(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzx of 11)
Since Ichor has been previously discussed, we will mostly only add what we've relearned since.
The word Ichor is a form of Ikhor, Ikhur, Khiur, the circle, the cycle.
The feminine circle, the completed circle, the circle in two halves and the double circle is Khiurt which becomes khirut, then shirut then spirut, then the word spirit. This coincides with the word Angel which is An-Kar (An-Kher, An-Kheru, An-Khar, An-Khiur, Anchor) which is repeating cycles of time (kars, khiurs, circles, circles of life). This is proof we already know what we don't know we know. The task, duty, job, responsibility is remembering.
We cannot move on without also showing the ru-ar-khiun-khep (relationship) of the circle to the word Soul, which is from Shoul from Khour from Khiur. Thus spirit-soul is a top-level twin power relationship of the two truths of two circles. Spirit-soul-angel is a triple threat. The word threat is khruit, khiurt, ta-urt, tah-urt, urt-tah, ta-urth, urtha, ertha.
Spirit-Souls Are What They Eat
For starters, we can think of ichor as the blood of spirit-souls, the liquid-solid essence of a circle, similar to the cytoplasm of cells, but the spiritual form not tangible to human senses calibrated to lower levels of awareness.
Ichor is stem fluid, system fluid, ecosystem fluid, Uta-Khesti-Mu fluid, Ukha-system, Khefti-system, Khekhti-system, Khua-system, Akhu-system, Mashu-system, Mesti-system, Miscu-system, Sahu-system, Uat-system, Tau-system, Ashu-system, Ashe-system, Ashe-ti-system, Ashes-system, Ashes-sistem.
This makes ichor portable and potable across, among and between all creations.
Ichor is Khi-Ur is Kha-Ru is Kha is Sa and Sha is Ash on two lines of descent is Fash is Fast Food, literally because it can be imparted to spirits quickly, whether they are clothed or unclothed.
One way spirits (including celestial bodies and their systems) are fed is via celestial lakes, streams, rivers that come from star systems which are all fed via the black hole center of the galaxy Abyssinia.
The word fash from Khepsh is Pesh is Pash is Fash is Fish.
The word fash more directly fekh from Khekh, and related to Sefekh, Tekh, Sekh, Hek, Pekh, Bekh, Mekh. Fekh meaning fullness, reward, abundance, plenty.
Fas denotes some kind of food.
We can now see that Ichor is Soul Food.
Hey Cousin, contemplate why soul food is primarily associated with black people.
The word fash directly from Pasht, the great mother of Spring (Easter, Resurrection, Awakening, Morning, Breakfast, breaking the fast of night and winter). People now fast before Pasht.
In a sense we could say Khept of the north is the mother of cold food ichor, Pasht of the east is the mother of warm food ichor and Sekhet of the south is the mother of hot food ichor. Sekhet is included in the formula of both Aquaria and Kep-Nut (Nut-Kep, Not-Kep, No Cap).
The Word Food & The Word Feed
Food and Feed from Fut, from Put from Puti from Pauti, earlier Mauti (creator as female-female), the circle of heaven in two halves or two circles.
Pauti is the Creator as male-female, a name of which is Osiris and Isis conjoined. The Pauti or Put circle is a company of nine gods that are each, female-male. Consisting of the seven elemental souls of life, their summation as number eight, their dual parent as number nine.
Pauti from Mauti from Maufti.
Mau is a basic type name used to generally categorize the Beast as any type of animal. Earlier Mmâu from Mmafu that leads to Maft and Maf.
Um, perceive
M or Um from Mu, water, mother
Fuff means dilation, large, be extended, numerous, ichor water, sa fire and snake skin and ash wood earth to create breath and its khiur, bread, cake, soul, spirit (aliment of life), life, god, divine image, form, figure, body, artist, belly, womb, birthplace, wind, air, breeze, snake.
Breath is the fu of souls, the food of souls, the fuff of souls due to the instilling installing of a programmed set of souls of datum that form the Ap (flesh, skin, covering, perimeter, membrane, outer layer) and inform the Ap (child).
We already know waters are essential, liquid essence.
The Two Truths were assigned to the great mother, in two characters, first Hes (Isis) of the lower north and red waters; then Neft (Nephthys) of the upper south, inspirer of breath through the navel, umbilical cord, placenta, womb. Next the male was made the breather, the inspirer of soul through the phallus.
