If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Three-Fifths Promise & Compromise | Third Elemental Force
Fundamental Foundational Life Forces Powers Energies Of Nature
Unity Consciousness #2757

(9azzzzzzzzzv of 11)

From now on, every message on this blog will contain something that slams headlong into the headstrong who are dead wrong and long gone. Especially into the diseased cavities of Maafa Racists, enemies of homeostasis whose collectives depend primarily on static favored groupie status cling, the weakest bond that connects things of addict's bad habits. You will not be able to cherry pick, by the title of any message, whether or not you will be able to escape facing raw unpainted truths about self and all else. You are already quite used to watching your life crashing before your lies. Even your God despises evils to which you build ornate noisy lighted cathedrals held together by corrosive laws and judicial decisions. You are living and dying by your lip glossed flood of legalized flaws. Look at the small amount of things your education has taught you and that your news keeps you focused on and how even that handful is representative of everything you have chosen to glorify, while you self-indemnify. Your logic is too weak to maintain the catbird seat, You do not rule the womb, the cocoon or the tomb of spirit, emotion, mind or body. Hu-Ra Shu-Ma She-rau Shiloh come soon as warrior and avalanche to consume arrogant rudeness, the incumbents of numbness. Any claim of feeling pain is just lame game to try to illicit empathy and sympathy to fill gaping sucking holes from which neither has ever came.

Three-Fifths Per Rude People

Be sure to understand that 3/5's human is not new. It's just a numerical variation of earlier logic that has manifested dozens of times by groups of humans, who, for one or more treasons against inherent rights, have valued other humans as less than them or subhuman. This foolishness started in Africa. Each group's treatment has varied towards those deemed lesser, going from just thinking they are better to aggressive behaviors against the disfavored group to enslavement and formal and informal codification of behaviors to make seemingly true what is always proving to be false. Be certain, as a general rule, when a human vice is uncorrected, its manifestations will get worse and worse. These are the worst of times for human logic regarding race. There's nothing highly intelligent or criminal mastermind about it. The only thing superior about it is the degree of feeblemindedness involved. You racist are a stupid nigger, whose go-to-trigger is the pigment of your imagination masturbation always trying to add a good airy feeling to your pre and post-ejaculation deflating self-realizations that everyone in this world and beyond, knows shows.

3/5's compromise (three-fifths human) has been discussed and debunked for other reasons. This message is another perspective of the deeper and broader meanings and implications, unbeknownst to most humans and definitely unknown to the white people who decided to value black people at 60% of a human, which in their midget minds meant 3/5's of a white person. 60% is three-fifths and six-tenths and sixty-hundredths.

1. If blacks were valued at 3/5's of a white person, the value would have been less than 60% human because white people are only 7/10's human. This is based on having the seven elemental souls of life that allows the creation of animals with blood that, when defective, can only evolve to the level of the perfect beast. The perfect beast is the same as the imperfect human. Racists are a de-evolution of human.

2. 3/5's was determined without any supportable basis except as a figure arrived at by the USA's north and south negotiating congressional representation, thus negotiating their own power and control over the USA's stolen properties. They were not negotiating the humanness of black people. Both sides were in agreement on that issue that blacks were legal property whose value was determined by supply and demand.

3. What the 3/5's compromise does highlight is the fact that the north, in no ways, was pro-black folks and anti-slavery. No, not ever. Not now. Quit saying the USA's Second Civil War was about white people trying to end slavery. That's idiotic bullshit. To recap an earlier message: if the Northern Yankees were anti-slavery and since the north won, then the north should have been a utopia for blacks. It never has been. Post civil war, racism has never been limited to the south or to southerners or confederates or to Republicans or Democrats. Northern whites have always put whiteness first just as southern whites have always put blackness last. It is idiotic to try to figure out which crocodile is a good guy, vegetarian or vegan. If you are anywhere near them, they are always scheming on how to drag you down and consume your life force.

Another clear thing we must remember is that Northern whites [supposedly the “good guys”] wanted blacks to be valued as low as possible, even zero, while Southern whites wanted blacks to be valued as a full human. Thus then the compromise was about voting power in Federal elections and Federal Congress.
4. 3/5's has nothing to do with white people figuring out the five components of a human and then dividing a human on that basis. No white person has ever listed what each 1/5 of a human represents and why they have 5/5's and blacks have 3/5's. That takes deep convoluted polluted thought, which in the lands of the lost, is the antithesis to African deep thought rooted deep in the compacted composted shit in the bottom of Africa, whose roots are everywhere on this planet and are breaking through concrete jumbles like papyrus shoots.

5. It is only when we accept and operate under the debased logic context of white folks, arabs, semites and people of color worldviews and their attack mode asilis, that their attempted denigrations and diminutions of black folks have a chance to be a viable.

3/5's Per Giri-So Understandings Of Judaeo-Christian Bible

Humans were created on the sixth day, along with other land animals, except fowl. However humans were not complete. Step 7, form man of dust. Step 8, breathe life into as a living soul. Step 9, form woman, who evidently was able to breathe on her own and install her own soul, she being the mother of all living. Step 10, resurrect and perfect the life tainted soul through Mashiach Mashu MakhShu Makhu Jesus, as another symbol of the Age of Kepheus Cepheus Obatala.
Thus 6/10 human is the human formed in step 6 on the sixth day, which is the same as all humans. So the diminution and denigration of black folks fails based on the Judaeo-Christian worldview.

Greater Meaning Per Nile Valley Mythology

Animal Souls Of Life are created first, before animal creations are formed doubly materially (spirit-soul as inner temple and body as outer temple). This double creation notion is copied in Genesis 1 and 2, but messed up due to trying to make the story human history about semi-white jews and white people as the primary characters:
0. waters containing all things, including spirit-soul, in the Supreme Being Body Container called Universe
1. water, ichor liquid solution essence and earth amassed as mass
2. night fire (fire in the belly and groin) night lights of pole stars, moon stars and planet rock stars, along with plasma liquid essence
3. wind and sky above
4. earth as dry land
5. day fire (fire on the head and shoulders) day light of sun star
6. animals physically connected to water and land called plants (water and dry land) and oil, sap, nectar and juice liquid essences and hesmen and semen gel-encapsulated dry essences
7. animals whose physical connection to water and land is less restrictive called animals (water and dry land) containing the additions of blood, milk, hesmen and semen liquid solution essences
8. perfect beast of the father beast reborn as imperfect human born prepubescent of the mother soul of life, one dose of glory
9. imperfect human reborn begotten as pubescent of the father soul of life, second dose of glory
10. human soul resurrected and perfected, third dose of glory.
Thus 3/5 = 6/10 = 6 elementals before the soul of life in blood. Thus 3/5's is lower than water and land beasts, a notion which we know is possessed by Maafa Racists who consider blacks less worthy than their dogs, cats, whales, trees or oil slicked birds, which is why you see Maafa Racists putting forth lots of efforts to save animals and plants while trodding over the inherent rights of their ancestors (black people). They have no care, concern or energy to do the daily self-corrections of self and their cohorts, but plenty of care, concern and energy to remain in attack mode and push back mode when the offended merely protest against injustice. If there is safety in numbers, there is also danger in numbers. If there is power in collusion and conspiracy, there is always another group larger in number with greater power. If there is superior power in human laws and human-made weapons, such as guns, there is always greater laws, greater weapons and the offsetting flaws inherent in reliance on human laws and human weapons.

Shu, the soul of life in wind and additional things, is the hinder part of Herakles, the soul of life in blood bearing beasts, including humans. Thus in 12,960 years, humans, if still here, will undergo a significant evolution or de-evolution.** These effects will not apply to all humans equally. In the meantime, there are still individual evolutions and de-evolutions taking place along with returning to the highest and lowest levels previously attained. These changes also take place in other aspects of the natural world since each soul of life contains all of the basic primary fundamental elementals.
During Shu Kepheus, one of the things taking place is that humans are being reborn in a major upgrade from the waters of stem cells. We know this because the spirit of Shu is being reborn and becomes eight-tenths through Aquaria, and ten-tenths through Polaris South and its southern circumpolar constellation, along with other constellations in each Great Year and along with many other cycles. This includes Polaris South of the Ages of Cygnus, Lyra and Herakles.

**This is a partial explanation for Egyptians considering themselves men par excellence, while earlier humans back up the Nile, all the way back to South Karua were considered “less excellent, less perfected.” Thus this notion does have an identifiable basis during certain cycles; however, this notion and its accompanying genetics are only a seed that must be nurtured to fullness to bring forth the evolutions in understandings or de-evolutions in understandings, and how the younger self relates to the elder self, the current to the former, the later to the earlier, the fruit above to the root below. Which of these are the greater race?
Obviously, at different points in human history, humans have chosen to allow harmonic evolutionary thinking and behavior or disharmonic de-evolutionary thinking and behavior to dominate knowledge of self and all else. This is why Maafa Racists are more destructive than humongous dinosaurs. And this is why dinosaur effects had to be neutralized. And no, not by a single meteor. It would have had to be something with both suddenness and greater genetic precision in water, in air, on land and underground where hunkeys foolishly plan to hunker in bunkers, since all other above grade barricades have proven to be no match when any aspect of nature fights back against any other aspect of nature that is causing the most dysfunction.

3/5's Linguistically

Shu (Egyptian) is Bacchus (Greek) from Bach (Welsh, Wales) from Bach (Egyptian) from Bekh (Egyptian) meaning womb.
Boy (English) is derived two ways:
1. Bekh yields Bak (Egyptian), a servant who is a labourer who works in stone.
2. Bak yields Fekh, the captive, the bound one, the glorified Bak, a type of Repa Horus, the prince, the Boy, the youthful Sun God at spring, the pubescent, but not the adult at 30, not the father.
Thus, Boy matches Shu as the soul of life in wind, water, heat and waters, reborn pubescent at spring equinox of the Mother of the Waters, Aquaria. It also matches all other forms of the risen christ messiah as representative of the father, but not the father, even though elsewhere in Judaeo-Christian lore, the son says he, spirit and father are one.

A boy in White English British logic is not a full human; however, in Egyptian Mythology, the boy is a full human because the boy is pubescent. Thus again, the denigration and diminution fails and gives hail to the rising heir apparent as Boy as Bak as Shu, son of Bekh, Bakh, Khat, Khut, Khakh, Khekh.


Nile Valley Mythology is a summary of hundreds of thousands of years of the supreme scientific process of the Supreme Being in human form who has lost degrees of knowledge of self and all else. This process incorporates many cycles. What is manifesting anywhere in the Milky Way Galaxy is the cumulative effects of these cycles. The primary ruling cycles are the two Great Year Ages and their primary and secondary alignments with other cycles. Towards the end of their rule, these ages share co-rule with the next Age. Human cycles, though many, are a relatively small handful of the cycles that account for what is going on; however, just like Ages, human cycles, towards their end, share co-rule with the next set of human cycles. Human cycles are not stronger than their lifetimes, no matter how long combined or how many. Hundreds of years of human cycles can be broken in an instant, along with their defective collectives, institutions, countries and wayward ways of life.
Every quarter Great Year of 6,480 years, all great primary alignments take place at the corners. In regards to the Age of MaShu, an large number of macro and smaller cycles are fluctuating to announce and establish the rule of Mashu.
Outside of the Supreme Being as Nun Waters of Spirit-Soul, this universe is not ruled by a single elemental, not even water or whales or snails or lions or lichens or humus or humans, and definitely not by a subset of one of the last subsets.
Portions of the revolution are being televised. It's up to us to recognize and synthesize.
Every knee shall bow in reverence or in subjugation, whether in physical form or in spirit-soul form. I, will not stand in the way of myself as all else which is having no mercy because mercy has already been given long enough to idolaters of vile violent violators.

