If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Black Primate Apes Or Black Primate Humans?
Unity Consciousness #3174

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzp of 11)

Over the course of more than 3,000 articles, it is evident that any title that potentially confirms your fragmented beliefs and connects black people to apes, always gets many more views than titles that question your unsubstantiated belief in a religion.
Truth is, where you came from as a species and geographically is what all religions tell you.
So now, using the title of this article, quick pick your position as to which lie you prefer?

Most of you will choose the universal generic truth because it sidesteps both. The generic truth is that humans originated from God, who with movie-like laser precision teleported zapped us into existence, thus bypassing the process of development via evolution, a healthy word that our polluted minds are afraid to ingest if it suggests humans evolved from some creation other than humans.
A lot of supposedly I-ain't-crazy people actually think God used magic hands like a dust pan to scoop up some earth, and evidently a lot of water, to form all the different body parts, bones and organs of the first human, then breathed into the figurine. A custom-made process for a high maintenance creation.

Most of you who choose the generic universal truth will also choose that you originated from wherever your main group is currently found.

Most of you are utterly discombobulated confused and also choose to exclusively believe those DNA testing results that fragment your genetics as if each percentage has a different origin and root such that none of them meet and merge into one human beginning.

There are either two truths or two lies and two truths.
1. Either humans descended from Apes and Africans in Africa Proper. or neither.
You are educated enough and miseducated enough to know.

2. If neither is true, thus there are two lies, then there must not be a universal god. Instead there must be a god of fish, hippos, ants, birds, humans, plants....and each variation within a species of creation, must also have their own god and origin, totally separate from others of the same species who somehow can interbreed without any connection or cooperation from their gods in the planning process.
Despite all this, you still believe that somehow, there must be a separate heaven for each, and that humans, bearing all resemblance to apes and each other, will somehow get to heaven and get bird wings, even though bearing no resemblance to birds, unless you count two eyes and two legs. And that in your wacko world, there is a devil in human form with a long ass tail that no human or other god has but many animals on this earth do.

Dig This

We should know there is no such thing as human water, human air, human sun or fire, human earth or human hydrogen, human carbon, human atoms, human vitamin A and so on. Yet we know enough to understand how a baby evolves in the womb, through an evolutionary process of these microelements, elements and macroelements, all of which are shared throughout all creations, yet we humans evolved as a separate packet of elements while all other creations went through an evolutionary process through other creations. Yet somehow you can wrap (warp) your mind around mermaids and Super Duper Man and the Hulk and Spiderman and so on, while ignoring plain sight evidence of human origin through the ape, gorilla, monkey, chimpanzee, gibbon, orangutan primate series of creations. This belief-blinded denial despite sharing the designations of primate, mammals, vertebrate with other species, and the fact that female gorillas have a menstrual cycle.

So we now take a King Kong Dinosaur leap backwards in order to move forward in our evolutionary process. The natural world of all creations show us that life is primarily an evolutionary process and that we must all share and participate in each other's evolutionary process in order for us as individuals to evolve and for us as humans to evolve. Otherwise the first default is that evolution must take the slower route in isolation from deevolutionary forces. Otherwise, the final default of both truths you deny is the other side, the rapid slip slide back to the drawing board, the traking board ruled by climate changer rearrangers, current strangers who do more chalking it up and charting the course than talking. Who, this time around, are taking the blueprints to God tribunal to show them the only change needed is to recall all humans and put a dolphin-bee-ant-roach-mustard-seed brain in the next first human.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Winds Shifted Because Firmament Being Lifted
Unity Consciousness #3173

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzo of 11)

Ever since the 09.21.24 postgame press conference after the Colorado Buffaloes pulled out a comeback win over the Baylor Bears, I began to detect a shift regarding Coach Prime & the team. This shift is equal to “turning the corner”. This was first mentioned in the 09.24.24 message titled, Evolutions Of Deion Luwynn Sanders, Sr., Neon Deion, Prime Time, Coach Prime, Unity Consciousness #3160.

