If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Three-Fifths Promise & Compromise | Third Elemental Force
Fundamental Foundational Life Forces Powers Energies Of Nature
Unity Consciousness #2757

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From now on, every message on this blog will contain something that slams headlong into the headstrong who are dead wrong and long gone. Especially into the diseased cavities of Maafa Racists, enemies of homeostasis whose collectives depend primarily on static favored groupie status cling, the weakest bond that connects things of addict's bad habits. You will not be able to cherry pick, by the title of any message, whether or not you will be able to escape facing raw unpainted truths about self and all else. You are already quite used to watching your life crashing before your lies. Even your God despises evils to which you build ornate noisy lighted cathedrals held together by corrosive laws and judicial decisions. You are living and dying by your lip glossed flood of legalized flaws. Look at the small amount of things your education has taught you and that your news keeps you focused on and how even that handful is representative of everything you have chosen to glorify, while you self-indemnify. Your logic is too weak to maintain the catbird seat, You do not rule the womb, the cocoon or the tomb of spirit, emotion, mind or body. Hu-Ra Shu-Ma She-rau Shiloh come soon as warrior and avalanche to consume arrogant rudeness, the incumbents of numbness. Any claim of feeling pain is just lame game to try to illicit empathy and sympathy to fill gaping sucking holes from which neither has ever came.

Three-Fifths Per Rude People

Be sure to understand that 3/5's human is not new. It's just a numerical variation of earlier logic that has manifested dozens of times by groups of humans, who, for one or more treasons against inherent rights, have valued other humans as less than them or subhuman. This foolishness started in Africa. Each group's treatment has varied towards those deemed lesser, going from just thinking they are better to aggressive behaviors against the disfavored group to enslavement and formal and informal codification of behaviors to make seemingly true what is always proving to be false. Be certain, as a general rule, when a human vice is uncorrected, its manifestations will get worse and worse. These are the worst of times for human logic regarding race. There's nothing highly intelligent or criminal mastermind about it. The only thing superior about it is the degree of feeblemindedness involved. You racist are a stupid nigger, whose go-to-trigger is the pigment of your imagination masturbation always trying to add a good airy feeling to your pre and post-ejaculation deflating self-realizations that everyone in this world and beyond, knows shows.

3/5's compromise (three-fifths human) has been discussed and debunked for other reasons. This message is another perspective of the deeper and broader meanings and implications, unbeknownst to most humans and definitely unknown to the white people who decided to value black people at 60% of a human, which in their midget minds meant 3/5's of a white person. 60% is three-fifths and six-tenths and sixty-hundredths.

1. If blacks were valued at 3/5's of a white person, the value would have been less than 60% human because white people are only 7/10's human. This is based on having the seven elemental souls of life that allows the creation of animals with blood that, when defective, can only evolve to the level of the perfect beast. The perfect beast is the same as the imperfect human. Racists are a de-evolution of human.

2. 3/5's was determined without any supportable basis except as a figure arrived at by the USA's north and south negotiating congressional representation, thus negotiating their own power and control over the USA's stolen properties. They were not negotiating the humanness of black people. Both sides were in agreement on that issue that blacks were legal property whose value was determined by supply and demand.

3. What the 3/5's compromise does highlight is the fact that the north, in no ways, was pro-black folks and anti-slavery. No, not ever. Not now. Quit saying the USA's Second Civil War was about white people trying to end slavery. That's idiotic bullshit. To recap an earlier message: if the Northern Yankees were anti-slavery and since the north won, then the north should have been a utopia for blacks. It never has been. Post civil war, racism has never been limited to the south or to southerners or confederates or to Republicans or Democrats. Northern whites have always put whiteness first just as southern whites have always put blackness last. It is idiotic to try to figure out which crocodile is a good guy, vegetarian or vegan. If you are anywhere near them, they are always scheming on how to drag you down and consume your life force.

Another clear thing we must remember is that Northern whites [supposedly the “good guys”] wanted blacks to be valued as low as possible, even zero, while Southern whites wanted blacks to be valued as a full human. Thus then the compromise was about voting power in Federal elections and Federal Congress.
4. 3/5's has nothing to do with white people figuring out the five components of a human and then dividing a human on that basis. No white person has ever listed what each 1/5 of a human represents and why they have 5/5's and blacks have 3/5's. That takes deep convoluted polluted thought, which in the lands of the lost, is the antithesis to African deep thought rooted deep in the compacted composted shit in the bottom of Africa, whose roots are everywhere on this planet and are breaking through concrete jumbles like papyrus shoots.