By The Way: we are reminded that a symbol of Shu is the primate as ape, the precursor hinder part to the primate as human as Herakles. Thus, in the past 200 years, many things related to primates again fill the information airwaves. Most recent is monkeypox as an extension of human immunodeficiency virus that was supposedly started by monkeys. If there is going to be any physical virus that kills a lot of humans, it will kill a lot of racists, just as corona virus #2 has. Meanwhile, a more deadly virus, the apeshit logic virus, always on display will continue to kill and set societies up for their final fall coming soon to a theater near you.

So in case you missed it, the three-fifths compromise is the three-fifth's promise of the two incoming Ages that used the willful skillful idiocy of white folks to announce the coming of the Ages and the changing of the guards above and below, especially in the USA. Do not remain in Giri-So mode. Separate yourself. As each great ape of wrath moves along its path, no time will be taken to separate wheat from chaff or wheat from tares (weeds). Be certain to understand that mature wheat and mature grass are hard to tell apart, without close and experienced inspection, that is, unless its nurture is monoculture wheat, which is not the actual situation on Earth as one field. Multiple wheat varieties mix and mingle in societies where weeds predominate. Much wheat will be lost mixed in with the weeds and having taking on characteristics of the weeds.

Friday, June 24, 2022

Other Women Manifesting In My Life | Third Elemental Force
Fundamental Foundational Life Forces Powers Energies Of Nature
Unity Consciousness #2756

(9azzzzzzzzzu of 11)

As part of the composite nature of Shu, we know about women named Ma, Tefnut, Nut, Sekhet, Nef, Hapi, Typhon, Nun, Oshun, Ocean, Apt, Meri, Mami Wata, Serene, Yemaya, Jehovah, Sheba, Elisheba, Bathsheba, Bat-shua, Shiva, Harriet Tubman.... I will list several more with detail to make sure I understand the many connections involved in bringing forth fundamental forces of nature. Thus also the many connections involved in bringing forth facts of life and existence. If it's a fact, then based on what, what, what and what...?

Mother Kefa

Mother Kefa Waters give birth to Shu as air, heat, light, spark, water and waters (the catch all, the catch basin, the cache basis, cash basis, khesh basis, khekh nakhekh).

Say My Name: Khattiopia (Cassiopeia)

Khatti means South and the full word can be worn down to atiopia and utopia. Cassiopeia is a northern constellation who is Queen of the South, Aethiopia above as the hinder part leg, thigh, haunch of milk cow Nut. Thus Cassiopeia is currently the hinder part of Aquaria.

Satet As Mother

Another form of Aquaria is Satet, Great Mother Earth who gives rebirth to heavenly waters. Satet is a form of Sati, Seti and Ta-seti. Seti has the meanings of: copulate, goddess of the white, upper white crown, the beam and arrow of light; set, illumine [s/b lumine, lumen, rumen]. Thus also Satet is a Goddess of Water as the Goddess of the Nile River inundation above and below, without and within. Thus also Satet is a form of Isis who brings forth waters and children from the waters. Satet is associated with war, arrows and darts. Lastly, Satet's white crown had antelope horns on it. She was also shown wearing the vulture headdress, reserved for queens who had given birth to heirs.

Midwives As Mothers

Shu has two midwives, Shiphrah (Jochebed) and Puah (Miriam).
Shiphrah is the bright beautiful heaven of the south, the upper vault arched over, the forepart of the lion.
The second heaven is the void in the north below as Puah (NIS, NYS) to breathe, to blow, to utter.
These are the double lionesses as Peh, Peh-Peh, Pehti, Peh-T, Pekh-T, Buto or Pasht. Pehti signifies double force of glory. Glory, like greatness, was. founded upon bigness, being big, gestating, pregnant, impregnated, breasts full of milk. Pehti might be the source of “petty” meaning small, insignficant.
In other words, it takes two additional mothers to bring forth and nourish the elemental soul of life ever-coming one as Shu. Since these two midwives are two heavens of waters, it is likely they apply to each elemental soul of life and force of nature.
Glory is pure spirit core of the Supreme with a boundary and contents that are all the same and radiating in all directions like arrows like the Aten sun and halo. We know a little bit about the power of this shekina glory when we are told not to look directly at the sun or when we can't withstand being near an intense fire. This then would explain why the glory kills those who are unperfected and not permitted into the holy of holies or to look directly at it. This then might be where the Medusa comes from and Pandora's box as an ark of the covenant. So then imagine what kind of force is involved in and imbued in a creation made with a double portion of this glory.

Stake My Claim: Mother Venus

The Mother is Planet Star Venus no matter which hemisphere she is in. This star was also called Zopporah (Zipporah), who of course, Shu (Moses) married. Since Zipporah is Jochebed as wife and mother to Shu, we can also infer that Moses (Shu) also marries the feminine principle Miriam as wife and sister.

Venus is the peh-peh double glory of Ursa Major.
“Glory” is the power to duplicate and move from prepubescent to pubescent or any next level or stage that is a leap up or leap down, thus peh-peh, like all forces of nature contain two truths, which in this instance is feminine and masculine. Peh-peh is ben-ben, tekenen, tek-tek, put-put, tiptop, tiktok and more.

Concerning Venus having the double glory from one source as Mother Source, I take this to also mean that whatever elemental is born as spirit-soul during the Age of Ursa Major at the lower northern pole is brought forth to full fruition by Venus and synonyms such as (Isis,Virgo, Pisces, Hathor, Hathor-Nut, Aquaria, Eve, Heva or Kefa, Ife, Life, Iusaas, Neb-hetep, Hes, As, Ast, Auset, Neft, Nebethet, Nephthys, Hathor, Nebethet-Nut, Cassiopeia, Ursa Major, Neith, Seti, Wen, Ven, Ken, Gwen, Whin, Han, Khan, Khen, Khin, Khon, Khun)
This is why we see Shu as Kepheus being made pubescent by Aquaria-Satet.

In the 1997 movie, Contact, starring Jodie Foster, she mentions Cassiopeia and Venus. Vega, the star contact is made with is in Lyra Constellation.

Mother Per-aa Khufu

“Kepheus” comes from Kepsh, the lower north hinder part of the lioness. Shu wears this symbol on his head as his crown and sign of authority.
“Shu” comes from Kefu the lion-god. Shu is Khu. The U is the earlier FU, thus Khufu* and Kafi, Hapi.
Now we reconnect Shu and Kepheus. Kefu becomes Kufu or Khufu becomes Sufu or Shufu or Shu or Shuphu or Khuphu or Khephu that adds the child as si to get Kephius to get Kepheus which is mother and child, female and male, first truth and second truth and many combinations of truths.

*Since Khufu is Shu, we have another clue to tell us that Khufu who built the Great Pyramid would have had to do so during the reign of Shu when Shu was in his glory days as ruler as Polaris North. The last time this happened was 26,000 years ago.
We are told the Great Pyramid of Ghizeh was founded by Pharaoh Khufu when Ghizeh was in the nome of the “haunch,” the seat of rule of the Great Mother. Which form of the Great Mother? The symbol of haunch tells us. This haunch is expressly feminine, southern birthplace and milch (milk) cow in the following ways as:

1. the birthplace of waters from heaven above as a lake called Khar-aba in Cassiopeia [related to kirjatharba, Barabra, Arbaham (Abraham), Abra, Afra, Afr, fire, sun, gold and waters, Apru, Afru, Afro]

2. rebirthplace of souls in heaven above as the Lake of the Thigh or Haunch in Cassiopeia located at the northern pole [ruled as Queen of Aethiopia 26,000 years ago]

3. Ursa Major used to be several names, some of which are (Great Hippopotamus, the Thigh, Leg, Boates, Bootes) [ruled 9058 BCE to 5355 BCE]

4. Hathor-Nut-Aquaria-Menat-Pasht-Sekhet-Tefnut, Nebethet, Nephthys, Merta-Martha is the milch cow or wet nurse [ruled 26,000 years ago]

Egyptians had a huge southern constellation dedicated to Menat the wet-nurse, called “the Stars of the Water.” The “Southern Fish” and “Ketos [fetus, fetu]” are both depicted in this water of the southern abyss. Menkat gives us the words Menat, Maat, Makat, Maka, Maya and Ma. [date of rule unknown]

Therefore the Great Pyramid was built thousands of years before 2600 BCE. The Great Pyramid honors the perfecting of the first seven elementals who became Khuti in the northern circumpolar constellations.
Therefore the Great Pyramid would have had to been built prior to 5355 BCE when Ursa Major's rule ended.
However all other clues related to Shu as Khufu indicates the most powerful time for constructing the Great Pyramid would have been during an Age of Kepheus, thus 26,000 years ago when all of these haunches, milch cows and wet nurses were aligned, including Ursa Major who was situated behind Kepheus Constellation as she is now with Corona Borealis between her and Herakles, all three behind Kepheus.
When the sun, in its revolution, passes through Aquarius (Menat) constellation, Kepheus constellation or Regulus, rises with his consort, Cassiopeia, Queen of Aethiopia, who also tends to the sun in the underworld. All of these alignments are perfect for the building of a Great Pyramid based on one through ten, completion.
Also in alignment at this time are southern circumpolar constellations as described in the next section.

Mother Nusa

Shu is god of the stand, standard or pedestal as the Nusa, the altar or mountain called Nyssa. Nys-SA reads “out of, behind,” and the mount was that of the birthplace in the lower north, the hinder-part, the haunch thigh out of which Shu was born as the supporter of the nocturnal heaven.

Shu is also the Nusa and Dio-nyssa (Dionysus), also known as Bacchus, Jehovah-Nissi, Bimater, Silenus and lao Sabaoth.
Also known as Mysos in Greece (My is Ma and Sos is Shu) Bacchus, like all ever-coming ones, is the Repa (Repit), the vine and wine. Bacch is Bekh, Buk and Bitch. Bacchus (the thrice-born) was represented with horns, as was Moses.
It's another time to remember that Shu as Mashu is the same as Makhu. Khu, like Akhet, means spirit. Khu in the form of Kep denotes the mystery of fermentation and fertilization. Furthermore, the Makh in Makhu is the same as Bakh which means generating, fecundating. Bakh-Khu, then, is the fecundating spirit, personified in Bacchus as lord of the vine. Another spelling variation is Buk, to fecundate, engender, inspirit* and as such it passed into the name of Bacchus, for the spirit of fermentation and wine. (BB1, BB2)
A few quick notes:
1. When we say “My”, meaning individual, we are also saying Ma, the collective as mother.
2. Recent usage of “SOS” as a sign for “help” is a plea to Shu to come help us. Also used to signal help is a group of three or an x, both of which are signs of Shu at the crossroads. SOS can only be seen from the sky which Shu uplifts, thus we should expect help to come from the sky above.

