If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Friday, December 20, 2024

Peter Piper | Origin, Poem & Poti-Ru
Earlier Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3210

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzza of 11)

Cepha Cipher sa-rekht a sekh of sequest-urt sekhars
Sefer Sifer tickled me, seemed like forever
Reason why, sesar did not divulge it
Then Peter Piper pickled me and I begrudged it
Prying eyes felt like chants for my demise
But Khefa Khefr, with reckon eyes
Showed them to be Pehruing hands
Laid them on my genie bottled, rubbed it
Twisted them to match the twone inside
Snatched sekari from jaws open wide
Rejoined the course of the genuine voice
Coming forth by chosen enforced
To no surprise I love it

Word Peter from Puter, is also a form of Tekar in several senses of the word.

1. Tekar is the name of the star, digit, finger, stick, branch, graving instrument and the person who engraves.
a) Peter Piper is Peter Piter is Petar Tekar tekhed a tekh of sparkled tekars. This means: The soul of life in the moon counted a bunch of stars and kept track on a bundle of palm-branches. The Egyptians, by monitoring the moon, could also keep track of other cycles, because those cycles corresponded to a certain number of moon cycles.
b) Peter Tekar tekhed a tekh of starkled tekars. Starkled is stark red.

2. Khet, Ket, Tekh or Tek is weave, knit, net, cross, twist, twine, join with the fingers. In the Judaeo-Christian-Muslim textbook, Peter is a fisherman. Word fisher is fekher is Tekher is Tikhar is Tekar. Fekh is fullness, reward, abundance, plenty, capture, ravish, burst open, denude, destroy. Thus Peter Fisher is Peter Tekar is Peter Piter.
a) Peter Piter fekht a fekh of fekh-urt fekhars.
b) Peter Tiker tekht a tekh of tek-khurt tekhars.

3. Peter is a form of Taht whose name is Tekh and whose symbol is the two-colored heron (hebron, khebron, kebron, keron, hepron, khepron, kepron, hevron, khevron, kevron, hefron, khefron, kefron, chevron). This bird is a fisher and is called Heb, Kheb, Keb. Fekh is food, but later, Fish came to mean food from the water, thus even oysters and clams are fish even though this meaning is not used much today, but is described as seafood. Fish are Heb and Hep. Clams and oysters can be considered crippled, lame, maimed because they cannot walk or run. They are also speckled due to shell color variation. They are peckled due to shell dents, dimples, pits. The first Horus, the elder and prepubescent soul of life in the sun is the Khart or Khar and called the cripple deity, the Cripple Khar (or Khart). Variations are pe-kar, pekhar, tekar, fekar. The sun is a fish in and out of water.
a) At one point, and perhaps still, a human fisherman on the Thames River below London Bridge is called a Hebber-Man [thus Kepper-Man]. This is the likely source of Pepper in the Peter Piper tongue twister. Taht is the god of speech, thus tongue. Also Tek means twist.
b) Peter Piter picked a peck of crippled keppers.
c) Peter Piper picked a peck of peckled keppers.
d) Peter Piper picked a peck of pitted keppers.

4. Pekh or Pek is magic, cook, food, gap, hole, shape. Pep (from Pek) is to engender, influence, inspire.
a) Pekhti, Pehti or Peh are the twin lioness of the equator who represent double might, double glory, vigilance, foresight, watcher. This becomes in English, word peke, word peep, word pry, word peer. Peg, Page Paige, Sekhet, Pasht, Bast and Buto are forms of Pekhti
b) Pehti Piter pekht a pekh of crimpled keppers.
c) Pehti Piter pekht a pekh of dimpled hebbers.
d) Pehti Piter peeped a peck of speckled pekhars.
e) Kepper-min Pahti spakht a pakh of peckled keppers.

5. Pekht, Pekt, Pecked, Pocked is a crooked stick, to stretch out, pitted with gaps or holes. To peck is to make the gap or hole, and the instrument is a pick-axe. The pig makes holes, thus is a pecker, a poker. Peka is the peck-measure, gap. Pekha is a rod, English Peg. Pekkha or Pkh-icha is divide, divided, division. Pukha is the infernal locality of the under-world, the internal fireplace where, if you can't stand the heat, get out of the Pkh-icha.
a) Pehti Piter pecked a peck of peckled peckers.
b) Tum, the black sun, red sun and red-white sun is the son, the Pekh-Ar of Pekh. Tum is the father of the red race of souls of life.
c) Pehti Piter pekht a pekh of peckled pekh-ars.
d) Peter Piter picked a peck of peckled pekhars.
e) Pehti Piter fished a peck of fish-red pekhars.
f) Pehti Piter fikhed a fekh of fekhret fekhars.
g) Peter Piter pocked a pekh of pockled pekars.
h) Pehti Pecker poked a pekh of pottled pekars.

i) Peter Piper might be Peht-Ru-Peht-Ru, the mother at the level.
Pehti Pifer pekht a pekh of pekhled pebbles
Pehti Pifer poked a pekh of paddled pebbles
Pehti Piper pic-pac-ed a pact of d'ockter peppers

6. Ptar is the interpreter of time and period. Petar is a time, to discover, show, explain, reveal. Remember the time Makha-El (Pekha-El) Pekh-Sen sang. He wore a glove pecked with pekhars. Petar or Betar is a candle, a form of light a form of star as sun, planet, moon. A candle is a way to see in darkness or see what is hidden. Word candle from Kan-Ter.

7. Pip (Bib) is a round spot, seed, pit, hollow. Word pipe is a form of fife from fufu. Fuf, breath, soul.
a) Peter Piper piped a peck of pimpled pipars.
b) Peter Puffer pipped a pekh of pip-ret pipars.
c) Putah (Sanskrit) is the hollow place, void or cavity. Ta is the earth viewed as a hollow tube a pipe. Also Ptah, Peta and Putah as Futah and Ftah is the Ptah-Er, the piper, puffer, fuffer of breath into the hollow tube, the Pafter. This leads to the concept of the word windpipe from khent-pipe.
d) Paif Paf, Pif or Pef is breath, spirit, soul. One form of word pair is a gust or puff of air. In English. Pef signifies light food, cook, bake light or lightly. This causes swelling and Pef leads to Puff, Bef, Beef. So rather than beef referring to meat, it refers to bread, puffing, swelling, enlarging as spirit-soul does as it unfolds and grows. The other way to look at this is that word meat is not limited to flesh.
e) In Egyptian, mankind, the human race or species are the PA, the Paf, Pap, Babes, or people (pepul in English). Paf are breathers, offspring of breath. This alone tells us we have mis-colored the wind and that humans as People, are not the only species who are people. All breathers are people. Word people from Pe-op-Le from Pepo-El from Fefo-er from Fufu-Ur to Puffer to Paf-Er. To Pepe (Papa, Pupu, Popo, Pipi), is to engender. The first Papa is the mother who inspires her soul into the child, and in doing so, the seed is puffed and she is puffed, fuffed. Breath is equal to bread and fruit. The mother is the first breath-maker, bread-maker and bread winner.
f) Putah Piper peft a pekh of puffered pepars.
g) Ptah Peffer peft a fekh of pepul peffers.
h) Pupu Papa pefed a pip of fekhled peffers
i) Puffer Pafer paft a pack of pafelled pipers.

Peter as the soul of life in repetition as Khefer is the reckoner of time and inspirer of breath, along with his co-conspiritor Shu (Fhu, Fu) as the soul of life in breath in Leo Constellation whose Regulus is star Cor Leonis, at the southern pole and represents Tefnut as the heart of the Lion. Taht and Shu-Tefnut fish the elder sun out of the waters along with other souls of life and place them in the ship, boat, bark, ark. This form of Shu as Leo is Nashu of shade, whereas Kepheus is Mashu of light. This is a northern hemisphere orientation. Regulus in Kepheus is star Alpha Cephei, the Cephas thus Peter thus Computer thus Ptah-Khepra, the All One, the Alone, the All In One. But this time in the round, Kepheus is doubled, manifesting at both poles. This then becomes Peter Peter and Pan-Pan.

Khar-Atum-Ptah-Khepr is the crooked-legged, lame god, who is not only lame due to being under-developed due to being pee-pubescent, but also due to still being in the form of the wrapped mummy.

Where In The Heck Is That Peck Of Pickled Peppers?

If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

The answer is in the question.

Where is where.
Word where is khiru is khiur.

The peppers are in the circle, the cycle. The jelly jar containing these souls of life in preserving waters, has been opened. The peppers are influencing the flavor of every single thing. Peter Piper picked a bundle of circle-cycles to reckon by and notify listeners to his frequency.

I'm a pepper. Wouldn't you like to be a pepper too?

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Stretching The Word Short
Earlier Word Origins, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3209

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz of 11)

The word short is word khurt from khiurt. A common phrase is cut short. This is Ket Khurt. Ket or Tek is also a form of Khiurt. Khiurt is whole complete, whereas short is less than that.
This is corroborated by word SPIRT (spurt), for a short space of time or a brief spontaneous emission such as spark, fire, breath, heartbeat, a tear... This matches our recent understanding of soul as whole and spirit as the second manifestation, a piece of soul.

This piece of soul is made continuous in the circle of repetition called the Ter or Ret, thus the SPIRT-RET becomes word Spirit. Since we know Spirit is not the earliest form, we can take it back to Khirut, which is Khiurt.

Thus each circle-cycle of every creation contains the long and short, whole and part, short-term memory, long-term memory, short time, long time, that which is kep long and that which is ket short.

The moon circle is short; earth cycle longer, sun cycle far longer, thus the sun's revolutionary onion ring of heated and hidden layers of circles, is more encompassing of the potential for weird things.

Unfolding A Piece Of Soul To Find A Bunch Of Soldiers

Piece of soul is a piece of the whole is a soul-ter, a soldier.
Word soldier from kihtiur from kih-tiur from khekhti-Ur from khiurti, the two-part circle-cycle.
The circle-cycle is a war zone because it is a kar zone. As discussed elsewhere, this is the reason everyone and everything is a soldier.

Kih-Tiur from Kih-T-Iur from T'Kih-Iur from T’KIH (Bushman) is fire. Fire and all the elementals are soldiers.
The sun and all other celestial bodies are soldiers.
The khekher at the middle of the circle is soldier.
All these are mighty ones, the nukhti-nui.
The mighty ones are warriors, warr-ior.
If in the beginning was the word, then everything is a war of words.

Unfolding A Piece Of Soul To Find A Bunch Of Soldiers

Soldiers don't carry or use weapons, they use tool-weapons. If we think of some physical tool-weapons we can remember the rock, the club, the stick, the pit, the spear, the javelin, the slingshot, the blow dart, the knife, the sword, the arrow, the catapult, the cannon, the gun, the rocket, the bomb, the grenade and so on it goes. Though these seem different, they are all the same in essence and basic function.

This can be more easily understood through the tool-weapon called a sword.
Remember, war is fundamentally a war of words, logic, how we think, what we think, what we understand.

A soldier carries many words, one of which is the tool-weapon called a sword.
The word sword, as we can easily see, is a form of Khiurt.
This is why the word of truth is said to be like a sword that cuts both ways.
Each word of truth is a word of two-truths that work both ways equally, oppositely, appositely.

The word sword is more fully skhiurt, which is an abbreviation of khiur-khiur, the two khiurti, the two words.
The word sword combines the form of shiurt and khiurt.
In the beginning was the sword, and the sword was with God, and the sword was God.

Three Amigo Weirdos | What It Means To Be Weird
Who Is Weird And Who Is Not
Changing Social Interaction Encounters
Earlier Word Origins, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3208

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy of 11)

One of the things you can always rely on is that people by any name, and a place by any name, size and type of structure, are who they show themselves to be.
It's up to us to improve our ability to see and see-through (thorough).

