Debilitating People Under 50, Especially Babies and Especially Killing People Over 50 With More Vaccines, since the long island iced tea cocktail of the previous fifty years, has failed to kill them.
To set the record straight, it's not that people are anti-vaccine, it's that people are anti-mandatory vaccines, anti-toxic vaccines, anti-lies about the the dangers and benefits of vaccines, something which was on full display at the height of the COVID-19 boogeyman clan, replete with multiple ulterior motives that the masses are still clueless about, despite being paraded by pathetic pathologics and their pathogen logic.
Be certain to understand that no one rejects what is healthy unless they are sick. Likewise, no one accepts vaccines for themselves and their children, vaccines that make people sick, unless the decision-maker has unhealthy logic that agrees with using the unhealthy to stay or become healthy.
Lighting my life with his words
Killing me oftly all year long
Controlling my whole life
Killing me oftly
I heard many dead ringer songs
To lead me all the while
And so I pledged my spirit
To listen without trial
What Vaccines are Recommended for You
What follows is per the CDC, my comments, if any, are in brackets [ ], CAPS are to highlight.ALL adults need these routine vaccines.
EVERYONE should make sure they're up to date on these routine vaccines:
1. COVID vaccines, at least 1 dose of the current COVID-19 vaccine
2. Flu vaccine every year helps prevent the flu, WHICH CAN INCREASE THE RISK OF GETTING PNEUMOCOCCAL DISEASE. These vaccines work well, but protection fades over time.3. Pneumococcal, Bacterial infections of ears, sinuses, lungs, or bloodstream. [Prevnar 20 to the rescue]
4. Tdap vaccine (tetanus, diphtheria, and whooping cough (pertussis),) or Td vaccine (tetanus, diphtheria)5. Shingles (Zoster) is caused by the chickenpox virus, which hides in the body and sometimes reactivates later in life
6. RSV (Respiratory syncytial virus)7. MMR, Measles (Rubeola), Mumps, Rubella (German Measles)
8. Hepatitis A, a contagious viral infection of the liver spread by contaminated food or drink or close contact with an infected person9. Hepatitis B, a contagious viral infection of the liver spread through contact with infected body fluids such as blood or semen
10. Meningococcal, a bacterial infection of the lining of the brain and spinal cord or the bloodstream11. Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type b)
12. Bacterial infection that can attack the lungs, brain and spinal cord, or bloodstream13. Mpox, a contagious viral infection spread by sexual contact; causes a painful rash, fever, headache, tiredness, cough, runny nose, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes
14. Vaccines By Age15. This easy-to-read schedule is recommended by: the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) and approved by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), and American College of Physicians (ACP). [A select few telling telling everybody else what's good for them, despite obvious conflicts of interests. I continue to hear lots of people not in this group quote the CDC and FDA and others as if it is more authoritative than natural laws and natural sense.]
Parting Shots
If you were born in the USA, you've had all the vaccines you need and don't need, so continuing to push vaccines for every decade of your life is ongoing sinister behavior. There's even no need to do this for immigrants because if these vaccines are so important they should be given before entry into the country or before giving government services and before giving citizenship.All of this flies in the face of what a vaccine is supposed to be and do. Flies in the face is F-lies is F-ing Lies in the face.
How did humans ever live past age ten without these vaccines?
Or is it that these bacteria and viruses have only come into existence and proliferated as cultures deteriorated?
Have you ever head of a single medication or treatment that does not also have a laundry list of dangerous direct harmful effects? No you haven't. So what makes you think vaccines are any different? It's all about the money and ain't a damn thing funny, You got to have a con in this land of milk and honey. The Message
How many times and ways do we need to see proof of the message before we get the message?And why is a shot in the arm, a good thing?
But not a shot in the foot?
And why is a shot in the arm a good thing when the medical industry does it to you, but not a good thing when you give yourself a shot in the arm?
Isn't a drug a drug?
Isn't a shot to feel better an addiction, the same as an addiction that uses a shot to feel better?
On one hand you will face consequences because it is illegal to voluntary give yourself a drug shot, but on the other hand it is legal to force you to take a drug shot, or else face consequences.
Culture shock is so normalized, we don't even realize the cultishness of culture.
On and on goes this song!
Pick one day, any day, and pay attention to how many shots are being given and taken.
Our immune system is so bombarded, no wonder we are so shot shocked, we are unable to detect the constant pricks of manipulation.
Every piece of information you encounter from any source in any form through any of your senses, is information being used to get you to believe and behave a certain way, to get you to think you think as clarity shrinks to a blink. Wink, Wink.
In other words, all information is source code control.