There is a Lake Nyassa in the Great Lakes region of Africa. In the book, “Across Africa,” published in 1877, it was said that “The Tanganyika, Nyassa, and Albert Nyanza are in the line of a great flaw in some ancient upheaval. These three lakes, therefore, seem to lie in an interrupted fissure on the outside of one in a series of concentric upheavals.”
”Lake” comes from Nyanza, is an enormous collection of primordial water in the superlative, pre-eminent sense. This is because the word nyanza is the same as nganga as nkanka as ankank as aa. We should expect great great changes in the Great Lakes region of Africa, especially since it is the human birthplace.

Shu Uplifts Four Heavens

1. As An-hur in Leo he stands upon the western horizon to uplift the heaven of mother Typhon as birth waters and seven elementals in Ursa Major. In other words Shu raises the night sky, annual sky and great year sky while lowering the day sky, annual sky and great year sky and sun.

2. As Shu in Kepheus he stands upon the lower north pole to uplift the heaven of Sut as darkness and Anup as Polaris North and eight elementals (seven + Anup). In other words Shu raises the northern circumpolar enclosure that also contains the moon, and the younger prepubescent Horus as seven that allows the sun to begin to rise from midnight.

3. As Shu in Aquaria he stands upon the eastern horizon to uplift the heaven of pubescent son Horus of eight elementals (seven + Horus). In other words Shu lowers the night sky, annual sky and great year sky while raising the day sky, annual sky, great year sky, sun and lightness.

4. (9): As Shu in ?? Constellation he stands upon the upper south pole to uplift the heaven of adult Horus and nine elementals (eight + Polaris South as Ptah father revealed and Osiris).
(10): As Shu in ?? Constellation, he stands upon the upper south pole to uplift the heaven of Menat Hathor-Nut Aquaria as wet nurse, who, when in gestation is ten lunar moons but nine solar months.
Note: Whatever Constellation that is moving to the south pole, the opposite constellation must be Southern Crown (Corona Australis) so that everything aligns with the north.
Sut, the son was symbolized by Canis Major as southern circumpolar.

Note: Information on the southern circumpolar constellations is sketchy, questionable at best and a hot mess, including how constellations have been reconfigured by those with phds in society. There is wide disagreement. I don't trust the information based on logic statements it contains and that it does not take into account what the Nile Valley Africans had figured out, one of those things being that there must be at least ten southern circumpolar constellations, that, as a collective, change with the Great Year.

Kepheus Has Two Regulators, Two Lawgivers

Shu-Anhur may be recognized in the constellations of Kepheus and Leo, partly by means of the double Regulus.
1. Regulus as alpha star Cor Leonis in Leo Constellation is the heart of the lion in the upper south.
2. Regulus as alpha star Alderamin in Kepheus constellation in the lower north.

Alderamin is also a poet facilitating the restoration of poetry as a profession and means of teaching. These two stars allow Kepheus to rule at the pole and equator. These two constellations, along with Aquaria and other aligning constellations, are the teachers of remembering anything needed.

Shu's Like The Wind

The word Wind finds its way through many variations from the word Khent (Egyptian). This coincides with the word Being from Kaing from Khaing from khaank which leads to Khent. Khent becomes Kent, Went, Wend, Wind
Khaing shortens to Khn which means to blow, puff away, breathe, thus breath, air, wind.
Ka also becomes BE is Pu, to be, divide, spirit, soul. With the feminine article T prefixed to pu, we get TEPU which means the first, breathe, blow. Tepu relates to Kapi, Hapi, Fetu
Anima is (wind, breath, air, soul, spirit) which traces back to Khen, Khn (to blow, puff, breathe) in the form of “An”. This is for all you human animals whose anima is animated by the ani-mist of the ani-mest of the Animist, but who are not Animists.
The closest Egyptian word for fact is “Pekh” or “Sekh,” a division, mapped out, marked out, cut out, depict, represent. This Sekh is sect and section which is fact and faction. Sakh is the illuminator [s/b luminator, lumenator, lumen aider, ruminator], inspirer, informer.
Having sex is having sekhs, which is when two or more facts interact. Sekhs (sex) is when two or more sekh interact they become sekhs. This reveals fecundate is fekh-un-date. Date is Mate, Sate. Ultimately fecundate is fekh-un-fekh and sekh-un-sekh, both of which mean section opens section, section helps section to be to manifest potential partly or wholly, purely or aberrantly, goodly or badly, healthily or not. Sex (the interaction of two or more sections, parts or facts of life) is the interaction of two or more truths, even if one or more of those truths are lies. This is what having sex means and this is what fecundating means, both of which is taking place all day everyday by us and everything else.
The Maker is the Breadmaker, Cake Maker, Mes Maker, the Baker, Baper of Vapor, Bapper is inspirer infuser of soul. Soul is breath (warm air. Air is water + waters) that causes bread to rise out of the waters and take shape.

Shu is the deity of the third day at least four ways as:
1. Wind's Day (Wednesday)
2. Wen + Nys + day
3. Ven-us-day
4. Windy nusa

For all the stars, constellations, their various names, and all other information in this message, I'm leaving it up to you to think about how they have and are manifesting on Earth and through humans. Only a few additional examples have pressed themselves forward into my current memory.

Connections are a fundamental force of nature and fact of life and existence.

Alignments (conjunctions) are a fundamental force of nature and fact of life and existence.

Variation (diversity) is a fundamental force of nature and fact of life and existence.

Waters of Heaven Above and Waters of Heaven Below are the double glory and fundamental forces of nature and facts of life and existence.

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Brute Forces In You & In The Petrified Forest
Fundamental Foundational Life Forces Powers Energies Of Nature
Unity Consciousness #2755

(9azzzzzzzzzt of 11)

We know societies turn beautiful nature into grotesque admirations of concrete jungles, raped by landscapers and homemakers fawning over nature made into a disobedient pawn needing lots of whipping into shape.

Squier — I don't know anything. You see — the trouble with me is, I belong to a vanishing race. I'm one of the intellectuals.

Gabby—That means you've got brains. I can see you have.

Squier—Yes—brains without purpose. Noise without sound. Shape without substance. Have you ever read "The Hollow Men"? Don't. It's discouraging, because it's true. It refers to the intellectuals, who thought they'd conquered Nature. They dammed it up, and used its waters to irrigate the wastelands. They built streamlined monstrosities to penetrate its resistance. They wrapped it up in cellophane* and sold it to drug-stores. They were so certain they had it subdued. And now—do you realize what it is that is causing world chaos?


Squier—Well, I'm probably the only living person who can tell you. . . . It's nature hitting back. Not with the old weapons —floods, plagues, holocausts. We can neutralize them. She's fighting back with strange instruments called neuroses. She's deliberately afflicting mankind with the jitters. Nature is proving that she can't be beaten—not by the likes of us. She's taking the world away from the intellectuals and giving it back to the apes.
Petrified Forest, complete text

*[without fail, did pronounced things hidden under word spells, all of them profane, because disease was in every brain, home, and, town, bound, to spirits who confound horrific by committee with pretty prolific ]

Brutes, Brute force, Brutal and Brutality are a fundamental force of nature and fact of life and existence.

See UC#1529

Sample Forms Of Brute

1. Brute is Bride, the mother. Sekhet is the Bride of the upper South in Polaris South. Sun and Earth. The Bride wears a girdle or tie. Bride means to slip, wrap round with the tie sign (ankh, noose, loop) of binding. The Brute is Sekhet of heat in the South, the younger Horus, light shade; and Tefnut of water in the north in Cassiopeia, both of which are Shu.

Brute is Sut, the child of the lower hinder north in Polaris North. Brute as Sut as darkness, the child of the lower hinder north. Brute as Sut is also the soul of life in darkness as Polaris South, the elder Horus, El-Shadai, dark shade.

2. Brute is Kha ruti, Khar uti, Kar ute, all of which mean original, first

3. Kaf-ruti is the ape, the pre-man. Ruti is man. Kafruti becomes Karuti becomes Brute.

4. Brute is Khrute, Kharu, Karu, Karut. Karut signifies natives, inhabitants, aborigines, masons, workers in stone, the Karti, Karuti, Kafruti, short people, Kart, Kelt, Keltae spread out into many lands over several ages such as stone, bronze, paleolithic, neolithic.

5. Brute
a) comes from stone seed, the parent
b) works with stone, the child
c) becomes Kar ati or uti, karati, karate
d) works from a stone cold heart

6. Beauty and the Beast is the earlier Bru-te and the Beast. Brute and Beast being either mother or child and both as in Typhon, Sut and Sut-Typhon. Much later the Beast is the imperfect beast as the imperfect human. Thus Beauty and the Beast is a love story from the parent-sibling seed to the human despite human imperfection. The move, Beauty & the Beast is actually about the superimposing and imposition of humans as mother and Beauty, while making Nature the child and Beast whose beauty is determined by the eye of humans. This is further profaned by the movie's secondary meaning of showing the soul of life in darkness as Beauty as a white female, and shows the soul of life in lightness as Beast as dark symbolizing a black male. However, this misapplication reverses itself in the primary theme of love knowing no bounds when it moves beyond the superficial and connects soul to soul. (Light has a dark core; darkness, a light core) As we know, many human brutes can't handle this truth.

7. In the movie, The Petrified Forest, Alan is a Brit, a Brut, a Brute who is cash destitute and comes to understand truth and gives his life for someone else who can continue that pursuit, after getting rid of illusions of other places, lands of dreams. The forest is the karest, the christ who dies so we may live, and is then resurrected still.

8. While sharing his soliloquy about intellectuals and Nature in the 1936 movie, Alan makes three great big mistakes in the first three sentences of the last section. His misstatements are the same logic errors most people are still making today. This is why the masses still expect governments to do something to save them from climate environmental change using any brutish way necessary so they and their society don't have to change much.

Like all fundamental forces, brute force has many forms, dimensions and degrees that can be used as tool or weapon, good or evil. There is no greater example of brute force than the wielder of the whip (khep, cop).

Law enforcement and law enforcers existed before humans as a fundamental force of nature and fact of life.

Repetition is a fundamental force and fact of life and existence.

Monday, June 20, 2022

Any Means Necessary | Explicit & Implicit Meanings
Fundamental Foundational Life Forces Powers Energies Of Nature
Unity Consciousness #2754

(9azzzzzzzzzs of 11)

In UC#2752, the program algorithm logic string, “any means necessary” came forth and reestablished itself as a fundamental force of nature. Though early in this process, we have listed almost 50 fundamental forces, none of which are the fragmented four put forth by the academies of societies. So far, if there is a top ten of fundamental forces, “any means necessary” is definitely one of them. Keep in mind, on this safari, we are moving from Initiate to Adept by consistently following the process listening lays forth as we move from general to specific, from Giri So to So Dayi, from belief to knowledge on the way to becoming unity consciousness oneness with Supreme Beingness.