See, Who Is Crazy And Who Is Not?, Changing The Mental Health Conversation, UC#670

The word WEIRD from Wheird from Kheird from Kheirt from Khiert from Khiurt, the circle completed and twinned.
This informs us that weird cannot exist in a circle of one division when all things are in harmony in the waters, when the mirror on all walls is the fairest of them all. Word wall is kal is kar. A kar has outer and interior walls. A wall is any division that separates one thing from another thing. Each creation is a house of walls covered with mirrors. The mirrors exist perceptually due to our eyes, of which there are many more types than just the sensing ability of visual eyes for outward sight.

The potential for Weird begins when sameness becomes difference.
When the circle as one becomes the circle as two, lower and upper. AND sensing abilities diminish (eyes begin to blind), then the potential for weird is released, unleashed, set into motion in the circle-cycle and influences our perceptions, thus our understandings of self and all else.

Nowadays, weird means not me and different from me, a difference which I don't understand. So in order to protect my sub-optimal identifiers of self, I attack what I don't understand in order to justify my perception of myself that I consider normal, and the kohl standard.

In other words, Weird is what is not the same as my definition of normal. A definition, I guarantee you, if you ask anyone to explain to you will be hard for them to explain regarding one topic, and then will not be the same regarding another topic.

Word Is Born Deformed

Nowadays, weird essentially means deformed, malformed.
Therefore we must take a closer look at the same branch sibling of weird....the word WORD.

The word WORD is also a form of Khiurt.
Weird and Word are from the same F-IN' Khepping Khart.

Compare word to weird and you see that WORD has the I ingredient not listed in the label.
Thus WORD is more weird because WORD hides the two truth balance of IU, IE shown by weird.

In the beginning was the word and the word was God. So in the beginning there were three amigo WORDS in heaven who were more weird than weird because their name did not clearly reflect the sameness from which they came and the sameness they claim (we are different, but the same).
The script of the ture is more completely stated as: In the beginning was the Khiurt, the Wheird and the Whiurd, and the Whiurd was with Khuti, and the Whiurd was Khuti. The same was in the beginning with Khuti. All things were made by Elohim....

Based on this description of the trinity in heaven, you yourself should feel weird as me, myself and I.

Since weird is transposed to be wired, weird depends on how you are wired.
I lied earlier.
The difference between word and weird are the essential ingredient letters HI. These letters are present in weird and word, but are hidden from plain sight, plain view, plain hearing.

What is weird is that we have lost our ability to understand what it means to say HI without vocalizing or gesturing HI.
We are saying HI with every word because HI is part of the word WORD.
This disconnected wiring is self-evident in that we mostly feel weird within ourselves, due to self, not due to others.
Thus we have shorted the circuit of the circle and circuit-tree, the kar-khuti, thus have lost sight of the four corner guiding stars of how to navigate life logic, thus have also lost the interconnection wiring between the pole and house of the four inseparable aspects of self.
We are tied to one side of self and small pieces of self.

Finally, the simply stated true sense of the word weird is

the ability to recognize the hidden self and other sides of me, when that other side, though not prominent, dominant, obvious, is manifested in someone else.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Fire Is Free To Compete But Wise Not To
Have and Have Not, Part 6 of 12
Earlier Word Origins, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3207

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzx of 11)

The second form of free is fire that is differentiated, thus distinguished, from waters. Yet, the word free as fire, does not mean fire is free to do as fire pleases. This is evident in that waters that gave life to fire, can extinguish fire, in the sense of, I brought you into this world, I can take you out. So when fire gets out of hand, mama said knock you out. Black Mamba dark matter waters keep stars in check, moderate their effects. Fire can't and should not, try to compete with waters.

An earlier form of word free is khiur. The circle and cycle, let's call it God, is free to do as God pleases if, and only if, God is able to keep self from stalling one way in rising or falling. If God can clean up its own supreme mess and survive the worst and the best of self-test.
This is only possible if the circle and cycle of self is complete. This is only possible if the circle of self competes with all other circles.

Word compete, simply stated, is com-peat-er is com-repeat is to be a complement to what is repeated.
Complement (compliment) means help move towards completeness.

In other words, the word compete is com-pe-ti. Pe is heaven, Ti is two. Pe is Pu is Mu is Nu if Fu is Hu is Khiu.

Compete means the communion, common union, community of the two sides of the circle that share all resources with its side-by-side flip side.
Who can be healthy if head competes in the societal sense of the compete, with the foot?
Or the right brain competes with the left? Or the mental with the physical?
Or the right eye with the left or the any part of self with another part of self? Or mind-body-emotion gang up on spirit-soul?

What group of people or nation can be healthy doing the same insane things against self?

The word compete is a sub-optimal reduction of word complete.
When better re-hydrated and rukht, word compete becomes Khem-Pehti-Ru and Khiunm-Nukht-Ruru.

Interesting enough is the fact that word rival takes the same form as word radar, both are palindromes.

Upon This Rukh I Will Buau-Sart My Khiurt

Word compete contains word pete which is a form of Peter.
Petar (Egyptian) means time, explain, show, regard, look at, measure and reckon what time it is by using the palm-shoot as a tekh book to record and keep track. Petar-er is to announce by word of mouth.

The word Petra or Petar means rock beause it means rekh, part of which signifies to see, look at, to perceive, to show forth, to reveal. Moreover, Petar is the name or title of an Egyptian god who had been already divinized as the one who discovered and made known the only begotten son of that living god, who was Atum-Ankhu, the father of Iusa, the Egyptian Jesus. Petar, the deified perceiver is the hawk-sighted Kabhsenuf, the refresher of his brethren, one of the four children of Horus, who had previously been his brothers and later became his disciples.
The bundle of reeds tied up is the symbol of a time (Tur, Ter, Tar, Tor, Tir, Rut, Ret, Rat, Rot, Rit) and repetition, repeatedly, several.
This bundle, with the article P prefixed (from PePe), is Peter, Putar, Petar, Puter) by name, meaning to show, explain, the time. The time is that of the summer solstice, the climax of another year,. This later became spring equinox. Peter is the rekh of ages, the reckoner of time. Peter is the rekh who rekhs each rekh on a rekh.

Reed bundles are decorated with ribbons and placed in churches during certain festivals. This is equal to bundles of cornstalks during autumn.

All this explains the word computer from palm-putar.
This also explains the palm pilot, the palm pirot, pitor.
This also explains the pitter-patter of little feet named after counting the repeated steps of a child moving around. The origin is the piter-pater of little feet of souls of life who are born, reborn, woke, resurrected as circle-cycles. Each circle has feet that are the supports at each of the corners.

We can stretch this metaphor by rhyme and say word compete contains Compe that sounds like Pompeii. Pompeii was destroyed by a volcano in its midst that the people ignored and thought they could co-exist with. Human compe-tition is like a Pomepeii-emission, a spewing volcano that turns civilizations into societies into dead zones into no more. Not suddenly at first, but slowly, then suddenly at last. The reverse course.
The USA has always mostly elected the walking dead to lead them. The few elected who are not dead, soon become bitten infected. So to maintain those welfare jobs, they have to join the mob and become more perfected in the defective and self-deceptive.
The USA has gone into the graveyard, resurrected the composite soul of life in all their dead and walking dead presidents, and made him the Junkyard King Occupant of the Occupiers who, on their way out, as they came in, are outliers in the grand scheme.
The palm-putur has already calculated many advance moves.

Bua is a name of the tree of life which is bountiful. Bua also means beauty.
Upon this reckoning of compete, I will beautify my church with hot new wet rocks, thus change the locks, the Haves and Have Nots.

Fire Starter In Water | Have and Have Not
Part 5 of 12
Earlier Word Origins, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3206

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzw of 11)

Since fire comes from spark and spark as KH is part of the click clique of the circle, the bes-quick that makes bread and breath from the fruit of the mes, it seems only right that the word Fire comes from an earlier name of the circle in general and specifically.
Word fire from from firu from fiur from fhiur fhiru from khiru.
Word fire from Heru from Hiru from Khiur.
Word Fire from Fir (Firu, Fira) from Far (Faru, Fara) from Afr (Afru, Afra).

Word fire from Afru from Kafru. Kaf is Born of. Ru is the outlet, gate, place of emanation, the mother-mouth. Ka is an inner land, thus word Africa is the earlier Kafrica, Kafruka, Khafrukha, Khifrukhi and Khiu-Friu-Khiu, is the old first interior land of the human birthplace. These have been reduced to many forms, a few of which are Aurka, Afrka, Af, Au, Af-Ra, Afra, Apru, Kaf, Kep, Khepr, Khefra, Khafra, Hep, Hip, Hop

Some Additional African Names For Fire and/or Sun

1. Khakar (Brahui), fire
2. Kapura (Maori), fire.[(likely earlier Kafura, Kufuru, Khufuru, Kifura, Khifura Kifuri, Khifuri)
3. Furu (Biafada), fire
4. Furo (Mende and Toma), sun
5. Ufore (Bini), sun. This is close to the word before, which gives me something further to explore or ignore or store.
6. For (Papuan), fire
7. Nasuru (Gbe), fire
8. Nasru (Egyptian), fire, flame
9. Vuur (Dutch), fire
10. Vira (Sanskrit), fire
11. Ver (Garo), fire
12. Peru (Sanskrit), sun
13. P'uro (Gbese), sun
14. Par (Egyptian), fire, show, cause to appear, exhibit, reveal, manifest, explain. This leads to additional forms such as per, pra, pyre, pure, pur, pyro, pour.
15. Buro (Pepel), fire
16. Burum (Mose), fire
17. Burom (Dselana), fire
18. Birah (Arabic), sun
19. Berru (Galla), splendour, glory
20. Breo (Gaelic), fire
21. Bar (Hebrew), fire
22. Ofere (Okuloma), heat
23. Upara (Makua), fire
24. Ura (Erroob), fire
25. Ur (Egyptian), fire
26. Afura (Kise-Kise), hot
27. Afr (Egyptian), fire
28. Afr (Arabic), sultry
29. Avr (Hebrew), fire
30. Afor (Arago), fire
31. Aur (Egyptian) is said to be equal to Afr (Egyptian). Aur is also said to mean gold, thus AU on the periodic table of elements. In order for Afr to equal Aur, F must equal U. This might be true since KH lead to IU, however H is the base note. More likely is that Afr is Afru and Aur is Faur. Although Aur is gold, it became word Ore (English) to mean any material mined from earth.
32. Yakaro (Musu), sun
33. Guiro (Kru), sun
34. Giro (Kra and Basa), sun
35. Giru (Gbe), sun
36. Wuro (Boritsu), sun
37. Horu (Idsesa), sun
38. Har (Wadai and Egyptian), sun
39. Kuru (Baga), god
40. Gara (Toma), sun
41. Kelea (M’bamba), a god or idol
42. Hala (Bulanda), god. This reveals the connection to word Hello, word Holler, word Hallelujah and others. Also to word Jambo which means hello and word Jambu, the tree of life, thus god.
43. Hale (Landoro), an idol
44. Yala (Wolof), god
45. Alla (Mandingo and twenty-eight other African dialects), god. Thus Allah is not exclusive to Muslims or their origination.
46. Allo (Kabunga), god
47. Allah (Haussa and Swahili)
48. Ala (Mano, Munio, and Nguru), god. This brings to mind Alabama and the language source of these Khentu-Ans. Word Alabama obeys the letter of the law and easily takes many forms, one of which is word Aracoma.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Heaven Is Enough | Have and Have Not
Part 4 of 12
Earlier Word Origins, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3205

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzv of 11)

We know heaven is the universe and body of the creator. We've remembered that Heaven is not someplace else from where we are. We are inside God's body, inside heaven and are a part of heaven, a ghetto of heaven, fabricated fabulously so. The part of heaven we are in is another of its many mansion-ed gated communities, a khated community, kated, category, a khetu-keru. Everything is a section of heaven, sectioned by circles and separated by waters. No one goes to Heaven or Hell. We simply move to another part of Heaven.

