If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

On Being A Saviour-Savior
Unity Consciousness #2805

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Because the worldview we use as the societal default contains a fatal flaw, the absence of harmony, it is not a unifying context, but instead is an intentional disunifying context, we must be periodically reminded of a different context that gives us a better chance at understanding information.
Because one became many, one truth became many truths and one word became many words. All words in all languages of all creations represent forms and variations of one word. All words are simultaneously multiple parts of speech such as person, place, thing and action. These multiple personalities are aspects, dimensions, layers that exist in the same spelling or a variation somewhere along the branching of that word. Each manifestation of creation is multi-purposed. This of course is true for all things, and is why and how One Being became Many Beings. It is also how, within each species and among species, there are many intersections that ultimately lead back to one origin within each circle and between circles. We can begin to make more accurate groupings by simply identifying how an aspect of creation fits into one or more of the following: the primordial four, primordial five, seven elemental souls of life and the eight principles and characteristics of everything.

The words saviour and savior are not original spellings. Most of their meaning has been diluted, lost or misconstrued. From our present education location on this safari, we can quickly come closer to the meanings of saviour spelled savior, before we go into even more detailed origins that show the branching of the word and words that more fully and simply explain the saviour-savior complex of meanings.

1. Saviour-Savior has everything to do with the birthplace and the series of processes that take place in birthplaces.
Meskhen is the celestial birthplace and re-birthplace above and below of spirit-soul and matter. Birthplace is synonymous with mother, child, womb, mummy, mommy, cocoon, tomb, hole, black hole, abyss, ark, kar, kher, secret shut place, tabernacle, sanctuary, temple, seat, home, shrine, cell, holy of holies, shekinah, tent, cave, cave-urn (cavern, tavern) and more.
The birthplace causes things to be manifested, rested, recuperated, renewed, refreshed, resurrected, brought forth, lifted, raised in water or near water.
SAV from SAN from KAN from Skhen, Sekhen, Meskhen.
Cassiopeia constellation is the great magical power celestial birthplace of Aquarius constellation (Great Mother Hathor-Nut).
Kan is rooted in Kef or Kep, the most ancient mother of the mystery of life related to the mystical water: fertilization and fermentation. Again, this is Aquaria, Great Mother of the Waters and Kepheus constellation, the child of the waters as Shu, Ma, Tefnut, Sekhet, Satet, Serk, Mami Wata, Serene Oshun.
The “SAN” portion of SAViour means to charm by magic, the physician, healer, prepare, preserve, keep long, save, restore, immerse, evil.
Since San is also Sen, we can sense the spellings of Seniour, Senior, SeƱor, Senator, Tenure; however, of course, the original meanings have been diluted.
The “KAN” version of KAViour means to be able, courageous, valiant, victor, cunning, wizard, knower, diviner, averter of evil and bad luck.
Kansu (Kan-su, Khan-su, Khunsu) means to preserve, heal, charm, refine the precious thing, purify, save the child.

2. Saviour-Savior has everything to do with the Supreme Being who is the Savior and must save Self.
Being a Saviour is the Nature of the Supreme Being, thus NATURE is a form of SAVIOR.
Nature, all aspects, is the SAVIOR, not limited to a specific human or superhuman. You are the SAVIOUR. Nature inside self is the SAVIOR. This means all your abilities and senses.
Nature is based in Mat, Maat. The True Representation of Heaven. Nature is based in Khat and Shat, mother and child. Nat is Nut for heaven and Nun for waters. Nat means to salute, address, exhort, incline, hail, help, save, afflict, punish, bow, gifts, offerings, to present tribute, make a collection.
Nature is Neter is deity, god, elemental souls of life. By the way, all the superhumans and those with superpowers are enactments, announcements and reminders of elemental souls of life, the fundamental collective of saviors, heroes (kherus), legions of doom, justice league, avengers and guardians of the galaxy.

3. SAVIOUR-SAVIOR is firmly rooted in KHER that leads to Ter, Ture, True, IOUR, IOR, IAR, AUR and more.
Kher, Ker and their many forms, variations and synonyms have been discussed. Kher is word, to know, reckon, voice, speech, utter, victim, attacker, savior, kill, war. In other words, not all saviors are in everyone's favor.
Kher + “T” or “P” is the feminine word, Kher becomes Khert and Kherp as the first and only sovereign sanctuary, heaven entire before division and inclusive of all divisions. Kherp means first in form or any other condition of being, that which is first in form or formation, the principal, foremost, surpassing; to form, model, and figure. Kherp becomes crib, carib, grave, cair, rekh, lekh. Kherp is the place, the race (the master race).

