If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Jesus Spit Truth About Hard Work's Great Big Lie
Unity Consciousness #2250


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Paraphrased Excerpt From Dimensions of Space & Time, Phase One, Unity Consciousness #1136

I keep hearing people talk about “hard work” as if hard work is the primary driver and overwhelming majority driver of what takes place in success and failure. Everything is integrated and influencing something else all time. All causes and effects intersect and connect. There is no single ingredient as the key to success unless that ingredient is a composite ingredient composed of many ingredients.
Simply put, it takes a lot more than your hard work in order to succeed or fail at anything. It takes a village communal collective to succeed or fail at anything.

What Jesus Said In Matthew 13

Jesus said that in order for creation to flourish, it requires:
1. a packet of genetic potential (a seed). In the story the seed is a/the word.
2. good soil
3. soil of sufficient depth to allow sufficient root development
4. soil not exposed to trampling
5. seed that survives those who come to kill, steal and devour genetic potential
6. seed that is not surrounded by that which will choke out its access to what it needs
7. Hard work is good, but hard work is not hardly all it takes.

It's one thing to have genetic potential, and it's an additional thing to be in the right environment that allows for proper growth and development. This lesson has been proven over and over in the non-human natural world. Hard work alone is not good enough and neither is a so-called good education and neither are other single ingredients such as whiteness (which is why global racism is required to make it seem like white people are simply more better). It takes more than any single this or that. It takes other events outside the control of the seed. Simply put it takes codependcy, interdepency, collectivity and unity of multiple forms of genetic potentials, events and processes that are fundamentalized and instituted institutionalized. Hard work will only get you so far, will only get any seed so far, will only get the word so far. If this were not true, then the hard work of Jesus speaking the word and performing the word would have been good enough to grow to maturity, bear fruit and succeed in all those who heard the word straight from the horuses mouth.
In the comparable of the seed and the soil, it was all the same seed, but different outcomes resulted due to different sets of conditions encountered. Each seed did the best it could under the circumstances.

Jesus doubled down on this lesson from another angle in part two when he told the story of the talents in Matthew 25 as follows:
Jesus, as lord and master of the house, gave a different amount of talents (resources) to each person according to their abilities. Their success was judged based on them making the most of what they had and what they had been given. The measure of success was individualized and situationalized, even while being collectivitized.
It is a truth that there are many with less who have achieved more success than those who have been given more.
It is another truth that those who have been given more, but have done less with it, are the ones who promote “hard work” as the reason for their having more, when truth is, the set of conditions was in their favor. And this is why white people hate it when black people succeed because white people know how much we have to overcome (Maafa Racism) and yet here we are living as good as or better than them. This is the real since large-scale coloration came into existence and the genetic mutation disease of albinism became normalized as white people and became the mental illness of whiteness which developed Maafa Racism as its manifesto.

Hard Work can be the primary determinant of success if that hard work is hard work of mind, hard work of spirit-soul, hard work of emotion and hard work of body. This then automatically includes the extended self and all else that must come together to support the efforts of the seed and its genetic potential.

In other words, in addition to hard work, it always, always takes assistance outside of the person performing the hard work.

Hard work is fine and necessary; however, hard work is best applied in an environment of continuous learning of knowledge of self and all else which includes what you were born to do and how to maneuver in the current game of your society.

Many people read this and are waiting for mass acceptance of truth before they too, get on board. Jesus is supposed to be the teacher par excellence who leads by example. While Jesus was performing the hard work of his ministry, he didn't have a job or a house or bills to pay. People who believed in his destinypurpose, helped Jesus every step of the way. I'll list a few of those who helped and supported Jesus that I can quickly recall: Jesus was taught in the temple and by people he met, all the Marys, Marthas, Lazarus, Salome, Simon the Pharisee, Judas, Joseph of Arimathea, the people who had the fish and loaves, Herod, Pilate, owner of the upper room, Simon of Cyrene, Joanna, Susanna, John the Baptist, Nicodemus.

In other words, hard work means working together, harambee, ujima.

The racist collective works hard to maintain Maafa racism in order to give themselves advantages to make life easier so they don't have to compete on the basis of hard work alone. Therefore the hard work of members in the favored groups in a society is supported by the society's institutions. This also supports most of those in the favored group who don't work hard. This is why it is imperative for those in disfavored groups to not follow the logic of those in favored groups, but instead work together to offset the evil discriminations of the favored groups and to give themselves collective strength. I'll repeat, racism and other forms of evil discrimination are created so those who benefit from such, don't have to work hard. All they have to do is create unfair societies by selling their souls to devilish logic and pledge allegiance to others who dislike themselves. Their ill-gotten gains are in no way the result of individual hard work alone or collective hard work that does not infringe upon the rights of others and their ability to benefit from the same level of hard work. For members in the disfavored groups, it always takes a greater amount of hard work and differently defined hard work, the foundation of which is knowledge of self.

So to put this another way, if you are going to follow the logic of hard work as some type of essential single individual fairly carried out effort, you will always run into brick wall after brick wall until you learn that when you live in a society (as opposed to a civilization) that hard work means lying, cheating and stealing as much as possible, ignoring legal laws, ignoring the rights of creation and using any means necessary to get what you want in this life. Isn't that exactly what the evil ones are doing and passing this along to their benefactor descendants who continue the same practices?

For those who have any sense of plants, why loosen the soil to plant a seed and then pull weeds, and water and fertilize and remove insects and add barriers to keep the plants from getting trampled and eaten and add supports to hold the plant up? Why do all these things if the seed has all the genetic potential it needs and all it takes is hard work from that seed?
Maafa racism and other evil discriminations contain every method to destroy seeds, retard seeds and deform the output of seeds. It's gonna take a full scale remediation to remove the ability of evil discriminations to create dysfunction. This has already been discussed as total system change and the domino falling of all institutions in societies.

Difficulty and struggle are necessary for a plant to grow strong for the duration; however, we all know how to create enormous difficulty when we don't want certain plants to grow. What we do to “weeds” is what Maafa racism and other evil discriminations does to people in the home and outside the home. Thus then it is unfair to look at those plants and say they should simply work harder. No, instead, those plants and their mutual benefactors should get together and find a way to fight back against that which is making their lives extra difficult. And that is exactly what seeds are doing. And exactly why humans are getting sicker and sicker and more vulnerable to the natural world and to their own thinking and behavior. The system change taking place is environmental change (climate change, Klimate, Kramate, creator change)

Street Jesus said, you can't just cast a seed out on the wind, drop a seed anywhere in any set of conditions and put the primary responsibility for progress on the seed. Each seed in the parable did the best it could; however, some seeds fared better due to the set of conditions encountered, included help received. Based on this there must be a handicap adjustment and grading on a curve applied. Think about everyone trying to climb the same mountain except some must climb the side that's a sheer rock face, while others must climb the gently sloping side into which a set of stairs has been carved. This is the difference between hard work and much harder work destined to falter and/or take much longer no matter how much effort is applied.
However be not deceived, the seed that must struggle more is genetically in a better position as the set of conditions change, which is what we have been witnessing in all aspects of human endeavor since the beginning of human time and also at least since 1865, which is why Maafa racism continues to double down daily, even using the plandemic to try to squash Africans rising.
The parable of Street Jesus falls short because it does not remind us that despite the trials, tribulations and travails of some seeds not making it to fruition above, their roots and progress below marches on in truth into the new covenant.

Finally Getting To The White Elephant In The Room

Is the underachievement of women in societies worldwide due to women not working hard enough?