If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Difference Between Inorganic & Organic | Definitions
Unity Consciousness #2215


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The miseducation system has told us carbon is the difference between inorganic and organic. Then it tells us that it's carbon and hydrogen that's the difference.
Per Wikipedia, the distinction between inorganic and organic is not clearly defined and agreed upon, and authorities have differing views on the subject. For historical reasons [not scientific], some carbon compounds are classified as inorganic. There are also a handful of agreed upon exceptions and a lot of other exceptions that are not agreed upon. All this makes any rigorous definition of an organic compound elusive.
Scientists under the suboptimal context are always trying to make names for themselves and present it as the defacto standard of truth and knowledge for the world.
Organic chemistry would better self-serve itself if it were called carbon-hydrogen chemistry and leave it at that rather than falsely dividing all compounds into inorganic and organic and then have all these caveats as to why something is or isn't.
Inorganic compounds comprise most of the Earth's crust. Organic compounds make up only a small percentage of the Earth's crust. Yet is is said that organic compounds are of central importance because all known life is based on organic compounds. Thus we are told that that which is the least known in the life of Planet Earth (organic compounds), are of more importance than that which is the greatest (inorganic compounds).
It is correctly stated that living things incorporate inorganic carbon compounds into organic compounds through a network of processes.
Wikipedia media does admit that organic compounds are no longer defined as compounds originating in living things, as they were historically (the recent period of miseducation).

The presence or absence of carbon might be better called carbonic and incarbonic or carbon and carbonless but not organic and inorganic. Organic and inorganic are much broader terms than the narrow delineation of compounds containing carbon.

Broader Definitions

Inorganic and organic are an aspect of all organisms because inorganic and organic is a subdivision of the watery muddy MES. This Mes, described simply as matter, is one of the eight principles and characteristics of everything.

In the same way that spirit-soul must move back and forth between Preexistence and Existence, so also must spirit-soul continuously transform between each set of two truths. One of those sets of truth is inorganic and organic.
Consider the two truths of energy and matter. We know that each transforms into the other, and then in the middle stage of these transformations, energy and matter are indistinguishable and are recognizable and reconcilable as one and the same. This then reminds us that two truths are always one and the same, even when at the extremes of difference. For example, the extremes of boiling and freezing or hate and love or midday and midnight and so on. We know midday for us is midnight in the other hemisphere.

Inorganic & Organic Redefined In More Detail

The basis of this section comes from UC# 1704, Organism & Orgasm | Definitions, Meanings, Etymology.
The word “organic” is a compound of Ar + Ka + ni + ekh and Ar + Ka + nakh.
The word “inorganic” attaches the prefix variations of An, En, In, On, Un.
The easiest way to understand this is that organic and inorganic are the same as prepubescent and pubescent or first stage and second stage. Neither carbon nor hydrogen makes this so. Inorganic and organic are the first truth and the second truth of one much larger process, system and organism, the universe, the body of the Supreme Organism.

Organic and Inorganic are Semsem, sem-sem. They are two halves of the same whole just like potential and kinetic and all other two truths that are part of a two step back and forth cycle.

One of the things that makes any set of two truths seem FUNDAMENTALLY, ORGINALLY, or PERMANENTLY different is our level of awareness. Level of awareness is the information our logic is based on that produces understandings about the two truths of knowledge of self and knowledge of all else.

Inorganic does not mean dead and organic does not mean alive.

Elemental Things

The first organisms were the seven elemental souls of life which then combined to form all other organisms. This includes the elements, atoms, particles, molecules and compounds.
One of the attributes of these seven organisms is that all of them contain each other and all of them contain the eight principles and characteristics of everything.
Every elemental thing is also every other elemental thing.
Everything is everything.
Inorganic is organic.

The main difference between inorganic and organic is the same as the difference between spirit and soul.

Final Hurdles

In recent times, organic has been used in many other common ways such as in reference to how food is grown. This use of organic is far removed from the chemistry use of the word organic. Trust me, all food is organic and inorganic. All growing methods are both inorganic and organic because the raw materials are both inorganic and organic.
Organic-Inorganic agriculture is growing in harmony with the ecosystem.

Then there's the use of organic in reference to sales growth, profit growth or some other business parameter. Organic business growth occurs through the regular business activities. This is as opposed to growth through mergers, acquisitions, accounting practices and changes to components such as sales price that falsely indicates growth when it is not paired with volume. Sales price adjustments are not signs of inorganic growth no more than cost reductions are.

Finish Line For This Stage Of The Safari

Organic and inorganic depends on the context and perspective of how we look at any one thing as one, two, three or more truths.
For instance, it is natural for praying mantis females to eat the male after mating. It is also natural for human females not to do so. So which one is natural and which one is unnatural?

So then what is natural and unnatural changes according to the set of instructions genetic potential is programmed to follow under a certain set of conditions. What is natural and unnatural, nutrient and toxin, organic and inorganic changes back and forth throughout the ecosystem.
In other words it changes back and forth between Arkanekh and Arkanakh; Inarkanekh and Inarkanakh; Arkanekh and Inarkanekh; Arkanakh and Inarkanakh and so on for the other prefixes. Using current metaphors, this then, for these tiny but numerous subcategories of matter are the knick-knacks and the neck and neck.

So then instead of thinking of inorganic as “not organic,” think of inorganic as another form of organic.
Instead of thinking of organic as “not inorganic,” think of organic as another form of inorganic.
Use the optimal context worldview utamawazo.