If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Wet Nursing & The Wet Nurse | Definition & Meanings
Unity Consciousness #2802

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In a quick sense, wet nursing is the same as all forms of healthy and unhealthy feeding, eating nourishing, nurturing, nutritioning, villaging, teaching, culturing, traditioning conditioning, morèing, norming, valuing, capitalism, democracy, communism, communal living, communing, community, socializing, socialism, social beings, being social, altruism, kindness, goodness, being a good person, decency, love, humanity, being civilized... Wet nursing is all synonyms and antonyms.
Wet-nursing and its effects were touched upon in summary manner in “Second Creation Principles – Mother Born, Father Reborn, Order Of Creation, Unity Consciousness #1391”.

Wet Nursing Detailed

The concept of wet nurse comes to us through Nile Valley Mythology which achieved these understanding through observations of the natural world and from personal human experiences.

1. In the original sense, a wet nurse is another form of the mother, a full-time caregiver who provides all forms of nourishment for body, mind, emotion, spirit and extended self throughout the entire life of the child.

2. In the updated original sense, the mother is the mother revealed out front, but also includes the father. This Mother-Father is The Parent who nourishes all five inseparable aspects of self throughout the entire lifetime. In greater detail, this includes providing the appropriate dynamic balance of feminine and masculine principles, masculine and feminine energy, based on the set of conditions. We know this because we know what Earth does as Mother Earth and Father Earth. Even if a human parent does not physically feed a child their entire life, a parent still affects the physical aspect of that child by what takes place ongoing or intermittently mentally, emotionally, spiritually and through the extended self.

3. In the expansion and extension of the updated original sense, the Parent is the Village. Not only does “it takes a village to raise a child,” it also takes a village to lower a child. In other words, wet-nursing can not only nourish the child, but also starve the child and poison the child. We know parents and other wet nursing humans can feed securities and insecurities, cosign on evil and good, be an enabler or disabler, teach lies and truths, and so on.

4. In the recent discombobulated fragmented sense, a wet nurse is not the mother or father, but is a lactating female who provides breast milk for a very brief period to a child not her own.

Accepting the context of the story and that it is about humans, a familiar example of wet nursing is shown through the several women who cared for Jesus during his lifetime and after his death. Egypt was one of those women. This metaphorical example of caring for Jesus is not understood as care giving, mothering or wet nursing.

We can now understand a wet nurse is an au pair, in the original sense of what that phrase means. Au means first, original; pair means pair, parent, two working together as one. In the current sense, au pair means one who is on equal footing in the family and as a caregiver for the child. This is the same as working together as one. In actual usage nowadays, this understanding is not so much understood.

Au pair is the Au parent, the Apparent, the Ap-parent, the Au parent of the Ar parent (heir apparent, their apparent).
Apparent and Apparents have become Appearance.
Apparent is fundamental truth from the core within, the inside out.
Appearance is what is superficially true from the surface layer of being without, the outside in.
Both are important, but we allow only one to dominate.

The au entity is the au-ent, a pair of parents, which also take a second form as aunt and uncle. Aunt and uncle are extensions of mother and father. Aunt and Uncle are the first “god parents”. An aunt and uncle is not simply a recent blood sibling of the birth mother and father, but rather a sibling of the village.
The parents of the birth mother and father are the primary wet nurses. These grandparents are not simply the immediate blood parents of the birth mother and father. Grandparents are all adults in the village. In this manner of the Au Parent, the notion of One who becomes Many is maintained and practiced. We still had this notion as recently as the 1960's and 1970's CE. We lost it due to allowing ourselves to be integrated, assimilated, “educated” and wet nursed by our enemies. We've allowed the logic of our enemies to raise lower us. We've allowed the thinking and behavior of our enemies to inform and deform our minds, emotions, spirits, bodies and extended selves. Most of what we do using the logic of their inhumane worldviews, their debased cultures, is self-destructive and helps our enemies maintain control over us. Simply put, the logic of their worldview aids, abets and enhances human vices and weaknesses. If we doubt this, all we need to do is look at what these people do to us, but before that, look at what they do to each other and to the rest of the natural world. Do the manifestations of their logic produce healthy bodies, minds, spirits and emotions? The answer is no across the board of each aspect of self and of all institutions. For instance, having medications and treatments and medical people and facilities and health insurance is not a sign of a health, when the foundation of health, food and water is poisoned and is dismissed as medicine and as a cornerstone to good physical health.