Most of us still associate “any means necessary” with Malcolm X. The unstable nervous associate the phrase with something scary as in a dangerous notion, dangerous rhetoric. The stage 4 mentally ill associate it with black people attacking “innocent” white people.


“Necessary” is needed, required.
“Means” is way, method.
”Any” is one or more.

Any means necessary is using one or more ways or methods needed and required.


“Necessary” is available, powerful.
1. Nakh-en-kary. Nakh is pubescent, en is of, open, ripen, leaven; kary is nucleus. Necessary is ready to reproduce in the nucleus.
2. Nakh-es-kary. Es is a form of en, ekh (khe, ank), ex (out of), it (heaven). Necessary is everything in the holy of holies nucleus.

“Means” is thing is ankh is nga.
“Me” is ma and mu is feminine seed principles combined with masculine seed principles. Me is the metaform, metaformer and metaphor of Universe.
“An” is the place of beginning and repetition. An is twinness as in first there was NA that replicated into AN, the mirror image, then Na went through variation repetitions of Ne, Ni, No, Nu while simultaneously AN became En, In, On, Un.

”Any” is Ani (An, Aan, Kan, Khan, Cain, Kham, Kani, Kafi, Kapi, Hapi, Ben, Fen, Fan, Fion, Pan, Phanes, Finns).
Ani is the new moon and dark lunation symbolized by the black dog-headed monkey, the cynocephalus ape called Kaf, who is also a symbol of Shu-Kepheus.

Colored golden, the dog-headed ape represents both dark and light lunation.
Taht or Tehuti is the dog of the new moon and light lunation.
Taht-Aan or Aan is the dog-headed ape of the second half of the moon cycle as it wanes from full moon as the ape howls, goes blind, menstruates.
Aan, as the child of the full moon, is prepubescent in the waning moon that transforms into Taht in the New Moon and becomes pubescent in the waxing moon.
Aan as the prepubescent waning moon also becomes pubescent in the Annual Spring Equinox and in the Celestial Equatorial New Age, and once per Great Year as spirit-soul in Herakles and once per Great Year in material nature and humans in Kepheus.
Taht-Tehuti or Tehuti is the ibis-headed dog or human of the first half of the moon cycle as it waxes from new moon, the masculine bull of the feminine mother. Taht, the pubescent, has two horns turned downward in the crescent. Shu, the pubescent, has two arms turned upward.
Taht as Moon supersedes Sut as Polaris South as logos word law-giver and chief measurer of time. Taht passes the Makheru true voice to the Sun. (NG2)

Taht, as dog, is the tongue of the Scales of Balance which was represented by the Cynocephalus [Kepheus] as well as by the Vase [Aquaria]. (NG1)

At the exact instant of the monthly conjunction of earth, moon and sun at New Moon, when the moon fades to full black, then the male Cynocephalus neither sees, nor eats, but is bowed down to the earth and howls. The female, unable to see, menstruates. When the moon's light begins to rejuvenate the Cynocephalus stands upright and raises its hands to heaven. (NG1)

Aan as Kafi also represented the mother of the moon, the pregnant feminine phase and feminine Logos.
This ape was an earlier type of the Sabean Typhonian Mother as Kefa and as Shu (Kafi) (BB2)

The Clicking Cynocephalus Ape, as the predecessor of Man, indicates that once per Great Year, during the time of greatest need and greatest threat to eternity, an upgrade seed is conceived during the Age of Kepheus to prevent circumvent a repeat of these sets of conditions.
This is a spirit-soul seed born prepubescent 1.75 northern polar ages later with 926 years remaining in the Age of Cygnus. 1.75 polar ages is 6,480 years exactly (3 equinoctial ages or each time the 4 primary corners align, which allows the fundamental forces and souls of life of water, fire, wind, earth to create great great climate environmental change). Then 1.75 polar ages later at the arrival of the Age of Herakles, the spirit-soul seed becomes pubescent. This begins to provide a buffer against the coming de-evolution during the next 12,960 year suboptimal period. Then 1.75 polar ages later, the spirit-soul seed becomes adult, dies and is resurrected in material nature and in humans another 1.75 polar ages later at the onset of the Age of Kepheus.
Thus every Great Year of 25,920 years there is a great human succumbing and failing and great human overcoming and rising.

So now let us be sure to understand, the obviously self-evident using one example: the period from 1863 CE to now in 2022 CE in the USA is the prepubescent aberration stage of freedom for nature and humans. This aberrant destroyer yurugu hypocrite spirit wants to become pubescent but it will be killed above, then below.
The triple moon as mother, bull and calf or ape was also represented by the mare, snake and dog. In this combination the mare is Hippa, the mother; the serpent is a bull of renewal, and the dog is the waning moon. Thus we again see the rise of Hippa as a medical privacy act that is a bunch of bull crap.


1. Any means necessary means through animals, since the only means available are animals since everything that exists is an animal, including the Supreme Being. Thus everyone who worships a God or a Human, is an animal worshiper.
Consider Ur-em-Na, El anim, Al anim, Ur anim, mani, Khar-em-na, anmerahk

2. Any means necessary is through ini meni mani mol. Through any or many animals. Since all animals are powerful, the choice between any two or among any group is like selecting using the "Eeny, meeny, miny, moe catch a nga by the toe” method, because any one will do.

3. In Egyptian, Ani is the name for inhabitants.
Variations: Uni, Una, Une, Uno, Unu, Ani, Eni, Ini, Oni, Nai, Nei, Noi, Nui, Nia, Nie, Nio, Niu, Ona, One, Ono, Onu, Anu, Enu, Ion, Any, and more. (BB)
Thus, although Universe is the earlier Anaverse, Anuverse and Aniverse, the abbreviations survive in many words. One set of examples is “Any” “Anyone” “Anybody” and “Anywhere”. Anywhere is each and everywhere in the Aniverse.

The Supreme Being uses any animal shape, form, fashion, process to fulfill the need-want incentive.

Imitation is a fundamental force of nature and fact of life and existence.

In UC#2754, we were taught that genetic downloading takes place with every 1.75 northern circumpolar constellations and every 3 Equinoctial Ages.
First of all, we can infer that downloading of spiritual and physical genetic instructions takes place with every Age in both Great Years. This includes the Ages in the southern circumpolar circle which we are currently unaware of the detail; however I surmise they number 10 Ages of 2,592 years. Thus we have two Great Years and three reckonings. As already remembered, uploads and downloads are always taking place between the above, below, within, without.
Second of all, initiates should have either already reconciled or be questioning why Shu as Kepheus is one of the upper northern polar constellations when Shu as the elemental soul of life is in the lower heaven called Amenta.
Again we are reminded that our current orientation of north and south is upside down. What we currently call northern circumpolar constellations, each with their Polaris North Alpha Star is actually in the lower half of the galaxy. North is at the bottom, not the top. North is down and lower in the dark half of the circle, the hinder part. Search “map” for additional explanation. labels, last Herakles was 12761 BCE to 9058 BCE

Programming is a fundamental force of nature and a fact of life and existence.

Sunday, June 19, 2022

General View Of Shu, The Third Elemental Force
Fundamental Foundational Life Forces Powers Energies Of Nature
Unity Consciousness #2754

(9azzzzzzzzzs of 11)

Shu is Air, Wind, Breath, Heat, Water & Waters
Shu Is Kepheus is Kafi-Shu-Ma-Tefnut-Sekhet-Nef
Shu also has a lot to do with Aquaria-Aquarius.
Shu is an influencer of several different cycles, stars and constellations.

We've been remembering Shu for several years along with Shu's role in climate environmental change. Yet and still, like Chicken Littleheads with a dialup spiritweb connection and nourished by the putrid phallus and poison pink chalice spewings from cable and the academy, suboptimal weather experts are still asking, what is causing day after day and year after year severe weather events?

As Anhar Har-an, Shu rules the four winds: "Storm Wind", "Tempest", "Strong Wind" and "Wind of Earthquake."
Shu is Eshu is Oshun of the Ocean of Aquaria whose waters break when she gives birth to Shu and his legion of assisting souls.
Shu's reign coincides and combines with the primary four corner constellations of Taurus the male bull hippopotamus of earth in the north, Leo the Lion of wind in the west, Scorpio, the Ape of breathing space and fire in the south and Aquaria the crocodile of water in the east who are currently aligned bringing about additional climate environmental change.

Shu represents several types of re-awakenings (one form of which is mocked as woke and wokeism by folks whose record recollection collection is warped).
Shu is putting the other shu on the other phut (foot, put, ptah, parent, truth). Spirit-soul is now favoring the female above and the son of the mother above. Below, this is not in favor of just any ole female or son; however prepubescent versions and aberrations must have their time as different energies continue to align.
Large impact events will continue to increase in frequency and severity until the majority of rebalancing has taken place. Places resistant to change will implode.

In other words, meteorologists and followers, take a few steps beyond the Giri So and move towards the optimal where meteorology becomes meta-ar-ology.
“Ology” is arekhi, understanding obtained through natural world primary teachers who reveal knowledge about self and all else through the interchange of metaphors with the seeker.

Shu and Aquaria represent Great Year Spring even though the Sun is only 60 degrees into the underworld. Remember how climate changes as springtime arrives each annual year and then magnify that change to what takes place during Great Year Spring. We are currently in Great Year Drought coming out of a harsh Winter.

Approximately 1522 CE, the Age of Kepheus began co-rule with the Age of Wepwawet. The joint Ages of Wepwawet and Kepheus explain many things but not everything. A lot more is explained by the joint Ages of Pisces and Aquaria who begain co-rule in 1860 CE. These two pairs of Ages explain a lot, but not everything. The rest is explained by other fundamental forces, Earth and its inhabitants, Sun, Moon and their inhabitants, and all other celestial bodies and inhabitants, including space as dark energy, dark matter and inhabitants.
Wepwawet and Pisces have been educating us, now this primary responsibility has shifted to Kepheus and Aquaria. Each person's curriculum is customized based on the content of our character.
For instance, if the ruling spirits need to destroy something and we are of poor character, the spirit will teach us how to contribute to that which needs to be destroyed, thus helping that which needs to be destroyed, destroy itself. On the other hand, if the spirit needs to destroy something and we are of good character, the spirit will teach us how to contribute to that which will defeat and replace that which needs to be destroyed.

To help bring about the Ages of Aquaria and Kepheus. wind, air, breath, moisture and heat are forces doing battle against the elemental formulations of Wepwawet and Pisces. In some instances these forces are ramping up, while in other instances they are tamping down. Shu (Shva, Shiva, Suva, Shua) is the almost fully installed warrior-hero fighting force program at the galactic pole. He has the power to bring back again, countervail, compel, force a way, raise, restore, equalize and save since his uplifting nature contains everything necessary using any means necessary to be self-sufficing in the fulfillment of duties and upholding of Supreme Law.
Shu provides breathing room, living room and creative room for inebriated spirits, high on ichor, to resurrect from Sahara.

Shu represents the adult force of thirty whose logic rules from the pole of stability in conjunction with his pubescent force of twelve with Aquaria whose logic rules at the equator of balance. Together these are reforming the status quo (duo). We should expect a deluge inundation of water, but not all encompassing, that then allows the green season of Spring to take hold. This will remove strongholds of the status quo.

