If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Thursday, September 15, 2022

To Educate | Education Definitions & Meanings
Unity Consciousness #2803

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Educate is Edu + Cate
Cate is Mate is Mati is Maat is Two Truths in general is Khate is Khuti is the two truths as spirit-soul (elemental souls of life). Maat is the True Representation, the first basis of the Heaven of Existence.
Thus, so far, we already know that “to educate” is to teach the two truths. In other words, to teach balance of potential and phenomena (manifestations, occurrences, events, behavior...)

Edu is Aku is Akhu. Akhu is spirit-soul rising out of the womb waters of darkness, awakening, becoming woke, being born again, resurrecting into another dimension of life and existence.
Thus “to educate” is teach spirit-soul about self, how to be all it can be optimally in relation to the two truths of self and all else.
Another way to say this is that “to educate” involves spiritual uplift of consciousness. Mythologically speaking spiritual uplift occurs when Shu-Ma Kepheus uplifts the sky for the sun to rise out of the underworld. Another way to say this is that “to educate” means to raise the child. Our current understanding of raising a child is far removed from this more perfect understanding.

Once again we can say that, since “to educate” involves uplifting spirit-soul, then this is the same as edifying. Thus education is edification.
Additional forms of edu are Ati, uti, uta, ute, ani, uni, apu

To Educate Is To Raise Awareness Of Self & All Else

Self is spirit-soul, mind, emotion, body and extended self. This is the One and Many, plural of plurals an singular of singulars.
The sun at night in the underworld is Kak. Kak represents the spirit of life in spring, in the act of preparing for and then springing up. The sun rising in darkness, then out of darkness and whose light of understanding becomes stronger and brighter and more powerful, is a metaphor for education.
Hak, the sun in the underworld below the horizon, transforms reconfigures rearranges into Akh, the sun in the overworld above the horizon. Akh takes the rising of Hak to a new level. Akh, Akhu or Makhu is spirit-soul energy that is even more able to illuminate and elevate. This is the resurrection of the Sun, the elemental soul of life in the sun. This resurrection takes place in many creations on many levels above, below, within, without. This is the revival of education of truths, which hurts people who prefer the pain of their misery. This is why joke folks try to make fun of woke folks and are pushing back against education that tells another side of the story.

To Educate Is To Teach The Proper Use Of Power

Per Dr. John Henrik Clarke, “education is for the purpose of training the student in the proper use of power.”
Thus a powerful person is able to free themselves and others. This is attested to by Dr. Clarke who says, “Everything that touches your life, worth your time and your money, must become an instrument of your liberation..."
And attested to by Dr. Bobby Wright, who says, '[true] education is a liberating force...”

Has your education liberated you?

What Is Power?

Power is the use of genetic potential, the manipulation of resources, whether in balance or unbalanced; whether in dynamic balance or dynamic imbalance; whether in harmony or disharmonious; whether good or bad; whether healthy or unhealthy; whether suboptimal or optimal.
Power comes from the organized masses, the organized combined use of genetic potential (resources).

Thus, in order to use power properly, you need knowledge of self and all else.
Thus to educate is to teach knowledge of self and all else. Does or did your education teach you knowledge of self and else?

Education is knowledge. Knowledge is not the same as information**; however, information is part of knowledge. Knowledge is information + understanding of that information properly oriented in relation to the balanced view of other information.
Since education implies knowing, and knowing implies understanding, and understanding implies wisdom, then “to educate” is to “make wise” (students should become wizards).
Education and Wisdom imply the same thing: that the context by which we acquire knowledge is based on the two truths of spirit-soul and all their forms. This leads us back to Number One Thing You & Everyone Else Must Learn, Unity Consciousness #421

Since wisdom involves and includes intuition, to educate includes helping a being make use of their intuition, thus understand there are multiple ways of knowing, thus multiple ways of being educated.

Edu Is Aku Is Also Heku

The Great Mother is the first educator. She is Ur-Heku, the old ruleress, or the great magic power, word, nun and verb. She is also Heka, Hekau, Akhu, Sakhu. To go further than the limitations of your connotations, innerstand and overstand what magic means.

Thus Educate is Hekucate is Ekucate is Eku + Cate is the Mother of the Two Truths, teaching what she knows and is learning (who she is, where she came from and why she is here).
Thus to be educated is to be taught in the context of the Great Mother-Father, call her Mother Nature, Mother Earth, God, Spirit, Adonai Tzva'ot (sabyot, savant), Maat...

Cate Is Khut Is Khat

Khat is the birthplace, the womb of creative powers of the Universe, thus again connected to the Great Mother. Khat is the name of the first tree of knowledge which had ten branches, thus the tree of knowledge of good and evil in Christian lore. The child, as the repetition of the mother is the vine, shoot, branch that buds and blossoms by drawing upon the knowledge of the mother tree.
Abu or Aah-Bu is the rebirthplace of opening and reawakening the senses, the sensing abilities, through which information is processed into understanding which keeps the spark of spirit alive in its pursuit to be.
Thus “to educate” is Abu + Khat.
Thus “to educate is to replicate the Khat where learning in the womb is all-encompassing and involves all sensing abilities.

To Educate Is About Coming Kherrekh

“To educate” is about the continuous process of becoming kherrekh.
Kher and rekh are mirror images, the sem-sem, the two truths and the child. Rekhi are children.
The Rekh is the mage (sage), magi, priest, wise (wizard), reckoner, knower, architect, purifier, enlightener, teacher. Rekhi are teachers. Rekhi are areas of knowledge.
Rekh means to purify and refine the precious thing (spirit-soul). Precious things are purified with Rekhi, areas of knowledge.
Thus “to educate” is to rekhi-khat, ekhi-khat, eki-cate. ki is ku is tu is two is du (duality of khu).

