If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Friday, November 27, 2020

More On Why Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction
Unity Consciousness #2249


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Exploring The Truth Shall Set You Free, Unity Consciousness #2248

In the stillness and quiet respite of the waning night and the waxing light, stark adaptations bring forth additional thoughts.

The reason most people believe truth is stranger than fiction is because we refuse to leave the fiction land of the most recent matrix we were reborn into like a kept houseplant accustomed to an artificial environment. We don't like our many layers of bubbles to be burst. It hurts, to have to reckon, reason, critically analyze and justify thinking outside the bubble. It hurts to have to use free will to make choices counter to the mass flow of attractions that attract masses. It hurts because it's scary. It's scary because we lack understandings to know how to operate as, in and among creation. We know we are in a miniaturized matrix because we can sense the exposure of our ill-fitting society based society-bred logic as we go through daily rehearsal without the full dress code of the universal that's at play. Thank goodness the circle of space and time brings forth greater reversals.

We refuse to heed and read the many signs of truth scattered about like puzzle pieces paving every path we take, despite the uneasy feeling on our exposed unrepaired soles and the sounds our broken eggshell logic makes like cymbals with every step we take to try to shake being awake-ned by truth. We use any excuse to not follow the signs that lead to the root of what has happened, is happening or will happen. Cause and effect we don't pause to reject.
Without recognizing and acknowledging the root, our perceptions float on the wind of whims of logic concocted by lame ill-gotten reasoning that uses contradictions like seasoning for flavor masking.
The word root is the same as rut which forms the word truth. “U” is pronounced “oo” in both truth and rut, thus we say trooth and root – and this is why at the root of the matter – truth sets you free when it is connected to the root. In other words, truth connected to truth shall set you free. Truth is a top to bottom, side to side, full circle, inner and outer set of logic. This is why truth is its own proof. Truth is root.
The moment and point at which the braided chain of truth begins to abrade and eventually become broken logic, is the moment and point we begin to become imprisoned in fantasy land. Too much of this and our logic functions like a band of needy thieves who need each other to legitimize and cure the weakly formulated cement of their demented fragmented rootless ruthless thinking and behavior. The ruthless are truthless.
Thus then, all of this is why truth becomes stranger than fiction because fiction has become normalized in our lackadaisical mind eyes and lackadaisical physical eyes. And this is why people are so afraid they cry out for any form of relief from fictionalized freedom's grief. The society continues to oblige and now offers the plandemic and vaccines to hasten mass suicides. All human empires have large-scale tragic endings for which only the rising Earth and rising Afra can mitigate and alleviate.

Truth is stranger than fiction because:
1. Truth is estranged more than fiction.
2. Truth is a stranger to us more than the fiction we are familiar with and more comfortable with.
3. Truth will always be stranger in the fiction-based societies humans have constructed based on favored groups who manifest all manner of evil logic, yet consider themselves the good guys.
4. To those who have bought into these fictions, then hell yeah truth is stranger than fiction.
5. Those who have come into the knowledge of self truth understand that when truth is the most dangerous stranger, then a fiction addiction exists in a fatal attraction sort of way. Therefore we must conclude those who consider truth stranger than fiction, are the same ones who are most comfortable lying to themselves and living with incongruities and contradictions. This then is the basis of psychopathy and sociopathy, paths beyond the reach of redemption because this place is far from awareness of reality. The only ones who make it back are those engaged in the process of self-correcting their logic. We must meet the redeeming spirit face-to-face, not with our backs turned to truths.