If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Friday, November 20, 2020

Green Mile Movie | A Racist Whiteness Saga
Unity Consciousness #2246


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The Green Mile motion depiction was released 12.06.99. Overall, The Green Mile is about the death of Darkness above and the rise of Lightness above; also the death of human racist version of whiteness below and the rise of blackness below.
I repeat: at the surface level of entertainment, the movie is primarily meant to serve the masses and the racist collective worldview. The only black people in the movie are on the chain gain, in prison and in the nursing home.

Using paraphrasing from the movie, this message is not short, but it still only addresses some of the symbolisms and meanings in the movie and a few in the book.

Enormous hulk John Coffey (Kofi) said I tried to help it, I tried to take it back, I tried to take it away but it's too late.
This means only some can be healed while alive and only some can be resurrected. Even when the healing power is a Kreate and Mati power (great and mighty power). The Supreme One will not heal the masses because they are too far gone as mere believers and followers. It's too late. They are too far gone by free will choice of their own and/or free will choice of their caregivers who don't give a care to the fullness of the circle, the bi-cycle of two truths, thus they are not careful nowheres nearly enough to manifest wholeness logic, thus incapable of true love.
White people cannot be saved from each other. They are their own worst enemy and so are those who share the same ill-logic. As Aan Kafi is going through his transition from his first truth suboptimal self, he is now trying to take back the multitude of problems his spirit has manifested through humans.

Part of John Kofi's punishment is death for a crime he did not commit; however his spiritual character did commit many crimes by manifesting in the racist collective, for instance. This is why John says there’s lots of folks “here” that hate me. I can feel it like bees stinging me. John Kofi in the flesh was innocent but John Kofi in spirit was guilty. This is the same as Jesus.
Paul Edgecomb said we each owe a death. There are no exceptions. But, oh, God, sometimes the Green Mile seems so long.
This means that not only did both forms of John have to die, but also he (Paul) also had to suffer a lot of deaths by living a long time and watching loved ones die. This is what he owed for doing a job of killing people on Earth and watching them die at the end of the Green Mile. This is why his Green Mile seems so long and it is true that the Green Mile of the Great Year Circle is also long.
Additionally, John is a form of John The Baptist who also had an extra portion of “the anointing” and was a form of the coming Christ and also had to die a brutal death after healing people.

All the responsibility for the ugliness in the world is why John Kofi says, “I’m sorry for what I am.” This conclusion must be so, otherwise it makes no sense for him to say this because he has healing power and did not kill those po' lil white girls and likely never harmed anyone.

Paul is the witness after the fact in the retelling of the Black God above that manifested in the White Devils below, the Magas; and the White God above who manifested in the Black Gods below, the Nagas.
Paul Edgecomb is a form of Christian Bible Paul. Paul Edgecomb is mostly the second truth form who is kind to the Christ as John Kofi. This is why Kofi passed on a portion of his spirit to Paul just as Jesus, via the Holy Spirit passed a portion of his spirit to Paul. A difference is that the Paul and Jesus in the Christian Bible were originally black people moving about on the continents of Asia and Africa.

Overstand this clearly. Paul Edgecomb asks what should he say on the day of his judgment, when he stands before God, and is asked, why did he kill one of God's true miracles. Will it be good enough for him to say, “it was his job?” [if we don't take anything away from this message, we should apply this question to ourselves]
Remember that Paul in the Christian Bible was killing Christians.
John Kofi responds to Paul by saying tell God it was a kindness you done. I want it to be over and done with. I do.... I’m tired of being on the road and lonely as a sparrow in the rain. I’m tired of never having me a buddy to be with, to tell me where we’s going to, coming from, or why. Mostly, I’m tired of people being ugly to each other.

The road of the ever-coming one is the low road and the high road that goes around the circle. Most of this road is traveled alone by the ever-coming one. Only at the corners of the equinox do the two truths travel together as they make the transition in the twinlight twilight zone.

Let us now become aware that the Judaeo-Christian Old Testament is the story of the suboptimal God. The Christian new Testament is the story of the transition with Jesus and Satan present. There is another testament, another covenant already written and rewritten, manifested and remanifested among humans that tells the story of the optimal God's influence and how humans interact when the galaxy is ruled by the Great Spirit of Great Year Spring and Great Year Summer. But first, house cleaning is necessary, as always.