Shu as “the kneeler” (Atlas, Hercules), stoops on bended knee to uplift the Great Year Sun and the sky as Nut who is the Age of Aquaria. Through upheaval (uplift) Shu helps bring about the fulfillment of the logic of the Age of Aquaria. He lifts up the sky with his two-pronged forked stick rod (rut, rek) of authority so he can support the horizon in the east and in the west.
Shu as Wind is the conductor of souls. He helps move the elementals through their phases which results in bringing the eye of light to RA, thus a different mix of truths.

During the Age of Kepheus, the Sun's power increases.
During Herakles, the Sun's power decreases. Daily, Shu uplifts the sky of day; then, several hours later, uplifts the sky of night. Annually, Shu uplifts the sky of Spring and Summer; then, three cycles later, uplifts the Sky of Autumn and Winter. Daily and annual cycles create change. Age Cycles create Great Changes. Because both Aquaria and Kepheus are Lords of Lords over all the elements, since they are changing at the same time, we are experiencing Great Great Change. This simply and accurately explains large scale weather events and societal change, even the entrenchment of the estranged and deranged who serve as resistance to the revolution.

Hundreds of examples exist showing the two outgoing Ages announcing the arrival of incoming Shu-Tefnut. A small amount of these co-oracle-mations (correlations) are:

1. Shu as a kneeler to support a great weight is why kneeling by Negro Kaepernick took place to support lifting of the great weight of Maafa Racism and why his kneeling was venomously attacked by haters of justice.

2. Shu's uplifted arms with his body at the center to support the long galactic horizon is used in construction to support long spans of beams that support something overhead such as ceilings or roofs. Shu's body is the center support pillar made of the seven elementals; Shu's two arms are two sets of elements that extend from this body as additional supports. These two extended elements, aided by temperature change, are either wind and water or two additional elements to make Shu as eight become ten.

3. This supporting stance is also seen when weightlifters lift weight on a single bar and raise it overhead. Due to Tefnut, Sekhet and Aquaria we also see the increase of female weightlifters.

4. Shu is the goal posts in the USA version of Football.

5. Shu is the sign of a three-pointer in basketball. Shu is number three.

6. Shu is the shape of a tuning fork and slingshot.

7. The shape of Shu is “I” supporting “U” supporting two supporting balance. IU is the Supreme Being.

8. Shu is the pushup.

9. Shu is called the elevator, thus we see the invention of elevators to lift us into the sky. Using Shu's braided ropes as cables.

10. Shu's stick is a prop that led to the recent custom of “giving props” to show support.

11. Shu raises the roof, another recent phrase.

12. Shu, by raising the sun, sets the roof on fire, thus the phrase the roof is on fire...let the motherfucker burn.

13. By raising the roof, Shu provides room for the souls in Egypt below in the Earth of Eternity to escape into the promised land Heaven of Eternity above to influence Galaxy, Solar Systems and Earths. These spirits are helping bring about climate environmental changes. Simultaneously Earth-born spirits are rising out of desert places.

14. If Shu, the lawgiver, does not use the rod, he spares the rod and spoils the child by sparing the law that gives the child room to develop with discipline and correction. This is in direct contradiction to societal logic that says you should not whip your child, yet society doesn't hesitate to whip them on all four levels to whip them into what the society wants. Whip that child, let it whip, whip it good.

15. Shu's uplifted arms is an attitude of worship used by humans and in praising something or raising the roof. We also notice the song “Down On Bended Knee” which talks about former good times and when Shu and Aquaria come back together once per great year. In the first meeting, Shu lets the sky down, which is why the song says I won't let you down (as before). This time around Shu is going to lift up the sky and provide breathing room and space for growth and development of what is healthy. Boyz II Men is a metaphor for Shu becoming pubescent virile full strength in Kepheus.

16. Barack Obama is the prepubescent form of Shu; Kamala Harris is the prepubescent form of Tefnut.

17. Shu is the Corona Crown Prince of Peace and King of Aethiopia. Cassiopeia is the Corona Crown Princess and Queen of Aethiopia (Cassiopeia is Khattiopia). Though Kepheus comes in peace, he will use his arrows as necessary when other forces don't work or more pinpoint accuracy is needed. Thus the coming of these Coronas is viewed as a pandemic worthy of panic by the pathogen virus in control of lands on Earth.

18. Many explorations have gone into the Nigger and Negro. Nga is breath, breather and Shu who is venerated as Nganga but denigrated as Nigger. Be certain that Trump's refusal to accept defeat is a mini-metaphor for racist collectives worldwide who will fight to the bitter end when their last days in control are up. This is why attacks on blacks are at max.
Nga is the Living One who brings forth breath out of the waters of self to transform life within self into another form in another dimension. Nga denotes fetching breath. Fetching is getting and getting is bringing forth. Thus Shu, as the conductor who brings forth the sun and brings forth souls out of Amenta and brings forth wind, is a transporter like transfer transfer rna, and like the movie series Transporter who delivers packages through perilous circumstances.

19. Shu is helping reveal the needed release of water by glacial melt, flooding, tsunamis, sea level rise, drought and dams bursting to come to the aid of land thirsting.

20. Shu-Tefnut as Moses as Harriet Tubman is a grand example of the conductor of souls taking place among humans in human history. The underground railroad is a metaphor with the underworld of Amenta.

21. Several messages have explored the relationship between monkey, ape and human. Shu and Hathor-Nut have been reminding us in many ways that human primates were mothered by money-ape primates. When a human child is born, the child does not understand that it was born of the mother which is why the child is able to attach to any caregiver and suckle any breast. As the child becomes more conscious of self and all else, this maturity process allows the child to make the connection of its existence and the portal through which it came to be. So as far as humans go in general, early humans, through natural inclination, imitated and mimicked the mother of their own nature and physiology, mainly the monkey, just as the human child does of those nearby, but does imitate the dog or cat. Imitation of the parent comes first, then variation, maturation and sometimes aberration. (NG1)

22. Since Shu uses rope to bind the sun and pull it along, we tie our shoes with a cross and loop.

Air, Wind, Breath is a fundamental force of nature and fact of life.

Water and Heat are fundamental forces of nature and facts of life.

Spirit-soul and souls of life are fundamental forces of nature and facts of life.

Going to sleep and waking up are fundamental forces of nature and facts of life

Humans as possessors and wielders of weapons of mass destruction is evident, and so now on the scene are superhuman possessors and wielders of weapons of mass destruction and construction as fundamental forces of nature and facts of life.

Meridians and Equators, Solstices and Equinoxes, Verizons and Horizons are fundamental forces of nature and facts of life that change stability and balance in the galaxy, solar system and definitely on Earth. One of the things we still fight against is Earth regaining the upperhand over the devisings of humans. This re-emphasizes that justice is about way more than just us humans.

Oracles are real as fundamental forces of nature and facts of life and existence.

Oracle readers are fundamental forces of nature and facts of life and existence.

Lifting great weights by many hands is har for the course and a fundamental force of nature and fact of life to counteract the piling on of collectives to create great burdens.

Whipping by whip is a fundamental force of nature and a fact of life.

There is always a king of the hill, imagined or real as fundamental force of nature and fact of life that always stumbles and tumbles head over heels.

The fact of life that free will only allows humans to be only slightly and temporarily in charge and control is a fundamental force still mostly concealed because most humans still think that whatever nature does, humans can offset it with what they build.

Early warning systems are a fundamental force and fact of life to help us adjust course before there is no recourse.
Shu as Mashu is an earlier form of Moses who warned Pharaoh many times, and after another round of resistance and denial, plagued the Egyptians. This is the same as Shu today who has warned humans worldwide many times to let my people go, and continues to plague us. “People” or “person” means anything in nature, including spirit-souls. It's pretty damn clear, by virtue of deciding to enslave, carrying out enslavement and using any means necessary in all institutions to maintain enslavement of self and other people, that any such transgressor is already too far gone. This is also clear in the history of chattel enslavement of blacks and the enslavement of all else as much as possibly can be achieved.
It's true, hurt people hurt people.
It's more true that hurt people, already damaged from seed and feed, hurt people they feel got a better deal to deal with life, existence and to succeed. These feelings come from the revealings of incontrovertible evidences of history.
Infringers on the rights of creation feel hurt by circumstances larger than them by the Creators of life and existence. Since they feel they've been dealt an unfair hand, they've concocted many ways to say it's okay to get what they need and want any way they can. So, by feeling hurt, they continue to hurt their self-worth and conflate inflammation as a way to inflate self-estimation. This hurts so good only when the pain is released onto others. This pretty quickly hardens the heart since the pineal gland is already calcified and spirit-soul petrified.

Enslavement, forced and voluntary, are fundamental forces of nature and facts of life and existence.

History is a fundamental force of nature and fact of life and existence because it contains all lessons and prophecy.

Self-estimation and self-worth are fundamental forces of nature and facts of life and existence.

Evolution-de-evolution is a fundamental force of nature and fact of life and existence.

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Character Is A Race Chart | Definitions & Meanings
Fundamental Foundational Life Forces Powers Energies Of Nature
Unity Consciousness #2753

(9azzzzzzzzzr of 11)

How you chart race makes up all of your character. Follow the science of the math and the match.

Refresher Course Intro To Force | Definitions & Meanings
Fundamental Foundational Life Forces Powers Energies Of Nature
Unity Consciousness #2752

(9azzzzzzzzzq of 11)

Things are found most easily by first seeking them specifically generally. (UC#307, Understanding Is Growing & Moving)

Nile Valley mythology is founded on natural facts closely observed, clarified and verified in all else and self. This is science explored over hundreds of thousands of years.

Force, like all words, has many spelling variations and synonyms.

Extremely Short List Of Variations: nature-forces, superhuman powers, superhuman forces, elemental forces, elemental powers, heroes, superheroes, warrior-gods, good demons, bad demons, great ones, faculties, abilities, skills, gifts, traits, senses, king, princes, saviors, messiahs, christs. goddesses, gods, animistic spirits, superhumans, energies, properties, rules, regulations, laws, agreements, covenants, pacts, treaties, contracts, constitutions....

Force Is Better Known As Common Sense Is Grown

To understand fundamental forces of nature is to have common sense.
The optimal understanding of common sense is community sense, common unity sense, commune sense, communal sense. The commune is hidden in the current community theft of identity. The ecosystem functions based on common sense equal to commune sense. To be a creation of nature and a part of nature, yet move about as nature in nature without the common sense of communal sense is why we trample inherent rights, neglect inherent responsibilities and don't know fundamentals to help us thrive as all other creatures are able to do when their rights are not disrespected by humans.
In other words, almost all humans think common sense is what most humans know, by virtue of being human and interacting with humans. Instead, common sense is what each creation needs to know in order to be an optimal being becoming one again.
In other words, the problem is not that nature is untamed and wild. The problem is that humans are not wild enough. Wild is Khild is Child goes back to Chart and Khart and Khakh. Humans do not maintain the child likeness of lekness or the child likeness of beingness.