4. The first SAVIOUR-SAVIOR is not only the birthplace but also the location of the uterine outlet from the birthplace
This is the Kher-Ru or Khar-Ru or Kha-ru or Kharu or Karu or Karua or Karua. Along these lines on Earth, the birthplace is Saba (Aethiopia), thus the savior is the saba-ar, the ur saba, ursa major (ur-sa-ma-har) which easily becomes Harmakhu, Harmakher as mother and child.
The Mes-Ar, Mes-aur is waters and fires, liquid essence and sparks.
The first birthplace is the universe which was sacrificed in the form of preexistence in order to transform into and give birth to existence.

5. The second SAVIOUR-SAVIOR is the masculine principle.
Kher + “F” means heaven (it) and him. Kherf leads to Kleber-stone. Kleber becomes carver as a form of savior, a worker in heaven above and below, within and without.
As a carver, a savior must divide the word. This is done with a sword. Sword comes from Chereb, a sword or some other kind of cutting instrument, such as a knife, iron, rock. Chereb likely comes from Kherpu, a supply, sufficiency, or enough. See Corp, Crop.

6. We know the SAVIOUR-SAVIOR is the victim bound for the sacrifice, the Kheri and the Kheru, the evil ones, the fallen enemies. The southern pole star Sirius Sut Balaam is the original celestial victim and is the first lame one. Sut-Anup are the first two high places of Baal at the poles, higher than the Sun at the equator. Thus Baal worship is okay simultaneous with Sun worship, but not when the mythology has been screwed up in religions.
The evening sun, midnight sun, sun of autumn equinox and sun of winter solstice are early victims, the fallen ones who are sacrificed, who are diminished in power and glory to suffer, die and rise again. This was also applied to other aspects of nature, such as the moon, and finally to humans.
The word of truth is a victim that also falls. One name for the word is Ibri, the Assyrian “Gabri'' which signifies the doubly-written tablet or duplicated writing. (possible form of Apru, Tepru, Aperu, Apheru, Abroi, Iberiu, Kheb-erui). With every coming of a savior, truths fall and rise. Everything is a word. Ain't nothing but a word. The word is the genetic material instructions that creates everything and causes all motion. The words are the writings on the wall (whal, khar). These writings are the Ma, Na, Rna and Drna of the Surpreme Being. In other words, the word is spirit-soul. Spirit-soul is the primary thing being saved by saviours.

7. The sense of a sacrificial victim being “pierced” does not exist in the original mythology. The penetrating of the victim is the victim of Earth. Khepr, the beetle is the penetrator. Who digs into and bores into the body of Mother Earth, the first victim and first savior. Khepr. Kef means to seize, lay hold by force. Kep is the fist, a type of seizing and gripping. Khepr is the seizer with his claws ; his name abrades into Ker, to seize, lay hold, contain. The Kra is the claw ; Ker is to seize with a claw. Kar is to seize by the foot, to entrap and ensnare, like the Hebrew Kir for ensnaring.
Kheri is the victim, caught and bound hand and foot for the sacrifice to be surrounded, ensnared and incarcerated.

8. Another celestial victim is the Sabean Great Mother as Taurt the water-horse as Ursa Major. She was replaced by herself as Isis in the Solar Mythology as the constellations of Maat, Virgo, Pisces and Aquaria in the solar circle cycle of the Great Year.

9. SAVIOUR-SAVIOR has everything to do with refreshing the word of truth.
The symbolic refreshing is religiously performed by consuming the flesh and blood of the sacrificial victim savior. This is called the Kiyor in Hebrew, the Eucharist, the communion. Kiyor can lead to Siyor, Sayor, Savior.

10. SAVIOUR-SAVIOR has everything to do with learning and teaching the word of truth.
Kha-ru is the school. Kha is a library and altar; Ru is discourse, word, mouth. Karheb, is the teacher, priest. Karheb becomes Khabar, similar to Kleber, which leads to savior. The elementals souls of life guided by each Star Age or Sun Age are the saviors and teachers of all creations, including teaching wind, rain, sun and earth how to change their words of truth, thus facilitate continuous climate environmental change. Truths are revealed and hidden and the struggle for and against both, intensifies. During certain cycle changeovers, the remix is more easily noticeable at low levels of awareness of atrophied fragmented sensing abilities.

