If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Vaccines Work Despite Lots Of Faults & Oops Upside Ahead
Unity Consciousness #2581

(9azzzd of 11)

Topic: Covid 19, coronavirus SARS CoV-2, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome

There was a 2003 coronavirus epidemic.
Oops! You must not have heard about it.
Nobody's fault.

Novel coronavirus (SARS Co-V 2) is Wuhan China's fault.
Oops! Maybe not. The USA and Fauci had their hands in experimenting with viruses in China.

Vaccines Work.
Oops! You're gonna need two shots and lockdowns and lots of protocols because it's coronavirus' fault.

Vaccines Work.
Oops! It's the Delta variant's fault and it's the unvaccinated's fault.

Vaccine's work.
Better than any other remedy. Better than natural immunity. Better than immunity acquired from overcoming Covid.
Oops! You still can get infections and still transmit. It's corona's fault and the unvaccinated's fault.

Vaccines work and so do incentives such as cash and other free stuff.
Oops! You gotta get a booster as a third shot and to end the Delta Blues.

Vaccines Work.
Oops! Omicron makes it necessary for more lockdowns, mandates and protocols and cancellations.
It's Omicron's fault and the unvaccinated's fault, even after two to three doses of vaccines.

Vaccines work.
Expect an annual booster like the annual influenza shot; however, it's just that the covid annual shot will be mandated and the definition of “fully vaccinated” will continue to change and more restrictions and proof of vaccination will be required to move around in this free country.
It's the unvaccinated's fault.
The unvaccinated and coronavirus are stronger than two to three doses of a vaccine that works.

Fear works best to help lies work.

Understand clearly that you are being told that the unvaccinated will be disproportionately affected, harmed, sickened and killed; however, this doesn't hold up in many places in the world where they have little to no vaccines and most people are unvaccinated.

Vaccines Work Better If we can just somehow get everyone, in the USA and in the World, to take as many vaccines as we good guys say are necessary. Then and only then will humans be able to overcome coronavirus and reduce it below the pandemic level. Then and only then will humans be immune from coronavirus, even though coronavirus supposedly has non-human origins. Then and only then will human immunity not wane anymore, even though coronavirus will still be able to produce variants in non-human organisms, thus making all humans unvaccinated in terms of new variants.
Oops! I don't mean to scare you, just keep you informed so you can continue to follow the science to a fault.

The bigger the PANdemIC, the bigger the pill.
The bigger the doctors, the bigger the bill.
The bigger the heads that ache the bigger the will, it takes
To kill and steal and create ill-usion and conf to fill.
The bigger the proctors, the bigger the appeal
That the answers they spin land on the ideal
To solve problems and heal
Just because you don't believe that I have a chance
Don't mean that I don't haunt you
Say Oops upside ya head, say Oops upside ya head