If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Broad Range Of Jihad
Word Origin, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3013

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Jihad from ghod from ghut from khut from kheft from khefahti from khutifah from khefuhti from Khekhui (BB2), (NG2)
Khutifa is the mother of Khuti. FA means to bear, carry, be pregnant. (BB)
Khut, to enfold, conceal, shut, seal, catch, keep hold, fire, cut, break in pieces, rule, protect, screen (BB2)
Ghut means protect, defend. (Sanskrit) (NG2)

The divinity, as listener in the dark (Sut-Anup, Tum, Har, the Hard of hearing), preceded the seer in the light. Kongo, the name of the Polynesian deity whose house is in the shades, also means to hear, listen, feel. (BB2)

Kheb means lower, deceit, hypocrisy, to disguise, violate, change.
Jach-kheb (Kak-Kheb), the night sun that struggled with the darkness, just as Jacob wrestled with the opposing power all night. (BB2), (NG1)
Jach-Kheb is Jakheb is Jiheb is Jihad.

Khuti is Kihut is Jihut is Jihad. Khuti are the elemental souls of life that exist in both halves of the circle. As one example, Khuti assist the sun in falling and rising. Thus Khuti leads to Cahoots.
In the eschatology portion of mythology, it is the human soul instead of the sun that has to struggle with the opposing monster. (AE2)

The science of mythology describing the conflict of darkness and light or drought and water as the contention of Sut and Horus is about elemental powers, not a story to tell humans how to handle disagreement. In fact, the elemental story is not about disagreement, but rather agreement of two truths that must trade places in cycles and how the fundamental forces of nature accomplish this.
The God and Devil story is not for humans to follow who want to feel superior over other humans or any other aspect of nature.
Even though mythology describes darkness as evil and light as good, both are both and both are neither.

There could be no life or existence if each thing created, did not also have at least one other thing in apposition (complementary opposite position) such that for inhale there was an exhale, an equal and opposite action. There must be a down if there is to be an up. These two truths and twin power relationships have been fully discussed.
Humans have messed this up and justified their weaknesses and vices through religious dogma. Everywhere in societies these foolish pieces of logic are installed and functioning prevalently at the root of all problems.

In the science of mythology, conflicts were also abundant and were resolved, reconciled, rebalanced and adjusted by Shu when his power was magnified at the horizon and at the pole as it is now through the Star Systems called Aquaria and Kepheus and others of the primary four corners at the corners. (AE2)

Jihad is simply a word for war based on religious principles. Cowards hiding behind God. All people who initiate wars are performing jihads. Maafa Racism is a jihad. Covid-19, lockdowns and vaccines are part of a jihad. Education in societies is a jihad. The war on ants and unwanted plants, is a jihad. And so on.

In a healthy sense, a jihad is the struggle between two truths that allows the universe to function properly. In an unhealthy sense, the initiator of a jihad (any war) is a lie attacking the truth. Protecting oneself from attack is natural sense, even if to defend and protect requires offense once ignorance has crossed from sense to fence.


A lot of understanding about jihad can be obtained through hijab. Hijab is a form of Jihad. Jihad means the same thing in the sense of deceit, protection. Jihadists think they are protecting the sanctity of their religion, their beliefs, their God, their women. Same as all warmongers whose kar hungers.

Societies Are Jihadists

Your society is a jihad as evidenced by all of its main institutions and their convolutions.
Societies are designed for people who are out of their natural minds. You can tell who these people are because they think their societies are just fine (admittedly not perfect, with only a few minor problems that can be fixed with glue sticks and plastic: laws and rhetoric. We need more laws y'all, that's all).
Listen to people who say the same thing about their continent, their country, their state, their prefecture, their country, their district, their region, their town, their village, their community, their family. These are the normalized mentally ill who trade their first right birthright free will for a will-work-for-food meal like Esau Edom Atum Humans.

In keeping with their asilis, utamawazos, contexts, worldviews, definitions, meanings, institutions and cultures, societies have people's spirits, minds, emotions and bodies on blockdown knockdown lockdown. The only thing people know about who they are, where they came from and why they are here is controlled by their societies. This is why the human population does not function harmoniously (healthily) as an ecosystem of beingness. All societies are warmongers with war machines to make themselves seem stronger because their souls hunger for younger days when knowing came through many different ways.
Society means imbalance, injustice because there is no peace, no justice within the majority, especially not within the favored groups, be those groups designated by race, gender, social standing, age, religion, money or any other demarcation that confers and infers privilege.
So again, by default and by current manifestations, the word society means, a war machine against a groups own member citizens, thus a governing structure organized and agreed upon to wage war against self and all else in exchange for physical wealth and self-esteem wealth.

By the way, when you hear Jihad, you should not think Muslim, but instead think Mesr. Muslim** is Musrim is Mesrim is Mesru, Mesruan and Mestrean. Jihad is a form of the word God. God is the Supreme Warrior in cycles through seasons and systems of switching truths around. This is why most people tube fed on societal bread (educated intubated), view themselves as in a battle with the natural world. And why the powers that be the Great Gods have suffered setbacks due to embattled humans, but have never lost a war when troops of truth are set loose, which is why all societies fall apart slowly, then suddenly all at once.

** In English, the Mus is the mouth as outlet which is the Mest (Egyptian), for the uterus as outlet. Mizrawam in Arabic is applied to the haunches. According to the letter of the law, Mizrawam likely progresses to Mislawam to Mislakam to Muslim and Moslem. Thus Muslim contains the meaning of children of the motherblood, the virgin Hes, “As” and the children (Sa). In this we can also see the As-Salaam-Alaikum and As-salāmu ʿalaykum. This reveals the children of the mother-blood as the ever-coming ones as Ari (Ali, Ari, Alu, Ala) and the children as Kamari (Alaykum, Alaikum). Salem is Shalem is Salama in Hebrew. (BB2)

12.26.23 Update

Jihad means hand, thus the hand of God Kheft. Kheft is the hand.
Hand with the J (or Ja, Je, Ji, Jo, Ju) added becomes Jihand, then Jhad. J is also pronounced K because J is an earlier K. Thus Jihad is Kihad, Kihod, Gihod and God. (BB2)
Jad, Jihad and Kheft (AT) also signifies doing, deeds, hands, arms and feet.