Since 09.21.24, bits and pieces of this shift have been expressed by coaches, players and a few youtube observers.
The most complete public expression thus far was made by Coach Prime himself beginning with minute 52:30 of the 10.08.24 Colorado Football Weekly Press Conference.
Deion Sanders sounded more comprehesively aware, more detailed and more aware of how the focus of all aspects affecting team performance are coming together with continued watchful warrior mentality and daily battle-ready preparation to chisel the number one opponent, self, into the image of destinypurposes we are fully capable to achieve, otherwise we would not be able to conceive them.

In the shorterm, I now fully expect the team to achieve their reach of a record of 7 and 1.
In the short-term of the next twelve months, I also expect significant plain sight indicators of other forms of climate change in this world that have been a long time coming. These things because the circular-teriu circulatory system is being reestablished, reconfirgured and restarted in order for changes to take effect in these windows of premium space and reprimed time. Thus a fuller expression of the pronouncement annoncement (annu-commencement) is “We coming together”, we are coming together, harambee.

Update: Bonus Interview

The 10.10.24 Colorado Football Coaches Show (Minute 5:40)

After the UCF game, on several occasions Coach Deion Prime Sanders has mentioned the significance of the team bonding and focus that took place in the days before the game due to being sequestered by Helene the Hurricane.
I can now finally liken this to troops being amassed from all parts into one staging area. Time to focus with fewer distractions in the midst of adverse conditions, allowed bonds to strenghten and solidify in an unfamiliar place, but a necessary space. This cannot be underestimated in the broader sense when souls are being amassed in secluded places for a much bigger task of upheaval and fulfillment.

The Colorado Buffaloes are a macrocosm of the individual; but also a microcosm of the collective.
The exodus that moves millions toward the promised land has already left The Rock of Ageless Waters on the eastern horizon and are reassembling, via transfer portals, in various areas of our Solar Ecoystem, this Earth, various countries, various communities and various other groupings. The final inundation that turns the tide, flips the switch and the script and effects the changeover, will be released from multiple locations all at once or in rapid coordinated succession The setup is the upset.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Why Fully Believe “The Bible” Founded On Haters, Child Neglect & Child Abuse, And When...
Unity Consciousness #3172

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzn of 11)

...that bible, the Judaeo-Christian-Muslim one, is able to explain the entirety of creation in one chapter, then it takes 1,188 more chapters to explain how we should live, interact and treat each other and the rest of the natural world?

You can imagine a lot was left out of Genesis Chapter 1.
You can imagine a lot of unnecessary stuff, necessary to societies, is included in the other chapters.

As explained elsewhere, clearly Genesis 1 says one thing regarding human creation, then Genesis 2 says two more things.
Genesis 1 says let us make humans in our image, then creates male and female, yet most religions swear up and down god is only male.
Genesis 2 kinda loosely says male was created first. This is because man does not denote male or female, but through use of prepositions and later verses, and the name Adam, we must conclude we are to believe males were created first. So we do. (The word Adam has been excavated many times. A shortcut is Second Adam)
Then Genesis 3 tells us the word Eve means mother of all living.

Wait a minute! In some creation verses of Genesis 1, we are told God created the living.
Then in Genesis 2 it says man became a living soul.
So how then can a female, a woman, a mother of all living, called Eve be created after the male she created, including his living soul, and how can a female god who leads the way in creating all creations, turn around and create a human male first. If this is true, then all other creations and animals were created male first, then put to sleep and a portion removed to create the female.

Say again why you still believe the Judaeo-Christian-Muslim bible?

Furthermore, God put a naked male human in the garden by himself, then said he was going to create a helper, but proceeded, to go back through the entire book of souls and created all other animals in the flesh except another human. This is the first example of child neglect! Both God and the male were surprised there was no help to be found. Not even a clothes maker. Couldn't God spare an angel to babysit those kids? But God quickly found some angels with flaming swords to guard the garden and kick those newborns out of the house.

