If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Still Learning To Speak More Of My Truths
Unity Consciousness #2243


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Whenever we are interacting with other creations, other people, ultimately we must say what we gotta say and be who we gotta be. We must address and express what is most important to satisfy our own logic.

When speaking with others, having discussions and having conversations, after considering other possibilities, we still gotta say what we need to and behave the way we need to, so we can be who we need to be and have what we need to have.

In other words, in order to have we must be.
In order to be we must behave.
In order to behave we must think and say what we need to.
This is necessary to satisfy the logic of our spirit-soul, so that all is well and it is well with our soul.

We cannot completely change any portion of our logic simply because of someone else's psyche, their set of logic. No we must not change our logic unless we have found information that resolves logic conflicts we have.

We cannot overthink or underthink, overbehave or underbehave. We must find that balance of truth that undergirds, surrounds and runs throughout. This is the truth we must speak no matter what others think, say, feel or how they might or might not react.
If we don't, the relationships we build, that are not held together by each person speaking their truths, will be weak and superficial and not lead either person towards their optimal selves, even though the relationship might be filled with many agreeable portions and moments.

Be certain to understand that the complete set of logic in us must be eventually resolved. If not, then we are going through life motions living in internal conflict. And we know it.
The only way to justify external conflict is to continue to suppress, depress and destroy the healing that comes from resolving logic. And by shifting the problem onto others.

In the end I can't be overly concerned about someone else's feelings and how they might react that I do not speak my truths. In other words I can't give too much credence to or spend too much time trying to figure out someone else's psyche so I can adjust my speaking of my truths that satisfies someone else but does not satisfy me at the root and in the healthyself fruits I am supposed to bear.

Bottom line, each person and each creation has their own unique set of logic parameters though which information is processed. We have enough trouble with our own logic so why try to also simultaneously figure out someone else's or multiple someone else's. Because you and I are fundamentally the same, all that will do is leave a bad taste in your mouth because you held back from speaking your truths and those truths decayed inside you, died, because I did not bear witness and testify to their existence. Along with the need incentive's impetus for your spirit-soul.

Truth is one of my truths that I am learning to speak more fully.
Truth is a non-negotiable requirement in my relationships. If you don't seem to understand that, I'm not going to tell you. I will only address the first instance of recognizing untruthfulness exists or that something ain't right and doesn't add up in logic. If that can't be resolved through various means of inquiry, then I won't linger in the relationship much past that point so that there will be a second instance of lying.

In order to speak my truth I must know my truth. In order to know my truth I must know more and more of the fullness of the truth of myself in relation to more and more of the fullness of the truth of all else.
We all know how good our spirit feels when we speak our truths. We also know how bad our soul feels when we don't, just because of being in a relationship with someone else or a group of someone elses (i.e., various group identities).

We recently spoke about tolerance. Tolerance is good, but not when it comes to not speaking your truths.
We last spoke about pearls. Pearls are good but not when those fundamental truths are not expressed through us so they can manifest in our relationships.

Many relationships can be salvaged and repaired if truths are spoken and all grievances are resolved.

Other relationships will require several lifetimes, several generations that follow the same process of resolution.

What has also been said is that if both sides in a relationship do not speak their truths or if spoken truths can't coexist, then neither should the relationship exist closely.

Just because you like certain aspects about a person, if another aspect runs counter to one of your truths, then a problem exists that will continue to interfere with the healthy development of the relationship, thus the healthy development of both individuals. If you don't speak that truth and the other person does not see the need to adjust their thinking and behavior, because they are standing firm on one of their truths, a problem exists. It doesn't matter if you think the person is fundamentally good, has a good spirit and just needs some time to relearn to trust and love. One piece of logic that either person has that runs counter to one of the other person's fundamental truths, is a big problem if not resolved. Resolving does not mean overlooking or ignoring. It means addressing the logic head on in one or more conversations until both people have expressed their thoughts. Resolving means one or both persons need to get enough information and understanding to see the need to change their logic. This change has to be willingly and be viewed as a good change for personal development and not just a change to maintain the relationship in question. If someone does not see the personal benefit of changing on their own because they don't see anything wrong with their logic, that's okay for them and it's okay for you to understand that. What's not okay is to remain in the same relationship and expect your acceptance of someone else's logic to cover all the ways that conflicting logic will manifest, including all the connected pieces of logic that will be affected. One piece of logic is not a small thing. This is why the people involved must thoroughly discuss their truths as long as it takes and as often as it takes to make sure they have both expressed themselves. If this is not a basic rule in a relationship, you are building a relationship based on unspoken things and hoping for the best, which will never come out of the relationship, because the relationship has not continued to address and pass tests.

As it has been since 2012, these things are being brought forth to remind us that we need to change our relationships in a hurry. Much change is taking place in the above and in the spirit realm and in the physical world and in the human world. The wrong mix and wrong type of relationships will greatly reduce our possibility of survival through these years of Great Change, which will in no ways be moderated until all the current status quo power structures and their controlling players, tools and weapons, have been laid low. Our staying power starts with the things we can control - our relationships with the four inseparable aspects of self, and then with other creations, and then ultimately with all else.