs the first stage of transformation (prepubescence). Semen is the second half of the principle that governs the second stage of transformation (pubescence).
For the initiate to consider: Semen becomes the Hesmen in relation to the stage of Old Age because Semen becomes the first half of the next stage. Duality Stages are: Birth & Prepubescence, then Prepubescence & Pubescence then Puberty & Old Age, then Old Age and Death, then Death & Rebirth Resurrection.


Mystery is mes-terui. Teriu is the One In Two that becomes Three In One. In other words, Infinity becomes Duality becomes Trinity.
The mystery of the Sem-Sem exists when forms of the Sem-Sem are not understood completely, fundamentally, basically or simply enough to reproduce wholeness behavior. The missed story of the mes-terui is what mystery is. This leads to mistake, which is miss take, which is mes taken in a way inconsistent with the dynamic balance of the current cycle. (BB 222/234)

How Did One Become Two?

Duplication. Same principle as cell division, asexual reproduction and multiplication.
Logic in one form had to change into logic in two forms. In other words, oneness as one form of logic has to become oneness as two forms of logic. Both stages of logic are necessary as part of the process in fulfilling the need incentive.
The One had to transform half of Self in order to create two personalities. Those two halves were designed to interact to create even more forms of Self.

When there is Only One, development is limited, thus life is limited, thus everything is limited. It is limited because where there is only one, motion can only move in one direction, has no resistance, thus eventually becomes weaker.
When there is two or more, the same thing happens if the two or more are not able to reconsoulidate back into one to re-merge all understandings, all genetics, all power, so then they can be redivided again for a new cycle. Therefore, both forms are necessary. In other words, there is a time limit to how long the Only One can remain the Only One before the need incentive arises to become Many, then after a while, time also runs out on Existence. Time to turn the corner and head back.

The Only One as Preexistence is one-half of Sem-Sem. Two or More (Many) as Existence is the other half.

Essential Essence

Essence is the Assembled Sa, the As-sem-sa. Sa is Spirit-Soul. Essence is assembled spirit-soul.
In the Circle of Life, Spirit-Soul disassembles and reassembles Self into All Else then reverses the process.

Essential is As-sem-ti-al. We can see the mes-ti. We've studied As and Al.
What is essential is the essence as one and the essence as more than one. In other words, what is essential is Sem, Sem-Sem, Sem-Sem-Sem and so on. Everything is a Sem. Thus the need to assemble. This simple basic process and architecture of the universe allows One Life to experience life in Many Forms of the same Life.

Introspectively Solving The Mystery Of The Sem-Sem Within Self...

...by proactively having more conversations with the same thing outside of self.
For instance, if aware you are water, then have more conversations with water as it manifests in different forms at different times in its life cycle.
If aware you are ancestors, then have conversations with them.
If you have cells, have conversations with other creations that have cells.
If you have a destiny or purpose, have conversations with others that have destinypurpose.
If you are aware you are African, have conversations with others who don't consider themselves as African but do consider themselves the same race as you.
Once we set our feet in motion on any path, one-half of the Sem will provide assistance in many forms; the other half will provide resistance in many forms. This is always changing as to which side is doing what. This is the nature of the Sem-Sem.

The mystery of the Sem-Sem is “how can two that are completely different, such as love and hate, be the same thing?”
The mes-teriu of the Sem-Sem is “two are completely the same and incompletely different.”

They are change unchanged.
Change conversations, unchange understandings.
How different are seed, root, plant, flower, nectar, fruit?

Ancient knowledge can never be hidden from one eye but it can be hidden from two eyes that collide rather than coincide as one.

Private Conversation Pieces

Are Moon and Sun the same?
Are Birth and Death the same?
Are God and the Devil the same?
Are female and male the same?
Are solid, liquid, gas the same?
Are solution and problem the same?
Are This and That the same?
Are Other and Another the same?

Here's half the answer: They all started out the same.

By The Way, just because two things are the same thing, doesn't mean they are to be interacted with in the same way. Things are different because they serve different functions during different times in processes and cycles. Just because liquid and solid are the same thing, doesn't mean we interact with them the same way. Instead we must give everything the sem consideration based on spirit-soul essence and also the sem consideration based on the essential form it must become. Thus our thought process motion must go through the cycle Two Times by thinking once from one perspective, then thinking again from another.

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