Now before all this happened, God told the male through firsthand communication to not eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil; so it was the male who told the female, and evidently, something was lost in the translation.
So although no other animal was a helper to the male, along comes a serpent who was a hurter hater to the male and female. Thus GOD created the first hater, hurter and liar right there in the garden, but gave the male and female no way to have knowledge of good and evil, yet punished them for it. This is the second example of child neglect and abuse. This is like putting your baby, who can crawl but not walk, hunger and thirst but not think, near a ring of fire and saying don't touch that baby bottle in the midst of the fire, and then you walking away, coming back and whooping the child's ass for the rest of it's life for getting burnt. All this in the home sweet home you created for them and call Paradise.

Say you, say me, why we still believe the Judaeo-Christian-Muslim bible?

Finally, why did God and them have to do a doubletake in creating humans and beasts, creating them both in Genesis 1 and 2, but God and them did not have to a doubletake to create anything else created in Genesis 1?

No group of people believe or follow their bible fully or even halfway in hopes for a better life in a spiritual heaven cause they are all sore afraid to die and will do anything to anyone for a piece of bread and drink of water. Clearly white christians and jews don't. Except for far too many black people. For the umpteenth time, Black people, you better do like Angel From Heaven John Henrik Clark said, and I take full license to reword, you better pick and choose the parts of any bible that you can use for your immediate benefit in the right here and right now, forget about anything having to do with an afterlife, sin, salvation, turning cheeks, forgiving enemies and human laws and throw the rest in the been-a-fool-too-long compost heap.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Upsets Occur Because College Sports Ranking Is Stanking
Unity Consciousness #3171

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzm of 11)

That's one of two primary explanations.
Over and over it is proven that the college ranking system system is a stanking system. It is perfume covered funk, along with the College Football Playoffs (CFP) selection committee, the strength of schedule (SOS) subjective metric and the Associated Press (AP) ranking system. All this essentially functions the same way as the electoral college in USA presidential elections. The electoral college essentially removes and or minimizes the popular vote and gives full power to a selection committee of delegates and superior delegates who can do whatever they want using whatever reasoning they want to say who should be president. One of the many earlier parts of this setup is the national conventions that tell the public who the public can vote for. The NCAA and its rules committees, playoff selection committees and outsourced for hire media-of-fortune sports writers essentially function like a shadow electorate for college sports.
This total eco-nomic-system structure is the biggest upset in college sports.

Each year we see how far off and wrong each aspect of the NCAA is. It's use of a team ranking system is one example of mad scientist inventors who want to rule the world with whatever they concoct. The team ranking system used preseason, in season and postseason are filled with factual errors because it is based almost entirely on subjectivity that no two of the 62 writers and broadcasters will agree on in definition and application as partly evidenced by their free reign to decide how many points to award or deduct from a team. On October 7, 2024, in the article titled, “How AP Top 25 voters ranked the latest poll with Alabama’s loss and other upsets”, Houston Chronicle sports columnist Kirk Bohls said,

“In my 46 years of voting in the poll, this was probably the most difficult by far. It was so hard to determine how much to ‘penalize’ the Top 25 teams that lost, especially to unranked teams, but also tough to figure out how much to ‘reward’ those teams who pulled off the upset.”
In other words, the AP college sports ranking system is extremely subjectively based on an extremely tiny group of anointed individuals making decisions based on which way the weak self-estimation powered wind tunnel is willy nilly blowing their limp-noodle.
This is not any different than how most things are operated in most societies such as fines and penalties levied by various government entities such as legislators and courtroom judges.

The NCAA functions the same as the larger society, its governments on any level and all of its major institutions and subcomponents. They are all anti-diversity. Thus they are pro-privilege for whom they select and protect and project as the best. The highest rankings in socieites are always secured by any means, memes and schemes necessary. They are all achieved and sustained and maintained through violence.

For the moment, let's reduce this ranking system expose' to the abundance of evidence showing us that Upsets in sports contests have been taking place since sports began.