We learn wildness, childness, lekness, likeness and beingness by remembering the harmony in the birthwaters of Spirit-Soul.
All this is why the idea of Force is related to water. This makes sense since waters are the beginning condition of the universe container.

Child Force

Humans first recognized Force by observing water being thrown about. This force was not attributed to water but instead to a force they called wind because they could also feel and hear air moving, howling like an Ape and roaring like a lion. They could verify the breath of life in themselves and other creations. Thus it doesn't take long to equate wind with the breath of a greater being such as Earth as Mother and then as a Mother Being outside of Earth.
Because our minds are ruined, we might push against this explanation and say that water is the basis of life; however, we will die within a few minutes without air, whereas it takes days to die without water.
Air movement called Wind was the first form of Spirit-Soul that moved externally upon the face of the waters and easily noticeable to humans. It also makes sense then for the notion of Force to be related to the mother as waters of Nun and related to the child born of the waters as the winds of Shu.

Mother Force

Mother as Khakh, Kakh, Khart, Kart, Khat, Kat (cat woman), Shat, Sat, Khepsh, Kepsh, Khep, Kep, Khefa, Kefa means the maternal source of force, power, potency, strength, vigor, might, almighty, creator, nourisher, fertilizer, waterer. inundator. This is same as the Hebrew Shadai (Elshaddai) from Shati the sow, the one with multiple teats to feed, give suck to and moisten many simultaneously. Sha is commencement of all forms, births, becomings and fertility; the period of the inundation, the substance born of, to make go out, to extract, cause to flow.
The Mother as Waters is the Source, the children are the force. Water as Force became later understood. Not only did force as wind make itself known first, it continues to do so as Shu has pushed itself to the front of the line to make itself more fully known because this is Shu's time as the Age of Kepheus.
Wind howls and roars; water piles and pours.

Because a fundamental force must meet an enormous variety of needs, situations, circumstances and sets of conditions, they must be fixed, flexible, able to continuously dynamically balance as anything changes.
Thus also, since a basic change is a change in time, as cycles continue to take place and go through their rotations and revolutions, this is how fundamental forces (any aspect of nature) are able to manifest the principle of any means necessary according to need-want.

The need-want incentive to be whole optimal healthy in harmony with destinypurposes is the process of becoming and beingness that links many fundamental forces of nature and facts of life and existence.

Natural facts of self and all else are fundamental forces of nature.

Need desire and want desire are fundamental forces of nature and facts of life and existence.

Simply put, Everything in Nature is a fundamental force and fact of life and existence.

Common sensibilities are fundamental forces of nature and facts of life and existence.

Wind and water are fundamental forces of nature and facts of life and existence.

Fixity, flexibility, dynamic balance, change, revision, update, cycles, time, are fundamental forces of nature and facts of life and existence.

Any means necessary is a fundamental force of nature and fact of life and existence. Embrace this force and use it because enemies already are. Isn't Maafa Racism and its all-encompassing global wide total institution mafia, a form of any means necessary to try to hold back the fundamental force of human beingness and African power?
To put this mildly in other words, how much cheating do you have to do to continue to claim you are the best in the game?
Using the principles of Maafa Racism, even a T-ball team could beat any Major League Baseball team.

We've barely just begun revisiting fundamental forces of nature and we've already listed a couple dozen. The Initiate should be saying, what the hell is wrong with those people trying to limit my understandings to a discombobulated four fundamental forces, and then claim no responsibility for humans using just a tiny portion of their brains. This is how pathogen victory control over domains is obtained and maintained over billions of servants to human laws they will do anything to protect to remain subjects.

Friday, June 17, 2022

Crossing Over The Great Year Twinlight Twilight Zone
Fundamental Foundational Life Forces Powers Energies Of Nature
Unity Consciousness #2751

(9azzzzzzzzzp of 11)

In today's human world gone crazy where understandings are more than hazy, the best cities are disaster zones because they are based on too many fundamental wrongs kept strong by institutions of pollution who create problems and obfuscate solutions.
Don't you know how sick you have to be love someone who or a country that doesn't believe in equality, then cries foul when their wolfpack logic growls, attacks and bites them?

One fundamental, found through epiphany, is that there comes a period of lesser years when One creation confounds cacophony with symphony and compounds error by equating fabulous with terror and classical beauty, thus choosing to use free will to recalibrate primary destiny in alignment with the worst part of me.

Another discovery coming round, through recovery of memory (remembering process), is that there comes a period of lesser years when One creation recognizes the epitome of health is a metaphor for harmony, then enhances its own by romancing perfection to reveal the way home, thus turning prodigal back into prodigy by restoring the default selection to presuppose devotion to correction by choosing to use free will to recalibrate primary destiny* in alignment with the need-want** part of me.

Each of the corners of the Great Year Circles are significant direction inflection turning points that adjust levels of stability and balance with a thrusting momentum that can't be stopped even if 100% of one creation, trusting their secondary creation machinations, work against change with counterclaims aimed at the mainstem of the system.

*Primary destinypurpose is to the collective, the universal, the supreme, the superhuman. Then there are subsequent layers of purposes every creation also has. The primary purpose is to each circle container, which means our responsibility to Earth is greater than to self, family, community, country, humans. However, when understandings are aligned harmoniously, these destinies and purposes will enhance each other without diminishing any other.

**remaining the ever-living zero sum only game in town by becoming self-sustaining ever-coming ones true to the game.

Listening is a a fundamental force of nature and fact of life and existence.

Cycles of motion are fundamental forces of nature and facts of life and existence.

Primary and secondary creations are fundamental forces of nature and facts of life and existence. Although human creations are listed as secondary, they are actually much farther down the list.

Primary use of free will is a fundamental force of nature and fact of life and existence.

Destinypurposes are fundamental driving forces of nature and facts of life and existence.

Responsible Thinking Precedes, Perceives & Prefers Rights
Fundamental Foundational Life Forces Powers Energies Of Nature
Unity Consciousness #2750

(9azzzzzzzzzo of 11)

Despite the truth in the title of this message, all societies seek escapegoat routes from responsible thinking about their human laws and other institutions that conspire and collude to concoct reasons why this or that inherent right does not apply, thus there is no responsibility. Escaperoutes such as that was in the past, it's over, I wasn't involved, my ancestors weren't involved, you got rights now, our wants are superior and create their own rights that make all other considerations inferior - and the main escaperoute of, this is our land and you have no rights I am responsible to respect correctly.
You would think I'm talking about Maafa Racism, and I am; however, I am fundamentally talking about lack of responsibility for inherent rights that your spirit thinks its validated reasons for disrespecting those rights, are enough for you to avoid punishment in the Supreme Courts of the Laws of the Two Lands of Two Truths.

Responsibility is response ability is res-ponse is res-han-se ability is res-nun-se ability is res-kon-se ability to the beginning, the womb, the mother, the universal birth waters of diversity in harmony.
Responsibility enhances ability of the whole, makes it optimal.

Res-ponse is also liability because li is ri is ra, thus if li-ability was in the same form as respons-ibility, it would be lesibility, lek-ability, likability. Thus like and likeness are not about personal choice of what pleases you or that you are attracted to. No! Lik-ability is about having ra ability and using this ability to discern likeness in any form of ra's creation. When we are lax about lek, responsibility becomes liability.
“Lak” and “Lek” relate to rekh, race and lineage, community, family, inhabitants of the ter, ark, urt, earth, heart.
“La” (Ra) is an expression of reverence and obeisance.

Just as liability is joint and several, so is responsibility, to whatever other or others we give our genetic resources to or should have directed our genetic resources towards.
Continuous Newsflash: Action, inaction, thoughts, behavior, use and non-use of genetic resources, its optimal use and its suboptimal use  require considerations beyond self and require considerations of what “self” actually means.
We claim to be logical, literate, lucid and responsible, yet we process lots of logic that we don't know the accurate meanings of the words, phrases and sentences that make up that logic. Yet, even if we did know, it wouldn't matter because we have already decided to ignore, deny, justify and explain away any and all contradictions so that we come out as fresh innocence in the flesh which automatically means we are in the right, despite our rights blocking and taking up all of the right of way of inherent rights as one's own personal domain and collective domain with others whose irresponsible thinking is the same.

Simply put, we are responsible to do the good understood.
We are responsible to do the good we've had opportunity to understand.

Responsibility comes in many forms. Responsible is response a-ble. Ble is flow in concert with rhythm and harmony. We are all capable to respond to rights and responsibilities using a wholeness perspective if we allow spirit-soul to be in control. Spirit-soul being the only one who truly knows.

Not for long do we get to have individual rights but no responsibility to collective rights.
Not for long do we get to have country rights or citizen rights but no responsibility to birthrights earth rights.

For those without inner limits, there's a time limit and number limit on how many rights you can infringe upon for so long until lack of responsibility becomes liability that digs many potholes, pitfalls and graves of various size filled with problems and illness until the final fall and demise despite the not guilty quilted self told lies applied to the whys.
So now we return to the task of putting forth something easily grasped: You have to already be a bumblefuck of a human before you can become a racist Maafa-style; otherwise, if you were basically a good decent human, you could in no ways be swayed by self or anyone else to give up that good decency civilized humanity to become despicable (disrespectable).
This also applies to being a natural world racist. You have to first be an aberration of nature (a creation without common sense, natural sense), before you can treat the natural world as less important than self as human.
In other words, you have to already be a really sick person to neglect inherent responsibilities and infringe upon inherent rights. To continue to do so is to prefer pathology and make gaslight claims against self and all else in order to claim health.

Inherent responsibilities of creation and inherent rights of creation are a fundamental two truth tandem force of nature and fact of life and existence.

Thought process, logic, understandings and conclusions are fundamental forces of nature and facts of life and existence.

Justice, judgment, responsibility, liability, reward and punishment are fundamental forces of nature and facts of life and existence.

Genetic resources of self and all else are fundamental forces of nature and facts of life and existence.

Spirit-soul is the grand total of genetic resources as the primary fundamental force of nature and fact of life and existence. Spirit-soul is ignored by the academy.

Love and Basketball's Fall, Rise & Trading Places
Fundamental Foundational Life Forces Powers Energies Of Nature
Unity Consciousness #2749

(9azzzzzzzzzn of 11)

Due to influences of Aquaria, Kepheus, Cassiopeia and more, the movie, Love & Basketball is another announcement version of the fall of the female, rise of the male and trading places. In other words, the fall of the first truth, rise of the second truth and reversal of fortunes.

The male point guard falls due to his own revolve-around-me arrogance and disrespect for creation as female and due to his worldview being shattered by realizing a significant piece of logic he has been fed by the male father's trust me logic, is untrustworthy. The male point guard treats everyone and everything else as secondary and subservient to himself and the help he needs in pursuit of being a basketball star in the NBA. It's either his way or the highway.

The male point guard, though talented, like many other groups, tries to short-circuit and shortchange the process of development. Against his father's advice, he decides to turn pro and reach the top before being ready. He incurs a career diminishing and career ending injury.