You must grasp who John Coffey is in order to get the most significant understandings from the movie. John Coffey began to spell his name K-O...
Don't be a fool and think he didn't know how to spell and neither should you think Africans don't know how to speak English. The origin of English has been discussed and so has the difference between the C and the K.

John Kofi said his name is like the drink but not spelled like coffee at all.
This means his name is Kofi or something similar, but not Coffey because that spelling is almost like the drink. Thus we notice an all important clue when we listen and listen again without getting distracted by the visual motion of the pictures.
John Kofi is Aan Kafi. This is Kepheus as Kafi Shu but also Hapi as Tefnut, the soul of life in water, thus Kafi (John Kofi) is also Aquaria. Aan Kafi is also the transition from Wepwawet, the Jackal and Pisces the Fish. He is partially the precursor announcer and partially the cursor, that which is being announced in stereo as two Ages emerge, four Ages converge and two Ages diverge.

The soul of life in water is paired with the second Horus (Heru Jesus) and the soul of life in lightness. This is based on the first Horus (Sut Satan) and the soul of life in darkness being paired with the soul of life in breath.
This means John Kofi is the transition between the two truths and the two primary forms of the ever-coming one. He is the soul of life in the polestar as the ruler of fall, winter and nighttime who is transforming into the soul of life in the sun as the ruler of spring, summer and daytime. This is why he recognizes the logic errors of his ways and says I'm sorry and knows he must be sacrificed via a tortuous death so others (elemental souls of life) may live and the corner may be turned away from cruelty logic.
Kepheus is wind and water, while Aquaria is water and wind.

John Kofi is seven feet tall in the book. This represents the seven elemental souls of life, which is what the ever-coming one represents as the totality of Ra. He is transitioning from the Jackal as the Big Dog and into Kepheus as the Big Ape. Ape is Api is Kapi is Kafi.
Prepubescence is the silent stage. Pubescence is the true voice. The true voice is the two voice, the teru voice, the teriu voice, the terui voice, the ter voice of iu, the ever-coming one who is two in one and the ever-coming two who is one in two. The true voice of darkness is more silent than the true voice of lightness. Remember, the motion of a circle (cycle) requires motion halfway in one direction and halfway in the complementary apposite direction. This is the two times and the mesteriu (mystery) that the unfulfilled needy and greedy have forgotten as they try to subconsciously understand the relationship between being born and being begotten.
John Kofi is also a form of Sekari, the silent, the typical victim that opened not his mouth, as the inarticulate Horus Sut symbolized as the Moon, the first incarnation and first truth of the Sun.
John Kofi represents prepubescence and the inarticulate one who is awakening into pubescence and transforming into his light form and now becoming aware of the damage his spirit has caused. He is trying to take it back but it's too late. His light side twin is afraid of the dark.

John Kofi says he is afraid of the dark.
*Kaf means the oldest, the primordial, born of. The power in darkness, the unseen place is the soul of life in water-wind born of the oldest, great mother, Earth.
John Kofi is the soul of life in darkness that is on its last mile of life.
Innerstand the song, Afraid of the Dark by the group, Black Coffee.

Afraid of the dark can be viewed as Afra-id of the dark. The ever-coming one is the Afra of darkness who transforms into the Afra of lightness. “Id” is the duality of combining to expand through sameness; as opposed to “di,” the duality of separating to expand through difference. The Afra-id is the pubescent one of lightness, the combined form, the true voice.
To summarize, the Afra of the dark is saying that I AM the Afra of the dark and I AM the Afra of the light also. This is a peek into So Dayi awareness.