5. It is only when we accept and operate under the debased logic context of white folks, arabs, semites and people of color worldviews and their attack mode asilis, that their attempted denigrations and diminutions of black folks have a chance to be a viable.

3/5's Per Giri-So Understandings Of Judaeo-Christian Bible

Humans were created on the sixth day, along with other land animals, except fowl. However humans were not complete. Step 7, form man of dust. Step 8, breathe life into as a living soul. Step 9, form woman, who evidently was able to breathe on her own and install her own soul, she being the mother of all living. Step 10, resurrect and perfect the life tainted soul through Mashiach Mashu MakhShu Makhu Jesus, as another symbol of the Age of Kepheus Cepheus Obatala.
Thus 6/10 human is the human formed in step 6 on the sixth day, which is the same as all humans. So the diminution and denigration of black folks fails based on the Judaeo-Christian worldview.

Greater Meaning Per Nile Valley Mythology

Animal Souls Of Life are created first, before animal creations are formed doubly materially (spirit-soul as inner temple and body as outer temple). This double creation notion is copied in Genesis 1 and 2, but messed up due to trying to make the story human history about semi-white jews and white people as the primary characters:
0. waters containing all things, including spirit-soul, in the Supreme Being Body Container called Universe
1. water, ichor liquid solution essence and earth amassed as mass
2. night fire (fire in the belly and groin) night lights of pole stars, moon stars and planet rock stars, along with plasma liquid essence
3. wind and sky above
4. earth as dry land
5. day fire (fire on the head and shoulders) day light of sun star
6. animals physically connected to water and land called plants (water and dry land) and oil, sap, nectar and juice liquid essences and hesmen and semen gel-encapsulated dry essences
7. animals whose physical connection to water and land is less restrictive called animals (water and dry land) containing the additions of blood, milk, hesmen and semen liquid solution essences
8. perfect beast of the father beast reborn as imperfect human born prepubescent of the mother soul of life, one dose of glory
9. imperfect human reborn begotten as pubescent of the father soul of life, second dose of glory
10. human soul resurrected and perfected, third dose of glory.
Thus 3/5 = 6/10 = 6 elementals before the soul of life in blood. Thus 3/5's is lower than water and land beasts, a notion which we know is possessed by Maafa Racists who consider blacks less worthy than their dogs, cats, whales, trees or oil slicked birds, which is why you see Maafa Racists putting forth lots of efforts to save animals and plants while trodding over the inherent rights of their ancestors (black people). They have no care, concern or energy to do the daily self-corrections of self and their cohorts, but plenty of care, concern and energy to remain in attack mode and push back mode when the offended merely protest against injustice. If there is safety in numbers, there is also danger in numbers. If there is power in collusion and conspiracy, there is always another group larger in number with greater power. If there is superior power in human laws and human-made weapons, such as guns, there is always greater laws, greater weapons and the offsetting flaws inherent in reliance on human laws and human weapons.

Shu, the soul of life in wind and additional things, is the hinder part of Herakles, the soul of life in blood bearing beasts, including humans. Thus in 12,960 years, humans, if still here, will undergo a significant evolution or de-evolution.** These effects will not apply to all humans equally. In the meantime, there are still individual evolutions and de-evolutions taking place along with returning to the highest and lowest levels previously attained. These changes also take place in other aspects of the natural world since each soul of life contains all of the basic primary fundamental elementals.
During Shu Kepheus, one of the things taking place is that humans are being reborn in a major upgrade from the waters of stem cells. We know this because the spirit of Shu is being reborn and becomes eight-tenths through Aquaria, and ten-tenths through Polaris South and its southern circumpolar constellation, along with other constellations in each Great Year and along with many other cycles. This includes Polaris South of the Ages of Cygnus, Lyra and Herakles.