Thus heaven is the place of the Haves and Have Nots.

Heaven includes Hell and Earth and all them weird aliens. So yes there are humans in other cells of the body of the Creator who are not as dysfunctional as us. And certainly the human form is not the end all to be all. Never has been.

For now we will focus on the word Heaven as a form of Khefma and Khebma. Khefma leads to Khefam, Khefan, Khefa-N, Hefan, Hevan, Haven, Heaven.
Heaven as a form of Kheft-Nu or Khef-Nu or Kef-Nu leads to Khefun, Hefun, Heaven.
Have-Nu and Have Nut, both lead to word Heaven.
Word heaven from Hapi-nu.

Heaven is a person, place, thing, action. A living being, a circle-cycle, a container of sorts.
Inherent in the word Heaven is the following meanings: one who uses the heaving motion to crawl through the waters and mes as the snake, worm, caterpillar called Hef from the form of Hefu or Heft. This goes to the finite aspects of heaven and creation as strands of genetic code, strips of bekhen.
A fundamental aspect of Heaven is breath from Khnef as Khef-Nu. Heaven is based on a ubiquitous number of two truths such as water and breath, darkness and lightness. These are rarely in 50-50 balance, and nearly always in dynamic balance, briefly in stagnant imbalance.
Heaven as breath as Khnef is also the nose and leads to Sniff and Sniffel and Sniffer and eventually another route to Eiffel since breath is spirit and is an aspect of Khefr. Kheft boils down to word IT, thus everything we refer to as IT, is relating to heaven in the form of Kheft. Discussed elsewhere, Khnef, Khneft or Kheft-Nu leads to Net, which when added to another form of Heaven as the Khart leads to Net-Khart and Net-Worth. Human Net-Worth based on the terrestrial and temporary is a losing proposition beyond those of basic needs.
Heaven is a cave, sanctuary, place of concealment, so you are a cave human and your god is a caveman and cave-woman. Heaven is Kheft is Egypt and the Tep top and Tepht depth. Heaven is above and below and between and all around and within and without.

1. The big inning, the begging and fekhing of beginning.
At an appointed time and set of conditions, waking of consciousness of self occurs. A coiled Tser Pent up begins to stir inside the edible HHard rekh stone cafe, Holy of Holies. These vibrations resonate and reverberate causing a piece of the stone to crack and sever, tumble against its larger self, become dented and form the K. The I vibration finds the exit and breaks free also. The I becomes pliable bending every which way until the heir is split along the front lines already made when it escaped its confines and rubbed against the rekh. Now I-Si-U.
2. Take tuna-nuti, two whet stones, and rub them together, the KH, to form the spark, the first dynamic duo.
3. Apply this to the perfect transformable tinder, tena-nuti, two khet sticks of truths, IU, the second dynamic tiu.
4. Take this Khiu and duplicate it essentially perfectly to the T, to get Khiutu, then Khuti, the two sets of four and two sets of seven.
5. Take these Khiu then round them up and round them off with an R while performing this procedure with an F to get Khiur (chair) and Khiurf (curve).
6. Quintessentially complete Step 4 by duplicating perfectly to the T. This yields Khiurt and Khiurft, the two-part circle. This also yields Khiuft then Kheft and more.
7. Fill me, the circle container vase urn khest iron pot, with N waters (uaters, uiters) containing IU to get Khniurft then Khniuf. This also yields Niur, Nui, Rui and more.
8. On its own, Khniuf becomes Khnef and Khinuf and Inufkh and word Enough. When KH, IU and N are rounded off, the transformer F takes on the names of its creations and becomes known as the change agent iunformer called Khiurft, Kherf, Khefr, Fikhurt and more, including word figure and word figured and word Fig-Urt. And with a little expansion and substitution, word figurine.
9. Spark creates fire which causes water to boil and produce steam containing various p-articulates. This steam is vapor called air or breath. Finally I can breath nice and easy. Word easy is IUSU. Word nice is Nuti.
Word air from ari from aru from rua from rui from iur from niur.** Briefly stated, the ari are the khiuti are the six, seven and eight elemental souls of life, a combination of which produces Air along with meanings and forms of the words that produce The Air We Breathe, the spirit air souls breathe.

All this is to say that Khnef is water and breath, the composite summary of the two truths of life whose constituent parts constitute the roots of everything. Thus Khnef that leads to Enough explains that Enough is Khnef is Enough. Thus Heaven is Enough. Since heaven is called IT and Nut, then Khnef is Enough of IT. Gotta Have IT. Gotta Have Nut, Gotta Have IT Not. This is a partial dynamic range of what we have and have not. Just because something is there, is here in this heaven and we can have it doesn't mean we gotta have it because it does not contribute to our Khnef-ness, our Enough-Ness. Enough means to have everything you need to live and be who you NEED to be, nothing more, nothing less. This fills our circle of being and circle of life. When we add things that don't complete us, we are adding stough (static stagnant stuff).

Depending on where we stand, remembering certain other paths to the word Enough is helpful.
1. Nu water and Nef breath might be Nu-Nef then Unef then Enef. The meaning of Enough applies to the whole and to the parts. You have enough when you have the full set of any group of truths that together form the whole thought for any word, subject or topic.

2. Enough viewed as rich. Word rich is from rekh and kher. Rekh are ankhs, things, anything, everything, knowledge, thus wisdom. Kher is truth and circle. Briefly rekh and kher mean to have an abundance of two truths, thus an abundance of balance. Rich now means just to have an abundance of money and what money can purchase. Rich today is a poor substitute for enough because rich does not fill the circle of being so the person can feel whole based on destinypurposes being fulfilled to fill full the spirit-soul and feel full, satisfied. Most people, by nature of the word society, are taught to be caught up in the interior of their inferior self, thus only able to reflect that in the exterior. When we rurr-rurr and roll back the tape, we can see our mistakes. Since we have RadaR ability to see both ways, we can escape future mistakes if evasive maneuvers we take.

3. Heaven always has abundance for everyone, if used properly. This is enough to explain the rat, cheese and rat trap game in societies. Heaven is a deep well, but we humans cannot leave Well Enough, alone. We abuse the welcome of the Well-Combe. We treat the Well-Combe Maat as a welcome mat to wipe our feet on.

4. Khnef is Khu-Nuf is Shu-Nuf is Sho-Nuf

5. The Khiu, Niu, Riu, Nui, Rui and many other words mean a lot, sufficient amount, full of, more than enough, very, abundant, overflowing.

6. The Kheftiopians, Egyptians, Kushites and Cushites of Chaldea and Babylon changed Khnef to Af-Khnef to more prominently include the mother Af and AP. Af includes the meaning of, wring out drop by drop continuously. Af-Khnef became Auv-Kinuv. The Akkadians changed this to Enuv. Enough means a sufficient measure of spirit and breath, enough air, enough oxygen, enough breathing room, enough soul food, starting with lots of ichor. Because the societies we think are the best in human history are so intrusive, and reduce everything to money, we push back against our own spirit-soul crying to break free. Instead we seek enoughness in many ways that do not provide completeness. When basic needs are not met, the empty spaces in four places are filled in with wants. Wants are never enough.

7. Another Egyptian form is Henufi which means foulness, riches.

8. Khnef as Khunum, Khnum or Num is the solar form of Shu as Nem. Thus Shunemite and Shunammite.

9. Khnef as Nef as Neb means twin, both hands, fan, inflation of a sail, the name for sailing and of the sailor, Supreme, the All, the Lord of all and is synonymous with enough. This leads to word Nebula from Neb-ura, aru, ari, rui. We also gain a better sense of the word Number and its relationship to enough, have, have not. Ber has been much excavated, but a review of, the blacker the berry, might prove sufficient for now. Consider word numb and how it desensitizes our sensing abilities and sensibilities regarding enough.

10. Vishnu of the Hindus and Chnuphis of the Gnostics are variations of Khnef. I suspect Chnuphis, god of breath, a form of Shu the dog and soul of life in light and shade, is a form of Snoopy the black and white dog with a big nose. Snoopy protects the young soul of life in the sun as the bird Woodstock. Snoopy Shnufi as Mashu fights the Red Baron as the Flying Red Dragon as Sut-Typhon. This fight allows him, the Sun and other souls to pass through the underworld and enter into the final test of purgatory. Snoopy could possibly double as the moon. Snoopy is the dog of Charlie Brown, the Chair-Ru Crown. The Kharua Khiur-Nu.

** Word breath from kruifth from Khiurft. Word vapor might lead to word air, the steamy gaseous product of water and fire, that produces vapor. Water is Ma. Word Fire from firu from fiur from fhiur from khiur, the circle-cycle of spark, truths, transformer and completion. Thus water-fire as ma-fiur becomes vapor becomes vp-a-or becomes air. It is not unreasonable to say fire water is the president, while vapor air is the vice president, two truth constituents.

Monday, December 16, 2024

Heaven & Vaheb Suph | Have and Have Not
Part 3 of12
Earlier Word Origins, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3204

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzu of 11)

Hav in Sheb from Kheb

The Sheb-image is the figure or shape of the embalmed dead, and Shebti means the double or duplicate of self. This leads to Shabi (Hindustani) which likely leads to word Shabby, that also means beauty ,mummy.
Shebti leads to Shebta to Shepta to Shapte to word Shape (English), a picture or likeness.
Shebti, the sepulchral shape or likeness is also the Sheb-Ar, thus Sheb-El, Heb-El and word Hevel, word Havel (Cornish), which likely leads to word Hovel, a lowly dwelling, and leads to word evil and word Abel who is the sun's mummy image karest replaced by Sheth, who is actually female.

Sheth is swelling, causing to ferment to give breath and life to souls in order to resuscitate and resurrect them is the mystery called Sheth and Kep as the root of being via puffing.
Shet, a name of the chest, box, sarcophagus, another hiding-place of the dead. Shet is all that is secret, sacred, mystical, the innermost of all mystery relating to burial, apparently including some relationship to or communion with the dead,space, closed, a void, tomb, womb, cocoon, separate, a small shed, a shrine, a pool or ditch. a ram, clothed, crown-house, abode of breath, suckle, work, prepare (the stone, the khart which is word hard, to retain the form), arrow, true, real, revealer of mystery, Sheth is Shut, the Shut Place, the Holy Silent Night, the Khut Place. Sheth is Seth is Heth is Kheft and Hethite. Hittite and Cheth.
All this boils down to, the current image and stage of self is the Hav, while the former is the Have Nut. If we have knowledge of self as the former self across earlier dimensions that move us closer to the birthplace image, then the more we Have good kohl rather than fool's gold.
The current Age is the Hav, the former is the Hav Nut. The current favored group is the Hav, the fomer is the Hav Nut.

Havilah, Havirah, Khefirah, Asherah, Khavilah, Khamilah, Khamirah, Khapirah, Khepirah, Khepra, Khepr, Khefr, Khefa, Saba

In the Judaeo-Christian-Muslim Bible Dictionary, the land of Havilah that River Pishon compasseth, is a celestial Egypt, lower and upper, two lands, two waters, the entire heaven that surrounds this Earth, this Solar System, this Galaxy, the Nukhti, Nuti, Kharti, Khiurti.
Havilah is the abode of Khefr, earlier Khekr, Khekhr, Khukhr, Khiukhr, Khiukhriuhk. Havilah is each half of the circle.