Although Aan Kafi says he is afraid of the dark, he is okay moving around outside at night, in the dark. He gives props and a shout out to the star constellation, Cassiopeia, a form of the Parent, Mother revealed. One form of this Mother is Aquaria, Great Mother of the Waters.
Cassiopeia symbolizes the thigh, haunch, leg of Nut, the milk cow of heaven.
The Great Pyramid of Ghizeh was founded by Per-Aa Khufu when Ghizeh was in the area called the nome of the “haunch,” the seat of the Great Mother. The symbol of haunch is expressly feminine, the southern birthplace and milk cow as the birthplace of waters from heaven above, then later on as rebirthplace of souls in heaven above. These two forms of the celestial birthplace exist as a lake called Khar-aba, the Lake of the Thigh or Haunch. This is in the constellation Cassiopeia, the Lady In The Chair, Haunch or Meskhen located at the northern celestial pole, yet this is a southern symbol of “Nyanja ya Tanganyika,” Great Lake Tanganyika in the African birthplace of humans.
Khufu is also a form of Kafi and Kofi.
A nome is a division on Earth that is based on an astronome, a division in heaven.
Cassiopeia Constellation is near Kepheus Constellation.
Innastand that what the period of the Great Pyramid's rising represents is the period we are approaching as the changing of the guardians takes place along with associated logic.

Percy Wetmore and William "Wild Bill" Wharton are another form of the suboptimal soul of life in darkness that manifests in flesh. They are evil twins.

The racist defective collective, and their wannabes are on the Last Mile, the Green Mile of the Great Year. Both the Afra of these Dark Ages and status quo favored groups are on deathrow. There is also a red white and blue mile littered with stars as promised by Revelation mentioning stars falling (meteors). This is a special road made just for Americans. This road has been assigned a special persecutor and special prosecutor, the same level of consideration given to all other evil empires and known associates who are required to be and who aspire to be vampires to become citizens in good standing to fulfill their inbred and self-fed destinies. Their executions are being live streamed. Roll on one! Roll on two!

John Kofi in the Green Mile is the Afra of suboptimalism, of Maafa racism, racism, genderism, and other evil discriminations. To kill this form of the Afra is considered a kindness, as attested to by John Kofi.

John Kofi's reference to Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers as just like the angels up in heaven is true in whiteness heaven that he presided over.
The original Afra of darkness grew into an optimal form after many Great Year cycles. This Afra brought forth the first angels in black skin with wings in images of Maat, the Ba Soul, Madonna and Melchizedek. This took place thousands of years before white skinned humans on this Earth devolved into flesh. The original angels of all humans are the angels from Africa that Paula White called upon to help Supertramp Trump and his legion of doom.

Coffee is a stimulant to help people wake up. As shown for hundreds of years, this spiritual coffee will have little positive effect upon most of the evil ones who remain sleep walking dead. When they went to sleep, they woke up dead and are ice cold dead men walking the spiritual Green Mile as Percy so emphatically reminds us.

As one of his last great acts, John Kofi takes the brain cancer of Melinda Moores, the wife of the warden, and takes all this corrupt logic in her white woman mother brain and puts it into the already corrupt privileged psychopath Percy who then kills his evil twin, both of them thinking they had gotten away with a lot of crimes. Both of them thought they were still in control in the midst of chaos for which they were poster children.

When Melinda tells John her dream that they were both wandering in the dark and found each other, the deeper meaning is about two souls traveling through the underworld of Amenta, the place were souls are either cleansed and reborn or passed on into the second death. She gives him the necklace of St. Christopher which is a symbol of Christ, John's other half that is emerging and traveling with him.

As said in the opening, The Green Mile's death row, is also the beginning of life row. The Duat/Tuat transitions into the Uat where green is a symbol of the god of breath, soul and reproduction. Shu (breath) is one of those green gods who breathes renewed life (resuscitates) the mummy of the Christ. These understandings are corroborated by nature's association of green with life. Through continuous processes of self-improvement, many are progressing through stages to free themselves from the 13,000 year Age of gullibility, ignorance and stupidity.

Based on websites detailing the differences between the book and the movie, it appears the book's intensity was watered down in the movie for broader appeal to weak-minded masses. This watering down is indicative of why the masses are drowning during the Ages of Aquaria and Kepheus, even as they continue to drink rock-based pandemic media soup as yet another ingredient of their god's honest truth.

Although the movie, The Green Mile, is primarily a human whiteness saga, below the Giri So level of awareness, it tells a more comprehensive story of multiple forms of duality and the current fast-changing reality into a recalibrating saga and a more revealing blackness saga.

For Initiates Following Paths Listening Lays Forth

Bar-Abba/Barabbas, Bar-Nabba/Barnabas, Bar-Sabba/Barsabas, Unity Consciousness #1664