If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Brute Forces In You & In The Petrified Forest
Fundamental Foundational Life Forces Powers Energies Of Nature
Unity Consciousness #2755

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We know societies turn beautiful nature into grotesque admirations of concrete jungles, raped by landscapers and homemakers fawning over nature made into a disobedient pawn needing lots of whipping into shape.

Squier — I don't know anything. You see — the trouble with me is, I belong to a vanishing race. I'm one of the intellectuals.

Gabby—That means you've got brains. I can see you have.

Squier—Yes—brains without purpose. Noise without sound. Shape without substance. Have you ever read "The Hollow Men"? Don't. It's discouraging, because it's true. It refers to the intellectuals, who thought they'd conquered Nature. They dammed it up, and used its waters to irrigate the wastelands. They built streamlined monstrosities to penetrate its resistance. They wrapped it up in cellophane* and sold it to drug-stores. They were so certain they had it subdued. And now—do you realize what it is that is causing world chaos?


Squier—Well, I'm probably the only living person who can tell you. . . . It's nature hitting back. Not with the old weapons —floods, plagues, holocausts. We can neutralize them. She's fighting back with strange instruments called neuroses. She's deliberately afflicting mankind with the jitters. Nature is proving that she can't be beaten—not by the likes of us. She's taking the world away from the intellectuals and giving it back to the apes.
Petrified Forest, complete text

*[without fail, did pronounced things hidden under word spells, all of them profane, because disease was in every brain, home, and, town, bound, to spirits who confound horrific by committee with pretty prolific ]

Brutes, Brute force, Brutal and Brutality are a fundamental force of nature and fact of life and existence.

See UC#1529

Sample Forms Of Brute

1. Brute is Bride, the mother. Sekhet is the Bride of the upper South in Polaris South. Sun and Earth. The Bride wears a girdle or tie. Bride means to slip, wrap round with the tie sign (ankh, noose, loop) of binding. The Brute is Sekhet of heat in the South, the younger Horus, light shade; and Tefnut of water in the north in Cassiopeia, both of which are Shu.

Brute is Sut, the child of the lower hinder north in Polaris North. Brute as Sut as darkness, the child of the lower hinder north. Brute as Sut is also the soul of life in darkness as Polaris South, the elder Horus, El-Shadai, dark shade.

2. Brute is Kha ruti, Khar uti, Kar ute, all of which mean original, first

3. Kaf-ruti is the ape, the pre-man. Ruti is man. Kafruti becomes Karuti becomes Brute.

4. Brute is Khrute, Kharu, Karu, Karut. Karut signifies natives, inhabitants, aborigines, masons, workers in stone, the Karti, Karuti, Kafruti, short people, Kart, Kelt, Keltae spread out into many lands over several ages such as stone, bronze, paleolithic, neolithic.

5. Brute
a) comes from stone seed, the parent
b) works with stone, the child
c) becomes Kar ati or uti, karati, karate
d) works from a stone cold heart

6. Beauty and the Beast is the earlier Bru-te and the Beast. Brute and Beast being either mother or child and both as in Typhon, Sut and Sut-Typhon. Much later the Beast is the imperfect beast as the imperfect human. Thus Beauty and the Beast is a love story from the parent-sibling seed to the human despite human imperfection. The move, Beauty & the Beast is actually about the superimposing and imposition of humans as mother and Beauty, while making Nature the child and Beast whose beauty is determined by the eye of humans. This is further profaned by the movie's secondary meaning of showing the soul of life in darkness as Beauty as a white female, and shows the soul of life in lightness as Beast as dark symbolizing a black male. However, this misapplication reverses itself in the primary theme of love knowing no bounds when it moves beyond the superficial and connects soul to soul. (Light has a dark core; darkness, a light core) As we know, many human brutes can't handle this truth.

7. In the movie, The Petrified Forest, Alan is a Brit, a Brut, a Brute who is cash destitute and comes to understand truth and gives his life for someone else who can continue that pursuit, after getting rid of illusions of other places, lands of dreams. The forest is the karest, the christ who dies so we may live, and is then resurrected still.

8. While sharing his soliloquy about intellectuals and Nature in the 1936 movie, Alan makes three great big mistakes in the first three sentences of the last section. His misstatements are the same logic errors most people are still making today. This is why the masses still expect governments to do something to save them from climate environmental change using any brutish way necessary so they and their society don't have to change much.

Like all fundamental forces, brute force has many forms, dimensions and degrees that can be used as tool or weapon, good or evil. There is no greater example of brute force than the wielder of the whip (khep, cop).

Law enforcement and law enforcers existed before humans as a fundamental force of nature and fact of life.

Repetition is a fundamental force and fact of life and existence.