An upset is something that occurs that is counter and contrary to what your mind has settled on is a foregone conclusion would happen and should happen.
Truth is, a sports contest is not what creates an upset.
An upset is the result of incorrect, and often irrational, expectation based on flawed assumptions and information.
This incorrectness and irrationality is magnified in socieites because individuals are trained to give up (outsource, sell) their own expectations because individuals are trained to not use a thorough enough thought process in setting expectations. Thus, just like products on a shelf, you get what producers want you to have rather than what is good for you or the greater good of the masses or fair to all producers of products (we've all heard about shelving fees and restocking fees). Then by virtue of you accepting what's available and you being trained to the nonstop advertising onslaught of name brands, you reject other products as lesser than for multiple reasons. A clear example in college sports is the lesser than label applied to HBCU athletics by mind controlers and their midget-minded minions. Stay with me and think about it. How can green beans in a can labelled green beans and green beans in a can labelled Green Giant, be different?

So now, we are moving beyond the first level of sports upsets that upset the logic of expections. We have already moved into upsetting the logic of the sports structure and its components. In very recent times we can identify the establishment of Negro Leagues that was upsettting. Then the scheme to destroy the Negro Leagues by having players feel honored to join the supposedly more prestigious White Leagues. Then and now the continuous labelling and restricting of black athletes, coaches, staff, writers, owners, general managers, adminstrators, commissioners and any related business is in full force and effect. Then in the white leagues there have been frequent enough changes that have upset the status quo logic that most of us accept and never question because we have been trained to not expect anything more than what we are given and offered as the way things are and the way things are supposed to be.

If your understandings about anything are primarily limited to humans, thus you do not take advantage of the widely freely available logical use of metaphor, your expectations for understanding has already been upset and set to the suboptimal level of knowledge of self and all else.

What is Upset Is The Human Status Quo Of Power

Upset is to disturb what is settled, flip, overturn the current status.
Slightly reverse engineering the word upset leads to up-khut which briefly means to bring up spirits that will alter the current set of conditions.

Pulling The Renk Out Of Rank

The use of ranking systems in societies is a schema to justify schemes.
The use of ranking systems in civilizations is a schema to justify schemes.
Both of these are ways people organize and conduct themselves.
One culture uses ranking for the benefit of the few while the other uses ranking for benefit of the many.

The word rank is a form of renk which means named. Names are given to all persons, places, things, thoughts, actions and any other type creation, in the order created, and in order to maintain position, thus order, while processing information and understandings. In healthy uses of logic, order and expectations, ranks are not static or exclusive or detrimental to full expression of beingness, thus ranks do not infringe upon the rights of creation. Rankings do not create artificial rights for some that take precedence over inherent rights.
Once we or any other primary or secondary creation is renked (named), that renking (ranking) is what connects you and the creation to different stages of life and transformations and is supposed to bring you full circle and connect you to your endings and beginnings and connections. This circle aspect and expansive aspect of what a name and rank means, helps us understand why renk is rink and ring.

In the absence of an erroneous, irrational, incorrect, myopic college sports sanctioned AP Ranking System that forbids us to think for ourselves and eat from the tree of knowledge, the 10.05.24 football win of Vanderbilt over Alabama would not be considered an upset by the masses because expectations would not have been so far outside the range of sanity. Both Vandy and Bama are Southeastern Conference (SEC) teams. They are both in supposedly the best and most powerful of the Power Conferences, The Power One Conference.
So, then why would any team in the SEC beating another be an upset?
Answer 1: Because what you were trained to expect was upset from the setup, the start.
Thus when a sports contest upset occurs, what is actually happening is that expectations are in the process of being reset to correct.
At least momentarily we are being reminded that the AP and all co-conspirators who use a bunch of illogic should be rejected.
So, then why would any team in the SEC beating another be an upset?
Answer 2: Because in societal ranking systems, the abuse of ranking never ends.

Who Died & Left The Mental Ward The Bosses Of Thoughts?