Fuff Variants: Fi, Fa, Fo, Fum, Mfu, Umfu, Fû (fut); Ba, Bu, Mfu, Mfa, Umfa, Mufa, Mba, Umba, Muba, Paba, Papa, Mama, Baba, Pefu, Pef, Pu, Pup, Puff, Fua, Fui (likely phooey), Faf, Paf, Pafti, Pati, Pat, Ppat, Baf, Bap, Ba-T, Baft, Bafhu, Bahu, Fufa, Ewa, Iwa, Ewo, Uwa, P-Pau for bread, cake; Kefu, Kepheus, Shu, Puth, Puthu, Ptah, Pafthu, Aft, Kheft, Ash, Sha, Paut, Body, Pater and many others.
Fuff-fuff becomes Fufu becomes Fu becomes F becomes Fut (indicates gender)
Mum-mum becomes Muma becomes Mu becomes M becomes Mut
Fui or Fa (faf) to bear or carry is the bearing mother who fuffs (dilates, swells) with new life, just like bread.
The Infinite God is Fu-Nun-Teri, or dilation without limit, the breadmaker and bread of life.
The word bread is the word fruit.
The Pauti circle of primary gods is described as a vast loaf of bread. The word loaf is also loaft is ruift thus fruit. Loaf can also be derived from khiur. Thus a bread loaf is the fruit of the loom, the breath of the room, the bread of the womb. The loom is the circle that goes round and round, first based on the khiur circle called Khept or Khat, the womb is a loom that weaves and knits souls of life into a composite being.
We can now go back again and recognize that the JC bible story of feeding the multitude is based on feeding spirit-souls. The two fishes are the two fish constellations of Ursa Major and Cassiopeia, both of which use the seven elemental souls of life which represent loaves of bread, souls transformed, filled with breath and clothed. Ursa Major uses her own seven stars while Cassiopeia uses the seven in Ursa Minor as she sits in her chair between Ursa Minor and Kepheus. The word chair is khiur.
Before the lion was the symbol of breath, the original symbol was the fuff-fuff snake, the fuff-adder, puff-adder, the cerastes or horned snake.
The first form of speech and speaking is breathing and the sound breathing makes.
Shu from Kefu from Kufu from Khufu.
Breath as Shu combined with the birthplace as Khepsh is Khepsh-Shu, thus leads to the word Kepheus, a northern circumpolar constellation. Khepsh is the northern heaven that Shu uplifts in the form of Anhur or Ma-Shu. Neft-Shu, Shu-Neft.
Obatala is name of Kepheus. Bâta (Bafta) is a name of the soul of the earth, the breath of the earth, the lifeforce of the earth. Not just this earth, all forms of earth. Bât is the Father as the Inspirer of the Breath or soul, called the Bâ, eatlier Paf.
Nefer-Hept means Good Peace. This is the Sahu Christ after his resurrection. This spiritual body form of the ever-coming, ever-returning, overcoming one is told through the character of a human Jesus.
When the doors were shut, Jesus came and stood in the midst, and
saith unto them, Peace be unto you. Jesus said to them again, Peace
be unto you ( Shalom Aleichem). And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and said unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost. (John 20:20-22), Jesus is shown as the male breather of peace, breath, spirit that he transfers to and inspires into his children, offspring, disciples. This is a form of feeding the flock, those who flock after. Nefer is the breath and heat emitted, therefore breathed, from the mouth of Sekhet (Shu-Neft). And transferred by breathing by the humanization of the celestial Christ who is primarily time cycles and circles, and in this instance it is the cycle and circle of the Sun of God. Nefer also denotes a blessing.
The most high god supreme being creator is dual in nature, form and manifestations. One of those dualities is as the Parent of Breath and Blood who manifested first as the Mother of Fuft (Breath) because she inspired her soul into the child as she herself huffed and puffed and blew her breath into the house of her womb (used water, fire and earth to create a new loaf of bread spirit filled with air, gust, ghost, khest, khekh).
To inspire is to an-khar, in-khiur, an-khert, an-karrt, thus to create, add to or enhance the circle of the being to take a fuller, deeper breath sense of self to assist with destinypurposes. This is the creation of the angel.
Reemphazing The Need For Food From The Gods.
“Beloved of the Adytum (Womb, Uterus), come to Kha (Vah-Kina, Kha-Kenia, Vagina, Sha-Kina),” cries Nephthys to Osiris. “ Thou who comest as a child each month, to spread the water of thy soul, to distribute the bread (breath) of thy being, that the gods may live and men also,” says Isis.
Gods, spirit-souls, angels, celestial bodies, ecosystems, humans, other creations, all eat the same basic few things in meri different forms and vari different concentrations.
Since the cornerstone elemental nutrition primordials and center mast are water, fire, air, earth, spirit-soul of the carousel, the quintessential Kharu-Tser. Anything that is, and anything that is food for anything that is, must be a form of these five mountain islands.
Once we remember more about the need for spirits to eat too, we will better understand the answer to the question, why aren't God and the gods doing anything about the chronic cancerous demons plaguing earth?