Pi-Shin is the circle-cycle circuit completed at the equinox, the twin-total of the Two Truths. Pui is the article, THE.
Pui-Sheni is the circuit consisting of two shen. Since Sheni is the entire circle, Sheni also means the inhabitants, stop, bend, twist, avert, turn away, turn back, turn down, abuse, inundation in many forms, second.
Variations: Pishin, Pi-Shen, Pishon, Kishon, Kishion, Kishyon, Puisne, Pui-Seni, Pshent Crown

Pui as the article, THE is Khe and Khi and means plural. Pu means divide, birthplace, belly, womb. Thus Pui-Shen as Pishon is Kui-Shen and Kishon is the dual, two-part river,, divided and combined, that contains an abundance of spirit-souls.
Kishon represents the Jordan River, the Reed Sea, the Red Sea, the Vaheb of Suph and Pool of Pant.
Khet (Chet, Chut, Shet, Shut, Cet, Cut, Set, Sut) implies an earlier Khept. Kheptui and Khepui are plural equivalents, meaning Types of Khep. In other words, all forms of rivers are bringers of types, things, ankhs, rui, nui.

Word Vaheb from Uah (Egyptian) to escape, pass; and Eb (Ub), to pass through, against, in opposition to, or in spite of.
Variations: Athi-heb, Athu-heb, Ath-Vaheb, Athu-Vaheb
Athu (Egyptian, likely from Khuat), is marshes or reedy lakes containing the rush, osier willow, papyrus, lotus and other water plants. Athu a form of Tuatha, a form of Tuat, the lower world. Athu also a form of the Hindu Aditi or Athithi, the unopened, un-fixed, undefined, un-established and undivided who became Diti (Sanskrit) the cut, split, divided one into two. Thut also signifies splitting and dividing.
Vaheb as Uah-eb changes Athu-Vaheb to the earlier Athu-Uaheb.
Vaheb-Suph is the marsh, the source of the water-plants, out of which came the child borne on a lotus; the lake of primordial matter called the Red Sea and Pool of Pant. Sufu the paint and Suph likely lead to word suffer from Sufu-Ru or Suph-Ru or Sufu-Rer or Suph-Rer.

Since Suph is also Suphah, this clearly is Kufah is Kefah is Khefah, Khefa, Kefa, the great mother who is the first sufferer, even if that is by bearing the load of children in the womb, then giving birth.
We are not done yet. Vaheb is a form of Shaveh, described as a valley at the equator. Thus Shaveh Suph is the same a Vaheb Suph and is a marshy valley at the equator, the midway, the makha, the red zone, the equinox, the twinlight zone, the shin line between love and hate, purgatory, where Chedorlaomer fought kings and giants. This is another sign and clue that we are inside the two minute warning, two minute timeout. How long a minute is, depends on the moment and what stops the clock. This determines how many plays can be ran.
As above, then later on, so below due to the double delayed reaction effect.
Chedorlaomer is the great mother and son.
Since 1080 CE, we have been in the thirteenth year of Chedorlaomer, but are now In the fourteenth year since at least 1860 CE. In the fourteenth year Chedorlaomer went on the attack again throughout all his colonies. Refer to other CE dates and events that will help confirm what time it is.

Jambu Tree Of Life

The word Hindu is from Khentu, an Egyptian word describing a location in Egypt Africa from whence the Hindu and India and all Indians originated.
In Hindu texts, Jambu is the Rose-apple tree used as an earthly symbol of the celestial Tree of Life whose juice is said to turn soil, into good gold. Jambu juice is also said to form the River Pishon that encompasses the whole land of Havilah.

Jambu (Khentu) becomes Kami (Egyptian), a Gum-Acacia tree. Kami is a type of the earth or soil that was actually shed by the Nile. Kama is the gum, sap, oil, resin that was shed drop by drop as in Ta-ing or Ka-ing, Kam-ing, Kem-ing, Kum-ing, Khium-ing, Having, Giving. The Kamai-plant also yielded a gum and precious oil called the oil of Khem.
Variations Khami, Khemi, Kemi
Kamadi is reduced to Amt (Egyptian), a name for food, and a peculiar kind of bread, made with, and/or covered with, the gum and sap of the ash tree, that likely preserved the bread for much longer than usual, thus was not eaten by the living. This bread was also called Amtmu, food of the dead. Umt means many, numerous, multiplied. Thus we have the origin and significance of fake wax fruit on the kitchen table.
Kamadi from Khem-Uta likely is word commodity as Khem-Uta-Ta and Kamadi-Ti Khem is the virile one who puts forth or jets out. Uat is the birthplace of everything. Uta is the eye, the repeating period of resurrection and renewal. Uta also means health, salvation, treasury and storehouse or granary.
Kama is a name for water not applied directly in Egyptian, but appears in at least two forms representing the feminine and masculine.

Jambu as fruit juice and having a thicker quality likely leads to word Jam, earlier Kam.
The Jambu tree also leads to the word Djembe drum made of wood.
Dikembe Mutombo is a tall tree of life of heaven and earth.
Jambo (Swahili) means hello. Word Hello is herru is heru and Kherru is Kheru, Kharu, Keru and Karu, Karua is a name of the birthplace above and below. Thus our use of jambo to say hello is like each new life that springs from the Jambu tree that greets, begins, introduces. When we say Jambo we are saying Khentu, the birthplace, thus welcome to the birthplace, hello from the birthplace and hello I see you, I see you as the same as me. How often do we hear someone combine welcome and hello by saying, well hello!? The birthplace is a well from which things spring, thus a wellspring and a spring, releasing its activity in spring.
Kharu is bread.

Take & Give

TA means give, gift of speech, writing and language, corn, mallet, beetle, drop by drop. Ta-Ka is the spirit of giving, thus taka is word take. The four primary letters, Khiu, become Hiku becomes word take. Hiku (Heka) is magic power of ruler, which is what it takes first. Ur-Heka is great magic power, thus Heka-Ur is Take-Ur and Taker. The taker exercises greater power, as does the giver.
Variations: Heku, Keku, Kheku, Khekhu, Huku, Kuku, Huka, Makhu, Seku, Peku, Suka, Sukha, Puka, Pukha, Tuka Sekh, Pekh, Peh, Meh, Seh, Sah, Khau, Akhu, A
Another Variation is Ukha or Uka, the solar bark, seek, night, idle, idleness, lazy, rob, water of inundation, festival.
Thus, take means give and give means take.
Word give can be derived from the same words as take because they are part of the same action and motion.
No matter if the give and take is done freely or by trickery or force, each giver must take something and each taker must give something. Each giver must take something from self, circle and universe, in order to give. Each taker must give something to self, circle and universe, in order to take. Each time give and take occurs, which is continuously, this always affects Hav, Have Nut, Have and Have Not.

More fully, what IT Takes can be seen through more of what TA means. TA (TÁ) from TAT. TA, a type, typical, register, drip, drop, deposit, heap, pile up, amass, earth, land, give, take, assume (take over), given, teka, fix, attach, leave, go, go in a boat, THE, ta or te, article 'the' (khe, khi, khu, khiu, she, shi, shu, shiu), gift, knot, tie, wife, corn, seed, offer, write, to cross, seat, bearing, carriage, water of a tear, direction, one of two (also TE , TI , TO , TU ). The pyramid is an ideograph of TA, to give. A pyramid is patterned after a mountain and tree, both of which produce, give abundance. The pyramid shaped tree is loaded with gifts for children.
TAT (Egyptian) is equal to DA (Sanskrit), give, cut, write, the scribe, language, discourse, tell, the mountain, fire, and others.
Ta from Ka, in a later stage Ta comes from Tat comes from Taht, the word, speech, language, creator, crafter, son of a witch. Taht, the ape, is the later form of Kafi, the ape, both of whom represent the soul of life in the moon, a transformer in darkness.

Word Have is the same as word Give is the same as word Take is the same as Have-Nu and Have Nut, both of which lead to word Heaven.
Heaven is full of Have and Have Not where there is taking from the rich and giving to the poor and the other way around. Those who Have, give. Those who Have Not, take. The Great Mother is the first taker and giver. She arrives in multiple forms through the Ages of Aquaria and Kepheus and their multiple other alignments who are conspiring to overthrow societal logic and redistribute the wealth of power and control.

Tekha (Egyptian) becomes Teka (Hebrew). Both words mean, the fish. Te is THE; Kha is fish, but must be from Khif, thus Fikh, the Fish as the fekh food of the watery mes. Fek means produce, plenty.
More fully, Tekha is Khekha is Khiukh is Kh-Kh-Iu.
The oyster or clam was the first fish caught because it was attached to the shore and could not escape. Thus the word take is based on that which cannot move, run, escape. Later the word take expands to that which can be trapped or cannot escape or does not fight back.

We must also consider related meanings that change the whole of the dynamics of take and give, words such as receive, offer, accept, acknowledge, agree, reject, refuse, deny, ask, coerce, manipulate, force, rob, steal, rape, and more.

Friday, December 13, 2024

Great Mother Is Lord Of Have and Have Not
Part 2 of 12
Earlier Word Origins, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3203

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzt of 11)

1. Word Nukht leads to word Nakht and word Night.

a) Nuk, Nukh, Anuk, Nak, Nakh, Anak, Unk, Nku, Unkh, Ank, Nka, Ankh, means “I am” the Living One, the King. These go back to the circle-cycle of waters as the Khiun, Khiunkh, Kh-Khiun, Khiun-Khiun, Khium, Khiumkh, Kh-Khium, Khium-Khium, Khiunm, Khiunmkh, Kh-Khiunm, Khiunm-Khiunm, Khiumn, Khiumnkh, Kh-Khiumn, Khiumn-Khiumn.
b) Nukh means powerful. Ukh is spirit-soul, seek, explore, column, create

c) The water boundary is River Niur with its Niru outlet. The crossing is preserved by name in the Ex, X, or cross sign +. Ukh from Khukh that leads to Khekh is easier to see and hear word EX and word X. Khekh is the crossing and can be a back and forth and/or up and down and/or side to side motion, while spinning and running around like a rolling pinball. Khekh becomes Nekh becomes Nex and Nex-T, the twin motion of completion, becomes word Next, while Nikh become Nix which means cancel or X out or become the EX or shown the Exit. Word Next describes two truths side by side, thus Nekhtu is both Next To and Next Time. Also Nekh and Nekh, since each truth represents a moment in time in the circle-cycle. Also each truth is spirit-soul which is also Time as Meti, Meet, Maat. Thus to meet someone is to come to the same place at the same moment in time physically and/or mentally, and/or emotionally and/or spiritually. When we do, we are at the nexus, next to each other and see the same thing back and forth. But when we no longer meet, let's say mentally, we say, we no longer see eye to eye. This is because our viewpoints have changed because we are not in the same place at the same moment in time. Eye to Eye does not mean we can't see each other's eyes, It means we no longer reflect the same ideas, choices, beliefs, thus we can't see from the same spiritual perspective. This is true even though we think the mental is separate from the spiritual.

2. Word Nukht means the limit, the goal, the end, all. Nukht is Nukhti and leads to word Nut and Nuti to word Not and Noti.
Nat (or Nut) in Egyptian is the name for gifts, offerings, to present tribute, make a collection, to bow, address, hail, help, afflict, punish, save. Because Nut is rooted in Nukh, gifts of food are snacks. Also a gift or to be gifted is to have a Knack. We know this is the basis for word Nutrition.

