If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Evolutions Of Deion Luwynn Sanders, Sr., Neon Deion, Prime Time, Coach Prime
Unity Consciousness #3160

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzb of 11)

Most of us are aware of at least some of our shortcomings, weaknesses, faults, vices, fears, doubts, challenges, struggles, inconsistencies, oversights and choices, that on a do-over, we'd choose differently. This is why most of us are willing to forgive many types of judgment errors in others, unless they are super-egregious from jump.
Because of the widely publicized journey of Coach Prime, we are able to recognize and identify with the universal underdog story and the gauntlet of pricks. As a result, many of us have internally adopted Deion Sanders-Coach Prime in some capacity as friend, sibling, younger brother, parent, play brother, son, flesh of our flesh, spirit of our spirit, root of our root in the selfsame pool of two truths, proxy for our hopes.

In my present should-have-been-earlier late retrospective stage of agedness, I wish someone, and several someones along my life journey, outside my mother, had cared enough to frequently correct me by saying things to me early and often that I needed to hear. In the absence of frequent, specific instruction, far too often, many of us will get derailed by an illogically advised choice path paved with a more than usual amount of treacherous thorns, obstacles, impediments, roadblocks, stumbling blocks.
For certain, most of us will not receive instruction well when it includes admonishment, warning and feels like chastisement because it brings our choices into question, forcing us into reflection, when looking into the double mirror of then and now is not a task we think is a good use of our time.
Even so, for certain, some seeds sown, dormant for a while, will sprout due to the additive effects of other influences that the master gardener makes available along the way through other creations.
Briefly put, we all have a responsibility to creation because this is a shared space, despite societies teaching us otherwise.

We are reminded that growth and progress are not straight line endeavors that are achieved through forward motion only. There is always a combination of back and forth and sideways.
The good news is the god's honest proof that we are all prepared to begin each of our destined journeys before we begin the journey. We must take the first step and then another and go as far as we know and understand, and before we reach the end of our knowing and understanding, help will be provided along the way. This is why part of our process must include silence and stillness, in these times of massive amounts of distractions. We must listen in silence so we can discern the true voices of assistants from the collective encouraging us to greater stages of being perfected.

This weblog is fundamentally about my personal growth via progressing through levels of awareness, thus greater knowledge of the universalness of self and all else. This African safari in the spiritsphere is being told using many forms of storytelling and substitution of characters.

At minute 10 of the post game press conference after the 09.21.24 Colorado Buffaloes victory over the Baylor Texas Bears, for the first time, since I've been listening with the start of the 2023 season, there was a shift in Deion's demeanor in summarizing the team's performance. This change acknowledged what many in his worldwide varied group of supporters needed to hear in regards to Colorado Buffalo football team, under his tutelage, not consistently playing up to their capabilities. I heard subtext that acknowledged what it feels like to be taken on a wild uncertain ride filled with highs and lows and highs and lows. Additional subtext is awareness that we know the Coach Prime led Buffaloes are capable of far greater greatness right now, because we know it about ourselves as we are hoping Deion shows it to the world on our behalf who have not been able to break through personal barriers and societal standards rather than the inherent capabilities, equipment and technology advantage standards self-evident in our genes and genealogy.
Deion is certainly a winner in life who has been faithful and given increasing amounts of leadership positions. He is now in another stage of the path to G.O.A.T.-ness, a more perfect pubescent form of prepubescent goat-ness.

Because everything is connected and everything is spiritual, I am always seeking indicators, signs in the macro that explain the micro, and the other way around. This is part of my destinypurpose as prideful co-conspirator to the pride-filled reemerging spirits of reemerging truth(s) (ru-emerging miracle(s)).
In earlier messages, Colorado and Deion, have been explained as another form of climate change, and that the star constellation based guardian angels of the galaxy are using Deion as a public example. We must be certain to understand that we too, each of us who support Deion are supporting climate change in our societies, but through Deion, we are doing so through several degrees of separation. We must also take direct personal and small group action to affect and effect societal change through zero degrees of separation or fewer degrees.
By necessity, societal climate change is disagreeable to those who prefer the status quo.

Personal growth is the same as personal climate change that requires growth in stages to help prepare us for the times into which we were brought forth and remain alive.

In general, personal growth starts in the womb, moves to homegrown childhood prepubescence to teen pubescence to young adult to adult to elder based on moral virtues to homegone ancestor to renovation and upgrade in advance of reenlistment for soul seed replanting in preparation for rebirth employment as needed to fulfill the need-want incentive.
I can loosely say these stages are represented in the change of name forms from Deion Luywnn Sanders, Sr. to Deion Sanders to Deion to Neon Deion to Prime Time to Coach Prime to other stages yet to be revealed. It a universal practice to change names with each reformulation of creation and with each stage. This is ubiquitously evident throughout our lives and the world we live in, all day, every day, everywhere and every way. Consider anything that has a name or a different word. Easy examples are days of the week, times of the day such as morning, noon, night, the different numerical naming of hours, meals named, breakfast, lunch, dinner, seasons, and thousands more examples that we use and hear each day. What is the difference and sameness of a spoon and shovel? Consider different words we apply to self and that have been used to describe us throughout our lives such as fetus, child, baby, teen, young adult, sibling, student, coworker and on and on it goes for us as spirit, soul, seed, root, tree, vine, branch, tree, flower, blossom, fruit. Consider your body parts, all formed from the same union of one egg-one sperm, both names for one half of the same germ.
In advance of my next post on Colorado versus Baylor Post Game Analysis, I must mention I have been bluntly hard on Mata, but in the Baylor game, Alejandro Mata, Jr. showed up and showed out, showing significant execution performance, including nerves of steel in kicking the last two extra points. In a double sense, this is a form of reboot.

By The Way, For The Initiate Seeking Greater Self-Adeptness

Briefly stated, the word vice is simply the word virtue without the word RU of the birthplace womb of wholeness and balance. Hear me now! This is the transfer portal that brings forth all things attainable and sustainable, all possibilities, all understandings, all so-called miracles.
One reformulation of the word Virtue is Vite-Ru is Vite is Vice. In this we can immediately see and hear advice, service. These two words contain prefix articles that change the nature of Vice. Additionally, in the word virtue, we are just a continuous plurality away from the word victory, being formed from and achieved through virtues.

The word Vite and Vite can lead to Mati, Mata and Maat; however this earlier understanding become Vice which can be any single truth, two truths or number of truths that humans use to develop a system of thinking, organizing and governing. These truths become Vice when not in-formed informed by a RU worldview, a Rutamawazo,a utamawazo, a rukukukuku, a rui-khui-khiu-khui-khiu, a system of double-check cross checking that amounts to quadruple and quintessential checking (five times which is the circle that double-checks the square, the X spot mark, the + pluses and --- minuses).

Self talk: I am, in the complete form of I am that I am, proud of the IU in YOU (Yiu, Kiu, Khiu).

Finally, I must repeat that this message is less about the human Deion and more about the superhuman collective of spirit changers climate changers. And how close we are to seeing larger changes for the better in societies, even if there must be greater upheaval before fulfillment. This method of allegory and metaphor is how the Supreme of Being uses humans and other creations to tell superhuman spirit stories, and is the method used in Nile Valley Mythology and Eschatology that has been redacted and retarded into religions and other texts.

It is sana worth it to listen to the entirety of Colorado Football Postgame vs Baylor