11. God is an Angel and Saviours are Angels.
Angels are the repeaters of time and period, and the messengers of the eternal or continuing truths. Angels are cycles of time that repeat. Angels are cycles and portions of cycles, thus angels are circles and portions of circles, thus degrees, thus angles, thus decrees of truths. Angel comes from “An”, to repeat, announce. Gel comes from Kel from Ker from Kher, to know, reckon, be the voice, speech, WORD, or utterer. Angels are An-Kheru. This leads to An-ghelu, Angelou.

12. The Hebrew word cherub implies the same thing as the Egyptian Khepr, the scarab-headed image of the former and transformer. Cherub is Scarab is Khareb is Karheb is the same as the Angel because the Angel teaches repetition and pattern which is how we learn. Khepr and Kherf and Kherp and Khert have the same meanings of forming, figuring, carving, shaping, molding, fashioning. Khepr, the beetle is the type of transforming by rolling and turning round, figured the circle. Kheper as reckoning and figuring is spelled “cypher” in English.
Cherub is Kerub is Terub is Trebu or Trube, which leads to “Tribe”. The first tribe is a repeating cycle of time. The twelve tribes of Israel are the Sun's galactic equator cycle of twelve Ages of 2,160 years each. The seven tribes are the polestar's galactic northern circumpolar cycle of seven Ages of 3,703 years each. The Lost Ten Tribes are the polestar's galactic southern circumpolar cycle of ten Ages of 2,592 years each.

13. Iu-em-hept, Imhotep, Aesclepius are names for the Saviour who is not human. Kherp is the prince or repa. Khpr-iu is the transformation of one into two. This meaning has been preserved in the “Cyfriu” sign of the Druids, the cypherer as Imhotep, the reckoner of many things (called genius today).
Aesculapius or Aesclepius is probably derived from Kherp-iu (Scorpio) with the prefix 'As” for the great, noble; or the divine healer. “As” may also represent Usha, a doctor, physician (compare to Ukha). Thus Aesculapius is the Prince of Peace who comes for the healing of the nations.

14. The SAVIOUR-SAVIOR is the author and rewriter of the word and words.
The IOR of SAVIOR comes from the verb Rilu (Riru) used in the sense of writing. It is the Magyar Iro. Iro from Rui (Iur) is the reed-pen and paint of the scribe ; Ru likewise denotes the written word, the chapter, or discourse. Rilu contains both elements (ru + riu is ririu is riliu is rilu. Riru means to traverse, go round and round, circle, circular writing. Writing is “ ret ”-ing is rek-ing is rekh-ing is rekh-an-ing is reckoning. In other words, as cycles take place, their motions are also writing words. Skha-rui is the island of the writings or inscriptions. Sekha, Sekh, Sakh, Skha, Skheru indicate writing and writer.

15. In case we missed the obvious above, the SAVIOUR-SAVIOR has everything to do with spirit-soul.
Spirit-soul is the same thing as the earlier Khekh, Khekher, Re-Khekh. The word circle is based on Khekher which becomes, Sekhar and Sekher. Rekhekh is the repeated duplicated form as Khar-Khar, Kar-Kar, Kher-Kher, Ker-Ker.
A circle is based on repeated motion called a cycle.
Kerker becomes cercer, circer, circel, circle, which also begets cycle. Circle cycles of spirit-soul are saviors. Repeated periods of time are saviors, no matter how small or large the circle or cycle. These circle cycles are writing words of truth (Khers, Kers, Krs). These writings on the khar are telling accurate stories, even as many humans are telling accurate stories as they tell inaccurate stories. Accurate being a form of akharet, akhar-ret, a-kharti, a-kherti, an-kharrekh. Khekher as repeated form and motion gives us ter, ret, sacred, rekh, rut and many other words that we can now more easily see how they connect to spirit-soul and to each other. This then, these processes that bring forth the ability and re-ability (reality) to gain a more perfect union of unity consciousness is savior's saving grace.

