If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Light Year Revolution Simplified & Expanded To The Circumference Of The Milky Way Galaxy
Unity Consciousness #2583

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Light revolution is awakening us to a fact of life that genetic potential can travel an enormous distance in an extremely short period of time. It is this light energy that is fueling climate environmental change affecting the internal logic genetics of all organisms. No matter how slowly things seem to be in their momentum, they can change and also move rapidly, suddenly and all at once.

Per Space.com, “the speed of light is constant throughout the universe and is known to high precision. In a vacuum, light travels at 670,616,629 mph.“ [In the previous message we calculated light speed to be 672,289,156 miles per hour. We should expect light to travel faster in a vacuum, but based on these numbers, it doesn't seem to] [Secondly, please also note that Space.com feels the need to quote a speed of light based on being in a vacuum, while claiming that the speed of light is constant in the universe, thus under any set of conditions anywhere in the universe].

Recalculating & Recalibrating The Context Of Light Speed

Per weather.gov, “the speed of sound [waves] depends on several variables, but the only independent variable we need to calculate the speed of sound is the temperature of the air.” This is also a self-contradictory statement. Its only truth is that the speed of sound depends on several variables.

Even so, weather.gov's statement is a reminder that the speed of light waves must also depend on several variables.
We already knew this because we know that the speed of a vehicle, for instance, depends on several variables, and we also know that even our own speed depends on several variables, and so does the speed of a baseball, and so on for the speed of anything.
Thus then, in order for Earth's revolution to yield a consistent time of 365 days, despite variables, then speed must vary between slower and faster. This can only happen if distance varies due to variable energy of motion and/or other variables.

Thus, as a set of conditions change, the already variable speed of light, can become even slower and even faster.

Light waves, sound waves, aroma waves and objects that make waves, are all subject to be affected by variables differently since each of these waves have different properties.
Through this process of light revolution on our sight, we are now able to see the inadequacy of the incomplete formula that speed = distance divided by time.

It is more appropriately stated as Speed = [distance dependent on (a + ...)] / [time dependent on (a + ...)]

If you want your mind to be made clear as muddled, try multiple regression syntax and analysis to express this formula.

A Light Year Based On The Great Year

Light Year can, should and is also based on Sun Years (the revolution time, distance and speed of the Sun's movement around the center of the galaxy.) This is also known as the Great Year.
Light Year Time is 25,920 Earth Years (227,059,200 hours).
Light Year Distance will be calculated below.
Light Year Speed is the speed of light previously calculated between 672 million and 685 million miles per hour.

We now proceed using the commonly taught formula for speed without considering the variables that affect time, distance, speed.

Total Distance equals Speed per unit of time (hour) multiplied by total units of Time (hours).
Light Year Distance = 672 million x 227,059,200 = 152,583,782,400,000,000 (153 quadrillion miles) is the orbit of the Sun.
Light Year Distance = 685 million x 227,059,200 = 155,535,552,000,000,000 (156 quadrillion miles) is the orbit of the Sun.

Another method is to use the formula: Total Distance equals Distance per unit of time (year) multiplied by total units of Time (years).
6 trillion miles per year x 25,920 years. This equals 155,520,000,000,000,000 (156 quadrillion miles). This matches the longer distance above because the speed used was based on 6 trillion miles.


Light Year Distance for the Polar Great Year and Equinoctial Great Year cannot be the same since the circles are of different size because distance around the top at the pole is not the same as distance around the middle at the equator Polar Great Year and Equinoctial Great Year cannot be the same since the circles are of different size because distance around the top at the pole is not the same as distance around the middle at the equator; however, Time is the same.
This means speed must be different.
Circumpolar constellations must move slower over a shorter distance around the galactic pole in order take the same amount of time as the larger great year circle around the galactic equator. We already know the seven northern circumpolar Ages last 3,703 years while the 12 equatorial constellations last 2,160 years.
This means that changes caused by Star Constellation Ages at the Celestial Equator happen more rapidly than changes caused by Star Constellation Ages at the Celestial Pole. I suspect that the influence of the slower moving constellations is more intense.

Light Revolution is the Revolution of Sun, Solar System Constellation and many other constellations, especially those that are part of two groups of Ages (large cycles catalyzing processes and events in the rulership purview of their geographical range of influence). Thus the RNA and DNA of the Galaxy is being adjusted, producing variants. This is the re-evolution of light revolution. The Sun, with its Solar System Star Constellation, is re-evolving as it, and all its celestial bodies, rise above the galactic equator horizon into the light of a new Great Day.
Aquaria and Kepheus are the incoming arbiters of light revolution during the next 2 to 4 thousand years their light arrays (solar arrays) are in the primary ruling positions at the balance and at the stabilizer, which is why upheaval is part of this fulfillment.

Another Method That Yields The Circumference Of The Galaxy

Earth and Sun are one Great Year from the center of the Galaxy (stated elsewhere as 26,00 light years).
Thus the time radius of the galaxy is 25,920 years (227,059,200 hours).
We have previously shown that Sun's orbit around the center of the galaxy is 152,583,782,400,000,000 miles (153 quadrillion miles).
We can get the radius distance from the following two formulas:
1. Speed of 672 million miles per hour = Radius Distance / 227,059,200 hours
2. Radius Distance equals Speed per unit of time (hour) multiplied by total units of Time (hours).
Radius Distance is 672 million x 227,059,200 = 152,583,782,400,000,000 (153 quadrillion miles).
What we now realize is that the radius of the Galaxy is equal to the Sun's revolution around the center of the Galaxy. To say this another way: the radius of the Galaxy is equal to the circumference of the Sun's orbit around the center of the Galaxy.
Also, there is a cycle of two Great Years that it takes for light to travel from one side of the Galaxy to the other. This double cycle represents the diameter of the Galaxy and is numerically significant in human history.

The Circumference of the Galaxy must be: 2 times radius multiplied by pi.
2 x (152,583,782,400,000,000 ) x 3.142 = 958,712,179,689,567,181 (958 quadrillion). If all the assumptions that have gone into reaching this number are close to accurate and no rounding of numbers is used, then I suspect the circumference of the Galaxy might be exactly 1 quintillion miles (1,000,000,000,000,000,000). This is 18 zero's plus one, which is 19. We realize covid-19 exists, but our understandings are not realistic. We are reminded that 19 is a Han Cycle, a cycle of Maiden Maat's two truth understandings and Hathor (Aquaria), the bringer of the above and below waters of Nun. Han is Kan, Khan, Con, Ham and Kam... and relates to Kepheus, thus to Sirius, the Polestars. It also relates to Change and the ever-coming one who is Lord of Lords and King Khan of the elemental souls of life who are the change agents. 19 also relates to 10 and 9. We know about Wuhan, but nowhere near accurately. A Han Cycle is also 60 years. We know about 60 seconds and 60 minutes, but not about 60 x 36 or 60 x 432. In Egyptian, Han is evil, envy, malice, hate and all opposites. Events of Earth and human events are predominated by the larger systems and cycles that function Han in Han.

Although Earth orbits the Sun, Earth also tracks in alignment with the Sun's orbit around the eye of the galaxy. Thus we are now awakened to yet another fact that, the Sun's orbit, the Great Year Cycle, also tracks in alignment with the Galaxy's orbit around a much larger system and cycle.

A Galaxy is simply a cluster (group) of star constellations. Galaxies exist in groups called superclusters. These superclusters revolve around something. Thus, the Milky Way Galaxy is tied, in chemical formula and reactions to a set of galaxies, all of which are continuously in the process of reconfiguring their genetics, properties, principles and fundamental forces.