When a college sports outcome is widely portrayed as an upset, what is upset is that we have been setup by the organizing structure, the media and the ranking system, a system controlled through and through by self-appointed inbred experts that we all are supposed to respect as leaders we should follow in thinking and behavior.
The college sports team ranking system is grossly unfair to players, coaches, staff and colleges. Yet, colleges present themselves as repositories of knowledge, but have not kicked back against the NCAA and sued their asinine behinds and Power 5 Conference chickenheads, especially the head of the snake, the SEC college presidents and athletic directors. [Another scheme was school integration that diminished the better education provided to blacks by blacks in their own schools. If this had not taken place, HBCU's would have long since sued the NCAA because they would be filled with students and staff, properly educated througout the eighteen year pre-college level. The Civil Rights Movement would have never lost steam. As it now stands, all colleges are reflective of the miseducated masses who go along with almost everything the society says because colleges are part of the primary higher ranking status quo committee whose money, power, control and pride are tied to upholding American pride.]

Do you not understand how extremely unfair the college sports landscape is? The landscape is divided many times into divisions and conferences that result in disavantages to many and privileges to some.

Who died and left them boss?
Answer 1: We did?
Answer 2: The same ones who are we coming.

Despite most of us not being able to articulate what our spirit-soul knows deeply doubly so, all ranking systems that have favored certain human groups have been and will continue to be defeated, upset, dethroned, replaced at the top.

Please take note that none of “the best” college sports teams and conferences are the top academic colleges.
So we, as masses of blind following masses of blind, must conclude that athletes are not the brightess bulbs in the pack.
We must also conclude that athletics and academics have an inverse relationship, or at least an adverse relationship.
If we settle on those conclusions, we have been upset and stuck comfortably in our upsetness and are okay with sports coaches being paid more than academic coaches in a society that exhales and inhales puff and stuff pride based on mental intelligence that promotes the USA as the best country in human history. An empire to be admired.
What we can accurately conclude is that there is a significant difference between criminal intelligence and non-criminal intelligence.

In college sports, there is rampant abuse of the term “the best team” and “the best conference(s).”
What makes them the best?
Their name? Their location? Their college? Their educational curriculum? Their coaches and staff? Their players? Their national championships (you know those ones that are not national)?

Don't these schools get players from all over the nation? Perhaps it's something in the water or they way they reverse psychology way they put on airs to filter in the best, including fandom. If there's something so darn special about the SEC, then why are coaches getting fired and why do coaches be-bop, team hop all the time between conferences? And what about the madness of conference realignments that are as diabolical as voting area redistricting.
Or has all this been predetermined through years of relentless design through money, media, rules favortism and other factors that have given certain colleges unfair advantages in acquiring the main difference maker, the best athletes.
Among the many tactics, are the gansta terriory regulated restrictions on an athlete's ability to transfer without punishment, yet the transfer decisions of non-athlete students is not regulated to the nth degree. (Because they do not generate money for the colleges and NCAA and media)

Ranking systems in all levels of sports and societies have created favored groups who have been living on the credit of their gods, the spiritual principalities in high places, low places and midrange places whose last major upset of the status quo was a half a great year ago. Now it's time to pay up with what you thought makes you set for life. Since human favored groups are so decrepit and corrupt, they won't pay willing because they lack the ability to self-correct. These favored groups, these nations, these societies, these religions, these military, these world leaders are the current form of “giants in the promised land.” Therefore, their favored status will be revoked, locked, blocked, suspended, cutoff, repossessed. All this slowly and suddenly by unstoppable forces from the combined Primitive Primordial Primary Power Ten Conferences of Earth, Solar System, Galaxy, Polar, Equinoctial, Waters, Fire, Air, Earth and Spirit-Soul, all of whom have full authority to do battle using any means necessary as long as their methods make it possible for a remnant to replenish the new heavens and new earths.
No need to be upset. God is upset enough for everybody.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Who Is We Who Are Coming?
Unity Consciousness #3170

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzl of 11)

This is Part 2 of We Coming, Us Here, Her Time Again, Word Origin, Meanings, Unity Consciousness #3015

Who Is We?

The word We is Khe is Spirit-soul.
The word We is wheel, will, the will of Gods.
The word We is embedded in Who (How), What, Where, When, Why.
We are souls of life of the spinning wheels, the cycles that answer the questions and change the questions and answers.

Who Are We?

