If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Friday, September 22, 2023

Defective Sports Logic Is The Insult Of Injuries
Unity Consciousness #3025

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzv of 11)

Sport injuries have been discussed before as being self-created. Nothing's changed.
Self-logic sports logic is the insult of injuries that results in many physical injuries.
It has been obvious that many sports injuries occur in practice.
It is now obvious that a significant amount of during-the-game injuries are also the result of practice.
Too much practice.

Most sports injuries are overuse injuries.
Owners, commissioners, coaches, trainers, players, player unions, analytics, sports science, colleges, universities and fans, foolishly expect humans, just because they are more adeptly athletic than most of us, to somehow also be more adept at overriding and overruling fundamental principles and forces of nature of the human body, of the human being. This perverted profane false notion is the result of suboptimal logic throughout the culture of the society.
Old school truth is: Athletes do not have different genetics that follow different fundamental principles.

To reduce injuries, increase player careers and increase competition, all sports should use a basic preparation program of:
1. half day (easy day)
2. full day (hard day)
3. full day of rest (no physical, no mental)
4. repeat the cycle twice
5. then two full days of rest. Under no circumstances should a hard day take place the day before a game day.
6. A full day of rest after game days.
7. limit game day warmups to stretching and very low impact routine of going through the motions, while verbally repeating the fundamentals of performance and the fundamentals of the game plan. This must be boiled down and simplified for the athlete into mnemonic acronyms that can be both memorized and written somewhere the athlete can easily see during the game. This will not necessarily be the same for each athlete or each position.
8. limit after game cool downs to activities that do not require the athlete to be in motion or their body parts to be in motion.
9. it must not be overlooked that during each day of the sports season, including preseason, each day of the athlete's life must be structured so the athlete is allowed to take naps as needed and, during the main period of sleep, be able to awaken naturally. If an alarm or a stimulant such as coffee are needed, enough rest has not been achieved.
10. stop trying to force and shame each athlete into the same amount of training and the same training steps and order each day. Practice, preparation and training must become more flexible, while always listening to the athlete's physical and mental needs.
11. furthermore, no athlete should be required to watch a full rerun of their game or their opponent's game. It should be the job of coaches and assistants to boil the video down to the essential pluses and minuses.
12. In team sports, I don't know if all team members sit through the same film sessions. If they do, this should also be reduced to a small number of examples that show how each position affects the whole.
13. most of these steps are for the athletes only, not the coaches, trainers and other types of assistants who are not the on-the-field participants.

This type of approach will also improve attention to fundamentals due to a rested mind because it is also now clear, that in all sports, including professional levels, many players still abandon the fundamentals, something which should be second nature due to repetition in practice and constant reminders in practice and in games, yet fundamental mishapens (misshaped happenings) still occur all the time in all professional sports where there are dozens of coaches and assistants, helping prepare players, but obviously failing.
It must be specifically stated that training routines, practice routines, conditioning routines are misshaped and that logic is another big insult to injuries in sports.

The approach outlined above will also reduce mental health injuries that reduce performance.
This will also reduce emotional health injuries that show up in games as mistakes of judgment.

The human body needs to rest and so does the mind, in order to optimize functioning.
It is an insult to self ecosystem harmony that is the insult of injuries.
The biggest insult to injury is due to players, allowing the divergent mentalities and goals of everyone else to override their self-awareness of how to keep the four inseparable aspects of self in harmony, thus healthy, thus optimized. Players must reject the maximum maximize logic inherent in sports and the goddamn media, such as ESPN, one of many self-disappointed knowledge gods that are simply attention whores who pretend the important doesn't exist while distending the unimportant.
Athletes should reject the play through pain logic and protect themselves. There are at least two kinds of pain – the pain of effort and exhaustion that we should push through a little, then there's the pain that warns us there's an injury that will only get worse if the player does not stop and get rest, therapy and nutrition.
Athletes should reject the notion of “playing hurt” because they want to do it for the team and the team depends on them. Each time an athlete gets hurt, what do teams and their other members say, tough luck “next man up.”

Most sports injuries exist because athletics have been turned into another grotesque money-making industry, just as are education and healthcare and water and shelter and clothing and on and on, none of these filthy lucre-ative approaches are for the purpose of helping most people be fundamental good humans (healthy as in harmony with self and all else). As long as athletes allow themselves to be used as workhorse beasts of burden, they will be just like race horses, incurring injuries as a far more common and more devastating aspect of sports than they should be.

What is often forgotten is that attention to details and fundamentals is the cause of winning and losing more than superior athletic ability; duh, therefore, more emphasis should on the areas that matter most rather than trying to get athletes to go through regimens of extreme physical exertion and trying to get them to remember a bunch of information and implement it on game days.
On this note, this will also help coaches not make bonehead fuzzy-brained decisions on game day including ineffective pregame talks. The approaches in this message will also contribute to helping coaches understand each player enough to be able to provide different instructions to different players at different moments in the game.
If in fact, all it takes is for everyone to “do their job”, then since each body part and each player have different jobs, then why would they have the same instructions and preparations? And why should we expect each body part to continue performing when a body part is telling you it is in pain, needs rests, nutrition and help. All this is what needs to be recovered rather than thinking that sports logic ideology and its muddled science of so-called recovery methods are appropriate or sufficient when the now uncommon sense of natural sense is neglected.

One More Time

If the entire preparation routine for athletes is not enough to keep athletes adhering to the fundamentals of performance, then why should athletes think the entire preparation routine is appropriate to keep them from being injured?
Something is very fundamentally wrong and it must be in the logic.
Sports logic is to blame, but it is not, and instead it is attributed to unfortunate or unforeseen circumstances. This is the same escapegoatism as failing to blame the culture and its logic for all of the society's ills.