If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

To Understand | Understanding Is What It Is
Unity Consciousness #2804

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Under + stand + ing. What is the underlying basis of the logic? What is the main thing, the foundation upon which the logic rests?
What is the fundamental view, philosophy, perspective that supports the logic?
Words are one thing. Information is one or more words. Both have limited meaning and use unless there is understanding.
Understanding is the context, the framework, the structure, superstructure and infrastructure to which words and information are attached and arranged....in a logic sequence, in our thoughts, in our minds, in our other senses.
What is the understanding of the words, the information, the logic we possess?
With understanding, information becomes education; with misunderstanding, information becomes miseducation.
Take your time and practice. Listen to yourself. Listen to others. Analyze a word, a phrase, a sentence. What is the understanding of each?

Understanding Is A Nutriment, A Nutr Meant

Understanding is a nutrient; misunderstanding is a toxin. This is why misunderstanding is poison to logic and creates illnesses of all types in spirit, mind, emotion, body and the extended self.
The underlying basis of logic is more powerful than the logic.
By default, understandings lead to problem resolution and civilization (self-optimization).
By default then, the absence of problem resolution leads back to misunderstandings which beget societies.
Understanding does not open windows of opportunity, rather understanding opens up (unfolds) spirit-soul into the universe of self, which is the same place as the Being Nest (Beingness) of the Supreme. This opens us up to more teachers in the same form and in different forms. Under no circumstances do a sufficient amount of understandings keep you tied to relying on the institutions of your society or civilization as the primary source of information, validation, analysis and conclusion.

We must now reorient a popular saying from Proverbs 4:7 of the King James Version of the Christian Bible that states, “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting, get understanding..”
The principal portion of understanding is your worldview, your context, your utamawazo and the asili that feeds it; therefore, understanding is the principal thing that makes wisdom possible, but does not guarantee wisdom.
Wisdom is the repetition, growth and dynamic balancing of understandings which informs the proper use of power as one and many, as individual and collective and as self and all else.

You can speak one or more languages, have an extensive vocabulary in each language, have one or more degrees from a school, have held one or more admired positions in society, have more information in one or more areas than most people, be considered a genius, expert or professional, achieve success by societal standards, have fortune, fame, set records, be the g.o.a.t who eats go oats, and be able to live a life that elicits praise, yet you can still lack sufficient understandings to keep you from knowing who you are, where you came from and why you are here.
Furthermore, despite the above notches in your belt, you can still be a violater of the rights of creation, thus succeed in society but fail as a human, despite mass approval. Woe unto you if the measure of your success and rightness is based on the popular opinion of the masses (Luke 6:26). We know the masses of people are complicit in creating a civilization or a society, thus when fundamental problems exist, you know the masses lack understanding.

Learning Is Not

Learning is not understanding; however learning is a part of understanding, just as is information.
For the most part, learning is memorization. For example, we can learn how to cook or prepare a certain dish by memorizing the instructions (the recipe). You can even remember what can be substituted for what. However, if you don't understand why a certain combination of ingredients, preparation processes and cooking methods result in the desired finished product, then you lack understanding the fundamental basis, principles, characteristics, forces and keys and how they vary based on a given set of conditions.

Understanding Is Transferrable

Because understanding is at the root and foundation of word usage, information usage and logic application, the understandings of one word, piece of information or logic can transfer to other words, information and logic. This is so because understandings, since they are foundational, support everything resting on it, by making a series of connections.

Chain Of Understandings

We are awakening, becoming woke, to remember there is a chain of standings called understanding, overstanding, innerstanding, outerstanding, cross-standing, interstanding, intrastanding and circumstanding. Since circumstanding connects to a variation called circumstance, we can know understanding connects to a variation called understance, the underlying stance upon which the logic rests. Thus when we reach the level of full understanding, it will also be contain all of the other standings, which will still be expanding.

You can know you have tapped into the chain of standings because one understanding leads to others and breeds others. Standings are reborn in us when they are baptized in our spirit-soul, the seed source of creation. A fundamental understanding of one thing or anything, will allow us to more easily understand something else, plus and thus, we will understand more about self and more about all else. By default then, understandings by themselves, or in conjunction with other standings, lead towards unity consciousness, thus wholeness, thus healthiness, thus beingness, thus harmony with the two truths, thus respect for the rights of creation, thus self-respect self-esteem.
Another way to know you are understanding, rather than misunderstanding, is that, as learning takes place, decisions are adjusted, and those decisions lead to improvements in knowledge of self which helps us know how to filter through and whittle down our thinking and behavior to that which is fundamentally necessary to beingness.

Bottom Bottom Lines, Levels Of Understanding

To educate and to understand is a continuous process of letting go, regrasping, persistence, patience. Just as there are levels of awareness, there are also levels of understandings. Becoming an Initiate of Learning begins the process of reacquiring understandings; however, progress towards becoming Adept cannot be achieved without more and encompassing understandings. This is because understandings are the alchemy of truths. Using variations of the same word, understandings are the chemicals, elementals and fundamentals of truths.
Since understanding is the foundation and basis and worldview, what we are doing is building on a base and inside a framework of already established understandings. We can choose to use the human basis or the universal basis.

Simply put, understanding is achieved through pattern recognition.
Pattern recognition is the recognition of self through pattern and as the pattern.
It's not about what we think and what we can figure out. It's about what figures come out of our sensing abilities.