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One way of breaking down System is Sys-Tem.Tem is a team, family, group, clan, collection, collective that is cut ,divided and made separate, for a particular purpose, that the functioning of the system announces and pronounces.
Systems are circle cycles, thus have time limits. Tem also means time. All systems have time limits.
IU is Hy is Ty. Ty is TI.
Ty from Ti, thus we can infer Sy comes from the closest form of transformation which is Si, Hi, Khi, thus we can begin investigating System as Sistem, Histem, Khistem. If needed, we can add Su, Hu, Khu.
Sis-tem branches into Ses-tem, Sus-tem, Sos-tem, Sas-tem.Sis (Ses) is breath and to breathe. Ses-Mut is the breathing mother. Sesmut becomes Sestum becomes System.
Sest (Ses-t) is a shortened form of Ses-Mut and means mother and child, the breather and the breathed. To breathe is to breed, and to be breathed is to be bred. Since Sest is mother and child, Sest is the womb, breathing space.
Where there's breath, there's heat. Sesit is flame while Ses is the generative fire.
Sustem must also be Shu-stem since breath is involved.Sostem & Sastem
Sos means knowledge in Gaelic.Sos means to guide, lead, and rule, shepherd in Coptic.
Sos is knowledge and wisdom in Irish.
Sas in Sanskrit means to train, instruct and teach (NG2)
Khustem becomes Khystem becomes System.Khustem also leads to Custom. A system is a custom creation by Khu (Go, God, spirit-soul).
A system is custom in the sense of unique, tailor-made for a particular purpose.
A system is custom in the sense of being a tradition, something repeated.
A system is custom as in get used to it (get Khus to it) as in accustomed.
Everything is a customer of many systems. Custom-ar, Khu-stem-ar, Khu-sta-mer
Khestem & Khastem
Kes is to bind, be bound, envelop with slight bands, a sacred rite, covenant, bond.Kes is Kiss which forms and seals bonds. A holy kes is a holy kiss. Spirit-soul, in all forms not controlled by anything except fundamental principles and laws, greet each other with a holy kes.
A caste is a system of assigning tasks, jobs, roles, duties, functions. All systems are castes with tasks. All systems are a dwelling, house, cave, container, womb, words that describe Kas. Contrary to human created and human controllable castes, all other caste systems, though having defined roles, are still flexible and variable depending on the dynamics of balancing sets of conditions.
Kh-Mest is Ky-stem is Sy-stem is System.Khekh-Khiumn
Khekh is Supreme Spirit-Soul. Khiumn is a form of Khemen is heaven.Of course the first system is heaven, the universe, the waters, the womb, the system that is the Supreme of Being from creatory to crematorium.
Khekh-Khiumn is Kek-Khem is Kyk-Kem is Sys-Tem is System.
Since a system is based on the two truths called the two times (Mesti) that are formed out of the Mest (Heavenly Womb Waters of Nun), then System can be written as:1. Mesti which is Mest-Mest is Mest-stem is Sest-stem is Sest-Tem
2. Mesti-am. The two truths of heaven. The two times of heaven. The two circles of heaven, Preexistence and Existence, the Holy of Holies and the Holy, the Coal of Coals and the Coal.
Now we can reflect on what “Goal” means.
3. Simply put Sy is Hy is IU, thus System is based on the dual mest, two circles of life and two halves of life.
This should help us remember what “system” means, especially any system not created by humans such as us. And remember how intricate each system is and how spirit-coal driven each system is. And how integrated, layered and influenced by many other systems, each system is. Climate is the result of many systems.