1. We are the predators. Those who (spirits) coming to hunt from khunt, khiunt, khiunkh, khekh.

2. We are the predators pronounced pre-dater. We predate all potentates in human form.

3. We are the predators pronounced pre-dater that rhymes with:
Free eighter. We are the (spirits) freed from the grave of the underworld in groups of eight who are coming on the freighter to save the world (earth and it's essential inhabitants, the christs and christs).

4. We are the predators, the announced of the The-atur coming soon to a theater near you.

5. We are, as predators, the many form of the one Creator, the Lord of Lords of the Rings, the Circles and Cycles of Preexistence and Existence containing Ring Tones and Ring Cameras (all-seeing eyes), Satellites (Satet-Lights, all-seeing eyes).

How Are We Coming?

If humans can resuscitate those not breathing or a heart not beating, then so can I; however, anything you can do, I can do better. I am the resurrection and the life of those who compose my ever-coming self. The word Those are The-Su, Khiu-Khiu, Khiuti.

How Will I Know When We Are Here?

You'll get it when you ghet it then ghut it, gut it and khut it. When you listen to your spirit and the vibrations of your soul, interpreted as tremblings and fear by demons. So based on all the fear manifested in societies, you know we, the predators, are already here and are closer than we appear in your mirrors because we are coming out of the concave into the convex.
You will understand it better by and by, the motherbirth of your first berth and second perch.
If I can, then you can.
If one can, then two or more can.
If, then, otherwise try again.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

You Thought I Was Just Subjectively Flapping My Gums About Human Thinking & Behavior
Unity Consciousness #3169

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzk of 11)

On Sunday, September 29, 2024, I said:

Even the team ranking systems and polls are very subjective and automatically gives those on the preseason poll an advantage. The criteria for these rankings are suspicious, especially the “strength of schedule.” Everything is slanted towards the SEC. Even the college football playoffs is based on rankings that somehow magically these not-so-gurus are able to figure out before the season even starts. This is all about giving them subjective cover to double up and triple up on SEC and Big 10 Teams. So the College Football Playoffs should just be called the Power 5 Finger Discount Playoffs. We use our fingers to steal and reserve one finger for the rest of y'all. The power and the money, the money and the power is the theme song of all societies. See other messages on the FBS and FCS and NCAA.
See, Subjectively Caitlin Clark Could Win 2024 Heisman Trophy Before Travis Hunter, Unity Consciousness #3165
What I said on Sunday, was echoed on Wednesday by Powercat Podcast Min 42:12.
What was said at the end of this podcast was in response to articles on Tuesday about the SEC and Big 10 trying to get 4 automatic playoff bids each. And sec "big 10" cfb playoffs

What I'm also objectively saying overall is that it is possible for all of us to know things based on critical analysis, comparison and contrast of habits, tendencies and patterns of the natural world and it's human behavior component. This is how humans “came up” and were taught through the mirrored reflections of self and all else. Humans and other creations, including the Supreme Being use this supreme scientific method of continuous self-checking and verification of understandings. Human thinking is not that varied. It's just that the thinking produces behaviors that manifest in many more ways than the logic behind the behaviors. Thoughts are like seeds that produce multi-branching behavioral trees.
As you continue to improve understandings of any set of related logic, reasoning, thought processes, you can more accurately predict the general outcome, and sometimes the specific set of behaviors that will produce the outcome for any creature, any being, any set of beings, any system. It is how it is.

Only With Black Defendants Do Lawyers Argue To Prosecute Bystanders Who Knew But Did Nothing
Unity Consciousness #3168

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzj of 11)

UPDATE: Diddy Faces 120 More Lawsuits, Multiple Minors Among Victims

Tony Buzbee, a Texas Personal Injury Lawyer who has been recognized a Texas “Super Lawyer” said he was going to prosecute bystanders [in relation to the lawsuits filed against Sean “Diddy” Combs].
What about when police officer Shan Grayson murdered Sonya Massey? How about prosecuting his partner who did nothing to stop Grayson's aggressive approach. The other officer also had his gun pulled.
What about any crime, any act of racism. Racism is based on people knowing standing by, doing nothing, participating.
What about Trump's sorry ass?
There are always many people involved in a crime besides the people who did the final act and the people at the scene.
What about the bystanders who did nothing to stop the injustice against Colin Kaepernick wo was persecuted for standing up against racism and police murder.
What about government attack of protesters who are routinely harmed for standing up?
Except when it's armed vicious murderous gang thug terrorist white people, who attacked the Capitol Building.
What about police who threaten bystanders trying to record them harming people?
What about crimes committed against black students and a bunch of adults are standing around watching one or more people harm the child?
And on and on, everyday, with each crime, many more people should be prosecuted.

