If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Saturday, June 4, 2022

Everything Unknown Is Deep In The Bottom Of Africa For Salvage
Unity Consciousness #2740

(9azzzzzzzzze of 11)

Unknowable does not mean something can't be known.
Unknowable means it's possible to not to know.
Possible (Possable) is the same as possibility, just as unknowable is the same as unknowability.

This I've come to know by making better use of what I know.
What is unknown is due to suboptimally using what is known. Thus even as I move from the Giri So level, up the spiral staircase, each step being a broad landing, there is a plain sight stage in each successive level, once growth stagnates or slows down too much or for too long.

Africa Is Everywhere

Africa is Afra's Kha, Kha Ephra, Khepera.
Africa is change. Earth is change.
Earth and Africa are places spirit-soul changes clothes.
Africa and Earth are the same thing for the same place and are two forms of the double mother, the sem-sem, the inner and outer sanctuary.
Since Africa is below, it is also above.
Since Africa is within me and all of us, it is also without.
Since Afra's Kha is within me and all creations, it is also outside of all creations, thus we are all surrounded by Africa, thus Africa Is Everywhere.

Thus we can know the unknown and unknowable by engagement, expansion of engagement and consistency of engagement with the flow of the liquid essence of spirit-soul that rises in Africa Everywhere. Where this flow is blocked, it will wreak havoc. And it has and is. Where we let it flow, it does what is necessary to help us know. And it has and is. Where it flows freely as inundation in all other creations it brings about devastation, fertilization and purification.

Another Bottom Of Africa

So by now we should realize the bottom of Africa is within us, even if only human genetically speaking based on human origins (epigenetics, genetic library). Thus, overall, because Afra's Kha is a change agent, we are either under reconstruction or destruction.
Another location for the bottom of Africa is the Milky Way River Galaxy whose insides have churned and whose tide has turned upwards and outwards 25,920 years ago, and counting, to bring forth the current flow from ichor stores on every corner. Thus Afra's Kha above has already learned what the world of Afra Kha's below needs now.

A Spark In The Dark

Despite not yet re-delineating motion as a fundamental force of nature, I will continue the galaxy metaphor and revise this partition as necessary.
The galaxy turns on its polar axis (vertical center), aided by its equatorial axis (lateral. center). As an object turns, it churns. Turning increases in momentum and efficiency every three equatorial ages due to perfect alignment of the four cornerstones and once each great year due to additional alignment of the two great year cycles that coincides with the rising of the Solar System into the light of Spring and coincides with the rolling over of Earth's electromagnetic field. Between these periods of increased momentum, there are periods of decreased momentum. Thus these cycles aid, abet and beget periods of rapid and slow change. It is likely the flipping of Earth's magnetic field is being facilitated by a weakening of the magnetosphere to allow the reversal to occur. During this period, additional changes will take place due to outside influences. Also afterwards and during this process, changes in the magnetic field magnetosphere will cause changes in vibration frequency and resonance and further genetic changes.

Decreased Momentum, Flow & Change

When sets of conditions change due to decreased momentum, the denser physical state dominates and separates. Viruses proliferate and subjugate the nucleus and all subjects in the cell, those who assist and those who resist.
As this is taking place, humans are lulled to uneasy sleep but still need stimulants to wake them up. These stimulants come in regular large doses but are treated as irritants because people have become accustomed to their effects sandwiched between cries of the wolfpack. Thus after complaining for about a week, lethargic humans choose to hit snooze until the next election, which by that time, they've engaged in more self-deception misdirection.

Increased Momentum, Flow & Change

When conditions change due to increased momentum, the lighter spiritual state dominates and mixes things up. Viruses have depleted and are themselves defeated, evicted and flushed out of the temple, despite the degree of entrenchment in the governing body nucleus and in the rest of the population in the cytoplasm. This is the only solution most needed. Selah Shiloh. Amenet.
As this is taking place, every single thing manufactured by the superhuman or human, facilitates change for which the ill are unprepared.