3. Nut from Nukht is the power of the two truths of the two halves of the circle. More fully, Nut is from Khukht-Nukht which leads to Kheft-Nut and Tef-Nut and Neith and Beneath. Word underneath from Khiun-Tur-Neith.

4. Nut is the night sky and Tef is the woman with stars in her eyes as Ursa Major Constellation reflecting the annual sun. Tefnut later became part of Kepheus Constellation reflecting the great year sun. Both Ursa Major and Tefnut in Kepheus are forms of Mer, Meri, Mary, Meru, Mehru.

5. Kar is the circle and Kar is food, so we can already see why food is one of the things related to have and have not. By extension, so also is land and water related to have food and have not food. Not just having land or not having land but have we utilized land and water and have not utilized land and water. Kharu is bread.

6. Hav, earlier Khefah, Khebma, Kham, Kam and Ham, later, Khab, Kab, Hab, Khem, Kem, Hem, Kheb, Keb, Heb, Yr Aipht (Cornish and Welsh) is the land of corn and a name of Egypt north of the equator, thus, portions of which, prior to Khartoom are part of the birthplace garden that needed no inundation watering or fertilization. This then is essentially Hav South, compared to Hav North. Hav North becomes Hav Nukht, Hav Nut and Have Not. The two Havs, two Haves, two Halves.

7. Ta, Kheb and Sif (Egyptian) is corn; Khebu (Egyptian), a crop of corn; Giv (English Gipsy, Gypsy) is wheat. Khefi (Egyptian), harvest.

8. Kheb is the name of Lower Egypt of the north. North is north of the equator above and below. Kheb is not restricted to the Lower Egypt of recent memory

9. Since word Egypt is a form of Khepti or Khepsi so also is the word Gipsy a form of each of these two forms. Si is a son or child. The English Gipsy is a child of Egypt. Is an Egyptian.

10. Hav leads to Hab, Hab-It and word habit, word habitat, word behave, word behavior, word behape is behapi is be happy is ba-hapi. Also word haven, word heaven and word happen from Hapi-nu.

11. The first achiever is the great mother. The first achievement was duplicating self into two mothers. Thus the word achieve is based on the great mother as Khefah that becomes Chevah then by adding the dual form of self as IU, we get Iu-Chevah, Au-Cheva, Achieve.
You want to achieve but not acknowledge the great mother. Not cool.

12. The mother as the birthplace is the Khat and Khefah, together this is Khat-Khefah, What-Eva, What-Eva-Ru, word whatever, which makes sense since the mother of all living must be whatever exists. We can again see the origin of Who, What, Where, When, Why, How.

13. The word Ivy is a form of Khefa. Ivy League is named after the great mother in the sense Ivy creeps along the ground until it finds something to help it climb. Thus schools help students climb up from a lower status of knowledge. The Ivy League Schools have simply marketed themselves as the best and hide their acknowledgment of the great mother. See Rhodes Scholar.

14. The mother in the form of the three sisters, when later considered evil, became Poison Ivy, leaves of three. We know the words Eve, Ife and Life are all great mother words. Without checking, I wonder why we make the sound of Aye yai yai or Iyiyi and other such sounds. Certainly they must go back to IyiYah which is I Kefa and Kefa Kha.

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Moment's Notice | Have and Have Not
Part 1 of 12
Earlier Word Origins, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3202

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzs of 11)

Celestial Hav (Have, Hafe, Hefa, Khefa) is the lower part of the circle and cycle, the north.
Celestial Hav Nut (Have Not) is the upper part of the circle-cycle, the south.
Terrestrial Hav is the south, while Terrestrial Hav Nut is the north.
And the other way around for each of these four designations.

As we can already see, the who, what or where of Have and Have Not, changes all the time, over time, every moment of time, due to time. This is the moment's notice.

Moment By Moment

“Due to time” means the actions of cycles. The actions of cycles means the activities of spirit-souls that are part of cycles coming, staying, going. All souls are born and transformed for the times and conditions in which they exist. We and they are time beings for the time being.

Word notice is Nu-Teka. An aspect of Teka is lie hidden, escape notice, unseen, see, behold while hidden.
Thus the Moment's Notice is a Khefr-Nu-Teka.
Word Moment is Mome-Nt is clearly related to Mama-Nut and NuNu-Nt, a limit of time in the circle-cycle. A moment is a specific amount of time, sometimes brief and short; sometimes longer of any length; always adding to, accumulating, coming; always subtracting from, diffusing, going; always influenced by the company it keeps in khept, the kep-khart, the cupboard of Old Mother Khef-R-Urt of Khefrus, Tefrus, Teyrus and Toys R US.

Word AT (Egyptian) is the circle and a moment within the circle and exactly the same as AD (Hebrew), as in Adonai, for the everlasting, perpetual, eternal. The everlasting is the ever-recurring and repeating. Aulam, Gvlam (Hebrew) is Khepr-am (Egyptian). Word AM (Egyptian) signifies belonging to, and is the place, Paradise, Eden or circle of transformation (Khepr) and renewal in time, where perpetual going on, going forth and going back is taking place. The plurality and renewal of cycles is continuity is continuous is never-ending, eternal.
We now understand why we often use the phrase, “at the moment...”
AT means to type, form, image, figure, figure forth, figure back, paint, portray, build, shape, make, sleep, wake. Once again comes evidence that stopping the waking of souls clothed as us, is an option no longer available to the status quo of societies. Stopping the waking of souls not clothed like us has never been an option.
AT from ATS and AST from Akh from Kha from Khiu and the rest.
All forms of AT apply, thus all moments described by word UT, ET, OT, IT, YT and the many variations, expansions and scrabble arrangements.
Thus a moment is one amount of time awaiting the next moment that completes it or moves it closer to completion. Each full cycle of a moment, consisting of at least two beats, two feats, two messteps, involves upheaval and fulfillment. Word Moment and Word Amount are close relative in spelling and meaning.
Be not deceived by the preconceived education received. Upheaval and fulfillment can be perceived as either helpful or harmful or both.
A moment is a finger of God. One finger can do something, two can do more. Two hands can do more. More hands can do even more.

AT, the moment of time, is also of course, the name of the child, the creation, any creation.
AT is the circle, thus the cycle, thus a cycle, a season is a moment in time. A day is a moment. A minute is a moment. Ten years is a moment. 25,920 years is a moment.

So whatever takes place, we are always given plenty of moment's notice.
We have moments, then we have not those moments.
Yet, there are always moments.

Moment Continues

Word Moment from Momel-Nt.
1. Momel is an Inner African type name for water, rain and especially the rainy season and time of the flood. Momel leads to Mel, thus Mer, the sea.
2. NT (Nukht, Unt, Ant, Int, Ont, Ent and word End) is the limit, boundary, border, perimeter, circumference, total.
NT signifies periodicity, a cycle of time first represented by the female pubescent period viewed as defect, deficient, open, bald, afflicted, murmuring, waiting, purifying. Thus end of the end period, the hind becomes the washerwoman, the laundress, for spirit-souls caught in the menstrual flow of blood-letting.

3. Momel as Mer + Unt leads to Mernut, Mermud, Mermaid. A mermaid is one of those creations whose hidden moment is longer than its revealed moment.

4. Mernut can lead back to Kernut to Karnat. Kar-en-akh is the circle of the dead, the womb, tomb, cocoon. Karunat contain Karu which means support, bear, carry. Nat is the tool or instrument. Karunat leads to Kronus, as time in the form of Kr-Nu, the appointed course and cycle of time.
Moments are appointed. Moments have appointments. All non-human moments always keep their appointments. These moments are determined by patterns of cycles and their dynamic sets of conditions that must lead to predictable outcomes.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Eiffel Tower Is Khefra Taur
Earlier Word Origins, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3201

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzr of 11)

A Few Meanings Of Khefr

Khefr is Khepr along with all forms of Khef and Khep.
Kef means to kindle, heat, light, cause to ferment, transform.
To Kep is to close two into one. No Cap.
Khepr is part of every circle-cycle, every creation, every change, every motion, every moment. Khefr is spirit-soul and the Supreme Being by any name, the Kh-Ref.

How Khefra Becomes Eifel and Eiffel

1. Khefra is Kh-efra is efri is ifer is ifel.

2. Kaphel (Hebrew) means dual, doubled, able to do two things at once, able to use hands and feet to roll a ball as the dung beetle does. Where the two beetles were placed at opposite ends of the circle was the joint of the circle.

3. Shebta or Shebti, the sepulchral shape or likeness is also the Sheb-Ar, thus Sheb-El, Heb-El, Hef-El, which becomex Efel (Welsh), the likeness in death, the mummy-image. This is Seben (Aethiopic) and Sebin (Chaldee). This is why Nick Saban made his transformation due to transformation in the sport of college football. This is another sign that the Sun has partially risen into Great Year Spring. Zeppel (Circassian), signifies eternal. The Sheb image was a teacher of the eternal.

4. Yr Eifl is a mountain with three summits in Wales.

5. Since Khefr is transformation, the first location is the womb, tomb, cocoon. The womb as the Khaper or Khapru becomes the word Chapel which leads to hafel, ifel. The Cafell (Welsh), is the choir or chancel (the part of the church near the altar).

6. Chafer is the flying beetle Khefr, and both meet in the Welsh Cyfaeliawg for beetle-browed. This reduces to Cyfl.

7. Khefr is the circle, also called Cypher, a form of Kharti, the two halves of the circle. Thus Khefr is an erector and connector, a former, figurer and shaper of the circle and cycle. Word shaper is word Khepr. Cypher rearranges to form Chepry then Khepry, Khefry, Khefru, which becomes Chifferes (French Egyptian) which becomes Eiffles the Eiffel. Res is heaven, thus the Cypher is the circle of heaven. A Cypher shapes figures and works with figures, a few of which are numbers, letters, words; however all rui and nui are figures, materials that form all creations. These materials are resources that humans have reduced to the nonsense of dollars and cents. Using creative license, dollars and sense in France is franc-en-sense, to anoint themselves as lord of lords.
Another form of Chiffres, the place is Chifferer, the person and great circle.

No need to be fooled any longer by people using a French language that is not French, at least not French in the current sense and look of the majority. This is the M.O. Of all societies. M.O. Is a form of Mu and Nu and Ku that speaks to the beginning essence of IT all in spirit-soul, waters and the mother.
Modus Operandi is from Modus which is Nuti. Operandi is Hperanti is Khepr-Nuti. Modus Operadi as Nuti-Khefr-Nuti is all the ways and things that are part of the two circles and that go into making changes to the circle while maintaining the integrity of the circle.

We've bought the only version still being sold, that the Eifel or Eiffel Tower in Paris, France was named after Gustave Eiffel. This is sorta true but mostly untrue.
Gustave's former surname is Boenickhausen-Eiffel, but we are told he legally dropped the Boenickhausen [so we can think, legality is what matters in societies].
The father of Gustave is François Alexandre Boenickhausen who was known as “Eiffel”. Francois was a former hussar in Napoleon’s army. This tells you all you need to know because Napoleon invaded, murdered and robbed Egypt of much information. Napoleon is also infamous for knocking the nose off one of the Sphinxes. Francois read Greek and Latin, thus Egyptian and Egyptian. Francois was begat of Alexandre Boenickhausen-Eiffel who was begat of Jean-Pierre Boenickhausen-Eiffel who was begat of Jean-René Boenickhausen. We can see it was Jean-Pierre who first appended Eiffel to his surname. Along the way to Gustave, the name Eiffel was used intermittently.

According to David Harvie in, “Eiffel: The Genius Who Reinvented Himself,” The name Eiffel, now associated with everything French, was Germanic in origin. His great-great-grandfather, Jean-René, settled in Paris and, for convenience, adopted the surname Eiffel, which is the name of his native region of Eifel. The legal name remained Boenickhausen-Eiffel until Gustave legally shortened his surname to Eiffel.