16. Spirit-soul is the same thing as Khekher, Kheper, Khepera, Khepr. “Spirit” has ancestry in Kpirit Kepirit, Khepret, Khepr-et, Khpr-et. We know Kheper is the former and transformer and turner around in a circle. Khepr operates on the surface (above) and beneath the surface (below).
The word write is based on Kherter and Kharter which become kerter, werter, wreter, writer, write. The doer comes become the thing done, thus the writer comes before or simultaneous with write.
Ret is spontaneous manifestation and motion repeated The first writer did not use the reed-pen but the graver, and Rut is to engrave, figure, inscribe, retain the form in stone. The writer was the Rut, a mason or stone-cutter and polisher. Rut is Rui and Ret. The word WRITE implies a form beginning with K, which turns RUT into Kart, the earlier name of the mason or stone-cutter, and of the Hebrew Stylus or Graver, the CHART used for inscribing. The Kart, Kartum, was the cutter of hieroglyphics. The name of writing as cutting in stone is synonymous with that of the Karti, Kaldi, and Keltae, and the Kart as mason and as race modifies into the Rut.
The Magyar IRO goes back to KIRO, the Kheru for speech, utterance, expression, or cutting in stone by the Kart or Kar-natr, Kar-neter, Kar-nutr. This is related to Karnu (Kr-Nu, Cornu) the appointed course and cycle of time. Also Karunat.
Iro in Japanese is ACCENT, which answers to the cutting and carving, to emphasize the form.
In the hieroglyphics the Kan (Ken) is the sculptor-scribe’s chisel, also the cartouche, in which inscriptions were cut, together with the ivory and bone, the hard and enduring material used for carving. Kannu are the simple inscriptions, titles, or names inscribed on the Kan, by the Kan, with the Kan. Then the Kan became the reed (English cane) for writing. This shows the earliest application of the word Kan afterwards applied to the written volume. The Kana as reed passes into the Kan as book, and that this was made of papyrus reed may be gathered from the fact that in the Egyptian Kanana, for Pulp, we catch the Kan midway in its passage between the papyrus reed and the papyrus made from the reed.

17. The Kherp (perp, kerf, serf) is both the prince, his majesty, and the sceptre of his authority, and this Kherp is a form of the Rep or Repa, the prince, or branch. The Ser for chief ruler, denoted by the hand holding the wooden Pet scepter, is the determinative of Ser, the Kherp. Ser is a worn down form of User and Keser, or Khuser.
Ser is a most ancient and universal root for the rock. Ser or Sire, means the chief, arranger, placer, disposer. The Tser is the rock of the horizon. Thus Tser is the soul of life in spirit energy of resurrection. Some variations are: Sir; Sar, Sur, Sure, Djer, Djoser, Soter.
“Tser,” is the sanctuary, temple, palace, seat or throne of the rock of the horizon that sits in the waters. Tser is the mountain upon which the ark rests.

18. The Saviour-Savior is the Body. The Body is the Universe, the Body of the Supreme Being. The word “Body” comes from Puti, the image, figure, shape, form, type; the corp, Kherp, is a model or first figure, embodied, and the mum-type of the dead is the earliest form of the meme or self.

19. Ter, Tur and Ture. The first circle and circumference of Terui, Trui, Troi or Troy was made by the Seven Stars with an eighth star as their Anush or announcing word, found in Sut as southern polestar, the Anush. This circle or course is expressed by the word Kar, Ker or Kr for an orbit, in many languages. This Kheru or Karu, with the initial letter modified, furnishes names of number eight.

20. A title of Horus is Har-Makheru, the risen Christ, the word fulfilled, confirmed and made truth. Makheru is Makher is Maker. As Canopus, Egyptian Har-Makheru is the Akkadian Nin-gar, the pilot of heaven, the pilot of the Argo Navis. Nin-gar answers to the lord Har, pilot of the gods, or rather the paddle of their boat, (whence the paddle sign of Makheru)

