If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

What Is A Racist? | Definitions & Meanings
How Ruti Are Retarded | Rude Racists Stuck In A Rut
Unity Consciousness #2743

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Rut comes from “urt” as earth-born and also from “ter” as celestial-born.

Ruti in either superhuman or human form means the double rut or duplication of the rut or child of the root or extension of the root or offspring of the root or transformation of the rut.
In human form, ruti means the earliest Ruti of Africa, the Kafruti, the transformation of the primates. (See primate, primates)
This meaning was lost in the past 13,000 years by Egyptians who defined rut as “those who divided and separated themselves from the parent stock.” Their perversion of Ruti led to considering themselves better than their much shorter Kafruti ancestors who the Egyptians once revered and respected, but later considered the Kafruti as uncivilized and ignorant and Egyptians as “men par excellence.” This same logic has repeated itself numerous times in all societies. We know about whites and blacks and lights and darks and white jews and Germans and many other groups who fought over their misrepresentation of race. A few more examples are the Acolhuas who said they were Chichimecs par excellence, and the Muskhogee who allowed English and Spanish speaking Europeans to trick them by calling them Creeks par excellence.

Rude comes from Rudi from Ruti.
You can be rude to me and never meet me face to face. To be rude is to infringe upon the "rights of creation".

Race comes from raci from rasi from rati from ruti – each of these representing a transformation of RA as RUT.

Racist can be formed from race + st, racest, racist.

“St” means to stand, sit, stay or stop. One of the types of “Set” is the rock, an image of fixity: the stone is “St”, “Set” and “Seat.” Thus, being stuck between a rock and a hardheaded place, causes this type of mindSET to become a mini matrix for a midget worldview. In other words, the unhealthy version of being Set in your ways.

“Ka” is the seat, throne, stone of the Parent Principle. When we say “Stay,” the Egyptians cried “Ka” and uplifted two arms, the figure of the full-stop.
Stay or “Sta” is equivalent to “Ng,” Ngata and stayer. Ngata is (Nga + ta). Nga is K, the ankh. Ta is T, thus Ngata reduces to Kt, the mother revealed first. Kt becomes St in the child as Sut or Set, the elder child and firstborn. The Star is one of the many places the duality of ST is found.
Thus race + st is racest is racist is retardation of the child due to being disconnected from the parent's complete nutrition. In human terms, this is humans disconnected from Mother-Father Africa, Earth and Universal Spirit-Soul.

Race + kt is racekt is rakhekt is arkhekt is arkh tek is kar-tekh or Khar-tek or Kar-tek the sparkholder who gives birth to sparks who become stars, thus the statement, a star is born.
As we go through transformations, this sense, awareness, understanding and mindset of race is supposed to stop, stay and stick with us as Kar-tek, the One, the Mother of All, the waters of Nun where all things are in harmony as one race and as two races in one (mother and mother, sister and sister, mother and child). This kt-ter-garden match game of sameness and difference is a healthy understanding of race, rut, root, truth.

Rut is the initial first primary primordial race above in superhuman form.
Kafruti is the primordial race below in human form.

As Shown Above, An Individual Is Rude First, Then Easily Becomes A Racist & Pledges Allegiance To The Mafia Maafa Collective

Thus racism is an excuse for being an extremely rude person.