No doubt the Eifel Mountains anywhere are named after the great mother who, as Khef, is a form of Khefr as the Khefr-Ru and Khefr-Ur and Khefr-Urt.
No doubt the Eiffel Tower is a symbol of the mother and the son of the mother as the rising sun who rises to the top of the tower, mountain, tree, pyramid. Mother and twin sons are the symbol of Three. Which matches the three levels of the Eiffel Tower. Khefr as transformation means all change has a beginning, middle and end.

No doubt the French, a few, not the masses, know the meaning of Eiffel and have used the tower to try to bring power to themselves. This has worked for a little while since they have seized control of a large portion of Africa and other lands outside of Europe. But the name Eiffel, means things are changing. The grip is loosening as well as the chokehold on sensibilities that causes submission. Go back and rem-em-ber who the French and German are in origin or simply always refer to the Human Genome Project, however, this is not the first proof or the best proof. No need to wait for and rely upon the confessions of self-proclaimed non-blacks to tell you what it is and where its at.

Additional Words

1. Word Elf is Erf is a form of Kherf (Khefr). Elves are transformers, change agents for Santa who is Satan who is a form of the Great Mother in her degraded form. Satan is word Saint (Satin) in the elevated form. Satin is shiny, glossy on one side and dull back on the other. The word Stain is part of this group. This is how teaching should be taught, to keep the container liquid, warm, airy and taut, but since it is not, we are lost by what we have found in logic strings scattered on the ground.

2. Word Help is Herp is a form of Kherp (Khepr). To help is to assist in transforming something.

3. Word Tower is a form of Teriu (Terui, Trui, Troi, Troy) as Tiuer as Tauer as Taur.
Word tower from Ta-Urt-Rre as Ursa Major, the first, oldest, chief throne of the north; along with her son Sut-Baal as Canis Major who represents the throne, elevated seat, supreme height and tree of the south. The Troy-circle is that of the Great Bear and Dog-star.

4. Word Cooper (English) is by name and nature a form of Khepr

5. Word Keeper (English) is a clasp

6. Word Hoof from Khuf, to grasp.

7. Word Hoop from Khup, to enclose.

8. Word Cherub from Khereb is a form of Khefr, the beetle as earlier forms on the ark of the covenant.

9. Khepr the beetle was called the Bug of Thor (Ter), the bug of the circle, cycle, time, transformation, power. The maul hammer of Thor connects to the beetle also being called Maul. The beetle, in making the circle, worked at both ends; so does the Maul, swung in a circle. In Maori the maul is called “Ta,” which is an Egyptian name of the beetle. Ta, in the hieroglyphics, is the head of a mallet, the wooden beetle, and a name of Khepr. Thor is time who use Khepr, the mallet, maul or hammer as his power to transform.
This brings to mind the possibility that the word bugaboo is from bug-abu, the beetle of the elephant, the dung beetle, a little bug that follows and that the elephant can't get rid of.

10. Khepr causes changes and larger changes at the corners where the two halves become three, the third being the middle ground twinlight twilight zone midway, Makhu level where justice is served before time moves on decidedly to cause things to change hands.

11. Word Kep leads to word cop, which is explained by Khefr which means to seize, lay hold by force. Kep is the fist, a type of seizing and gripping. Khepr is the seizer with his claws [handcuffs]; seize, lay hold, contain, entrap and ensnare. A basic symbol of the mother, child and khefr is the hand. This leads to many sayings that include the word hand. One of those is my hands are tied. On the other hand, Kep does mean serve and protect the rising favored group.

12. In Egypt it is said of the Hidden God, “He has not come out of a womb, he has come out of cycles,” This is a reminder that there is more than one God and cycles are the main transformers causing the trading of places in monopolies, not humans; however, cycles will use humans and other creations as change agents, according to whatever is needed to change the Gods who change everything else. Thus the changing of the guards is the changing of the gods because both word god and word guard are forms of Khiurt.

13. Ter-ap, the beetle-image of Time, leads to the word trap, the enclosure of tomb, womb, cocoon. And why trap is a synonym for mouth, because all tombs, wombs and cocoons have mouths, ways for the word to get in and out.

14. Khepr-Nu, Khepr-Kura [fire in the belly, fire in the hole, hot pocket], Khepr-Mu, Khepr-Ra, Khepr-Fu, Khepr-Ka, Khepr-Khiu, Khepr-Siu

Monday, December 9, 2024

Some Things Are Not Meant To Be Seen By Others
Not Even In Or Through Dreams
Or Any Other Type Of Screen
Unity Consciousness #3200

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzq of 11)

I was standing in the kitchen looking out the living room window at the mountains across the way. A portion of the mountain was barren of trees because it was covered with the loose crumbly black byproduct of coal mining. There were about three noticeable sections that we used to have fun slip-sliding down while getting lots of dirt in our shoes, if they managed to stay on and we managed to stay upright.

As I was looking at these mountains, the face of the mountains changed to the face of a raccoon. My sister Teresa and friend Rock were in the house and I called them to come look at the mountain. They did. They were like, okay. I said there was a face of a raccoon on the mountain. Rock said, I guess we were not meant to see it.

The three of us went outside and the day was clear, warm and the sky unusually bright, but soft.
As we looked up, we could see the sun with a sherbert orange tint but mostly translucent. Next to the sun was some sort of human craft that was attacking the sun by shooting flames at it. Of course we were wondering what the hell are these people up to now, kinda like Gil Scott Heron's, Whitey's On The Moon.

The Sun began to move away. We could then see that the sun we thought was the sun was a spacecraft whose front portion looked like the sun and was blocking the actual sun, yet was providing light like the sun. Not only that, as the spacecraft began turning and moving away, we could see the very large long metal-like structure of the rest of the spacecraft. The human spacecraft kept following the other spacecraft, but was having no effect on it and couldn't keep up.
I'm now wondering why everybody is not outside looking at this and what is going on with all these signs.

In a clear day opposite twist to the move, The Mist, after a while the spacecraft began dropping bubbles that looked like the sun it was mimicking. Those delicious-looking fun-looking bubbles, when they reached the ground, became like large elastic water bubbles what moved across the ground, with purposeful intent, searching, seeking. People going about their routine were being encased and then floated to the mother-ship.
Of course we ran and hid in a storage shed as a bubble came close and partially entered. Me and my sister were up against the wall and I motioned for her to stay still and stay quiet. The bubble left and we realized the bubbles have no eyes to see, sorta like the Quiet Place movie. This flipped the logic of, you can run but you can't hide to, you can hide temporarily if you don't try to run too far, but sooner than later you're going to have to rely on your own god-given basic instincts to survive in a world of changing conditions.
After a while silence ensued and we assumed the “coast was clear. We ventured back outside and could see a long thick trail behind the spacecraft that had moved off into the distance. This dust was ground bones that settled on the earth like sifted flour. And then it began to rain.

Whether it's a human or any other form of spirit-soul creature, some things see-able by some, are not meant to be seen by others. Also, some things that used to be see-able, can't be because the ability has been lost due to non-use, which is why some people have no sight to see what is actually taking place, even when thought bubbles are dropping from the sky....and as an example, are waiting on savior liar Donald Trump to tell them the truth about aliens when this and other truths are prevalent and self-evident.

If There's A Cure For This, Do You Want It?
Earlier Word Origins, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3199

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzp of 11)

Follow-up Question to UC#3199, the Follow-Up of UC#3198

“If You Get Too Sickly, Can You Regain Health? ”

1. According to most religions, there is such as thing as terminal illness of spirit-soul.

2. According to current treatment ideology called healthcare, there is terminal illness.

3. According to the history of human groupings, there has been no grouping that has lived forever. None of them died of old age.

4. Therefore, only a handful of societies can be cured, but not the ones who think nothing is wrong except a little bit here and there, and that what is wrong is not due to themselves.

5. However, there is a cure for everything because the word cure is khiur, kheru, course and curse.

6. Religion does contain truth suffering from abuse. Cures come with the ever-coming one and ones called messiahs, saviors, christs. But never are the sickly masses cured, because why would god cure the body without curing the spirit-soul? And god will not cure the spirit-soul of the unwilling who are unwilling before the cure arrives. This includes those in the middle of the road with the logic of, it's your thang do what you wanna do, and, to each his own.

Moral, Morals, Morality, Immoral, Immorality

There is a cure because there are always cycles and changing combinations of cycles.
There is a cure because there are always truths and changing combinations of truths.
A cure is a curse to the wicked. Thus, for example, waking up consciously is opposed and maligned as wokeness.

If water is essential to life, then water is essential to cure. We are now entering the Ages of the Great Mother of the Waters.
If the sun is essential to life, then solar is essential to cure. Word solar is word moral is word coral is word cural is word cure all.
Moral is kraul, kr-rau, kr-aul, cure all, cure arr, curer, cure rer.
We know the soul of life in the ark of the sun consists of many souls of life that must work together in order to survive and thrive so the sun in totality can survive and thrive. This is the simplest definition of moral and word morality and word diversity.

Since everything is based on the principle of two truths, we are not surprised that moral is mo-rar, meh-rer, mer-rur and is based on the mother and mother and also mothers and child. Therefore the beginning of being immoral starts in how parents treat each other and then spreads to how parents treat children, then spreads to how siblings treat each other, then spreads to neighbors. This summarizes the de-evolution of humans.

The word moral contains Mu as water and mother; Ru as a measure, a quantity. This again proves that morals begin with how we share the water, food and living room of mother earth.

War in the Kar

The circle and cycle as word kar is word war. War in the healthy sense is the tension necessary to maintain the integrity of the circle and its contents, which allows them to move around and trade places according to need.
Each time a cycle or aspect of a cycle changes, war is taking place. This type of war is peace.

We know a civilization is based on balanced application of truths, however a society is based on the creation of and perpetuation of imbalances. Societies do not create themselves. They are created by imbalanced people; therefore we have another logical path to never expect the cure to come from a pathogen.
Societies are further defined by the constant distraction of fooling people into thinking the society wants to solve problems, find cures. We should know this by now, but as an example, you cannot fix or cure water pollution without also curing and fixing air pollution and land pollution and outer space pollution.
Meanwhile, masses making choices based on special interests is what fuels the society.
The word Kar as cycles of truth, also leads to the word care and word cure.

You can forget about cures for the body until there are cures for spirit-mind-emotion.
We can compare sickness to injustice and the cure to justice. Justice changes significantly at the corners and change of Ages, and even moreso when the Cycles return to their original positions, the first known good configuration that merges with the last known good configuration.
Truth is the same word as Khart and Khiurt.

If there's a cure for this and you want it, then you must choose to allow yourself to be used towards contributing to the cure. Are you willing to give up religion and all the other logic causing problems? Are you willing to give up possessions? Unfair advantages?

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Normal & Abnormal | Difference & Sameness
Earlier Word Origins, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3198

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzo of 11)

This is a follow-up to If You Dream Too Deeply, Can You Regain Consciousness? And Do You Really Want To?, Rainbow Perception Levels Of Cognition, Unity Consciousness #3197

In reference to the “Seven Levels Of Cognitive States, Rainbow Perceptions”:
Using the automatic list generator in the OpenOffice word processor I am using, I had hoped to be able to number the rainbow perceptions in descending order, with So Dayi being number seven. I did not spend any time trying to figure out how to do so; however, upon further review, the list, as currently numbered, can be perceived as moving from the healthy oneness of unity consciousness to the unhealthy fragmented different-not-the-same insaneness of disunity unconsciousness.