Listless Brain Syndrome
Why Jury Decisions Are A Crap Shoot
The Logic Of Most Citizens Is Flawed
Unity Consciousness #3167

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzi of 11)

UPDATE: Diddy Faces 120 More Lawsuits, Multiple Minors Among Victims

1. @UsikuA [this is me, the writer of this blog]
suspicious when people only sue when there is a very public case. Why didn't each person sue when their crime occurred? why did everybody keep silent until now, and now become outraged that they were defiled. I don't believe they were all scared. What are the names of all these associates. there has to be complicity by the adult accusers who accepted money in advance of the acts.

a) @galaxyboi22
Would you speak out against someone allegedly shot a woman in the face, blown up cars of those who pissed him off, and lets not forget the 94 shooting of Tupac, his 95 murder and Biggie. Lastly everyone in Hollywood and Music who knew, and the rumors have ALWAYS been around, and yet still no investigation So yeah, so ask again why they never came forward.

b) @sherettepayne5624
U sound really stupid if he got away with all these yrs u think anything would've happened if someone came forward bk then helloooo

c) @jssamp4442
Maybe they didn't come forward because they felt people like you would not believe them. Or if you believed them still wouldn't do anything because the rapo has money. Now he is in jail, they feel a little bit safer.

2. @UsikuA
@jssamp4442 so the decision to report a crime to the police should be based on whether or not the general public will believe you?? What we're after is the whole truth so it's necessary to ask questions. Where were the parents of the 9 year old? If each person had gone to the police at the time, then an early pattern would have been established for earlier investigation than hundreds years later. If fear is the reason for not reporting a crime, then we should never report a crime carried out by police, the most dangerous kind of criminal.

Inspecting The Logic & Links For Errors [my comments in brackets]

3. @UsikuA [this is me, the writer of this blog]
there has to be complicity by the adult accusers who accepted money in advance of the acts. [I should have said “who possibly accepted money”]

a) @galaxyboi22
Would you speak out against [Asking questions is not being for or against]
everyone in Hollywood and Music who knew [How did they know and what did they do]
and the rumors have ALWAYS been around [is a rumor reliable, is a rumor truth. Evidently Reggie Bush, his fried that lived across from Diddy, and the Red Bull rep didn't know.] Min 2;01:30
and yet still no investigation [who is assigned to investigate rumors. Were police reports filed? Were lawsuits filed? Why were the parties still so popular?]
b) So yeah, so ask again why they never came forward.[this person assumes they have proven their point by connecting pieces of logic with AND, which means it ADDS Up.]

c) @sherettepayne5624
U sound really stupid [This is no way to act if you're trying to learn, listen and consider a different viewpoint]
if he got away with all these yrs [Why did he get away with it? Were reports filed and trials held? People let it go, let it slide by not reporting it.]
u think anything would've happened if someone came forward bk then helloooo [Yes. Each person would have filed a report and taken it as far as they could, and then together these reports would have caused something to happen sooner. Is “bk then” different from right now in regards to how we report a crime?]

d) @jssamp4442
[this logic was addressed in my second comment in the first section] Maybe they didn't come forward because they felt people like you would not believe them. Or if you believed them still wouldn't do anything because the rapo has money. Now he is in jail, they feel a little bit safer.

Closing Thoughts

Our thought processes are flawed because our information is flawed as is the relationship of one piece of information to another. We piece together a bunch of incongruent phrases and statements and just because we've said something we think we've said something.

Read Some Of The Lawsuits & See If You Don't Have A Bunch Of Questions

A Guide to the Many Lawsuits Against Diddy

who has accused diddy