A racist is stuck in a rut because they can't get past race which means they can't learn, grow, mature, evolve or escape the corrupt ill sickening logic they were born into, trained into at home and accepted, personal responsibility rejected. So in addition to being rude, they up the ante by being rude in regards to all rights of creation based on race as they confine, define, malign and misalign based on skin color. Color being a tiny aspect of the root (rut). This is why racists are rude and retarded. Maafa Racists are stuck in a rut, looking up at others trying to bring them down because racists can't get what they want because they've allowed their rude behavior to be their savior which has been codified and formalized as whiteness ideology in many forms in all institutions because their scarcity mentality breeds a fear mentality which breeds a desperation mentality which breeds a greed mentality which breeds an entitlement mentality which breeds an any means necessary mentality which breeds a vicious mentality, which breeds a never satisfied mentality which breeds a need mentality to fill life up with stuff, fluff and bluff because what they consume never has enough nutrition, which in human form is exactly what is taking place in all societies in all institutions.
For instance, even the education institution is a place that provides malnutrition of knowledge of self and all else, which, based on this alone, we can connect all problems. Thus all problems have ten tentacles each that go back to a weak root (rut).
Because the seed (asili) of racists is so fucked up, they can't leave well enough alone, thus try to fuck up all other seeds to give themselves a better chance to succeed at sucking the life out of everything. This is why every issue they even care to talk about is discussed in pinhead strange fashion over and over again even as the plane, in an unsafe configuration with warnings flashing, is crashing. Because their default mode has been switched and stuck in dysfunction as the rule and function as the exception, Maafa Racists will try to explain everything away instead of admitting the rut of all problems is that they are retarded forms of spirit-soul in the manner of the Destroyer Principle of Self-Destruction. This is shown to us in many ways in all forms of communication that show a rise and fall, the front end of which is not good at all and the back end of which is good for us all. Maafa racists try to anesthetize their pain and sanitize their lies with mismatched whys between a one level non-integrated cause and effect. Racist souls are so tormented, they go into the grave and despite a rigorous process of error correction, they are reborn the same because racists keep being born.

Double Standard

Maafa Racists fail at the first lesson - the double standard of the two circles of two truths.
1. To rude racists, a double standard means one better standard for me and a different worse standard for you.
2. Adonai's answer key in the teacher's handbook tells us that the double standard is double zero, binary code, two as one and one as two, each being the same thing, though different in appearance, thus still in harmony with self and all else.

Maafa Racists Are Deadbeats Marching To Dead Heartbeats

The constant job of a racist is to hold back other creations so that they themselves can feel elation rather than self-incrimination. This elation should be coming from the achievement of evolution transformations.
Euphoria is the feeling sought and Ethiopia (Uti-opia) is the place sought. Euphoria is the feeling of aa, aua, uaua, au, ua, eukharia, eukheria, eu-karua, eu-khar-ia, the wholeness feeling of aliveness of spirit-soul waking up in motion in the garden womb of harmonious waters of the beginning fully aware of who you are where you came from and why you are here, without a care in the world except to be, learn, grow and carry out genetic potential with the basic order to be fruitful and multiply, a commandment which is more than mathematically speaking. Simply put, it primarily means to multiply harmony within self and extend that to all else. Otherwise sickness multiplies, produces putrid fruit, that to our numbed dumbed senses, seems like sweet juice, which is what has been taking place worldwide for 13.000 years.

I Love Me, I Love Me Not

KA also means the perfected totality of a seven-part soul that feeds the body. By the time a human child is twelve, the child should have consolidated and perfected all basic understandings of balance and harmony. This helps the child move into physical puberty in balance with mental, emotional and spiritual puberty. Thus having all tools necessary to be a healthy full member of the common unity (community, country, nation).
Ka also means ”come back again.” In other words, come back to your senses, your total senses, your sense of the totality in self and in all else. This is accomplished by going back and fetching those senses through the process of Sankofa. This is taught in civilizations. In societies, this is lost or fought against, thus fostering rudeness and racists.
Ka or Kha is the beginning of the name of the first human as Kafruti and human birthplace as Kafrica.
The only way to be oKAy is to be connected to the full root, the full rut, the Supreme Root, the Full Truth.
“Ka” is to call, cry. Thus when a child is born out of the Khaos womb of the Universe, when word is born, the child cries, which is explained as a Big Bang. This crying out of the Ka never ceases until the child gets all it needs to be complete, to remember its wholeness.
This Ka-ing is Ba-ing which leads to Being and Bang and Seing (Seeing) and Saing (Saying).
Bang is Khang is Change. Thus spirit-soul wants and needs to change because transformation (metamorphosis) is the only way to get back to being beautiful whole again bountiful.
Ka (Kha) streams as Sa or ichor from all over places, especially from stars, rivers of stars and black holes. The climate change of Ages is causing increased streaming of spirit-soul. This is why in prepubescent suboptimal human form, streaming has become more pronounced and commonplace from multiple sources. Kepheus is Kan-aan Kanaan and Aquaria is Khathor Hathor-Nut (Nutrition) and Athor-ity.