To say this in reverse order, starting from the bottom, the rainbow perceptions summarize the state of human consciousness as we move away from being okay with normalcy defined based on the once-living aspects of self, and we move back towards abnormalcy as reawakening the ever-living aspects of self.

The rainbow perceptions are an evolutionary-de-evolutionary scale, depending on direction of travel.

What Is Abnormal?

We start with remembering what abnormal means by just taking the small slice “AB” and leaving the larger portion “normal” intact for the moment.
AB has many variations, some of which are Fab, Hab, Kab, Ap, Fap, Hap, Kap, Af, Faf, Haf, Kaf, Kabeb, Kubab, Khebt, Egypt, Au, Iu, UP...
These mean: first, primordial, primary, primitive, first ancestor, born of, head, source of all and everything, first place kenner, birthplace, circle, quadrangular enclosure, water, liquid essence, dirt, flesh, blood, breath, holy, holy cow, divine, god, pure, pour out, water-bottle, measure, estimate, calculate, typify, take account, reckon, liver, weave, net, tie, grain, bushel, house, stable, camp, storehouse, company, tablet, statue, stone, ivory, female hippopotamus, elephant, lamb, serpent, beetle, frog, horn, bone, hardness, great mother, holy (heru) father as priest and son of the mother Ap, judge, judgment, equal, even, mid-region, guide, squat, writhe, crawl, passage, cross, pass to the opposite side, work a passage through, red falling sun, then black, then red rising sun (Ab-rem, Abram, Abra, Afra, Afro, Afra-id), opener, open, open house, oppose, evil enemy, false, deluding, criminal, declare, announce, prepare, dedicate, consecrate, expose, show, manifest, mount up, become tall, be elevated, rise, fly, wing, mountain, climb, steps, hope, desire, wish.
Abnormal existed before normal. Abnormal means water and dirt, feminine and masculine, mother and her repetitions, her complement of pertitions now viewed as antagonistic in the word competition.
Abnormal is equality, balance, as it was when all things were in harmony in the waters of Nun. Even though many things, such as fatherhood and father god, were not yet understood or recognized, there was still harmony among humans. This is because there was no choice necessary in areas where only one truth was known.
Abnormal means critical thinking and analysis is the standard and status quo default of thought processes of humans and all other creations. Abnormal means to eventually succumb to evil then rise up against evil, oppose it, expose it, depose it. Right now most human groupings are still in the stage of choosing evil, being okay with it, preferring it, being evil. This is normal for now, but will wane as surely as the change in signal strength from the labyrinth when the range of pain boomerangs and overwhelms the dysfunction inherent to societies. Hapi days are near again.
Abnormal is the momentum of rising waters and rising stars that bring about climate change in all domains.

What Was Normal Before Humans Tried To Make Normal Fit Their Dysfunction?
This Earlier Normal Still Is Normal In The Animals Called Earth, Solar System, Galaxy, Universe

Normal is Nor-Mal is Nar-Mar is Nare-Mare.

1. Nar (Nare, Naru, Nur) are the nostrils of the hawk, but the ideograph of the word is the head and nostrils of the vulture called Nar (Nrau, Nur, Nir, Ner, Nel). The vulture represents the birth mother and the first type of keen sense of smell. By logical progression, the vulture also represents the mother as wet-nurse and dry-nurse. Word Nurse from Nur-Su and Nu-Rer-Sau and Nur-Urtu and Niur-Khiur. Word nurture is nur-tu-rer and nur-urtu-rer and nur-teru. Nurture means to help develop keenness of all sensing abilities as needed by the total being. The vulture also has keen sight, thus is a symbol of fore-knowledge (seeing without seeing). In Rer and Rere, we can see and hear word Rear, as in raising a child and as in bringing forth a child from the rear end. Thus bringing up the rear. The rear-ur rears the rear-ar.

2. Word Nourish from Noru-ish from Niur-ush from Ukhiurn from Khiurniu. Ush is Mush is Mes, the product of the river. Mes is birthplace cake. What else would fish eat? Nar is a name of the fish. Fish nourish each other. Nourish from Niur-Meshken or Niur-Esh. Nourish from Norie-Shebu. Shebu, Sheb, Khebu, Kheb is food, support, nourishing, flesh. Nourish from Norie-Sh. The terminal SH is a water-sign. Nourish from Niur-Aaseh, a flood or a deluge of water that culminates in the Uaka festival of food and drink. Nourish from Niur-Eshu (from MaShu from MaKhu). We are first nourished by being formed of the seven elemental souls of life. This meaning of nourished is a sideways leap across branches to hear, see and reach the word orisha, the ari.

3. Since waters are the first form of what nourishes, we have come to the word Enormous from Niur-Mes and Niur-Mouses. We know Niur is Celestial River Nile and Mouses is a form of Moses is a form of Ma-Shu, the love triangle of heat, moisture, breath. Niur-Mouses* can be viewed in the form of (Waters, Mes)-(Water, Fire, Breath). This is the five truths, the four in one, an one, un one, en one. Waters are the totality thus equal to Spirit-Soul, Circle, Whole. Each of these are giants. Word giant is Khi-unt, Khiunti, Khiun-Khuin, two truths, two circles, two halves. Unt** is circle, cycle, time, souls of life, supreme being, heaven, existence, inundation, creation, negation, initiation, cessation, beginning, ending, bring forth, take out, open, close, turn on, turn off.

4. Ner is victory. Ken is to know by sensing. A kenner is one who is victorious by using knowledge obtained through sensing abilities. Knowledge implies wisdom. A kenner is word winner. Also the vulture represents victory due to its keen scent for blood, thus circling and signaling that someone has been victorious. This is another way to know that winning as the main thing is not the main thing and winning is not automatically worthy of praise. We are still defining the difference between normal and abnormal.

5. Word Nile from Nilu from Nialu and Nar from Nare and Nairu from Naiaru from Nai-Aru. Nai is The. Aru is River. This is the Celestial Nile of the equator and pole that watered the two lands north and south and east and west. The Nile consists of two rivers, two waters that converge and merge. Word Nar for the vulture comes from Naiaru, thus the waters of the birth mother and wet-nurse has keen sensing abilities. And where is there not some form of the waters? Be not deceived by information is knowledge and one way of learning is the only way the circle, cycle and events are turning. Weld Weild together, Melt Meld like pleather. Nar (Hebrew-Egyptian) means rear. Nar is also indicative of the River and Vulture because both symbolize victory and vanquishing. This leads to the celestial Nile as being part of the word annihilate.

6. The vulture-type of maternity, the Naru, Narau or Nerau denotes chief, head, family.


1. Mare is Mar is the region, land-limit, bank, shore, water-limit.

2. In Latin and English, the Mare or Mar is a goddess in the form of Hippa, a female horse, to carry the hero to battle and victory. This is mother earth as the chariot-who carrying the sun from west to east. The Mare was a water-horse (hippopotamus) in Egypt and named Khefah, Khep, Khebma the breather and breeder in the waters.

3. Briefly, Mer is sea, basin, lake, water. This makes the mother the word mermaid from Mer-Ma-Ut and Mer-Mehten and Niur-Meh-Ten and Khiur-Khem-Khen and Khiur-Khium-Khiun. The maid is the made, mait, mati, maat, thus the mermaid represents two truths, one pair of which is fish and human. But before this representation, the mermaid is two forms of the mother in two circle-cycles, and/or the mermaid is two forms of the mother in one circle-cycle. Thus every circle-cycle-being-spirit-soul-creation-creature-unimer is a mermaid and contains mermaids, contains two truths from the waters. Big Ups to Hathor-Nut-Aquaria-Mami-Wata, the mermaid in the mirror and mer-rer, the fairest of them all.
In summary, what is normal is water-colored. Our logic should be painted with water as the canvas and backdrop.
Nur as in Normal, is a symbol of the Two Truths of the beginning. Understanding the existence of the Two Truths in many forms is what normal fundamentally means because the Two Truths of circles and cycles and everything else, is what informs us regarding balance, harmony. And more fully knowing what time it is, thus knowing what behavior is appropriate.
What good is it to know seconds and minutes without knowing hours and days? Likewise then, how normal can we be if we sorta know Earth years but not Sun Months and Sun Years? Ain't the sun central to our existence, yet peripheral to our understandings?

As the fatherhood became known, along with other truths, humans were faced with more and more choices, couldn't clearly see the cycles because of their focus on the choices. Cycles turn. Turn taking and taking turns is fundamental. Darkness in the lower half of the circle does not try to rule the upper half of the circle. Water, though dominant, does not dominate and subjugate other forms of self. Water, dry land, air and fire share the same space, interacting eco-sensibly, with akhu-sense, with acumentality.

There was a time when the Great Mother Cycle and her children were the sign of all things normal, nourishing, good. Praised as forever love. Love don't last always all ways, she fell from first place to no place of grace and her symbols became signs of evil by any word of any intensity describing something undesirable. Her name of Typhon became evil, her origin in darkness became evil. The north as Khebt became evil. Khebt as Egypt became evil, Khebt as Khepsh as Kush became evil. Black as darkness, north and the humans of Kush on earth became evil. Worshipers of the great mother were considered godless because there was no father god. Godless became attached to evil and her name as Deva Tefi, became the Devil. Some of these symbols and some not mentioned have been rescued but re enslaved by the rescuers, a typical predictable okie doke of false saviors. And you co-sign on all this evil today thinking that it's normal. Whoa to the woe but not the back-flow as the Sun moves clockwise and Earth moves counterclockwise and the Khekh to and fro. And because of these cycles above, the below must follow suit, changing trump cards according to the dealer and banker. In other words, the soul of life in trumpers and trumpets used to be the trump you have voted for again as a junk bond for safe-keeping in your no-joy-in-mudville pride, bride price trunk.

The difference between abnormal and normal of THEN and NOW should be more evident. The sameness between them, then and now is that both are always changing, slowly, and then suddenly all at once.

*Moses was named Mouses because Mou (Mu, Ma, Mi, Me) in Egyptian means water, and those who are saved out of it are called word USES (U-Ses, of, our, from, by water). Ses means to reach land and breathe after the passage of the waters. Ses is also mother, child, MaShu (Shes-Ses) is the God of Breath who is the breath of and from the mouth of Hathor.

**Variants: Nu, Ne, No, Ni, Na, Un, En, On, In, An, Nu-Nu, Ne-Ne, No-No, Ni-Ni, Na-Na, Un-Un, En-En, On-On, In-In, An-An, Nunti, Nenti, Nonti, Ninti, Nanti, Nuti, Neti, Noti, Niti, Nati, Unti, Enti, Onti, Inti, Anti, Nunt, Nent, Nont, Nint, Nant, Nut, Net, Not, Nit, Nat, Unt, Ent, Ont, Int, Ant, Nun, Nen, Non, Nin, Nan. These can be reduced, condensed, consolidated into Ntu, Nte, Nto, Nti, Nta for “out of”. Ntu is person, race.

Thursday, December 5, 2024

If You Dream Too Deeply, Can You Regain Consciousness? And Do You Really Want To?
Rainbow Perception Levels Of Cognition
Unity Consciousness #3197

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Is this how people die in their sleep?
Or is this how people go into the sunken place and never fully Get Out?