When the male breaks up with the female, unknown to her at the time, this is one of the best things to happen in her life. This allows her to break her dependency deference, semi-adoration stockholm syndrome and find herself by putting time and distance between her and the male. The female rises due to being pure of heart for the most part. She fights through, corrects and overcomes weaknesses and faults by acknowledging and working hard on putting self first in a healthy way. She then becomes the star and the male takes second place as supporting her in her reign and career as point guard. During this process, she must also contend with the inner battle taking place between her elder self as the older female point guard on her college team and her younger self as rookie, the replacement who thought she was already ready. This is a changing of the guard within by moving from prepubescent to pubescent to adulthood.

The female must also deal with her mother who is who she is fighting against in herself. She then listens to her mother and understands that priorities change and become just as important as earlier priorities or dreams, and that a healthy family is priority number one and that everyone has a role to play in making a family strong and keeping it that way. The mother's sacrifice for her family is not due to obligation to subjugation but due to a greater love to give the next generation a better foundation of strength and sense to pick the right mate where both can flourish and nourish their soul's intent. But greater love can only give so much without being refilled and time and space to heal. So greater love conserves and sticks to the basics because it cannot cover all bases. Not everyone can fulfill all roles or comprehend unspoken lines to perceive another's needs.
We want parents to be everything we need, and they are, in the seed. What follows after that may or may not satisfy our needs and wants but that's what the seed of ancestors is for and what other humans are for and what the rest of nature is for. We gotta learn to grade parent's based on the curve and course of their journey before and after we were born, virtues and vices taken into consideration along with the set of conditions. This will help us have a more accurate self estimation (self-esteem), that we must take more and more responsibility for the more we make our own decisions.
The male finally comes to his senses after injury and self-reflection. He then supports the female, the spirit of which is summed up in the song, “This Woman's Work”.

The male's mother moves on and gets self-respect by getting Happiness through Hapi.

Stars caught in the net and being moved around the celestial court is a metaphor for what is taking place above as Ages are trading places.
Changing of the stars is the changing of the guards, guardians and point guards, the alpha constellations and their alpha stars.

Rising and falling is a fundamental force of nature and fact of life and existence that takes place no matter what, with or without our assistance or resistance.

Instruction and self-study are fundamental forces of nature and facts of life and existence.

Arrogance and confidence are not easily confused, yet both are fundamental forces of nature and facts of life and existence.

Self-determination is a fundamental force of nature and fact of life and existence. Self-determination is not selfishness if there is no disrespect for the inherent rights of creation or neglect of inherent responsibilities.

Of course, Decision Choice is a fundamental force of nature and fact of life and existence.

Remaining conscious about being a teacher and student is prudent because this dual identity is a fundamental force of nature and fact of life and existence.

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Nature Understands Self-Correction
Fundamental Foundational Life Forces Powers Energies Of Nature
Unity Consciousness #2748

(9azzzzzzzzzm of 11)

Nature knows how to clean up eyesores as part of the self-correction clean-up process.
Human disconnect disrespect dereliction of duti is running up a bill that has been sent to a relentless correction collection agency.
Humans demolish buildings called blights, eyesores and unsafe, yet when the rest of nature, namely water, fire, wind and earth, tear down human constructions and infrastructure, we call it violence, damage, disaster and all other manner of pity party misdirections away from human imperfections.
Nature is simply cleaning up sets of fundamentally flawed human logic, even when trees are taken down in neighborhoods populated by narcissists.
Nature has an advanced system care glary utilities defragmenter error correction program.

Self-correction is a fundamental force of nature and fact of life and existence.

Thursday, June 9, 2022

The Academy Is An Enemy
Fundamental Foundational Life Forces Powers Energies Of Nature
Unity Consciousness #2747

(9azzzzzzzzzl of 11)

This is a quick revisiting of earlier statements regarding the so-called four fundamental forces of nature. This message also serves as a self-preface preparation to get myself ready for the deep rabbit hole echolocation process of a total revision overhaul of the fundamental forces, portions of which will absolutely not be shared. This was foreshadowed with the announcement of the Container Theorem. Because I've been flying behind the instructing leading spirit, this is now another go round in order to get properly configured to touch down on something more sound.

Every time I have a question regarding an aspect of nature, a force of nature or a fundamental force, I always run into the so-called four fundamental forces put forth by the askew asili and suboptimal theory utamawazo of current societies. I rarely find information that satisfies my questing.

I bet all my base ten lives and tenth heaven reservations that the four fundamental forces of nature (strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force, electromagnetism, gravity) are way off base, even though they trip into truths. The explanations are clumsy which is attempted to be hidden behind a lot of fudge factors to explain away the inconsistent and what doesn't fit. The intelligentsia academic promoters of these forces admit the forces don't always apply, which to me, is a glaring indicator that the force and/or its explanation must not be fundamental.
First of all there just has to be more than four fundamental forces because spirit-soul, Earth, Wind, Sun and Water are not included and integrated, all of which I'm pretty sure are fundamental and instrumental to how nature works.
For instance, there is a force called buoyancy force whose explanation mentions an upward force and downward force, but none of these three forces are listed as fundamental by the academy.*
I'm also certain that what will be discovered is that the current list of four fundamental forces put forth by the academy, are the effects of more fundamental forces. And this is why not all details will be shared because the academy is an enemy.

*Anything related to the institution of school and education sponsored by the society.
Education, as understanding the proper use of power, leads to harmony, liberty then evolution. Whenever you don't see that taking place as a result of the contributions of the academy, you can be sure what is taking place is training to be a servant and subservient, happily.
The academy, as far as institutions go, is enemy number four, but assumes the role as pole position trainer of the minds of all those in all other institutions, including the institutions of home (enemy #1), religion (enemy #2) and government (enemy #3). Know that Adonai—Tzva'ot is the superhuman teacher at the pole as Kepheus Shu-Ma-Tefnut who is going to take down the suboptimal academy.

By the way, popular status quo sanctioned media is part of the genetic suction reduction academy overseers. Media is secondarily a subset of government institutions and thirdly a subset of the entertainment institution.
Be certain to understand that all main institutions are government institutions as well as being homegrown institutions from the desires of the people in their homes. Thus no patriotic person can escape responsibility for any main institution in a country, because to pledge allegiance is obeisance, acquiescence, and admittance to some degree of rights and privileges however obtained, is all the same to citizens as the justification of no pain no gain, as long as its not their pain, thus joint and several responsibility for all the actions and inactions of the country or any institution.

In The Midst Of A Den Of Patriotic Thieves In Criminal Countries
Unity Consciousness #2746

(9azzzzzzzzzk of 11)

Why is there still a food problem?

Why is there still a housing problem?

Why is there still a heath problem?

Why does the pursuit of education put you in debt, but not to humanity?

Why are there huge disparities when so many people are in a religion that are supposedly based on parity?

Why do people volunteer to help others but don't voluntarily do the right thing daily?

Why are there so many problems in the best country in the world, the best country in human history, the most civilized country, the wealthiest country, the most advanced country, the most intelligent country, the most desirable country?

Why does a country that is a champion of freedom, democracy and human rights, violate Maat and the rights of creation?

Why do we know so much yet know so little about self and all else?

How does killing by guns manifest in schools but the country's culture is not a culture of killing for any reason by any means?

Why do humans have to pay for natural resources but no other creature has to?

Why is there so much trash?

When does a natural resource become trash?

Could it be the trash in our logic?

What other creature has a problem that they themselves created?

Why does the current concept of a better life not include anything about evolving?

In case you didn't know, we live in criminal countries.

In case you didn't know, there is no honor among thieves.

And this is why criminal coalitions always fall apart.
Their basis is based on their weaknesses. Taking robbing stealing is stronger than any other consideration.
Since this is disharmonious, everything put into place by a criminal coalition is not only unhealthy, it breeds more problems which breeds more problems exponentially. Every attempt to solve any one of them is always a pretense to transform one problem into another because criminal coalitions can't survive where honesty thrives.

Per the mesiu, it's nearly Springtime in the Greater East and the living will begin to show the promise of easier after it continues to gets worse under the premise that greed is good and as climate environmental change exposes what is understood.

Another Way To Know Definition & Meaning Of Self-Respect
22 Point Double-Check Self-Respect Checkup
Unity Consciousness #2745

(9azzzzzzzzzj of 11)

1. Can I trust a world full of people who think and act like me?

2. Am I rude?

3. Does my use of genetic potential serve any purpose other than simply acquire food, shelter, clothing and pay bills?

4. Do I realize all other creatures do more than that?

5. What have I done to help Earth produce more of anything I consume?

6. What knowledge does the story of my life contribute to help the world become a better place?

7. What have I taught?

8. What benefit is the work I do?

9. What have I reproduced through the use of my genetic potential?

10. Am I a liar?

11. How do I treat what I think I don't need or want?

12. Do I really think another animal wants to be my pet?

13. Do I really know how to bring fulfillment to another life when I haven't figured it out for myself?

14. Do I abuse whatever power I have?

15. Is any relationship healthy that doesn't help me become healthy?

16. Do I understand health means harmony of mind, body, spirit and emotions?

17. If I love myself, have I set myself free?

18. If I have set myself free, have I chosen to come back to the same thinking and behavior?

19. Is there a better way?

20. Am I ashamed to admit I'm lost, afraid to ask for directions and have chosen to keep going in the same direction until I run out of gas and it's too late to turn around?

21. If I lived 200 years ago, what would I change?

22. If I lived another 200 years, what would I change?

What Is Respect? | Definitions & Meanings
Unity Consciousness #2744

(9azzzzzzzzzi of 11)

What We Already Know Based On Understandings From Personal Experiences & Observations

There can be no love for anyone or anything without love for self. Likewise there can be no respect for anyone or anything without respect for self. So to say black people respect white people would be a false statement because black people don't respect themselves because if they did they wouldn't put up with racists, Maafa Racism or any of its institutions such as Religion. What's going on in far too many black folks is an aberration of aggrandizement, a variation of Stockholm Syndroe. Most black people spend most of their online time on email, texting, youtube and social media. They are not searching for knowledge of self and all else. On youtube they are being suckered in by black folks who are preying on the desire for african consciousness, but who themselves are unwilling to put forth information to bring about real or significant change such as improving critical thinking and analysis.
To say racists don't respect black people is true because in order to not respect us, they have to first not respect themselves. What's going on inside racists is an aberration miscalculation of self-estimation due to eating too much fudge.
In other words, it's not that colorless people and people of color hate black skin color, it's that this rainbow coalition of racists hate their own color. This has been known early on and is shown in many ways in thinking and behavior. Even the suboptimal psychology of societies understands this basic self-hate pathology.

Basis Of Respect Is Same As Basis For Racist

The difference between the words respect and racist, is one letter.
Racist is racest is recest is rescet is resect. Add the letter P to get respect.
Respect is Ra + skhekht is Res + khekht is Res + peht
Simply put, respect means to look into the mirror of something else and have the ability to see and acknowledge the reflection of self. We shall see how this holds up after further reinspection.

