If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Friday, August 14, 2020

Intro To Revisiting Gravity & Fundamental Forces Of Nature
Unity Consciousness #2218


( 9ani of 11)

What a freakin' mess of messes! The group name of the four fundamental forces of nature is inaccurate because they are not fundamental because they are explained as not applicable to everything. Neither do they govern everything nor do they reconcile to a whole. Many sources say these forces apply to all matter or almost all matter; however the explanations then contradict this statement because each force only applies to specific matter at micro or macro distances and masses. Something is fundamentally wrong with what is understood about one or more of the fundamental forces. It is also likely that at least one of the currently so-called four fundamental forces must be replaced and likely there are more than four.

Gravity As Promoted By European Hyped Physics

Per Space.com gravity is the weakest force. Here are a small portion of the common things about gravity stated by various sources.

1. Also called gravitation, gravitational interactive force, gravitational interaction
2. Explains how objects and massive objects interact with each other.
3. Acts between any two pieces of matter in the Universe since mass is its source.
4. An attractive force between any two masses.
5. Weight is the gravitational force due to the entire Earth acting on objects on Earth.
6. Always attractive (except in the presence of dark energy, when it can become repulsive).
7. Holds stars, galaxies, and planetary systems together.
8. Weakest of all fundamental forces, but very long ranged.
9. Gravitational force is surprisingly weak—it is only because gravity is always attractive that we notice it at all.
10. Gravity, though the weakest force, is the most important force in determining structure over large distances.
11. Gravitational force is the dominant force determining the motions of moons, planets, stars, and galaxies.
12. Gravity is a macroscopic phenomena, immediately present in our everyday life.
13. Gravitational force also affects the nature of space and time.
General relativity states that space is curved in the vicinity of very massive bodies, such as the Sun, and time actually slows down near massive bodies.
14. The graviton is a massless particle with zero charge and has not been detected, but is theorized to exist based on certain influences that can't be explained otherwise. Quantum theory of gravitation is far from being complete.

Easily Obvious Critical Analysis That Quickly Jumps Off The Page

Right off the bat we can bring into question several commonly accepted notions about gravity.
1. Despite (2, 3 and 4) above, gravity does not explain how two trees interact or how humans interact with mountains or how gnats interact with oceans how the relationship between fork and spoon. Each of these pairings are two objects.

2. Despite 4 and 6 above, if gravity is an attractive or a pulling force, then it must also be repulsive or pushing. Look at the other forces and their tandems: strong force holds together, weak force pulls apart; electromagnetism attracts and repels. There is at least balance here, which has a lot to do with why these three forces are able to be reconciled.

3. Gravity is so important and so obvious on a macro level, yet nobody can sufficiently explain.

4. Because the Universe is fixed and flexible, flexible space does curve around more solid objects.

5. Gravitons are the same as fudge factors.

6. How can gravity affect everything but also only be macroscopic?

7. How can the weakest force be the most important force in determining structure over long distances? And hold stars, galaxies, and planetary systems together.

8. How can gravity be the weakest of all forces yet do all this? Clearly gravity is not the explanation for what gravity is said to do.

9. How do all these glaring blaring inconsistencies pass for truth for so long?
Answer: the same way the timeframe from the sun's revolution around the galaxy is able to be off by over 200 million years. It is due to the funk faking guessing game most of them keep co-signing and we keep following along behind their inexpertise. This is not just limited to physics and chemistry but extends to all areas of knowledge. This fits into the bastardization and bitchification of many things, for instance physical health, religion and the identity of who humans are. This is called the institutionalization standardization of clarification through obfuscation.

10. The very act of separating the strong force and weak force as two different forces, while combining the electric and the magnetic into one force, shows a contextual flaw of balance, symmetry, duality, two truths and fundamental keys to the kingdom.

11. But wait, all lucidness is not lost. There are some thinkers able to generate enough force of free thought to momentarily escape the entrapment of miseducation keeping openmindedness on strict lockdown. Per a paraphrasing from the Journal of Physics Research & Applications, gravity is an illusion and does not exist in the Universe on a galactic scale. Gravity is an internal force in the atom and molecule only. There is no external gravity force. The electromagnetic energy field that is holding up all the planets and galaxies in the Universe also allows us to walk on the Earth. The force that is holding us down on Earth is coming from this Electromagnetic Force from above. This force is pushing us down to the ground versus a force from the center of the Earth, or gravity, pulling us down to the ground. There are four things that help us to walk on the Earth freely. They are quantum mechanics gravity, micro gravity, the Electromagnetic Force of the Earth and finally our weight or to be precise - our mass. The first two forces are inside the atom and molecule in a quantum mechanics form, and the electromagnetic force is generated by Earth’s friction with the space wave and the fourth is our body mass.

This represents a glimmer of hope; however due to the relative newness of this awakening, there is still much grogginess of thought to allow the safe operation of the heavy machinery required to process a lot of information. This is evidenced by multiple passages throughout the rest of the 13 page article last referenced.

If it is possible to sufficiently understand God, the Creator, the Most High, the Supreme Being, then it is also possible to understand the Creations of God, that is the Universe. Therefore, the universe, though complex is not anymore complex than God. Therefore, the Universe can be understood, and it doesn't have to be complicated and relegated to experts unless God can only be understood by a relative few.
The Universe and the Supreme Being are one and the same thing. I repeat that if it is possible to understand how God works in the Universe and in and through creations, then it is also possible to understand how those creations work. This is to say it is possible to understand knowledge of self and all else through the process of optimally unifying consciousness of each piece in the universe as we reconstruct the puzzle pieces of information. This has been our approach for quite some time and is still in effect as we revisit the so-called four fundamental forces of nature.
Explaining God doesn't have to be complicated but can be made understandable for different levels of awareness. Same is true for explanations of the universe and the fundamental forces.

There are many messages remaining in this series of revisiting the fundamental forces of nature. The minimum goal is to reopen our spirits-minds-emotions to allow us to reconceive one or more fundamental forces, thus re-conceive how the universe works, thus how the Supreme Being works, thus what is fundamentally true about self and all else. In other words, at a minimum, we are seeking to regain the basic sense of harmony and the basis of harmony since several years ago we have identified the absence of harmony as a fatal flaw that summarizes all our flaws. Revisit the four fundamental forces and you will shortly realize there is an absence of harmony among these forces, at least in terms of how they are understood and/or explained. Not surprisingly, this absence of harmony among the so-called fundamental forces began when johnny-come-latelys began terrorizing the world with their subversions of information. All Africans in the Spiritsphere must revisit information according to the guidance of the teaching spirit of Aquaria and Kepheus awakening in you so you will ask more questions and return to nature small and large for the process of relearning what has already been more clearly understood.