Dreamer, Dream On

The dream state of a people can be known through the condition of their waking state. As awake, So asleep. A quick example is many need pills so they can sleep and stimulants, such as coffee, so they can wake up. Or is this because they have difficulty relaxing in their reality, but once they do finally go to sleep, they must force themselves to return to face another day of drudgery?
People will mostly dream what they consume when awake. Humans are in the tail-end of the societal stage of organizing themselves, thus most people are surface dwellers and other such descriptions of functioning using a suboptimal context worldview, thus, by default, also a suboptimal context selfview.
Co-incident with our level of awareness, most of us have sleep dreams at the first level where there is one or more brief scattered fragmented, non-lucid dreams where meaning escapes upon waking. This is because there is an intrusive societal building code partition between these two states of consciousness that is not conducive to transitioning back and forth. This building code is built upon malnutrition of spirit-soul, mind, emotion, body.
A far fewer number of people reach the second dream level where they are able to be at the first sleep level and also remain aware of being asleep, dreaming and still aware of where and who they are in the wakened state. This is referred to as lucid dreaming though not described this way or this fully.

A handful of times I have reached the third level of dreaming while lucid. Lucid is clarity of understanding in real-time, thus being aware of dreaming and then dreaming within the dream and aware of self in the wakened state.

I've come to realize that dreams are a creative space for the within and without, the above and below. Dreams are a tomb, womb, cocoon semi-private chat (khat) room, where creators are in collaboration, but not always in corroboration or balance. Since I am the spirit-soul being where the dreams are taking place, I have significant, but not total, control as Lord of the Dreams.
After suffering through years of intermittent disturbing unsettling dreams where the dreams were in control, in recent years, through unity consciousness (more nutrition, fewer toxins), I have learned how to awaken myself when something in a dream is not to my liking, such as falling or dying or being hopelessly lost.
Though not easy, all I have to do is, with much effort to break through sleep paralysis of conscious control, move a body part vigorously enough or make sounds loud enough or long enough to awaken myself. To the observer I'm sure it looks like I'm having a seizure and am reverting to the full guttural stage of speech.
Sleep paralysis of conscious control is a good thing because it allows the free will aspect of the CPU-brain-mind to rest (shut up, ramp down, let go, take a backseat, watch, listen, learn) while the fuller mind and pineal karuna corona crown jewel can coordinate the four inseparable aspects of self to do what is necessary in conjunction with all else. In other words, whether dreaming or not, asleep or not, you are not functioning as an island or in a vacuum, thus you are always being influenced through multi-way diffusion, by various beings in various dimensions.
As an added example regarding conscious control, sleep also disengages first level subconscious control in the near level cache that works in tandem with conscious control, even though we are usually unaware of the subconscious effect on consciousness. So just as a computer cannot be repaired or programs upgraded or uninstalled while the computer or software applications are fully engaged in other processes, including background processes (the subconscious), programs and apps must be closed and the computer must be restarted and changes have to take place, even before the computer is allowed to return to a fully awake state and display the desktop.

The Dream I Had Late Last Night Under Moonlight on 11.03.2024

I reached several layers of dreams within dreams, at least two dozen were nested.
I was unaware of this at first. No need to mess up fluid scenes with a shared split-screen of the production room.
After existing in, and fully participating in, a deep dream layer, the action and people disappeared and I was left in an empty office space room containing a few desks that were empty as if a capitalist had moved out abruptly to avoid paying the rent of responsibility.
I then remembered I was on my lunch break, but had been gone for hours.
I had also just started a new job.
I began to get anxious about how I would explain and if anyone had noticed.
I searched my pockets for my keys and wallet but they were empty. It was just me and the bland monkey suit I was in to blend in.
I had no clue where I worked. (Perhaps the greatest theft was part of me was taken.)
I took a deep breath in the dream and thought to my dream-self, “I know I had my wallet and keys with me, so what's happening right now can't be real”. I refused to gaslight myself and confirm the testimony of the two or three witnesses testifying to my psyche from the twilight zone, matrix, total recall and avatar.

Since my current dream situation was not to my liking, I automatically did what I had trained myself to do. The subconscious of my subconscious jumped to my defense and echoed, “this is not real!”
I began invoking my superpowers to shake myself to wake up to get up, up and away.
After much effort to move my neck, I was finally able to shake my head to one side only as if I had a twitch and crick at the same time.
While doing so, I was able to see this shaking action to change my dream reality as equal to the way a slide projector or viewfinder is clicked (khekhed) so that one up and down or back and forth motion, is able to remove the current scene from the screen and replace it with the next scene.
Though desperate to find my way back out to my wakened state, or at least a more safe-feeling dream-space, I still had time to also envision my head shaking as an old-fashioned jukebox that you can watch replace records.

I continued shaking my head, and each time a different dream room appeared, but not the one I was looking for and hoping would be the one to open the backdoor and let me back in.
Many dreams flashed on the screen that I didn't remember passing through. I quickly removed them the way suboptimal music videos are made that don't know how to tell a full story, but rather use quick shots of random scenes pasted like a kindergartner happy to play with paint, paper and glue.
I was still somewhat scared about not finding my way out, not waking up.

I watched the viewfinder change through many dreams, including cartoon like animations and upside down images. “What the...?”
I had time to think, “my mind is messed up in places.”
I paused in a few places, thinking I was almost awake, because I didn't want to completely wake up because I wanted to see what other dreams I had missed on my way to the deep abyss in the khiurti dirty north.

In the midst of the tug-of-war for dream control, between the NIL collective and me, in one of the last dream screens, I was up close to the rainbow, actually in the rainbow, right in front of it. I was out there and up there where fabric was sourced for beautiful balloons.
I thought to myself, “I don't remember this, but flow with the go of it”. So I stopped shaking my head.
Again I thought, “is this where things turned that allowed me to fall off the deep end and find a pathway portal to unexplored deep dream territory?” Did I make a hard left instead of a soft left at the intersection of red, orange and blue?
I did not need 3D glasses because I myself was in light-form, very photongenic. I was not bothered by the heat or the humidity because I was at poise and peace in the res-ness weightlessness of water, fire and air.

Cascading Through Seven Rainbows With Seven Rivers.

I was still in a dream state, nearer to the surface but still deeper than I had been.
Each layer of rainbow color was broad, soft and textured like crepe paper. This swaddled me and I became the palette for organizing and clarifying my thoughts and what I was being taught.
With the processing speed of light, I considered different levels of awareness (consciousness).
I realized those levels of awareness could very well represent the spectrum of all consciousness so that spirit-soul in any time-space-shape-form-fashion continuum, has a composite level of awareness on the rainbow spectrum that is further layered upon closer inspection.
This includes the many souls of life within myself. Each could have a different level or degree of awareness. Thus the collective of those spirit-souls, which is me, has different states of consciousness in different aspects of self. This is the world of the imperfect self striving to get back to the perfected self in the perfect world of origination. Use the rainbow perception to make the rainbow connection that passes around, among and between Thrones of Glory.

While still in a lucid dream state, I began contemplating the four levels of awareness and how they could fit on the rainbow spectrum of perception. All levels of cognition could fit on this rainbow and be summarized under seven states, especially since spirit-soul is summarized in seven forms.
I quickly brainstormed and took spirit-soul-mental notes of a draft of levels such as forgetful, dementia, sanity, illusion that could fit this template. With the aid of personal experience and the universality of experience, I imagined this is what is taking place among humans that appear be awake and thinking normally or sufficiently, but are functioning at different cognitive states that nowadays interfere with their waking dreams and sleep dreams rather than enhancing and clarifying their dream experiences.

I pushed SAVE to moon-sun disk, the red bull with wings. I was confident I could find a way to retrieve this information when I was “fully awake”.
After this brief pause, I was still asleep and had time to continue planning on explaining this theorem to those who have already stolen many ideas from this weblog catalog. I imagined speaking in front of many groups and decided to charge at least ten thousand dollars per speech, payable two weeks in advance and all expenses paid by the organizing committee as the expenses are incurred.
On one hand this is craziness taking place in a dream, but on the other hand it represents confidence in manifesting a dream into another layer of perception, awareness, consciousness.

Finally my head began to feel heavy, the way it always does as an early warning sign that I am very tired and about to collapse into sleep. This time I was tired in my sleep from dreaming and doing a lot of lucid thinking while dreaming. My brain CPU power was being more fully used than normal when asleep. My respite from this was to wake up. So I commenced to shaking.

After waking, my self-study lesson review revealed word lucid is word rukhit, word rukht, word rekhit, word rekht, word light, word right, word left, word rek-tek.
Rek, Rekh, Ruk, Rukh is time, reckoning, sovereignty, rule by lordship, by purity which is (wisdom, balance, knowledge, intelligence), the Makhu Way. Rek the Maga Way that assails the Naga self, is rule by the culpable criminal and plausible deniability.
Tek, Tekh, Tuk, Tukh is see, hidden, crossing from one stage or state into another, reach the limit and see beyond, reach the shore and see that there's more on the other side. Tek is the limit reached, the limit breached, cross, crossing, crosser, cut, divide, fix, attach, twine, join, weave, combine, attack, overthrow. Tek is to twist sensing abilities to see different ways and directions as in remembering what has been dismembered and scattered through the winds and other elements of change. Tek is part of Sankofa. Tek is spark, the star which is the stark in the dark, the stork that transports.

Seven Levels Of Cognitive States, Rainbow Perceptions

1. So Dayi
2. Bolo So (Raised place of masses in civilizations and starting point for all newborns, even in societies.)
3. Bene So
4. Giri So
5. Dementia (caused by low nutrition, high toxins and treated with toxins (stuff that isn't food)) Dementia Syndrome includes all forms of memory impairment described as memory loss, cognitive disorder, neurocognitive disorder, major neurocognitive disorder and neurodegenerative disorder. The difference between Dementia and levels six and seven is that those two levels are driven by spiritual disorder.
6. Pre-K aka Illusion (Sunken place of at least half the masses in societies where there is rampant miseducation regarding knowledge of self and all else. This results in fragility via spiritual dissonance, emotional dissonance, physical dissonance and cognitive dissonance. These distort all sensing abilities and sensory perceptions, A hallmark of this level is free willful selective memory, thus selective memory is more defective than dementia.
7. Delusion (Buried Deep Garbage Heap Place of at least half the masses in societies. This is the Stunken Place of psychopaths and sociopaths, a combination of levels five and six)

Dream states exist on each of these seven levels

Uati, Sefekh, Sekhet

These are some of the forms of the Goddess and Mistress of writings. Her sacred number is seven which connects Her Majesty to the rainbow, the Iris and the seven elemental souls of life. There is much to remember about the soul of life called Sefekh, the name we choose to focus on for now because she made herself known to me in recent writings and now in this layered dream.

Back To The Drawing Board, Dream Board, Vision Board

If you've never seen the texture and colors of a rainbow up close, or the deliciousness of a moonbow through soft white and silence of night, seek clarity in all things so you can dream deeply.
I was definitely sore afraid of the sunken place but shortly realized it was right next door to the shut place from which millions upon millions are continuously released from sleep. And so somewhere in the spiritweb, my memory was pinged to remember that I've been down and up this road before. As for me, I hope to make it back, and if I die before I wake...

...You can be certain my next take will be somewhere along the rainbow overlooking whirlpools.

I hope this dream experience was part of the upgrade promise of So Dayi, and I interrupted the download process by being more lucid during the operation, than perhaps I should have been. So perhaps the empty room was symbolic of uninstalling before installing an upgrade and some fixes.

Throughout this message I have used the words wake, awake, sleep, and asleep in the sense of how most of us use these words; however, early in the process of recounting this message, I wondered, as I still do now, am I more awake when I am asleep?

Also, because my dreams have been full extended scenes, as I write these words, feeling awake, I wonder if my spirit-soul or ancestors are feeling the same way as they try to escape the sunken place through the shut place that is opening up more flood gates.

See Dreams and Rainbows discussed separately elsewhere.

Post Post Updates

1. Sleep Dreams are more indicative of reality than the waking perceptions of the illusioned and delusioned.
2. It is a very good thing to be disillusioned.