Wet nursing in human form goes by many other names, some of which are foster parent, adoptive parent, midwife, nanny, babysitter, caregiver, caretaker, steward, personal care assistant, teacher, coach, oracle, preacher, minister, healer, nurse, doctor, counselor, friend, mentor, life coach, family, neighbor, community, country, other group identities, nursing home, assisted living and any role performed by a person, group or institution to address and support any of the four aspects of self, the 64+ basic needs and rights of creation.
Any of these can be suboptimal or optimal or degrees in between.
Any of these can be healthy or unhealthy or degrees in between.

Because we are intelligent, we should now be able to understand that each of us have had and currently use many forms of wet nursing to give us what we need or want physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and through the extended self. This is why our thinking behavior reflects devotion to one or more forms of the wet nurse.

You are physically fed by ingesting food through the mouth, absorbing food through the skin or by direct ingesting (injection) into blood vessels, lymph system and cells. This process includes elimination. Elimination is not a minor point or activity. We must regularly eliminate some of what we ingest mentally, emotionally, spiritually and through the extended self. So in this sense, most of us are constipated mentally, emotionally, spiritually and through the extended self. Thus mentally-ill, emotionally-ill, spiritually-ill, physically ill and extended self-ill.

The original sense of wet-nurse is explained through the universal great mother waters of nun. The waters take all forms of all creations, not just liquid essence form. You are wet nursing when you donate blood, organs, time or give of yourself in any way, even when that giving is unhealthy. Unavoidably by design and by default, all of us and each of us, singularly and in various combinations, are a wet nurse in many ways to self and others.

Since the wet nurse is the Au Parent who became many Parents by manifesting in all creations, whether or not we are a birth parent to a human child, we must continue to nourish all four inseparable aspects of self, in order to stay energized, thriving, healthy and contribute the same to all that we come in contact with, interact with and influence, no matter how many degrees of separation.
Wet nursing is parenting. Wet nursing is friending. Wet nursing is being.
We proudly claim to be a human being. Being what? A human? A human being human? That takes our understanding nowhere. It's like thinking in place. A human being only human is unnecessarily redundant and a form of de-evolution. A lion is a lion being. So what. A lion is simply being what it is supposed to be. A human being is supposed to be able to be human and understand the being in self and all else. A lion is not held to that standard because a lion does not have that potential.

If Earth is a wet nurse who feeds us and takes care of us, then so also must Heaven be a wet nurse, thus also Hell, Sun, Moon and so on.
All powers to be, all elemental souls of life and everything above is a wet nurse. Here below, on this earth, these wet-nurses take many forms, including human. These wet nurses are also inside each creation. Aquarius is the wet-nurse and so is Aquaria. Kepheus is the wet-nurse. So are all other star constellations, be they aligned with Earth's celestial equator or celestial pole or not, because everything is always aligned with something.
These are the times of moving into a more optimal healthier form of wet nursing. Those who are willing to be healed by truth, will be. These truths are not coming and will not come through the institutions of your society, unless you critically analyze information. Those who are unwilling will be helped to continue to double down on their sicknesses until death. At least a billion will die between now and flushing out of infected logic. This must be so because there are masses of people worldwide who have become aware of truths but reject them. The masses are not going to be saved by being magically infused with truth because daily, each of us choose to keep, seek or reject truths and lies. The preponderance of sickness in the masses is evidenced by the persistent existence of societies, the antithesis antichrist to civilizations. By their own nature, societies quickly and continuously reveal their many deceptions, yet spiritually homesick masses who are human beingness estranged, make excuse, ignore, deny, whitewash and put positive spins on the toxic, to their own detriment.

Wet nursing leads to de-evolution or evolution. Just as we must learn to feed ourselves with physical food and understand what food to choose, so also must we wet-nurse all four inseparable aspects of self the more we begin to make our own choices and claim to have reached adulthood.