21. SAVIOUR-SAVIOR has everything to do with WARRIOR.
Kar or Kher is also war.

22. Like waters and water, the Tree is a primary SAVIOUR-SAVIOR. The tree of life, first symbolized by the mother as bearer, was the Akar, the enciente (rounding pregnant) mother. This is Gyroo (Greek), to round or surround; Gyre, Gyro, Gyrate (English), a circle; and GURU (Sanskrit), the pregnant. This pregnant state of various Kharts (Kher-ti) in nature, prophesied and foretold as a type of time. Chrao, Chreo or Chreso (Greek) is to deliver an oracle. Cheerios are circles made of corn wheat. Other oracles based on repeating cycles of time are Carie, (French Romance), a kind of witchcraft; HOR (Persian), a nativity; and Horoscopos (Horoscope) (Greek).
Oracle is likely from Karu-Karu, the cylinder, the circular thing, the duplicated thing in waters, of waters or beside waters. Karu-Karu, arukaru, orakaru, orakalu, oracalu, oracle. An oracle is every creation in every form that exists and every manifestation of every creation. An oracle is a neter, nuter, angel, kerub, cherub and savior, all of which are messages and messengers of truth. From this and other forms of Kar and kher, we can see a pathway to miracle and that it is a kher from the mer, a truth from the waters.
The African Gree, Gree-Gree or Gru-Gru is the Egyptian KHRU (Kheru), the voice (Vach), the word, the utterer, and utterance, the Logos when personified. Khru is the original of the Kurios, the Khar of the virgin mother. See also curious as spirit seeking understanding to find, manifest and express its true voice.
I am curious to know how Nicholas (Nek Las and Neka Las) Kyrgios (pronounced kr-ee-aus), a tennis player will do in the next few years.
In India the Khuru became the Guru, a name of the teacher, as utterer of the word of wisdom, an utist. Another name of the Gru is Kla, the tutelary genius of a person which can be evoked invoked by magical arts. The Ashantis call the Kla (Kra) the spirit of a man. If the name be used in the masculine gender they say that it stands for the VOICE that tempts a man to evil, and if used in the feminine it denotes the voice that persuades him against the evil; which identifies the Kla with the Egyptian Kharu, the voice or word of two natures or aspects impersonated by the two Hars. This duality of the Kheru (Har, Heru) is denoted by the repetition in GruGru ; and “ JU-JU ” is also a name of the Gru-Gru. Iu is two, twin, dual, duplicative, and therefore the equivalent of Ju-Ju (and Ju-Jo). Written with the Hi, we find Hiu, whence Hu, the tongue-deity of twofold character; the tongue is painted of two colours, and Hu means a spirit of good or evil, the equivalent of the twofold Word. Also Hu is a name of the twy-formed sphinx. Huhu is likewise a name of this biune being, and the Dahoman deity Hoho is the double-natured god to whom twins are dedicated.

23. Ultimately the SAVIOUR-SAVIOR is the two truths who saves the two truths, thus saves self and saves the earliest fundamentals of all else but does not save all forms of self or all members of each form.
In the same sense, the saviors are the ari (ali), spirit-soul as one, two, or any number. These are the ari-ans, the repeating cycles as stars and celestial bodies anywhere in any form, the arians, the aliens. Thus saviors are birthplaces, the hinder part, the hindered part, the behind, that which is behind. There is an abundance of birthplaces capable of inundating, obliterating, irrigating and recalibrating any amount, collection or collective of human birthplaces. A fundamental manifestation of birthplaces is the waters, the liquid essence, one form of which is water as we humans call it.
Along these lines, it is not saviors who choose to save us, but us who choose saviors that saves us. Yet, one savior is not enough to save us and neither is our individual choice, thinking and behavior enough to save us. What saves us is what saves self – that is, all else. In order to save self, we must work towards saving as much as possible of all else that blends in harmony. This saving of self temporarily pertains to the body but more fully and permanently pertains to the spirit-soul of self. As we already know, it takes more than one aspect of nature to create life, sustain life and save life, thus all saviors only save partially, which is why we must have many that work harmoniously in an ecosystem.

24. The SAVIOUR-SAVIOR is all that is first and foremost, excellent and surpassing, the sceptre of majesty, the sign of rule. This is the oar as the Kher, Kheru, Kher-it, Khart, Kherf and Kherp. The oar is the hand of the parent and child that steers and propels. The Kherp-oar is the serp-oar is the server is the savior. Kherp-oar is also Kheper, thus the savior is continuous change, transformation.
The Savior is the preservation and restoration of two truths in various repeating renewing circles, cycles of time, earth being one such circle cycle that contains an uncountable number of two truth based circle cycles.
The word Makheru transforms into savior in numerous ways, two of which are as Kamheru, savheru, saveur; and as Maheru, Savheru, Savuer.
An Oar is also a name of the Waterman. An oar is the sign of Har or Khar, the Sun of the Crossing, whether as Horus or Makheru. Oar and Har are identical. The oar or paddle is a type of crossing the waters in the passage through the underworld. Horus or Har, as the oar of the Boat of Souls, is the Waterman; the Child that crossed the Waters first of all in Womb-world; secondly, in the celestial Planisphere, and, lastly, in the Eschatological “ Boat of Souls.”
Since an oar is the User scepter and tongue as Khar and Tet, both tongue, speech words of truth, spoken, written and otherwise enacted, are saviors.
All this is to say that the SAVIOUR-SAVIOR is thinking and behavior, especially since be-hav-ior is be-sav-ior. Also be-havior is bi-havior, thus behavior is supposed to be guided by the dynamic balance principle of the two truths.

25. Additional words to reconsider and remember what their fuller definitions and meanings are: Save, savior, savant, savvy, preserve, persevere, sever, serve, survey, sayer, mayor, maori, savor, favor, neighbor, labor

All questions regarding where information came from can be found in earlier messages and entries from BB1 and BB2