Spirit-soul, the precious thing, the child is you, the message, mes-sen-ger messenger, sender teacher, receiver student.
This is why “to educate” is to know yourself and know all else as one and the same in different forms.
To not understand one “in the same” is to be “in sane.”

Since We Are Human Beings (Spirit Beings In Human Form)

To educate is to feed the spirit's hunger, the soul's hunger for beingness. Beingness is spirit-soul unfolding, awakening, coming out of hiding, interacting, revealing, being born again moment by moment, becoming, uninhibited and in touch with being Nature (genetic potential) in the re-making, remixing with other rhythms also in their ever-coming ever-renewing forms.

“...to be a human being is to be an unfolding radiating spirit who expresses self in an ongoing process of being, belonging and becoming through the complex experiences of culture. That spiritual energy, as it interacts with our consciousness, continues to evolve in ways that allow for insights into who we are at the core of our being, who we belong to, what power we possess and what possibilities we have to assist us in becoming a fuller manifestation of our divine potential.” (Parham, Thomas, Ajamu, Adisa; White, Joseph, “Psychology of Blacks: Centering Our Perspectives in the African Consciousness,” Psychology Press, Oct 14, 2015, p. 48 paraphrased).

To educate is to help spirit beings understand self in as many forms as possible, thus move through levels of awareness and graduate into greater education degrees of unity consciousness. This is the process of becoming aware of self as one, many and then as a united one. This then is unity consciousness of being.

Take Another Look At Your Formal So-Called Good Education

According to Etymology Online, "There is no authority for the common statement that the primary sense of education is to 'draw out or unfold the powers of the mind.'"
[Even if that website did not say so, it is evident from the results of the education system in society which produces suboptimalism in those it seduces into relying on the education system and its branches for their primary source of education.
Even if education today meant to unfold the powers of the mind, education today in societies would still be insufficient since it would ignore understandings to unfold the powers of body, emotion, spirit and the extended self of all else. These things are partially addressed elsewhere in societies, their culture and their institutions, including family as a primary institution.]

Today's education maligns the precious thing and toxifies rather than purify.

By The Way

We notice the triple use of the words unfold and unfolding. “To educate” is like opening a seed, a blossom, a package, a present, the way a child comes out of the womb. Unfolding is the way the precious thing comes out of the cocoon. Thus a person's spirit-soul unfolds as they expand knowledge of self and all else. Spirit-soul unfolds inside and outside, beyond the confines of the cocoon of the body. This is how the mental is freed, unfolds and expands, so also the emotional and the extended self. Education, in its pure sense, does that. Added incentive comes from the Supreme Being who promises us, that when we have expanded to or near the limit, we will be given additional sets of chromosomes (genetic potential) so we can evolve within into a new form and then without. “To educate” is to evolve and should feel like evolving, something amazing, where gaining understanding of one thing, unfolds understandings of several things “To educate is to connect correct (kherrekh) so that each piece of understanding put into place, improves vision of smaller and larger pictures of self and all else. This provides clues as to the next pieces needed. These next pieces emerge in the form of questioning, wondering, listening, seeking, comparing, contrasting, remembering and repeating as necessary.

The Supreme Being is educated through each one of us, every creature, every creation. This is because the Creator-Destroyer is nothing more and nothing less than every self and, of course, is all else. On that note, if the Supreme Being is to continue eternally, the Supreme Being must overcome the sick parts of self, the parts out of balance, the parts that are rotten. In other words, if current societies continue reproducing their logic in more poisonous forms, the Supreme Being will die or at least be diminished. And this is why history has shown us how many societies have come and gone, slowly and then all at once. And how many life forms have come and gone, slowly and then all at once. For the Supreme Being also, “to educate” is to become the best version of self and all else.

** Examples Of Information Is Not Education

Societies falsely and knowingly promote information as knowledge, because in doing so, people will acquire information without understanding, thus without critical analysis to understand how that information fits into the wholeness of self and wholeness of all else. Thus people will outsource their decision making thought processes in many areas of life and existence while believing they are independently coming to each choice. This is why we are trained to view education in a fragmented manner, thus those who acquire information, usually through memorization, are viewed as the smartest, most intelligent, experts, sane and balanced. This is at least 98% false in societies, as evidenced by the existence of the parameters and conditions that create societies instead of civilizations. The masses are not exempt from this false belief that their information acquisition is equal to education. Societies are keen to always promote information over knowledge by falsely making them equal. A good example of this information, knowledge, education, intelligence, money, wealth, health confusion is programmed into us daily in many ways, is by game shows where success is based on the memorization and regurgitation of information, not knowledge. This is why game shows such as “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire” and “Jeopardy” are prime false examples of educated people. The name Jeopardy tells you you are being okie doked in plain sight as we genuflect and prostrate our self-esteem to game show winners as amazingly smart.
False education programming is why events like spelling bees are mostly not indicators of knowledge, except slightly in moments when the speller must use all information available to analyze the sound of a word, its definition and origin. This then requires the speller to use critical analysis to problem solve the spelling of the word. This is part of the “to educate” process because the speller must synthesize information rather than simply regurgitate what has been memorized and what can be recalled through photographic memory. Spelling champions are likely those who can analyze and synthesize rules and patterns. Likewise then, an educated human is one who can analyze and synthesize universal truths and rights of creation. Then, when encountering information, it can be placed in the proper relation to the whole of self and all else.