**This is a partial explanation for Egyptians considering themselves men par excellence, while earlier humans back up the Nile, all the way back to South Karua were considered “less excellent, less perfected.” Thus this notion does have an identifiable basis during certain cycles; however, this notion and its accompanying genetics are only a seed that must be nurtured to fullness to bring forth the evolutions in understandings or de-evolutions in understandings, and how the younger self relates to the elder self, the current to the former, the later to the earlier, the fruit above to the root below. Which of these are the greater race?
Obviously, at different points in human history, humans have chosen to allow harmonic evolutionary thinking and behavior or disharmonic de-evolutionary thinking and behavior to dominate knowledge of self and all else. This is why Maafa Racists are more destructive than humongous dinosaurs. And this is why dinosaur effects had to be neutralized. And no, not by a single meteor. It would have had to be something with both suddenness and greater genetic precision in water, in air, on land and underground where hunkeys foolishly plan to hunker in bunkers, since all other above grade barricades have proven to be no match when any aspect of nature fights back against any other aspect of nature that is causing the most dysfunction.

3/5's Linguistically

Shu (Egyptian) is Bacchus (Greek) from Bach (Welsh, Wales) from Bach (Egyptian) from Bekh (Egyptian) meaning womb.
Boy (English) is derived two ways:
1. Bekh yields Bak (Egyptian), a servant who is a labourer who works in stone.
2. Bak yields Fekh, the captive, the bound one, the glorified Bak, a type of Repa Horus, the prince, the Boy, the youthful Sun God at spring, the pubescent, but not the adult at 30, not the father.
Thus, Boy matches Shu as the soul of life in wind, water, heat and waters, reborn pubescent at spring equinox of the Mother of the Waters, Aquaria. It also matches all other forms of the risen christ messiah as representative of the father, but not the father, even though elsewhere in Judaeo-Christian lore, the son says he, spirit and father are one.

A boy in White English British logic is not a full human; however, in Egyptian Mythology, the boy is a full human because the boy is pubescent. Thus again, the denigration and diminution fails and gives hail to the rising heir apparent as Boy as Bak as Shu, son of Bekh, Bakh, Khat, Khut, Khakh, Khekh.


Nile Valley Mythology is a summary of hundreds of thousands of years of the supreme scientific process of the Supreme Being in human form who has lost degrees of knowledge of self and all else. This process incorporates many cycles. What is manifesting anywhere in the Milky Way Galaxy is the cumulative effects of these cycles. The primary ruling cycles are the two Great Year Ages and their primary and secondary alignments with other cycles. Towards the end of their rule, these ages share co-rule with the next Age. Human cycles, though many, are a relatively small handful of the cycles that account for what is going on; however, just like Ages, human cycles, towards their end, share co-rule with the next set of human cycles. Human cycles are not stronger than their lifetimes, no matter how long combined or how many. Hundreds of years of human cycles can be broken in an instant, along with their defective collectives, institutions, countries and wayward ways of life.
Every quarter Great Year of 6,480 years, all great primary alignments take place at the corners. In regards to the Age of MaShu, an large number of macro and smaller cycles are fluctuating to announce and establish the rule of Mashu.
Outside of the Supreme Being as Nun Waters of Spirit-Soul, this universe is not ruled by a single elemental, not even water or whales or snails or lions or lichens or humus or humans, and definitely not by a subset of one of the last subsets.
Portions of the revolution are being televised. It's up to us to recognize and synthesize.
Every knee shall bow in reverence or in subjugation, whether in physical form or in spirit-soul form. I, will not stand in the way of myself as all else which is having no mercy because mercy has already been given long enough to idolaters of vile violent violators.

By The Way: we are reminded that a symbol of Shu is the primate as ape, the precursor hinder part to the primate as human as Herakles. Thus, in the past 200 years, many things related to primates again fill the information airwaves. Most recent is monkeypox as an extension of human immunodeficiency virus that was supposedly started by monkeys. If there is going to be any physical virus that kills a lot of humans, it will kill a lot of racists, just as corona virus #2 has. Meanwhile, a more deadly virus, the apeshit logic virus, always on display will continue to kill and set societies up for their final fall coming soon to a theater near you.

So in case you missed it, the three-fifths compromise is the three-fifth's promise of the two incoming Ages that used the willful skillful idiocy of white folks to announce the coming of the Ages and the changing of the guards above and below, especially in the USA. Do not remain in Giri-So mode. Separate yourself. As each great ape of wrath moves along its path, no time will be taken to separate wheat from chaff or wheat from tares (weeds). Be certain to understand that mature wheat and mature grass are hard to tell apart, without close and experienced inspection, that is, unless its nurture is monoculture wheat, which is not the actual situation on Earth as one field. Multiple wheat varieties mix and mingle in societies where weeds predominate. Much wheat will be lost mixed in with the weeds and having taking on characteristics of the weeds.