P As Peht & Sekhet

P comes from Peh, the Lioness and also from Pa, a Water-fowl (AE1)
The lion image was applied to the sun to signify the double force and was represented by Anhur and Tefnut who are currently manifesting as Kepheus. The double force is the two truths of water and fire; and negative and positive; and begetting reproduction and begotten transformation; and prepubescence and pubescence; and feminine and masculine; and the hinder part that nurtures and the forepart that protects.
Thus the double force is the dual Parent as peh-peh or pehti or peht or Pekht which becomes letter P. (AE2)

Sekhet is fire and water who quickens and feeds immortals with liquid and solid essence. Sekhet's watery kiln produces plasma and liquid heat (humidity) from the mother principle that nurtures and heals the child, but harms and denatures the vile.

Name Variations: Uati, Aquaria, Hathor, Khep, Khepera, Kepheus, Skeptic, Cop, Beth, Bith, Bitch, Bithiah. This is why Moses' first mother is Pharaoh's daughter Bithiah (similar to Aethiopia) who brought forth Moses out of the waters of Aarru/Aahru and his second mother is Jochebed, the nurturer.

In the Talmud, the daughter of Pharaoh who adopted Moses was named Bathia. Moses became even as a son to Bathia, a child belonging rightly to the palace of the Ra. Bathia is but another spelling of Buto and Peht, the feminine personification of the Peh, Bau, Bahu, or the Void, the primordial Abode and Beth of birth, in the lower heaven of the north, from whence the sun was reborn. This is Egypt or Aethiopia in the underworld of Amenta. Bathia is the Bed in English, as the uterus. This is why we go to bed at night to go to sleep, rest, rejuvenate, become juvenile again in the womb.

Sekhet coincides with Sekhem as one of the seven parts of a permanent human soul.


”Res” is to suspend motion or action and also means to initiate motion, raise or be raised up. Res also means to watch. The Resh (Repa) is the watchers at the corners of the circle. When Ages change, there is a change of watchers and guardians, thus a different way of looking at things and reckoning. These souls of life are star constellations who conceal and reveal knowledge and adjust justice.

Per American Heritage® Dictionary

Respect means to feel or show deferential regard; esteem or admire, to avoid interfering with or intruding upon or violating, appreciation for something considered important or authoritative, polite expressions.

These paraphrased meanings describe both, respect and disrespect

Per Century Dictionary

Give special attention; regard as worthy of reverence; hold in esteem, refrain from interference with, feeling of esteem based on one's own sense of personal worth and power or feeling esteem based on personal worth and power gained from things, courteous treatment given due to personal worth or power, partiality; bias; treatment based on reputation without examination.

These paraphrased meanings describe both, respect and disrespect

Per Etymology Online

The primary meaning of respect involves regard based on looking back at the relationship. This is exactly what we rediscovered in UC#2743.


Lack of respect is due to suspension of truth (two truths) circulating within us in our mental logic that also needs a high degree of toxin free nutrition from physical, emotional and spirit-soul sources.

Respect comes from logic in dynamic balance with the current set of conditions locally, globally, galactically.
In healthy spaces and places such as human minds, homes, communities and countries, a change of aspect does not change respect unless perspective is a criminal suspect and defective, no matter what you do or tell yourself to keep your dangerous mind protected from truth.

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

What Is A Racist? | Definitions & Meanings
How Ruti Are Retarded | Rude Racists Stuck In A Rut
Unity Consciousness #2743

(9azzzzzzzzzh of 11)

Rut comes from “urt” as earth-born and also from “ter” as celestial-born.

Ruti in either superhuman or human form means the double rut or duplication of the rut or child of the root or extension of the root or offspring of the root or transformation of the rut.
In human form, ruti means the earliest Ruti of Africa, the Kafruti, the transformation of the primates. (See primate, primates)
This meaning was lost in the past 13,000 years by Egyptians who defined rut as “those who divided and separated themselves from the parent stock.” Their perversion of Ruti led to considering themselves better than their much shorter Kafruti ancestors who the Egyptians once revered and respected, but later considered the Kafruti as uncivilized and ignorant and Egyptians as “men par excellence.” This same logic has repeated itself numerous times in all societies. We know about whites and blacks and lights and darks and white jews and Germans and many other groups who fought over their misrepresentation of race. A few more examples are the Acolhuas who said they were Chichimecs par excellence, and the Muskhogee who allowed English and Spanish speaking Europeans to trick them by calling them Creeks par excellence.

Rude comes from Rudi from Ruti.
You can be rude to me and never meet me face to face. To be rude is to infringe upon the "rights of creation".

Race comes from raci from rasi from rati from ruti – each of these representing a transformation of RA as RUT.

Racist can be formed from race + st, racest, racist.

“St” means to stand, sit, stay or stop. One of the types of “Set” is the rock, an image of fixity: the stone is “St”, “Set” and “Seat.” Thus, being stuck between a rock and a hardheaded place, causes this type of mindSET to become a mini matrix for a midget worldview. In other words, the unhealthy version of being Set in your ways.

“Ka” is the seat, throne, stone of the Parent Principle. When we say “Stay,” the Egyptians cried “Ka” and uplifted two arms, the figure of the full-stop.
Stay or “Sta” is equivalent to “Ng,” Ngata and stayer. Ngata is (Nga + ta). Nga is K, the ankh. Ta is T, thus Ngata reduces to Kt, the mother revealed first. Kt becomes St in the child as Sut or Set, the elder child and firstborn. The Star is one of the many places the duality of ST is found.
Thus race + st is racest is racist is retardation of the child due to being disconnected from the parent's complete nutrition. In human terms, this is humans disconnected from Mother-Father Africa, Earth and Universal Spirit-Soul.

Race + kt is racekt is rakhekt is arkhekt is arkh tek is kar-tekh or Khar-tek or Kar-tek the sparkholder who gives birth to sparks who become stars, thus the statement, a star is born.
As we go through transformations, this sense, awareness, understanding and mindset of race is supposed to stop, stay and stick with us as Kar-tek, the One, the Mother of All, the waters of Nun where all things are in harmony as one race and as two races in one (mother and mother, sister and sister, mother and child). This kt-ter-garden match game of sameness and difference is a healthy understanding of race, rut, root, truth.

Rut is the initial first primary primordial race above in superhuman form.
Kafruti is the primordial race below in human form.

As Shown Above, An Individual Is Rude First, Then Easily Becomes A Racist & Pledges Allegiance To The Mafia Maafa Collective

Thus racism is an excuse for being an extremely rude person.

A racist is stuck in a rut because they can't get past race which means they can't learn, grow, mature, evolve or escape the corrupt ill sickening logic they were born into, trained into at home and accepted, personal responsibility rejected. So in addition to being rude, they up the ante by being rude in regards to all rights of creation based on race as they confine, define, malign and misalign based on skin color. Color being a tiny aspect of the root (rut). This is why racists are rude and retarded. Maafa Racists are stuck in a rut, looking up at others trying to bring them down because racists can't get what they want because they've allowed their rude behavior to be their savior which has been codified and formalized as whiteness ideology in many forms in all institutions because their scarcity mentality breeds a fear mentality which breeds a desperation mentality which breeds a greed mentality which breeds an entitlement mentality which breeds an any means necessary mentality which breeds a vicious mentality, which breeds a never satisfied mentality which breeds a need mentality to fill life up with stuff, fluff and bluff because what they consume never has enough nutrition, which in human form is exactly what is taking place in all societies in all institutions.
For instance, even the education institution is a place that provides malnutrition of knowledge of self and all else, which, based on this alone, we can connect all problems. Thus all problems have ten tentacles each that go back to a weak root (rut).
Because the seed (asili) of racists is so fucked up, they can't leave well enough alone, thus try to fuck up all other seeds to give themselves a better chance to succeed at sucking the life out of everything. This is why every issue they even care to talk about is discussed in pinhead strange fashion over and over again even as the plane, in an unsafe configuration with warnings flashing, is crashing. Because their default mode has been switched and stuck in dysfunction as the rule and function as the exception, Maafa Racists will try to explain everything away instead of admitting the rut of all problems is that they are retarded forms of spirit-soul in the manner of the Destroyer Principle of Self-Destruction. This is shown to us in many ways in all forms of communication that show a rise and fall, the front end of which is not good at all and the back end of which is good for us all. Maafa racists try to anesthetize their pain and sanitize their lies with mismatched whys between a one level non-integrated cause and effect. Racist souls are so tormented, they go into the grave and despite a rigorous process of error correction, they are reborn the same because racists keep being born.

Double Standard

Maafa Racists fail at the first lesson - the double standard of the two circles of two truths.
1. To rude racists, a double standard means one better standard for me and a different worse standard for you.
2. Adonai's answer key in the teacher's handbook tells us that the double standard is double zero, binary code, two as one and one as two, each being the same thing, though different in appearance, thus still in harmony with self and all else.

Maafa Racists Are Deadbeats Marching To Dead Heartbeats

The constant job of a racist is to hold back other creations so that they themselves can feel elation rather than self-incrimination. This elation should be coming from the achievement of evolution transformations.
Euphoria is the feeling sought and Ethiopia (Uti-opia) is the place sought. Euphoria is the feeling of aa, aua, uaua, au, ua, eukharia, eukheria, eu-karua, eu-khar-ia, the wholeness feeling of aliveness of spirit-soul waking up in motion in the garden womb of harmonious waters of the beginning fully aware of who you are where you came from and why you are here, without a care in the world except to be, learn, grow and carry out genetic potential with the basic order to be fruitful and multiply, a commandment which is more than mathematically speaking. Simply put, it primarily means to multiply harmony within self and extend that to all else. Otherwise sickness multiplies, produces putrid fruit, that to our numbed dumbed senses, seems like sweet juice, which is what has been taking place worldwide for 13.000 years.

I Love Me, I Love Me Not

KA also means the perfected totality of a seven-part soul that feeds the body. By the time a human child is twelve, the child should have consolidated and perfected all basic understandings of balance and harmony. This helps the child move into physical puberty in balance with mental, emotional and spiritual puberty. Thus having all tools necessary to be a healthy full member of the common unity (community, country, nation).
Ka also means ”come back again.” In other words, come back to your senses, your total senses, your sense of the totality in self and in all else. This is accomplished by going back and fetching those senses through the process of Sankofa. This is taught in civilizations. In societies, this is lost or fought against, thus fostering rudeness and racists.
Ka or Kha is the beginning of the name of the first human as Kafruti and human birthplace as Kafrica.
The only way to be oKAy is to be connected to the full root, the full rut, the Supreme Root, the Full Truth.
“Ka” is to call, cry. Thus when a child is born out of the Khaos womb of the Universe, when word is born, the child cries, which is explained as a Big Bang. This crying out of the Ka never ceases until the child gets all it needs to be complete, to remember its wholeness.
This Ka-ing is Ba-ing which leads to Being and Bang and Seing (Seeing) and Saing (Saying).
Bang is Khang is Change. Thus spirit-soul wants and needs to change because transformation (metamorphosis) is the only way to get back to being beautiful whole again bountiful.
Ka (Kha) streams as Sa or ichor from all over places, especially from stars, rivers of stars and black holes. The climate change of Ages is causing increased streaming of spirit-soul. This is why in prepubescent suboptimal human form, streaming has become more pronounced and commonplace from multiple sources. Kepheus is Kan-aan Kanaan and Aquaria is Khathor Hathor-Nut (Nutrition) and Athor-ity.